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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 21

by Kyle, Celia

  Way too long.

  Neal held her steady against the wall, pistoning his thick cock in and out of her now sopping wet pussy. The lewd, wet sounds of their sex filled the small corridor and mixed with their heavy breathing.

  Carly’s pleasure gained on her; with every shove into her waiting cunt, it ratcheted higher, growing. It encircled her, wrapped around her waist, and then slid down to envelope her pussy. The throbbing ache had grown into a pulsating desperation.

  She rocked and rolled her hips against him, encouraged his rough thrusts, the rub of his pelvis against her clit. She clawed and scratched at his exposed chest, urged him to give her more, faster, deeper. She growled and groaned, snarled and hissed as he worked her over, faster and faster.

  The slap, slap, slap of his hips against hers increased and she embraced the evidence of their lovemaking as ecstasy built and grew inside her, signaling the rapid approach of her release. “Gonna come…”

  The pleasure she’d been nurturing was becoming uncontrollable. Her pussy tightened around him in a rough rhythm, cunt filled with bliss as he pummeled her with his cock. More and more he gave her until she thought she’d burst.

  “Come on my cock, angel. Give it to me.” He groaned and bit her lip in return, drew his own droplets of blood and the spear of pain only served to increase her carnal desire.

  Carly dug her nails into his shoulders, claws scarring him, and she reveled in the soul deep growl that sounded from his chest. Her pussy responded to his sounds, pulsed, and pleasure flowed through her. It crept into every nook and cranny of her body, filled her from within, sparked a response from every nerve. Her arms and legs twitched and spasmed, her impending orgasm stealing her control.

  “Come… Give it to me and I’ll come so deep in you angel…fill you up.”

  God, the idea of having his cum inside her, painting her from inside out, was the tipping point. The orgasm that had been threatening burst over her, dark spots danced in front of her eyes and she screamed. His name was on her lips, over and over, a chant that seemed to have no end in sight.

  Still, his cock continued to slide in and out of her slick passage, her cream coating his dick while he sought his release. His never ending fucking merely brought on another climax, this one harder and more violent than the last.

  Hot lava seemed to pour through her veins, pumped faster than a heartbeat and she truly lost control. Carly sunk her teeth into him, a scream on her lips while the ecstasy of her release stole whatever power she had over her body. Twitches and spasms of her muscles went unnoticed as the pleasure invaded her, the molten sensations of climax destroyed her and she was simply a victim of her body’s desires.

  Neal’s thrusts suddenly turned frantic and uneven until he sealed his hips to hers, a roar on his lips as he sunk his teeth deep into her shoulder, marking her for all to see.

  She screamed again, more ecstasy pouring into her already sated body while his cock twitched and throbbed deep inside her pussy, doing exactly as he had promised. Her cunt milked his shaft, seeming to crave every drop of his cum.

  Panting and exhausted, Carly let her mate support her. Okay, she had to admit, maybe she wasn’t all that entirely, perfectly healed, since twinges of pain were making themselves known now that they were done. But she’d die before she admitted it.

  She snuggled into Neal’s hold and breathed in his musky scent. Damn, how she loved the man. Eek. Love. He’d said it once before, but…she hadn’t.

  Licking her lips, she raised her head and stared at his features, his strong jaw, straight nose, and prominent brow.

  Before she could lose her nerve, she blurted out the truth. “I love you.”

  He opened one eye. “I know.”

  “You know?” She smacked him on the chest. “What do you mean, ‘I know’?” She bent her head and bit into his shoulder. Not deep; just a pinch of his skin between her teeth. “The right answer is ‘I love you, too’.”

  Neal let his eye close seemingly immune to the pain. “You know I love you, baby.”

  “You better.”

  His hand snaked to the back of her head and she let him pull her up, brushing his lips across hers. “More than life itself.”

  She harrumphed. “Good. ‘Cause if you didn’t…hell hath no fury…”

  “Furry? Or fury?” Neal nipped her lower lip. “Because, you are furry. And soft. In all the most delicious places.”


  “Not furry?” He quirked a brow, smirk on those luscious lips. “I like you all furry and sweet.”

  “You’re being obtuse on purpose.”

  “Hmm…” He lapped at her mouth.

  The shrill ring of the kitchen phone got them moving, Neal helping her to her feet before he padded back down the hall and answered the call. “’Lo? No… How?” Carly stared at him, worry growing in her belly as she continued to listen, his tone one of panic and worry. “When? Ricker? Good. What can we do?” Roiling concern filled her. There was only one reason Ricker would be involved in anything. Freedom had struck again. Oh, God. “All right. Bye.”

  Neal turned to her and gripped her shoulders, his eyes boring into hers. “There’s no easy way to say this, baby. Alistair has Maddy.”

  Oh. God. No.

  End of Ball of Furry

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  Interested in reading more of Celia’s books? Head over to AMAZON to read more!

  The rest of the Ridgeville series can be found HERE.

  Part III

  Head Over Tail

  Being kidnapped sucks…but then you find your mate…

  Maddy Lane did not enjoy the whole “being kidnapped” thing. Then her knight in tight leather showed up to rescue her lioness-y ass and he turned out to be her O-M-G mate. Rawr. Sure, she’s a Sensitive. And, yeah, Sensitives are usually pushovers. But Maddy has been getting “badass” lessons and she’s got no problem telling her hotter-than-hell mate where he can shove his orders and domineering attitude. Of course, it’d be a lot easier to be growly with him if he wasn’t so damn sexy.

  Ricker Croft, council tracker and ferocious tiger, can’t figure out what to do with his deliciously curvy mate. She’s a study in contradictions and he never did well in school. As a Sensitive, Maddy is supposed to be sweet, pliant, most importantly, his. She sure as hell wasn’t supposed to be a vicious she-cat who sliced and diced a man attempting rape. And she shouldn’t have disregarded a direct order from a more dominant shifter. Even more, the words “get the steel rod out of your ass” should have never passed her tempting lips.

  Ricker knows that mating doesn’t equate to love, but he’s going to do his damndest to convince the woman who holds his heart that she can’t live without him. Even if it means turning his life upside down and embarrassing himself in the process.


  “Backbones are like assholes. Everyone’s got one. You just have to find yours. The backbone, not the asshole. I’m assuming you know where you asshole is. If not, we have bigger problems.” – Maya Josephs, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride, who swears ta god that she will slap her last name on her unborn twins’ birth certificates if her mate doesn’t marry her soon.

  Maddy Lane’s kidnappers had been all about kung-fu fighting and fast as lightning.

  She was not a kung-fu hi-ya! kind of gal and tended to lean toward run-and-hide.

  Now, a ton of minutes post-kidnapping, she’d decided that being abducted was not an enjoyable experience and she really needed to learn how to wield a judo chop.

  She kinda figured the kidnapping adventure needed to come to an end. Any time. She was totally ready. In all the romance novels she’d read, the heroine would be spirited away by evil-doers and then rescued before anything bad could happen to the poor, defenseless waif.

hadn’t been rescued…not that she’d been missing all that long.

  But still. Bad stuff had happened.

  She tongued her lower lip, wincing when the muscle encountered the oozing wound that would make it hard to smile for a while. Her head throbbed to the hella fast beat of her heart. One of the assholes in the SUV was the cause of both discomforts and she’d love the chance to repay him.

  Eventually. When she gathered enough nerve to fight them. Which would probably be never, but a girl could hope.

  Maddy twisted her arms, rubbed her wrists against her bindings and searched for any give in the material. Snippets of pain from the movements registered, but she couldn’t worry about those feelings. Not when her life was at stake. Because, really, she wanted to do the whole “living” thing a little longer.

  The SUV took a sharp left and she was thrown against one of the men. A piercing ache erupted in her chest and a small whimper escaped without conscious thought.

  Okay, she could add bruised or broken ribs to her list of injuries. Lovely.

  The man she leaned against didn’t respond to the sudden additional weight. But, as low as the sound had been, it caught the attention of one of the other males.

  A beefy hand wrapped around her upper arm, yanking her upright once again. “Hey, pretty. Shut it. We don’t need no shit from the boss’ kitten, got it?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut as the prickle of tears gathered behind her lids. She willed the moisture to recede. There was no way she’d let the men see her cry.

  The male released her and she stifled another sound, a deep groan that had built in her chest as he’d held her tight. The palm had been covering a bruise, nothing more, but that additional ache just piled on with the others in her body.

  Maddy felt like a bruise from head to toe and back again. Sure, she figured they’d tried to be easy with the whole “sneak in and grab her” thing, but she’d been asleep when they came for her. And when she slept, she forgot to be afraid.

  She hadn’t heard them outside her home, disabling her alarm. Or when they’d picked the lock on her back door. Or when they’d crept through her house. Or when they’d secreted into her bedroom.

  No, it wasn’t until that first brush of a foreign breath on her skin that she knew her space had been breached and she’d awoken a tad…upset.

  That wasn’t even right. Upset was a word her parents used. Angry maybe? Pissed worked even better. Okay, fucking enraged.

  And they hadn’t been expecting that reaction. Hell, if push came to shove, Maddy hadn’t been expecting it either. She was a cower-er by nature…

  Well, they’d woken her and then they’d had to deal with her. More importantly, they had to deal with Maddy’s lioness. The cat had been less than pleased with all the males crowding her space.

  Hell, she didn’t remember most of what happened between waking in her bedroom with a man looking down at her and sitting in the SUV. Obviously, it hadn’t been pretty.

  Maddy took as deep a breath as she dared, pain in her chest flourishing with the move. She needed to stay calm and figure out where her life had gone to hell.

  And the quickest way to do that was tap into the wonderful powers she hated and put them to use. Her abilities were the source of her life’s hardships, but they had their uses.

  True, being a Sensitive meant she could do more than a “normal” shifter. She could sense turmoil in the pride, soothe others in need and glean knowledge that shifters may want to keep hidden.

  Guess how many lions, hell shifters, avoided her?

  All of them.

  Ding, ding, ding… Johnny, tell her what she’s won!

  When shifters weren’t taunting and being mean to her, they were keeping their distance, afraid she’d somehow lay some voodoo smack-down on them.

  Well, except Maya. The pride Prima had a knack for cutting through B.S. and had a habit of telling the other cats to get the fuck over themselves.

  Maddy wanted to be her when she grew up.

  Sensitives were needed, essential, but they were also the physically weakest of the cats which left her at the mercy of the others. True, the Prima had put an end to all that, but the fear lingered.

  Damn her fear. She really needed to find her backbone like Maya had told her.

  Backbones are like assholes…

  Fuck it. She’d find it later. For now, she needed the metaphysical “lay of the land”.

  One last breath and she let her consciousness float. Honestly, that was the only way to explain it… She just drifted in her head, the two halves of her mind twining in the cool darkness, picking and poking at one another until they twirled together and became one.

  The lioness, the cat that ached for retribution and blood, calmed with the first touch of Maddy’s human thoughts while Maddy’s human half became stronger with the stroke of her beast’s fur. They worked well together. Always had. Always would.

  If only you’d work with me more often…

  Maddy gritted her teeth. The only bad part of the whole process was that now she had the cat’s voice in her head. Joy. Oh, look, another “benefit” to being a Sensitive, she got to talk to the cat instead of getting vague emotional impressions like everyone else. Goody.

  You love me. Stop pretending.

  She did an internal eye roll. Can we get on with the show?


  The cat now focused, they worked together and her innate power flowed through the small space, poured over each body. She’d heard others describe the touch as being stroked by their mother, cleaned and snuggled when they were cubs.

  The twitches and jerks of each male’s body eased. She opened her mouth, tasted the air and gauged their response. The dominance that permeated the air had lessened, but hadn’t disappeared.

  Better than nothing. She was just thankful they hadn’t taken a bite out of her yet. Not everyone’s animals reacted well to getting poked and prodded by a Sensitive, so she was glad one of them wouldn’t be going all growly on her in such close quarters. Then again, she wasn’t even sure they knew who, or what, they’d kidnapped.

  With another thought, a tendril of power slithered between each body, tapped the two behind her, the two beside her and the two at the front of the vehicle until their minds were wide open.

  And then she dug.

  She didn’t like what she found.

  Out of the six males, one was a hyena, another a polar bear, two wolves and the group was rounded out with a pair of mountain lions.

  All of them worked with a single man: Alistair McCain, the leader of Freedom.

  She nearly groaned aloud with the news and her cat was right there beside her, feeling exactly the same.

  About a week ago, the man had orchestrated her wererabbit friend Carly’s kidnapping. They’d gotten the rabbit back, extremely bloody and hurt, but back just the same. Actually, from what she’d been told, Ricker, the council’s tracker, had gotten her back. But whatever. The male had been after Alistair for some time, had hunted him to Ridgeville and had been pivotal in Carly’s rescue. Then, he’d disappeared, back on the hunt for the crazy male.

  And when she meant crazy, it was in the literal sense.

  Freedom was…insane. Their beliefs were based on the destruction of the shifter clans and removal of all hierarchy. They felt individual shifters could govern themselves. They didn’t need Primes, Alphas or Bucks. Which, considering the fact that the movement had a leader while trying to destroy the existence of leaders…struck her as a bit odd.

  Kinda contradictory. But no one had ever said they were all that smart.

  Okay. So, Freedom had her. Lovely. Now, she just needed to pluck out a handful of thoughts here and there.

  Tiptoe through the window…er…their heads.

  Maddy sent a tendril toward the hyena and took a peek…

  Fucking bitch. Fucking dug her puny assed nails into my shit. Fucking whore. Gonna fuck that bitch’s shit up once Alistair’s through with her. Fat piece of shit… />
  Okay, she totally wasn’t a whore. Seriously. She hadn’t even taken part in the Gaian Moon, let’s-get-pregnant fuckfest in like, forever. And yeah, she did claw the ass, but he’d slapped her! And, hey, she wasn’t fat. Seriously. More cushion for the pushin’, maybe. Okay, a lot of cushion.


  With an internal harrumph, she moved on…

  A peek into the polar bear’s head revealed a red haze, blood on the brain, and she sensed that his gums ached, beast desperate for release. He wanted to rip the hyena apart for touching…her. Huh. Careful…oh so careful, she extended a ghostly representation of her hand into the male’s mind, stroked and pet his bear to ease him away from the killing edge.

  By increments, the man’s body relaxed, shoulders easing down as the thirst for blood slithered from the bear’s thoughts.

  Instantly, the aggression in the SUV lessened, floated back to a reasonable level and the remaining shifters seemed to slump into their seats.

  With nothing left to glean from the bear, she moved on, touched the remaining males.

  The mountain lions held lust balanced by an intense fear of Alistair’s wrath at her state. Apparently, they’d been directed to kidnap her very nicely.


  The wolves were occupied with their hate of cats, Maddy included, but accepted that pleasing and supporting Alistair was a means to an end. They wanted to go lone because of…something, but the wolf laws demanded death to those who didn’t belong to a pack and so they’d been stuck. It was either jump in with Alistair, and the chance at freedom, or face sure death from the wolves.

  After touching each male, she slithered back into her own body and let the cat slink back to her place inside Maddy. They were exhausted. No, exhausted didn’t quite cover things.

  Poking around in one brain wasn’t all that hard. Poking and soothing, a little worse. Poking around in six heads and bringing a polar bear back from the edge of murdering everyone in the SUV? Well, that was like running a five minute marathon. Twice.


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