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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 24

by Kyle, Celia

  “This is a closet.” She hissed the words.

  “Quiet.” His voice was a low growl, the word accompanied by a wave of dominance that had sweet Elise whimpering.

  Maddy pulled the woman behind her and glared at her mate. She opened her mouth to tell him exactly what she thought about his meanie-ness, but snapped her teeth together when the wall slid aside to reveal a tunnel.

  “In.” He bit off the word.

  She sensed that the “blistering” may have turned into something a bit more painful and decided to do as he asked. She slid past him, a cowering Elise in tow.

  The tiger followed, the portal sliding shut with his passing. Then they were following him again, trudging up an endless line of stairs.

  Again with the exercise. The she-cat had retreated which meant the bitch wasn’t helping Maddy put one foot in front of the other any longer.

  After countless minutes, the tiger stopped and she immediately did the same, careful to steady Elise.

  The big cat looked at her over his shoulder, glare in place, and she took that as a sign to keep her mouth shut and ass put.

  He touched the wall, hand pushing various spots, and then it slid aside. He stepped inside the space and then motioned for her to follow.

  The next moments went by in a blur. They dashed through a large home, the space seeming to be completely empty. Well, besides a couple of dead wolves, but she figured they were courtesy of their escort.

  The tiger led them into a back room and through a window. Then it was a mad dash to the tree line.

  Maddy’s bare feet collided with dry leaves, twigs and rocks, but still she kept moving, weaving around trees and bushes as they traveled deeper into the woods.

  Huffing, she remained practically glued to the tiger’s ass, matching him step for step.

  Elise lagged behind her, but she held tight to the fox’s hand.

  No man left behind. Okay, woman…shifter…body?

  Finally, what seemed like hours later, they came upon a black SUV, windows darkened, and Maddy nearly sobbed in relief when the tiger unlocked the vehicle.

  With a handful of stumbling steps, she pulled the fox to the back door and shoved her into the truck before following her. The moment Maddy settled, Elise scrambled to her side, almost crawling into her lap and she held the smaller woman close.

  “Shh…we’re safe now. Safe, sweetheart.”

  The tiger started the SUV, popped it into gear and they tore from the area, racing past trees until they turned onto a paved highway. Maddy stroked Elise’s back, she and the lioness working to ease the woman’s fear to a manageable level and cease the shudders wracking her body.

  Woman calmed, she directed her next question to her mate. “Who are you?”

  “Ricker Croft.”

  Maddy paled. The man who’d saved her friend Carly had come for her. The one male rumored to be the most dominant and fierce of all shifters had broken into hell and pulled her out. And he was her mate.

  She was in deep shit. With a red bottom.


  “There are a ton of rules floating around, follow half and plead ignorance if you’re caught. You’re cute and you’ll probably get off with a warning.” – Maya Josephs, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride. And still ringless.

  They’d dropped Elise with her family. The foxes were waiting at the street for the timid woman, a couple of the males ready to escort her out of state to heal.

  Maddy nearly begged to take her with them, but one glare from Ricker quelled the urge. Okay, a glare and a brush against his mind. The male was still pumped with rage because she’d put herself in danger, but it was tempered with a good dose of fear at almost losing her.

  She was seriously tempted to tone his anger down a bit, but she didn’t think her mate would care for her mucking about in his head. Again.

  Their SUV raced down the highway and they hadn’t exchanged a word since he’d revealed his name. Which was fine with her. Captivity hadn’t been all that fun and she was good with existing in her own head for a while.

  She opened her mouth to ask where they were going, but was silenced when he took the next exit, the large vehicle hugging the curve and then pulling into light traffic. They traveled another half-mile before they turned into the parking lot of a hotel. He backed into a parking spot and popped the vehicle into park.

  “You will lock the doors when I leave. When I come back, you will unlock them. You will not touch anything in the SUV and I will find you here when I return. Understood?”

  Well, what crawled up his ass and died? Or what crawled up his ass, period? He obviously had not learned about the pleasures of his prostate so…

  The deepening of Ricker’s glare pulled her from pondering his rear end and she nodded her agreement. She’d really have to talk to him about stopping the whole ordering thing. Just as soon as he no longer looked like he wanted to maim her.

  One last dark gaze and he leapt from the truck, slamming the door. He stood just outside and didn’t move until she hit the button to lock the doors.

  Well, untrusting much?

  But, Maddy stayed put and watched as people traveled in and out of the front entrance to the hotel, keeping her eyes peeled for Ricker.

  Before long, he emerged, all long-legged grace. He seemed to glide over the asphalt, body moving easily as he crossed the parking lot to her. His eyes nearly glowed in the darkness of night and a shiver of desire throbbed in her veins.

  She had no idea how she could get hot and bothered by a furious tiger. It had to be one of those bad-boy, rough, angry sex fantasies or something.

  As he reached for the handle on the door, she hit the button to unlock the vehicle and let him in.

  Ricker cut her a glance, but remained silent, pulling the car from the space and driving around the building. What, not even a “good job”?

  When they stopped, his gaze combed over her body in a slow sweep. Without uttering a word, he reached into the backseat and grabbed a blanket, tossing at her.

  “Wrap yourself in that, then grab the duffel.”

  Maddy did as he demanded and wondered when he’d get over his little snit. She kinda liked the idea of a mate, but wasn’t too keen on him being all asshole-esque.

  When he nodded and climbed from the SUV, she took that as a sign that she could do the same. Bag in hand, she half-fell from the vehicle (cause, hello? Short). Ricker caught her just before her bare feet collided with the asphalt and swept her into his arms with ease. There was no grunting or groaning as he accepted her weight. Nope, he lifted her as if she were light as a feather.

  He thumped the door closed with his hip and strode toward the sliding doors of the building, not pausing as he passed through the portal and then through the building without any hesitation.

  “You scoped out the building.” Her mate glanced at her, single eyebrow raised and she returned the expression. “Before you came for me. You could get through this place blind.”

  He jerked his head in a tight nod. “But that won’t be necessary because you’re going to stay where I put you and I won’t have to chase you through a compound filled with humans and shifters slaughtering each other, will I?”

  Well, someone was still Mister Cranky-pants.

  Maddy opened her mouth to say…something…when he paused at a door and lowered her to her feet. She swayed, suddenly more tired than she’d ever been, and slumped against him.

  Without missing a beat, Ricker, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her close while he slid the keycard into the door handle and let them into their temporary home.


  God, where would they live?

  Hell, would she let him live? No matter what stupid stunt she’d pulled, he should have been over his pout by now. And if he didn’t stop telling her what to do soon…

  Ricker shoved the door open and led her into the space, her feet sinking into the plush carpet with every step.

  Instead of leading her toward the bed, he
paused by the bathroom and shuffled her into the small area, tugging the blanket from her body as they moved. A flick of the light switch illuminated the room and she gasped at her reflection.



  The red, coppery liquid had dried on her skin, trails lined her mouth and neck, and the life giving fluid had soaked into her top. A glance at her hands revealed even more red stains and her pajama bottoms sported the burgundy hue.

  Pure, predatory satisfaction coursed through her veins at what she’d done. True, the presence of the blood disgusted her, but the reason behind it pleased her lioness to no end.

  He’d died. At her hands.

  “Easy, Kit.” The soft rumble of her mate’s voice cut through her and she met his eyes in the mirror, his gaze saying more than words could express…worry, fear, anger, possessiveness. All of it clouded his features.

  “I know you said you weren’t hurt, but I need to strip you. Need to check myself.”

  His voice was soft, gentle, and completely incongruous with his motions. Jerky tugs pulled at her top and then bottoms. She watched, detached, while her plump body was displayed to her mate.

  Although his emotions remained in turmoil, tender hands stroked her, slid along her curves and tenderly traveled over her skin. Unbelievably, her body responded to his soft touch, arousal flickering to life and spiriting through her limbs.

  God, even exhausted, she wanted him, ached to finish what they’d started. She didn’t know him from Adam, but her lioness was desperate to sink her teeth into the man and claim him.

  She whimpered and Ricker was quick to soothe her. “Shh… I’ve got you.”

  Gentle, so fucking gentle she was sure she was dreaming, the male scooped her into his arms and carried her to the shower and then lowered her to her feet. She leaned against his heavily muscled body, inhaling his sweet scent and he reached around her and fiddled with the faucet.

  The rumble of running water filled the space, but she didn’t care. Not when she had her hands on her male. The aftermath of the night was closing in on her and all she wanted to do was sink into her mate’s hold. Nothing else mattered but him. Nothing.

  After a few, brief moments, Ricker returned his attention to her. “Going to turn on the shower, Kit.”

  “Maddy.” She grumbled against his chest, unwilling to lose her spot.

  “Madison, then. Here it comes.”

  A soft patter of water rained down on her back and she let the warm fluid soothe her aches, the pain of her tense muscles washing away with every droplet that skimmed her skin. She moaned, luxuriating in the feel of getting clean, the stench of the hyena’s blood dissipating.

  “Shh…” Ricker must have interpreted her sound as distress.

  She’d put the man through hell; the least she could do was let him know he didn’t have a crying girl on his hands. With any other man, she probably would have burst into trembling tears already, but Ricker made her feel a hundred feet tall, as if she shared in his strength.

  Maddy nuzzled his chest, inhaled more of his flavors and then raised her head to focus on his face. “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah?” The right side of Ricker’s mouth quirked up in a half smile.

  She nodded.

  His large hands skimmed her back, blunt fingers tracing her spine, sliding over one vertebra after another until his palms rested at the top curve of her ass. “You feel fine, but I’m not sure about the rest of you, Madison.”

  “I really am good, oh striped one.”

  That earned her an all-out smile. “I like it. What happened to the sweet, timid little Sensitive your pride told me about?”

  Now, she smiled. “Maya is teaching me how to be a bad ass.”

  “Uh huh.” He barked out a laugh. Barked. Heh. “I can believe it. If you’re fine, turn around and we’ll get you washed.”

  At the mention of getting clean, Maddy was reminded of one thing: she was naked. Amazingly, Ricker was not.

  “You’re still wearing clothes!” Oh, all of that yummy black leather was getting ruined. And she’d had such high hopes at seeing her mate sweaty and shirtless in nothing but his pants and boots with his badass guns all strapped on and…meow.

  “It was dressed…” Her mate leaned down and brushed his lips across hers in a chaste kiss. “Or naked and claiming you against the wall. I didn’t think taking you while you were still covered in blood was very romantic.”

  Oh. Oh, her growly man was all sweet and gooey. She practically swooned like those brainless twits in her favorite regency romance novels.

  Ricker pulled back and gave her a mock glare. “But if you tell a single soul about how nice I’m being and ruin my reputation, I’ll warm that ass until you can’t sit for a week.”

  Maddy rose to her tiptoes, nipped his lower lip and spoke against his mouth. “Promises, promises.”

  Her mate narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw, vein throbbing along his temple, but didn’t say a word. Nope. Instead, he forced her to turn around and face the warm spray of the shower.

  Ricker at her back, she leaned into him, relaxed against his body and let the water wash away the bulk of Jasper’s blood. Pale pink rivulets danced over the floor of the tub and Maddy watched the evidence of the night slither away.

  The tiger shifted behind her, but remained a solid presence for her to rest on.

  In her periphery, she watched as his arms came into her line of sight, hands coated in soapy bubbles. “Lemme clean you up, Kit.”

  Oh. Touches. Mate touches. Yay!

  Those large, work-roughened hands cupped her breasts, her flesh overflowing his palms as he massaged her. Fingers danced over her slick skin, soap sending the remnants of her struggle down the drain until only her pale complexion remained.

  Ricker’s digits didn’t move on though. No, he toyed with her nipples, traced tight circles around the hardening nubs. He tormented her with barely there touches, calluses glancing her sensitive skin and she arched into his strokes.

  She needed more of him. Much more.

  Every tease of her nipples sent a spear of desire to her pussy, forcing her passage to become slick and wet, readying her body for his possession. Her clit throbbed and twitched, ached for his touch.

  Ricker leaned his head down, chuckled against her shoulder and then grabbed her flesh between his teeth. He didn’t break the skin, but the gentle sting was enough to add to her need.

  “Greedy, Madison.”

  “Ricker.” She whimpered and arched into him even more. His hands continued their torment, slick soap easing his attentions. Round and round, his fingers traced her heaving breasts.

  “Don’t interrupt while I’m washing you, Kit. This is serious business.”

  She giggled. Couldn’t help it. Of course, the giggle turned into a high-pitched gasp when he squeezed her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Both hands gave her breasts the same torturous treatment and she couldn’t decide between begging for more or begging him to stop.

  She voted for more.

  “Yes. More. Need.” The pain added to the pleasure, stoked her arousal higher and made her that much more desperate for him. The hard shaft nestled against her ass reminded her that he seemed to want her just as much.

  “I’ve got you.” He rumbled against her ear, vibrations traveling through her from head to toe and back again.

  “Ricker. Want.” He’d reduced her to single word sentences. God, what would happen when he fucked her? Would she end up a drooling pile of satisfied goo? She kinda hoped so.

  He plucked the nubs, squeezed hard and tugged on them in tandem. She arched her back to follow his movements, unwilling to lose the contact. Pleasure followed every shift of muscle, every strain of her body.

  When she didn’t think she could take any more of the stinging pain, he eased his hold, stroked the abused flesh with a soothing touch and a rush of ecstasy flooded her pussy.

  Her heat pulsed, tightened and wordlessly begged to be filled. His har
d cock remained firm against her ass and she ached to have him free, throbbing against her palm and then sliding deep into her. She wanted his possession, craved his domination.

  “Shh…” Ricker abandoned her right breast, let his hand wander further south until the pads of his fingers rested at the top of her slit, close, but not touching her nether lips. “Is this where you need me?”

  “Yes!” She screamed the word, the sound echoing off the tiled walls.

  His response was a cocky, male chuckle.

  A single finger teased the area, digit sliding between her sex lips a half inch and then retreating, tormenting the aroused flesh. In and then out, her body heated with every rub of the roughened member over the delicate area. She writhed against him, rose onto her tiptoes, chasing the contact and whimpering at each withdrawal.

  “Damn it, Ricker.” She and her lioness joined, growling and snarling at his teasing.

  He laughed. Fucker. The man laughed entirely too much and she’d tell him so. Just as soon as he made her come.

  But then…then his finger delved deeper, the tip nudging her clit and she moaned at the contact. The barely-there touch sent a piercing spear of delight through her pussy and her heat released more of her slick cream.

  Ricker kept up his tormenting strokes, brushing the bundle of nerves with every pass, but going no deeper.

  Didn’t matter. She could come from him rubbing her clit. She just needed more.


  Her mate rocked his hips, sending his leather clad cock sliding along the crack of her ass, a deep groan quickly following the move. “You already know how to get me, don’t you, Madison?”

  His finger dipped a little deeper, his baritone voice washing over her. “Is that what you want? Want me to pet this pretty little pussy? Do you know how good you smell? All hot for me. You want me to slide deep into your cunt, don’t you?”

  She whimpered, but couldn’t manage a single word. Each question resulted in his digit gliding closer to her heat, stroking and caressing her flesh with a penetrating touch.

  “Tell me, mate. Will you squeeze me tight when I finally slide into you? Will you come for me?” He spoke against her shoulder, teeth grazing her heated skin, sending arousal spiraling through her body. “Will you come on my hand? On my cock?”


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