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Lady Luck (Lucky You Book 2 1)

Page 6

by Claire, Avery

  Throwing the dress behind me, I lean into her, stealing her breath. I trail my tongue along her neck, pushing her long dark hair aside to give me access to her silky flesh. She reaches for my pants, and unbuttons them, her neck arches as she tries to pull them down.

  “Lady, we aren’t doing that tonight. I want you so bad, but not this soon. We have so much more to do before that.”

  “Jere, I know, I just want to hold you skin to skin, kiss you mouth to mouth, and sleep in your arms till the sun comes up.”

  “Come here my lady.”

  “When did I become ‘your’ lady?”

  “When you bet me who could clear a room faster? You challenge me, and when you do you open my eyes to something I haven’t seen before. The world has more than one side, when you change the way you see it, it also changes the way it sees you too. I keep saying to myself that you haven’t changed me, but really you have.”

  “You’ve changed something in me too.”

  “I’ve never been one to jump with both feet, but you’ve given me a reason to take that risk. I want you as my lady, call me your man, I don’t care, but you’re mine now. All this right here,” I smooth my hands along her thighs and stomach, “Is now mine, only for me.”

  “No one has been here, you are the first and only to have me this way.”

  “I feel so honored and privileged to experience this with you. I will promise not push you any further than you’re willing to go, but I will need you to tell me when you feel like we’ve crossed the line.”

  “Jere, I know what I want. I want to taste you,” she runs her hand along my abs, trailing south, digging her hand into my boxers, she finds me, engorged and ready to fire. “Right here. I’ve never done this before, could you teach me?”

  “Oh my holy mother of god! Yes my lady, I will teach you, but only if you’ll allow me to return the favor.”

  “Deal.” She leans forward, taking my lips between hers and sucking my tongue into her mouth. Oh fuck! She’s about to be doing that to me? I help her remove my boxers and when I catch her eyes, they’re huge.

  “Damn!” She says. “I’m not sure if I can fit that in my mouth. Jere bear you’re huge. Are all guys this big?”

  “I’m not sure, I don’t go around checking out guys dicks. But yes, I’ve been told I’m hung.”

  Grabbing a hold of me, she caresses the base and moves up and down with her hand, circling the head occasionally. Kissing me and moaning softly, she begins a trail of fire from my neck down my chest, swirling her tongue around my nipples, matching every sinew of my contoured abs. And then finding my happy trail she opens her mouth and sucks her way down to my stiff pole. All I see is the back of her gorgeous body, displayed before me, and that black lace thong. Oh holy hell. Her long dark hair fanned across my legs and belly, her head resting near my dick. She kisses up one side of my shaft, opening her warm mouth and sucking me.

  “Oh fuck! Addie!” Finally she takes the head and tries her best to swallow me. Once I’m fully in her mouth, at least as far as I will go, she bobs her head, in slow movements. Adding a delicious friction against her lips. I can’t see but I can only imagine what she looks like with her mouth full of me. She grabs a hold of the base and pumps her hand up and down.

  “Just like that baby, oh god I’m about to come so hard. If you don’t want me to spill down your throat you better pull out when I tell you to.” She continues her onslaught, driving me towards my finish line. My whole body starts to jerk just as I shoot off. She swallows and sucks down every drop, milking me clean, just as I’ve begun to soften she releases me and starts her trek back up my body, kissing me softly.

  “Mm. You taste amazing Jere bear. I could feast on you forever.”

  “ I can’t wait to taste you. It’s also going to be your reward. I want you to close your eyes and just feel what I’m going to do to your body. If it becomes too much please tell me to stop.”

  “I won’t tell you to stop. I trust you Jere. I want to do this with you.”

  Chapter 9


  I can't tell him this other part yet. But I' think I'm seriously having more than feelings for him. I don't want to give him up. Ever! I love the way it feels to be in his arms. Our chemistry comes naturally. Lifting my hair, my arms above my head, I ask him.

  “Would you do the honors, love?”

  Oops that slipped out. God I hope he didn't catch that.

  Luckily he hugs me to him, and seconds later I'm freed, my girl’s stand tall.

  I had implants put in at 18, no one knows about it but me. I left for the summer, and flew out to California, I said I was working on a ranch, but I actually had surgery that required me to take measures into my own hands.

  Jeremiah molds both of his hands on me, “Did you have implants put in?”

  “Yes, I can't hide it from you. No one in my family knows. I didn't want to scare anyone. Like my grandmother, I developed cancer, and decided on a full double mastectomy, with reconstructive surgery so it would appear normal to the eye. I don't want them to know, that I've cheated death twice.”

  “That's why you’re my Lady Luck, you're lucky, at every turn you’ve fought back, and you’re only stronger than you were before. That’s the beauty of learning from life’s lessons. I've never felt fake tits before, they're even more beautiful than I imagined. I want to taste every single inch of you. I'm going to show you what it feels like to burn from the inside, pulse and throb, you'll be begging for me to relieve you. And believe me when I say you will experience it many times tonight.”

  Oh holy mother of pearl. That sounds hot.

  “Oh Jere I'm so wet for you.”

  He skims his hand along my outer thigh, smoothing his hand along the lace, which leads him to my pussy. He uses two fingers to probe me.

  “Fuck! You are soaking wet!” He takes his fingers and licks the juices. Oh my god that was even hotter.

  “Mm. You taste so sweet! Will you help me?”

  He pulls at the black lace panties, sliding them down my thighs, exposing me for the first time completely to another person. He tosses them in the same direction as everything else we've shed. We are both completely nude, completely exposed to one another. And it still feels like this is meant to be, I don't feel ashamed of the decisions I've made, the surgery, the gun shot wound, even the tattoos. He's overlooked it all. I give him a lot of credit. I'm willing to share the stories of my scars. I will bear them all to him.

  “Mm. My turn to feast. I'm so ravenous, I could eat you whole.”

  I’ve never experienced any of this before. I’m excited, nervous but most of all, I can't wait.

  “Sit back and close your eyes. Just feel.”

  I relax into the pillows, closing my eyes. I feel him, He swirls his tongue from my neck down to nipples, creating a frenzy of tingles jetting down to my pussy. Each nip and bite sends me one step closer to this amazing high. I don’t want it to end.

  “Oh god, please don't stop Jere.”

  He kisses down my belly, continuing his swirls in and around my belly button; he leaves no surface of my skin untouched. I'm on fire; my skin is burning in the wake of his mouth. The buildup is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's nearly unbearable, I just want it to peak, to finish this euphoric high I'm feeling.

  He sucks my flesh from my belly to my core. Exciting the nerves, even further. I arch my back, angling my body towards him. Moaning softly, indulging in every quake he gives me. My body is on a one way train, its heading in a direction I’ve never been before.

  “Oh Jere, it feels so good.”

  “You taste amazing, and I haven't even reached the best part.”

  He pushes my legs apart, spreads me wide for him. I open my eyes to catch his expression, I want to sear this moment into my mind. I want to remember our first time together.

  He catches me, meeting my eyes, and that sexy panty-melting smile is my undoing.

  “Close your eyes, my love. Just feel what I'm a
bout to do to you.”

  I follow his command, closing my eyes. I feel his tongue swirl in circles from my pubic bone, into the crevice of my leg; he gets dangerously close to my lips and moves back toward the other side, repeating his moves. Oh my god, my skin is on fire, I jerk with spasms, how can he manipulate my body to feel this good? Where has he been all this time?

  “Addie, I can tell you're enjoying this. You're dripping.”

  He dips his finger into my folds, circling around. “And you taste delicious. You’re my own special dessert. My objective is to give you, your first orgasm. I will not stop till you tell me to.”

  I feel a wet and warm sensation hit my clit, and instantly I shiver with a tingle. He flicks his tongue around and sucks it into his mouth.

  My body erupts in spasms the feeling is beyond this world. A fire blazing from my toes to my pussy, cascading through my blood to all my limbs. The feeling explodes inside me., but continues to drive upward.

  “Oh Jere oh God.” Using a finger he probes my tissues, dipping into me, and pulling out. Getting a little more aggressive he inserts his finger and pumps it in and out. The friction creates a delicious burn in my belly. It's blissful but painful I just want it to explode.

  “Jere oh my god, please don't stop, oh my god.”

  Sucking on my clit and driving his finger into me, I'm near the edge, coasting upwards, this orgasm keeps building, higher and higher. He can tell I'm tensing up, he sits up and says.

  "Just let go babe, don't hold back, just relax and let it take you."

  I relax and follow his advice. I detonate underneath him. Bucking my hips my back arching, my legs shaking, and I’m screaming his name. My insides are clenching his fingers, I feel a warm gush seep from within me, the vibrations from my release subside gradually. He removes his finger and kisses up my body. Circling each nipple twice before capturing my lips and stealing my already labored breath away.

  “I wish I could capture this moment. Bottle it up forever. You are so beautiful! I loved watching you come undone.”

  “That was.....unbelievable. I can't believe I've waited so long to experience a climax.”

  “Hey now. I'm happy that I was your first and your last. No one else will ever see the look on your face as you succumb to bliss. Only me.”

  “Are you sure you aren't a caveman? You sure are possessive.”

  ‘I only guard what is mine, and darling you are mine now. I don't want anyone else but you. I can't wait to experience the world of sex with you. We've only just begun.”

  “What's in store? What am I missing?”

  “Well once we make love and we've become pros, I'll introduce you to some other forms of pleasure, that don't require penetration.”

  “Hmm....are you talking about BDSM?”

  “We may touch on that subject. How do you know about BDSM if you've never had sex?”

  “Okay, I may be a prude, who wanted to save herself for some one special," I wink at him "but I'm not dumb. I've read a lot of books and the Internet is also helpful."

  “Oh really, so you already know about submission and bondage.”

  “Yes, and I'm very intrigued. I may be your perfect candidate to experiment on.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I may show my confidence around others, I don’t submit to anyone willing to bring me down. However I'm willing to submit to you, I'm willing to give up all my control to you.”

  “What? That's not what I was expecting to you say. I know you’re strong willed and determined. I would never hurt you or bring you down. That is not what my intentions would be. For you it would be the pleasure in giving you, for me it's your control that fuels my desire. I'm not experienced and I wouldn't expect you to do anything you weren't willing to do, but it could be a hell of a lot fun.”

  “I'm willing but only after I've experienced everything vanilla. I want every position, every possible surface, and when I'm ready we'll revisit.”

  “What's vanilla mean? Like I could lick vanilla ice cream from your body?”

  “No. It just means regular sex. Not BDSM style.” Ha-ha. I laugh at him. “But ice cream could be fun. I love ice cream!”

  “I want you anyway I can have you.”

  I snuggle into his chest, my body curled around his. He covers us up, with the blanket after I erupt in chills.

  Our view from here is magical. I look up at the starry night sky, the full moon hanging over the waterline. It's peaceful, hearing what nature intended. This whole date has been nothing short of a dream.

  ‘I could spend forever right here.” He says.

  “What about food and visiting the john?”

  “Well I won't need to visit the john if I don't eat. All I need is you.”

  “Hmm.. I couldn't live without ice cream. Speaking of, do you think the kitchen would have some? I kind of want to experiment now with you and my frozen dessert.”

  “Let's go check.” He springs from the bed, grabbing me from underneath and carrying me bridal style to the galley.

  Upon entering he sets me down in the island and opens the freezer door. We both look on to see three gallons of blue bell.

  “Hell yes!”

  “What's flavors do they have?”

  “Vanilla your favorite, strawberry and chocolate chip cookie dough.”

  “I'll take a scoop of each.” The vanilla is what I want to eat off of him the rest is for me.

  “Hey Jere would you ever want to take a trip down to the blue bell factory with me? I've always wanted to go.”

  “Of course we can plan a trip in a few weeks once the house is more in order.”

  “It'll be awhile until it's more in order babe. Give me six months to help you. Jax and I built his house in a few months; yours is going to need more work. I'm sorry hunny bear.”

  “Hunny bear? I'm going to laugh if you start calling me Pooh bear.”

  “I'll reserve that one for rainy day. It's cute.”

  ‘I thought I was a strong beastly bear. With sharp fangs and grizzly claws.”

  “But you have a heart of pooh bear and that's what I love about you.”

  ‘How did we start off hating each other so much?’

  “You hated me Jeremiah?”

  “I hated that attitude you gave me that first time we met. You got me angry, and so frustrated and Cam only added fuel to the fire. Y'all did not meet eye to eye. She really hated you, more so than me. She didn't want me to be friends with your brother because of you.”

  “That doesn't sound fair. I'm glad she's gone. I would have never been here. Us. We wouldn't be here. So her leaving was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  “Me too. Sexy lady. I approve of your nakedness while helping with the house. I could get used to you walking around like this all the time. Your body..., in every curve, every crevice, every single inch of you, you're beautiful. And the way you talk about my heart, the heart I've been so scared to give away. You say that you will hold my heart with yours. You prove to me you're just as beautiful on the inside. You think of others first, you always willing to help even if it puts you out. You just...amaze me . This date, this night has changed me. You've changed me. Remember me telling you I wasn't ready to take the leap and give my heart away. Well. I did it! I gave it to you, and I never want it back. You can trust me with your own. I need you Lady.”

  “Good cause I'm giving you all of me. Including my heart Jeremiah. I trust you to hold onto it.”

  “Oh my Addie. I promise I won't break your heart. I could never walk away from you. I know what it feels like to have some you love turn their back on you. What I have learned it that I never truly loved her. She filled a space in my heart for most of my life but she didn't make my heart beat. She didn't own it, she merely leased it until the rightful owner could take her claim. You Addie. You own my heart. I love you. I love you so much more than I ever thought I could love someone.’

  “I love you too Jere bear.”

hapter 10


  "Did you have fun this weekend Addison?" My mother asks me as she enters the room. I'm in the kitchen making muffins for Jeremiah and I to share this week. I promised more muffins; because he inhaled the others I left last week.

  "Yeah we rented a boat on Lake Travis and oh mom, it was magical. I really like him."

  "It's good to see you this way, you’re all lit up. My babies are growing up and falling in love, who knows I could be a grandma again soon."

  She nudges my arm and winks at me with a devious smile.

  "Don't get any ideas mom. We just had our first date, hold off on the wedding plans."

  "You don’t need to get married to have a baby, but I'm glad I raised you right, you make me so proud."

  "Aw mom, thank you, I love you."

  "I love you too baby. I just want to see you happy."

  "I am, for once in my life I'm feeling truly blessed with what I've been given. It took a hard road to walk across but I'm finally finding what I've put on the earth for." I turn to face her, as I'm reaching for the fresh blueberry and strawberry mixture. She has tears in her eyes.

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing. I'm just happy that you're happy. There's no greater joy than to see your babies happy and content in life. You've had many struggles and yet you're stronger than those that have brought you down. I'm proud to see the woman you've become through it all."

  "Oh momma, please stop, you're gonna make me cry."

  "Ok so tell me about Jeremiah. What's he like?"

  "He's funny, oh man he made me laugh so hard. He's smart and kind of a geek; he's a graphics and web designer. He's completely clueless when it comes to repairing his house but lucky for him he's got me. He's also a sweetheart, I'd like to call him a teddy bear, I actually gave him a nickname, Jere bear."

  "He sounds amazing, I can't wait to meet him."

  "I can't believe you haven't yet. I really think you'll love him. We keep each other on our toes. At first I thought he hated me, and actually he thought he hated me too, but underneath it all, we're severely attracted to each other."


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