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Return to Cupid, Texas (3 Valentine Novellas)

Page 2

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Only half-registering the black boots sitting on the bench below his new-found clothes, he dropped his towel and began to dress. The whole black thing was a little over the top for him, but what the hay. He was naked and desperate! (Read the complete story below)


  Cupid's Revenge

  by Sylvia McDaniel

  Entering the city limits of Cupid, Texas for the first time in ten years was like going to the dentist for a root canal. Painful and numbing. But Skye Brand wouldn’t miss the Valentine Day wedding of her close friend, Michelle, though the event would be a happy occasion sprinkled with intermittent, agonizing remembrances of Zane Calhoun.

  Michelle had informed her Zane was a groomsman in the wedding. Single and still hated Skye.

  She glanced over in the car at her long-haired dachshund, Putz, who sat in his carrier, watching her drive. “It’s just you and me, buddy. We don’t need a man in our life.”

  Putz tilted his head and gazed at her with his beady brown eyes, trying to understand, gazing at her with unconditional love. Dogs were so easy compared to men. Food, water and love, and they were yours for life.

  Skye stopped at the town's only stop light. A sign said High School State Football Champions and listed the years the local team reigned supreme in the state of Texas. Zane had played defensive end their senior year when they won State. The memory of that night felt like it happened yesterday. Yeap, this weekend would be like every dental nightmare all wrapped up in white wedding cake.

  The only thing that would make this homecoming worse was running into Zane Calhoun, the love she'd left behind for his own good.

  The town hadn’t changed much in ten years. A new box store added at the edge of town, a fresh coat of paint on the local DQ and the cupid statue still sat in the town's square. What idiot thought a man in a diaper with a bow and arrow was cute?

  She pulled up in front of The Cupid Love Nest, a bed and breakfast run by Mabel Underwood, who could spread secrets faster than the internet. A white Victorian two story home surrounded by a wrap-around porch adorned with rocking chairs was the town's only bed and breakfast. The house belonged in a different era and gazing at the older home Skye wondered what she was doing back in Cupid.

  After waffling for months about whether or not to return for Michelle's wedding, Mabel’s was the only place she’d been able to get a room. Michelle’s large family had sold out the only decent hotel in town and Skye refused to stay at the Valentine Express where rooms were rented by the hour.

  Skye parked the car, took Putz out of his carrier and put his leash on him. She grabbed her suitcase, the make-up bag that held the tools of her trade, and started up the steps.

  A gray-haired Mabel met her at the door, her reading glasses tilted on the end of her nose. “I’m sorry, we’re all booked up this weekend.

  “I have a reservation.”

  Mabel frowned at the dog. “No pets.”

  “Mabel, its Skye Brand. I made a reservation a month ago and you sent me an email saying I could bring my dog.”

  “That girl from Cupid High School, whose parents were killed in that horrible crash out on highway 67?”

  Skye tensed. Was the tragic death of her parents the only thing people remembered about her?

  “Skye Brand, make-up artist and stylist. Former Valedictorian for the class of 2002," Skye said regretting she'd only received a thousand dollar scholarship for college.

  “Well come on in, honey, I didn’t recognize you with your hair all colored and frizzed like that,” Mabel said, as she opened the door.

  Skye's short hair had blonde tips and she'd put enough mouse in it to make her appear like she'd juiced up on electricity first thing this morning. According to Vogue the spiked look was the latest fashion. She'd wanted her return to reflect she was no longer that small town girl who'd left numb with grief and fear. She'd brought the latest big city hairdo home to Cupid.

  She stepped over the threshold and entered the big house with Putz right behind her.

  Mabel stared at her dachshund, her frame bent over. “He’s had all his shots and he doesn’t have fleas, does he?”

  “All shots and no fleas.”

  “Okay,” she said hesitation in her voice. “I need you to sign this paperwork. Breakfast is from seven thirty to nine. That’s the only meal I provide. What brings you back to town?”

  “Michelle Cooper's wedding. I’m doing her hair and make-up.”

  Mabel frowned at her. “I hope you don’t intend to style her hair like yours. Maybe that’s what those women in Dallas wear, but it needs a good combing.”

  “This is Michelle's day and I’ll fix her hair however she wants,” Skye said, wanting to tell Mabel her hair style was the latest fashion.

  “Michelle's got good sense. She’s marrying that Vanderbilt boy.”

  Skye didn’t say anything. She’d been shocked when Michelle announced her engagement to Ryan. They just didn’t seem to go together. But if that was who her friend chose to marry, she’d support her decision.

  “I’m putting you in the Cupid Bow room, since you’re not wearing a wedding ring and no man is with you. Maybe the ambiance of the room will help you find true love,” Mabel said handing her the key.

  Mabel hadn’t changed. Still outspoken with little or no tact, a mouth the size of a megaphone with enough connections in town to blast gossip in minutes. Within the hour, Skye’s return to Cupid would be all over town.

  “Mabel, you’re too kind,” Skye said. But the sarcasm was lost on the innkeeper.

  “Keep your dog on a leash. My Scottie recently had surgery, so I’m trying to keep her quiet. She’s getting old and grumpy.”

  Not unlike her owner, Skye thought. Maybe there was something to people looking and acting like their pets. She glanced down at Putz. Yep, the patch of long blonde hair on the top of his head stood straight up, matching her own.

  “Your room's at the top of the stairs, two doors down and on the right.”

  “Thanks,” Sky said, juggling her bags.

  Skye carried her suitcase and makeup bag upstairs with Putz following obediently. Later, she would get his carrier and bring that up as well, but right now she just wanted to unpack, call Michelle, settle in and relax.

  An hour later, she descended the stairs eager to take Putz for a well-deserved walk. She’d changed into her jogging outfit, her short spiky blonde hair still stood on end and she’d brushed a new coat of striking hot pink lipstick across her lips. Later tonight, the plans were to meet her girlfriends from school and catch up. Putz trailed down the stairs behind her. When they reached the entry way, she turned to her faithful dachshund.

  “Do you wanna go for a walk?”

  He danced around in circles, barking. She snapped the leash on his collar and he raced towards the door almost dragging her.

  It was then she glanced up into the searing brown-eyed gaze she’d dreaded seeing. She froze, staring at how much he'd changed. How the boy had become a man and she almost quit breathing.

  “Zane,” she said, in a breathless rush, her body betraying her by reacting to the sight of the boy she’d once loved. Six feet of long, tall Texan with a six-pack of abs and those whiskey brown eyes, that could ignite a flame low in her belly stood before her.

  “Skye,” he acknowledged.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, her heart jumping at the thought that he’d come for her. Remembering the years she’d waited hoping he would come find her. Waited hoping he'd realize she sacrificed their love so that he could attend college.

  “Ms. Underwood’s terrier had surgery a couple of days ago. I’m checking on her.”

  She paused feeling foolish. What the hell was she thinking? He’d never searched for her. Never--and it still hurt. She’d waited for him, hoping and dreaming that once he finished college, he’d return and they would start over. But that was the past. She needed to move on.

  “So you’re a vet?”

� he said his tone short and terse.

  “Congratulations, you achieved your dream,” she said, determined to smile and never let him know how much he'd hurt her, even if it killed her. And it almost had.


  He squatted down to pet Putz. “You’re a little excited, aren’t you boy?”

  “We’re going for a walk. He loves his daily walk.”

  Putz moaned and strained on the leash, trying to move Skye toward the door.

  Zane rubbed the dog behind the ears. Never one to pass up a belly rub, Putz dropped down to the floor and rolled over. “Ah, I found your favorite spot.”

  “He loves to have his belly rubbed.”

  The dog licked him on the hand and Skye thought traitor. This was the enemy. This was the man who blamed her for their break-up.

  She pulled on the leash. “Come on, Putz. We need to go before it gets dark.”

  The dog rose to his feet and so did Zane. His gaze met hers for the first time since their initial glance.

  “I guess you’re here for the wedding.”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “I’ll try to stay out of your way, if you do the same for me. That way we won’t ruin Michelle and Ryan’s wedding.”

  Stunned, she stared at him amazed at the audacity of the man. He thought she would create a scene and ruin her friend’s wedding? He thought a little too highly of himself, if he thought she still cared.

  “Not a problem. I would never create a scene that would hurt my friend. What happened between us was years ago. I'm over it.”

  “Even if I told the whole town what a little liar you are?”

  She bristled, but remained determined to take the high road. “Good to see you again, Zane.”

  Skye, walked out the door, with Putz pulling at the leash. Tears cascaded down her face and she wanted to run. How could it still hurt after all these years? She wasn’t a liar and if he knew the truth, he would be thanking her.


  The next morning, Skye stood in the bathroom, finishing her makeup. She wasn’t used to a day off. She pretty much worked whenever she had a client who needed their hair or make-up done. Over the years, her client list had grown until her business was large enough to support her.

  Today she planned to drive by the old home place, visit her parent’s graves, and do a little shopping. Then later tonight she'd meet friends after the rehearsal dinner. It’d been great to visit with her girlfriends last night, except listening to all the comments about Zane. She’d refused to take the bait and not mentioned him once. It still hurt that Zane thought she'd lied to him.

  It hadn’t exactly been a lie. She’d left town after promising him that they could run off and get married. When he'd learned she was broke and homeless after her parent's unexpected death, he'd wanted them to marry. Finally, after he refused to take no for an answer she'd agreed to the marriage. But she wouldn't let him give up his dream for her.

  Overwhelmed, she'd run from Zane and marriage. When he arrived at Michelle's to pick her up, Skye was halfway to Dallas.

  After she arrived in Dallas, she'd called him, but he’d refused to speak with her. Now ten years later, Zane still hated her.

  Skye left the bathroom and walked down the hall to her room where the door stood ajar. She pushed the door open, noticing that Putz’s carrier was empty. Crap, this couldn't be good. She threw on some clothes and just as she started down the stairs, she heard screaming from the back of the house.

  “Get off, Sassy. Get away from her, you mangy dachshund."

  The squeal of Putz yelping in pain had her running toward the sound.

  “What’s wrong?” Skye cried, as she came around the corner into the personal quarters where Mabel lived.

  She sat holding her dog on her lap.

  “Your dog attacked my little Sassy. He bit her on the nose, but she got him back.”

  Putz was hiding under the table. “Come here, baby. It’s all right,” Skye called. She held out her hand and coaxed him to her.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why, but he bites the nose of every dog he meets. He’s not vicious, I think it’s his way of saying hello.”

  “He can’t stay here. I can’t have Sassy being bothered while she’s recovering.”

  “Oh my God, he’s bleeding. She bit him on the back of the neck,” Skye cried, gazing at the open wound on Putz’s neck. He lay at her feet, his body shivering. "Poor baby."

  Mabel came over and glanced at Putz’s neck. “She got him good. You need to take him over to Dr. Calhoun’s office.”

  Skye frowned. Just who she didn’t want to see. Zane. If she didn’t know any better, she would believe that Mabel had done this on purpose just to get the two of them together.

  “Do you have a clean cloth I can put on his neck to keep him from bleeding everywhere?”

  Mabel brought her one. “I think maybe you should board him at Zane’s. That way we won’t have this problem again.”

  “I’m only here two more nights. I promise he’ll stay in my room, in his crate.”

  Mabel shook her head. “Nope, I don’t want to take a chance with Sassy’s health. If you can’t find another room, then you’re going to have to board him.”

  “You know there are no other hotel rooms in town.”

  “Then I guess you’ll just have to board him at Dr. Calhoun’s vet hospital.”

  Skye picked up Putz and carried him to the car, where she gently laid him in the front seat. After she retrieved her purse and keys, she drove to the location.

  She pulled in front of an old house that had been converted into a veterinary clinic. A sign in the yard, proclaimed the Calhoun Veterinary Hospital.

  Putz trembled in her arms as she carried him inside. As she opened the door she could see the house had been gutted and a shiny modern clinic with a small reception area was housed inside the older frame. A young girl sat behind the receptionist desk.

  “I’m sorry but we’re about to close.”

  “My dog has been injured, I need Zane to take a look at him.”

  The girl’s brows rose at her casual use of Zane’s name. “I’m sorry, miss, but he’s leaving.”

  “Please tell him Skye Brand is here and she needs his help.” Skye wasn’t certain that wouldn’t get her kicked out faster, but she had to try to reach Zane before he left.

  The girl rolled her eyes, picked up the phone and spoke into it. “I’m sorry, Dr. Calhoun, but Skye Brand is here. She has a vet emergency.”

  “I told her. But…oh my God, her dog is dripping blood on the floor. Yes, sir, I will.”

  “Follow me,” the receptionist said as she led Skye down the hall.

  The receptionist led Skye into an examining room. She put the trembling dachshund up on a table, while the girl walked out.

  Zane entered from the other side of the room. “Nothing has changed. It’s always an emergency with you, Skye.”

  “Sassy, Mabel’s dog, took exception to Putz biting her on the nose.”

  “That old terrier?”

  “Yes,” Skye said, petting Putz to reassure her pet that everything would be okay, though his whole body trembled.

  Zane gazed at the wound on Putz’s neck. He spread it apart gently, while Skye held Putz.

  Standing this close to Zane, her mind was tripping on his pheromones. That familiar aroma of man had her swaying as memories of the two of them kissing until their lips were swollen flooded her mind. They'd been so young. So in love.

  “If you’re going to faint, you can leave the room right now. I’m not catching you,” he said, not taking his eyes off Putz.

  Sky wanted to pinch herself. There had been other men in her life since Zane, but her body had always responded to him. It infuriated her that nothing had changed. Every cell in her body seemed to cry out for his.

  “I don’t faint.”

  “Oh Buddy, she took a bite out you.” Zane said gazing into the open wound. He glanced at Skye. “Do you think you can hold him
, while I clean this wound?”


  “You won’t let him go when he starts fighting me? Or get queasy and throw up.”

  “I can hold him,” she said, gazing at Putz who was panting even though it was cold outside. “Is he going to be okay?”

  “Yes. We just need to clean him up a bit and cover that bite.” Zane held onto Putz’s neck. “Okay, hang on, here we go.”

  Zane took out a bottle of what looked like an antiseptic wash and poured it into the wound.

  Putz groaned, pulled and tugged trying to get away, but Skye held on tight. When he settled down, Zane took some liquid bandage poured onto the wound and put two strips across it to hold it together. Then he wrapped blue sticky gauze across Putz's neck and shoulder, covering the wound.

  “Okay, you’re all set.”

  “Uh, there’s one other small detail,” Skye said, staring into Zane’s brown eyes, wishing he still looked at her with longing like he had so many years ago. “Mabel won’t let me bring him back. He’s been evicted from the bed and breakfast.”

  Zane rubbed Putz’s ears. “You can’t bite other dogs on the nose. It’s not nice.”

  Skye resisted the urge to tell Zane that refusing to speak to her when she’d called all those years ago wasn’t nice either, but she thought it best not to cause problems when she needed him to board her dog.

  “We can board him here for the weekend. Besides I was going to give you some antibiotics to make sure that wound doesn’t get infected. This way I can administer them while I watch over him.”

  “How much?”

  “Twelve dollars a night.”

  She cuddled Putz to her. “I’m sorry, buddy. But you have to stay here.”


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