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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 6

by Kyle, Celia

  Maya ignored the warm arms that wrapped around her waist and the heated breath fanning her ear. She couldn’t, however, ignore the teeth that nibbled her neck.

  “Quit that.” Maya jerked her head. “Grown-ups are talking.” That did not get him to stop, and she tried to continue her conversation with Carly despite Alex’s teasing.

  “Maya, you may not know everything there is to know about furballs, but you, and now your cat, should know he’s telling the truth. Hell, if you weren’t inside a makeshift butcher shop, you’d be able to smell it on him.”

  She quirked a brow. “Really? I’ll be able to tell if he’s lyin’, just by his scent?”

  “Yup. Also if he’s been with another woman.” Carly nodded.

  “Ooh…that’s promising.”

  A low snarl snagged Maya’s attention and Alex’s voice filled her ear. “I’d never cheat on you.”

  “Carly?” She looked at her friend, eyebrow raised.

  “It’s true. If he’s really your mate, which I believe he is, then no, he won’t.” Carly turned bright red in the face and gestured at Alex. “His, uh, equipment, would be less than useful if he tried.”

  Maya snorted, the idea of Alex not being able to perform, whatever the reason, was hilarious. The previous night he’d been insatiable, taking her time and again without much rest in between.

  “Fine.” Maya sighed deep. “I suppose I’ll believe him. For now.” She took a few steps toward her friend, ignoring the fact that she was naked and jiggling everywhere. She was also careful to dodge the bits of meat her kitty hadn’t gobbled up. She so needed a shower… and clothes. “I’m sorry I tried to eat you in a not fun way.” Maya opened her arms and hugged her best friend, happy the cat in her didn’t perk up at the idea of having Carly for dinner. “And thanks for not letting me eat Andrew. Or Ian. Or the people in the parking lot. Or…”

  Laughing, Carly pulled back a little, but didn’t release her hold on Maya. “As if I’d let you end up in furball jail.”

  Maya pulled her friend close once again, stiffening when she heard growls and snarls from behind. Fast as, well, a lioness, she spun and placed her still nude body between Carly and her… mate?

  “Alex…” Her voice deepened. “Back off.”

  Her mate narrowed his eyes. “Quit touching her.”

  Maya snorted. “What? You think I’m suddenly lesbian because I hugged my friend? Are you on drugs? Seriously?” she huffed. “I may be tied to you for my fur-lined life, asshole, but you’re not going to get all pissy whenever I happen to touch someone else.”

  “No touching. I can’t take it. The beast… it can’t take it.”

  A single finger tapped her shoulder. “Uh, My, you should listen to him. He’s a little too furry for my taste, and I really don’t want to be on the lion’s menu. Remember? Mates and stuff? We’ve talked about this. He’s on edge, and you should, you know, humor him for a smidge.”

  Maya crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. That glare turned into a fierce scowl when his attention shifted from her face to her breasts. Men! Ugh. “How long is a smidge? And how much humoring are we talking about? I wanted a one-night stand, Carly. Not a fucking Neanderthal who thinks he owns me. And he has his fucking dick hanging out for heaven’s sake!” She snapped her fingers at Alex and pointed at his groin. “Put that away.”

  The she-cat inside her whined at her last comment. It didn’t want his junk getting hidden behind his jeans. Horny cat.

  Maya watched in fascination as fur receded from each pore, coating his arms and chest. He then picked up his clothes and slipped them back on, neatly tucking his cock into his pants and zipping up.

  “I don’t own you, Maya—”

  “Don’t talk to the boobs, buddy.” She wiggled her fingers within his line of sight, encouraging him to raise his gaze. “Up here. Look at my face.”

  He huffed. “I don’t own you, but the cat is… possessive.”

  She sniffed, realizing she had the same sort of possessive-y feelings, too. But she sure wasn’t going to admit that out loud. Nope. Not yet, anyway. “Fine.”

  “And I’m sorry I didn’t explain things last night.” That was like the third or fourth or fifth apology, she didn’t know which, but perhaps he actually was sorry.

  Maya edged a little closer. Okay, she could deal with the apologies. Apologies were nice when sincere, and her little cat was rubbing against her mind, telling Maya she’d be more than happy to rub all over Alex. “Thanks. I accept your apology.”

  “And I promise to never whip out my dick… unless you ask for it.” His lips twitched and she glared at him.

  “And what about the claim-y, bite-y thing?” Maya shot back.

  “I can’t apologize for the act, but I absolutely should’ve talked to you first.”

  She nodded. “Good.”

  That settled, she invaded his personal space, rested her face against his broad chest.

  “Huh? What’re you? I mean…” Alex sputtered.

  Aw, poor little confused lion. Her human half was still pretty damn angry, but she’d forgive him… a little.

  “Come on, cat-boy. I figure we’ve got some talking to do, and I’m starting to get hungry again with all this meat lying around. Speaking of which, Carly…”

  Her best friend squeaked and rushed up the stairs, the sound of heavy stomps trailing in her wake. Maya followed, but only made it two steps before a muscular arm wrapped around her waist and tugged her back.

  “You’re not going up there like that.” Alex’s words were nearly indiscernible, like his lion had wrenched control in that moment.

  Maya growled at his firm tone, the lioness not at all happy with being manhandled. Her annoyance came through, loud and clear, in her voice. “Well, seeing as my clothes got shredded during my first shift, when I didn’t even know I was a shifter, I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”

  Alex spun her around. “No man but me sees you naked, Maya. No one. I’ll cut out the man’s eyes rather than let him glimpse a single part of your naked body.”

  Maya smirked. The lioness reveled in his possessiveness, and she had to admit, the woman did, too. “Fine. But you’re buying me new clothes.”


  Huh. Too bad everything else in her life couldn’t be fixed so easily.

  * * *

  Shit, fuck, damn, and growl.

  Thanks to Carly’s enormous wardrobe, Alex managed to get Maya out of the Buck’s house without exposing any more of her lush body than necessary. They’d even snagged new clothes for Maya at the mall.

  The shopping was done, and his relatively sweet mate was well-clothed. And dare he say, semi-happy. Semi, because he’d taken her to Genesis partially against her will.

  “I’m not going in there.” Maya balked at the door and dug in her heels.

  Alex clenched his teeth and fisted his hands. “The pride would like to meet you, and besides, being around them will calm your lioness.”

  She sighed deep. For the umpteenth time. Damn it, she’d been doing that a lot, and his cat was pissed the man couldn’t do a freaking thing right.

  “Fine, I’ll go. You know, all you have to do is explain things to me. Preferably before you want me to do something.”

  With a nod he pulled open the front door and the comforting scent of his pride surrounded them, soothed his inner cat.

  That is, until Jenner ran to meet them, tripping over his feet in his haste and a dopey smile on his face. “Prime! Oh, you found her!”

  Good god, man. Alex hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with all the males stumbling over themselves to get close to Maya. Then, he’d have to kill them. Not really, but he hoped he didn’t have to make a choice.

  The rest of the pride trailed in Jenner’s wake in a swarm, each of them anxious to meet their new Prima. They were cleaned up and ready for her arrival, thank goodness.

  In a flash they were surrounded by their lions and lionesses, males and females alike nuzzling
her shoulder and inhaling her scent. Alex’s beast approved. The pride had to learn their Prima’s scent and remember it always. Every so often Maya’s head would raise, look over the crowd to search him out, and then she’d settle, returning her attention to those around her.

  Damn, something writhed in his chest, tightened and scratched at the display before him. Ten years ago and he woulda laughed if anyone told him he’d be taking a mate, but now, there was nothing funny about the woman being rejoiced by his pride. With her flowing blond hair and luscious curves, he mated Venus incarnate.

  He couldn’t wait to bed her again, to have her teeth against his shoulder so she could claim him. He’d even beg if it were necessary. Anything to have the tempting goddess reciprocate his feelings.

  Gina eased from the group fawning over Maya and came toward him. Her head bowed, the lion was pleased to find the woman showed some contrition. He confined her to her home, but a pride meeting superseded all other orders.

  “Prime.” The woman tilted her head to the side to expose her neck, making herself vulnerable to him.

  “Gina.” He wouldn’t allow her to know his feelings. True, she’d fucked up royally, and all for spite, but still, he’d gotten his mate.

  Gina raised her head, her gaze fixated on his chest. “I-I’m sorry for my behavior. I understand there will be consequences for my actions. All I can do is beg for you and the pride to forgive me.”

  Alex grunted. The cat within scented the truthfulness of her words, but the man couldn’t help but remember how he’d found his mate. The images of her captured in a basement practically painted with raw meat while Maya crouched, ready to eat Carly for dinner.

  “The entire pride will hear your apology this evening. Though, I am hesitant to punish you any further, since your actions resulted in me meeting my mate.”

  Gina raised her gaze in a split-second, and jumped into his arms, enveloping him in a tight hug as she nuzzled his neck. Alex accepted the woman’s action for what it was—a reaffirmation of their pride bond. It was also Gina’s way of assuring herself all was forgiven.

  Maya, unfortunately, did not care for the woman being in his arms.

  Between one blink and the next the woman was ripped from his body and thrown against the floor. Maya used her newly acquired reflexes, crouching over the fallen woman before Alex had the chance to speak a single word. She caught Gina by the throat and Alex watched, thoroughly rapt, as his sweet mate half shifted. Her face elongated, a snout partially formed, her fingers changed into razor-sharp claws.

  The prima, his better half, snarled one word, and one word only, “Mine.”

  Thank fucking god. About time.

  With careful steps Alex approached his crouching mate, unwilling to startle his little lioness. He recognized Maya’s behavior for what it was—a showing of possession and dominance for all of her pride to see.

  It was probably wrong that this made him hard.

  Next to Maya, he eased down and looked at the two women. His mate was nothing short of beautiful in her half shift, looking fierce and deadly and simply stunning.

  Damn, this really got him hot.

  A glance at Gina revealed the woman was deathly pale, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, gasping for air. Tiny rivulets of blood slid down the woman’s neck from where his mate punctured her skin.

  “Maya, love. It’s not nice to kill one of your own on the first day.” She snarled at him, gaze never leaving her target. He cleared his throat. “Mate, why don’t we go upstairs and you can claim me. Show the rest of the females that I belong to you. You’d like that, right?” ’Cause he sure as hell would.

  She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head toward him as if weighing his words. He held his breath, waited for her to respond. The cat in her had been riding her hard, no doubt for the last ten hours or so, and he wasn’t sure which way she’d go. Punish, or mercy.

  Then, Maya released her grip on Gina’s throat and pounced on him, clinging to him like a damned spider monkey, shredding his shirt before a fierce pain gripped his shoulder, yanking a cry from deep within his chest. Fuck, fire enveloped him, but he didn’t dare move. Shit, shit, shit.

  His woman had bitten him, marking him, the thumping of his heart pushing the ache into his limbs. And he waited, waited for her to regain control, to let her finish what she started. A few beats of his heart passed, and then a few more, before Maya eased her hold. Finally, her thick, sharp fangs slid free of his flesh. His whole body shuddered in response, the pain lessening with each breath as she lapped at his wound.

  Well. Alex finally got what he wanted. And now, he and his lion belonged to her, ’til death do they part.


  Hah! Alex belonged to her now! Take that bitches!

  Wait. Were she-cats considered bitches?

  It didn’t matter. Her inner lioness could tell the skinny bitch wanted her mate, but she wouldn’t get her claws into Maya’s man. Oh, nonono. Not after all she’d endured since banging Alex.

  Maya’s cat felt the urge to flick dirt over the frightened woman, and bury her the same way she’d bury bodily waste. But she wouldn’t. Regardless of Gina’s actions toward her man, Maya was now part of the pride. And she’d do her best to act like the Prima she was. Yeah, sure, blah, blah, blah…and all that queenly stuff she’d no doubt have to do now. Though, one more snuggle and rub against Alex by that woman, and all bets would’ve been off. She’d go crouching lion, hidden beyotch on the lioness’s ass. Grrr, roar, huff, and puff.

  Maya, at the urging of her beast, lapped at the damage she’d done, slowed the bleeding on her mate’s shoulder. She growled against his skin, “Mine.”

  “Yeah, baby. I am. As you are mine.”

  She purred, relaxed, body getting hot with his affirmation. God, the taste of him on her tongue, his heat, it all coalesced, growing within, until she needed him. Had to have him. Fuck, it felt as if she had a shit-ton of problems weighing heavy on her shoulders, but the cat rubbing beneath her skin didn’t give a damn. And the more her cat purred and pleaded, the more Maya found her human side was onboard with taking Alex to bed.

  Maya nuzzled his neck, scented him, and inhaled the unique smells of her mate. She licked him again, savoring the citrus and cinnamon flavor that burst across her taste buds. She repeated, “Mm…mine.”

  Her pussy ached and grew damper by the second. Oh, yeah, she was more than ready for some one-on-one time with her man. It didn’t matter they were practically strangers.

  Maybe Maya was too quick to forgive, and even quicker to love, but truth be told, she hadn’t an ounce of anger left in her. The man she clung to was the Prime to her Prima.

  Alex stroked her back. “I’m yours. Now, why don’t we quit putting on a show for the pride and take this somewhere else? I’d like to show you the pride house, our house.”

  “Hmm…?” She nuzzled him.

  “It’s large,” he nipped her neck, “with a huge yard, big porch, and a dozen bedrooms.” His voice was husky and deep. “And a very large master bedroom with an even larger bed.”

  Ooh, that was the best idea he’d had all day.

  Without a word she tugged him along, leading him toward the club’s doors. A hoarse laugh trailed behind them and she, surprisingly, easily recognized the source. Grayson.

  Pausing in the doorway, the lioness was over the damned laughing hyena… She whirled and bared her teeth at the crowd, a loud hiss escaping her lips. “Enough!”


  “Damn, baby, you just made my dick hard.”

  Oh. Oh. She leaned back against him, rubbed her ass over his bulging erection.

  “Come on, sweetheart, I have a feeling Grayson’s done laughing.”

  Maya gave Grayson a narrowed eyed stare and harrumphed. Spinning on her heel, she dragged Alex from the building and stomped her way across the parking lot. It didn’t take long before they were snug in his SUV and speeding down the road.

  Truly. Speeding.

  “Uh, A
lex? Maybe you could slow down?” The trees lining the road were a blur and her unease rose with each passing foot. His vehicle’s engine roared, growling much like his inner-lion.

  She gripped the Oh, shit handle attached to the roof above the door. She held it with a white-knuckled grip, alternating between praying for her life and planning on how to kill Alex for scaring her.


  “Hmm…?” The SUV skidded around another corner and she could have sworn the tires left the road.

  “Seriously, Alex, slow the hell down.”

  Her mate looked at her, the quick glance allowing her to see the shining amber of his eyes. Crap.

  Then he licked his lips, tongue lingering on his elongated canines.

  Which brought her to the question of why a feline’s canines were called canines. And wasn’t that some sort of speciest labeling. She would totally start a campaign to rename the teeth. Yeah. Feline-ines. She needed a slogan… Felines don’t whine, they’ll bite you with their feline-ines!


  Then all thoughts of feline-ines and protest marches flew from her mind. Alex rounded yet another corner, tires skidding, slipping, and sliding over the gravel road.

  “Shit, I’m gonna die.” She gripped the handle tighter, praying to every god she knew. She also prayed none of them would get offended.

  Finally, the SUV came to a jarring stop, small rocks flying through the air in their wake. He threw the vehicle into park and looked to her, feral smile on his lips. “We’re home.”

  Maya gulped, flicking her attention between her mate and the massive building before her. It was huge, with massive pillars that stretched from porch to the overhang that hovered over the second floor windows.

  This was not a “her” kind of place. She was fine with being the mate of a nightclub owner. She could even learn to be with a man who ruled a bunch of lions. But this… this turned Alex into a rich guy. Rich guys and borderline poor-ish girls did not walk hand in hand.


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