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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 32

by Kyle, Celia

His scent enveloped her in a blanket of reassurance, each brush of his head against her bathing her in his essence. “Hey, Kit.”

  “Hey.” She nuzzled him in return, taking his strength. She sunk into him, the rest of the room forgotten.

  A rough cough interrupted. “Yeah, ‘hey’ all around. Brat, you gonna give out the cookies now? Or do we have to throw down?” Her brother, Paine, interrupted, but she chose to ignore him.

  Too bad Ricker didn’t.

  A snarl silenced the room and her mate’s comforting touch disappeared. “Don’t touch her.”

  Wow. He-man much?

  Maddy set the cookie sheet down and wrapped her arms around his waist, rubbing her hands over his flat abdomen. “Shh… He’s just being an ass. Besides, I can take him.”

  Her other brother, Darius, howled. “So true. Remember that time she treed your ass, P? Ricker, your girl chased Paine to the top of our old oak and wouldn’t let him down until Mom told her she wasn’t gonna get any cookies until she left him alone.”

  Heat burning her cheeks, she rested her forehead against Ricker’s back. “In my defense, he told me I had cooties and that Grayson would never like me because I was a stupid girl.”

  A growl built in her mate’s chest. “Grayson?”

  “Uh…” Oops? A laugh came from Darius and he sounded more like a hyena than a lion. She looked around her mate and glared at her oldest brother. “Shut up, asswipe.” She stuck out her tongue. She was juvenile. So what?

  “Grayson?” Her mate’s voice was quiet. Way too freaking quiet. Like, who-do-I-need-to-hunt-down-and-kill, quiet.

  “It was a crush. I was young and he was sixteen and he’s not my mate, you are, and—”

  “He’s Alex’s Second.” The deep voice of her childhood crush filled the room and she wondered what she’d done to God now.

  Ricker’s body tensed, weight shifting as if he was ready to go after Grayson, but Maddy kept her arms locked around him. No, she wasn’t deluded enough to think she could keep him still if he really wanted to be free, but a girl had to try.

  Peeking under her mate’s arm, she gave the pride second a small smile. “Hey, Gray. How ya doing?”

  See, even if her mate was ready to go all homicidal, she could be nice and shit.

  “Mine.” The voice was deadly soft, but held a whole fuck-ton of intent behind the single syllable.

  Mom, the epitome of a people pleaser, and totally used to diffusing angry males, butted into the tense situation. “Well, isn’t this fun! Anyone want cookies?”

  * * *

  A bite of a cookie, a bite outta Grayson, another bite of cookie, another bite out of the second.

  Ricker could see the pluses in his plan.

  The tension in his mate’s body told him she didn’t agree.


  With a concentrated effort, he eased the tiger from the surface, forced the beast into its cage until the need to murder the male before him left his body. The breath he’d been holding eased from his lungs and his muscles relaxed in slow increments.

  With his mate at his back, her soothing presence urged the process along. Maddy’s fear for the male before her irked him, but a deeper look revealed that her worry was centered on what would happen to him if he killed Grayson.

  The male, big and dominant, wasn’t a true match for Ricker, so it wouldn’t have been too hard. But the council could have a teeny-tiny problem with outright murder.

  The man approached, hand outstretched, smug smile on his lips. Bastard. “Grayson Shor, pride Second and Maddy’s high school crush, apparently.”

  “Ricker Croft. The man who will gut you if you look at Madison as anything other than a sister.”

  Ricker heard something that sounded suspiciously like “possessive asshole” from behind him, but he ignored it. Yes, he was possessive. And yes, he was an asshole when the need arose. Right now, he needed both, so he shoved it all together.

  Instead of looking scared, hell worried, the lion laughed out loud. “Funny, Stripes, you’re funny. So, do I smell Mrs. Lane’s cookies or did you buy one of those smelly candles?”

  Madison’s mother went into action then, bustling around his mate’s small kitchen. The woman got Grayson settled in a chair and then the family was chatting with the pride’s second, ignoring Ricker and his mate.

  He pried his lioness from his back and brought her to snuggle against his chest, head tucked just beneath his chin.

  Fuck, the mere thought of her even liking another male had sent him into a rage. Madison belonged to him. Him. Not some measly second. She needed a strong male to protect her, even if she didn’t let him do his job very well when she decided to go running off, aggravating the hell out of him.

  But he was the only one she’d ever aggravate again, damn it.

  “Little possessive are we, He-man?”

  He placed a finger beneath her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “You’re mine, Kit. I can’t stand the idea of another holding your affection.”

  “It was a long time ago, Ricker. Besides, you’re my mate now. There’s no one else for me.”

  Ricker moved his hand, stroked her plump lower lip. “I know I’ve got your soul, Kit. But I want your heart, too.”

  Madison’s heart stilled and then the rapid tattoo of the muscle filled his sensitive ears. “What if I want yours?”

  “Then I think we’d have an even exchange.”

  Tears pooled in his mate’s eyes and he ignored the prickle behind his own. Men didn’t cry.

  “Aw, they’re having a moment.” The feigned high-pitch of Paine’s voice interrupted them.

  Ricker smiled when he watched his mate give her brother a one-finger salute.

  “Mooommm… Maddy’s flipping me off…” Her brother whined.

  “Nu uh, I’m telling you you’re number one, butt wipe.” She blew the male a raspberry.

  Ricker knew of a lot of things he’d like to do with that pink tongue.

  A cookie came flying at them and smacked into his temple. With slow shifts of muscle, he turned his head to glare at the offending lion. He almost ruined the effect by smiling when all of the blood drained from Paine’s face. He held the male’s gaze for a few moments until Grayson broke the spell.

  “Aw, give the kid a break, Stripes.” The second popped a cookie into his mouth and didn’t bother swallowing before he continued. “You’re smooching on his sister.” Another cookie passed his lips. “Thanks for the munchies Mrs. Lane. I just stopped by to check on Maddy and invite her and Ricker to a run tomorrow night. Alex is gathering everyone and I wanted to see if the little lady feels like going.”

  “We’ll be there. Together.” Ricker didn’t bother keeping the growl out of his voice.

  Madison was his and he’d be damned if the woman went anywhere near other men without him. Other naked men. Sure, shifters were nonchalant about nudity, but it didn’t make him want to parade his woman in front of the males. She was so beautiful, so perfect and he didn’t want to give her the chance to hunt up someone else.

  Mating be damned, he was an insecure fuck.


  “You can like a guy, but you can’t love him. At least, not until he says it first. Or, if he’s a furball, not until he brings you something dead and drops it at your feet.” – Maya Josephs, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride, who, in addition to no ring, hasn’t had anything dead dropped at her feet. What-evah.

  Maddy munched, thankful for the picnic table the pride always setup at each run. It was what she did when she was nervous. She was a muncher. A connoisseur in muncherism. The munchtastic mistress of munchlandia. The…

  “Dude. I eat less than you and I’m eating for three. What the fuck?”

  There went the quiet munching. With a sigh, she set the plate of food on the table and turned toward Maya. “I’m just…munchy.”

  Maya raised an eyebrow. “Really? ‘Cause you only eat like that when you’re sad. Or worried. Or angry. Or…”

  Maddy rol
led her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. If I’m not happy or horny, I’m hungry.”

  “I could have done without the horny part. Just sayin’.”

  “And I could have done without hearing how strong Alex is because of the fact he can fuck you against the wall. Or the fact that you got pregnant on the Genesis office’s carpet. Or…”

  “Shaddup.” Pink tinged Maya’s cheeks. “Back to you. Tonight’s a happy night. You get to run with your man and maybe get your nookie on if you can escape your fam. What gives?”

  The thoughts that hadn’t been far from her mind since the morning before rushed forward. Visiting with her family had forced her to realize just how much she’d given up by mating with Ricker. Never again would she stand around the clearing watching her friends chat and laugh before their run. No more watching her mother bake or making fun of her brothers. No ice cream parties with Carly and Maya.

  None of it.

  “I’m moving to Chicago.” The words were hollow, a part of her dying inside. She was very close to loving the man talking with Alex, but the separation from the pride would still hurt. Hell, she did love him, but she wasn’t about to say that out loud.

  He hadn’t dropped anything dead at her feet yet.

  “What?” Maya’s screech yanked everyone’s attention to them and heat seared Maddy’s cheeks.

  “Shush!” She wrapped her fingers around the Prima’s arm and dragged her into the forest. “You know Ricker is the best tracker the council has. They depend on him to do all the killing messy stuff.”

  “Killing messy stuff?”

  “Fuck you. You know what I mean.” She huffed out a breath. “His job is there. It’s important. I can’t take him away from there simply because I don’t want to leave my family and friends.”

  “Of course you can. It’s a woman’s prerogative. We get our way. Why else would god give us pussies if we weren’t supposed to use them to control men? It’s in the Chick Bible.” Maya looked at her like she was an idiot.

  Maddy returned the expression. “What if what happened to me happens to someone else? Alistair wanted me because I could calm his members and I’m not the only Sensitive in the world. If I hold Ricker back, how long will the next woman be held by those psychos?”

  Tears pooled in Maya’s eyes and spilled down her cheeks, nose burning bright red as the woman started to cry. The Prima sniffled and whined, opening her arms and engulfing Maddy in a tight hug. Well, most of a hug. Maya’s belly was mega-huge which kept them from getting too close.

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I know, I’ll miss you, too.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” Maya’s arms tightened.

  “But I have to.”

  “You better not forget your lessons. I want weekly reports on who you were mean to.”

  Maddy chuckled. “I promise.”

  The rumble from the gathering quieted, signaling that Alex had called their attention. With one last squeeze, they released each other and returned to the clearing side by side. At the edge of the forest, Maya broke off and waddled through the center, taking her place at Alex’s side.

  Maddy skirted the edges, unwilling to draw attention to herself by cutting through the middle of the rough circle the pride had formed. In a handful of minutes, she was at Ricker’s side, not far from where Alex and Maya stood.

  Her reached for her hand and twined his fingers with hers, giving them a gentle squeeze. When she raised her head to stare into his gaze, he gave her a soft reassuring smile. This would be her first run with Ricker. And her last with her pride.

  All eyes trained on Alex, her Prime.

  “Welcome, Pride!” Cheers met Alex’s words and he waved his hand to silence them. “As many of you know, our sweet Madison was taken from us.” A low rumble of growls filled the clearing and he nodded. “I agree. I agree. We were fortunate that Ricker Croft was able to return her to us and we have embraced our delicate Sensitive once again. Her abduction proves our need to be diligent. To become strong fighters. Men, women and children need to learn to defend themselves. And it’s a sad day that we ask this of our little ones.”

  Damn, Alex had the whole political schmoozing speech thing down.

  “To that end, we have a male who has requested to join the pride.” Maddy’s heart stuttered in her chest then picked up a frantic rhythm. “His strength will strengthen the pride. His knowledge will increase that of the pride. And most important, his heart will belong to a member of our pride, tying us together.” She squeezed Ricker’s hand, afraid to hope that her Prime spoke of her mate. “Ricker Croft, step forward and kneel.”

  Ricker’s hand went slack in hers, but still she held on, fingers tight around his. “You have to let go, Kit.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss across her temple. “I can’t stay with you forever until we get this out of the way.”

  Nodding, she forced her tense muscles to ease, then watched as Ricker’s smooth gait took him to Alex. He kneeled as instructed and she brought her hands to her lips, forcing her sobs to remain quiet.

  He’d sacrificed it all. His career. Those he could save. Everything.

  For her.

  Maddy was torn between elation and sadness over others who could possibly face the same fate as she did. Kidnapped and held by Freedom or the HSE. But the other part of her, her lioness, purred and rubbed in her mind, happy that they could keep their family and their male.

  “Do you pledge yourself to the pride? Do you vow to use your body for its protection and your heart for its care?”

  “I do.”

  With flourish, Alex whipped a blade from his side and held out his hand to Ricker. Even though Maddy knew what was next, her she-cat still bristled at what was to come.

  “Ricker Croft, give me your hand.” Her mate, her strong, dominant, bull-headed male, extended his arm toward Alex. The Prime sliced his own wrist and then Ricker’s, quickly pressing their arms together. “Blood to blood, heart to heart, fur to fur, I welcome you to my pride.”

  The roars of her pride mates covered her, their joy nearly overwhelming her. The moment Alex released Ricker, she ran to him, raced to his side and launched her body at her male. As before, he caught her with ease and held her close. She buried her face against his neck, filling her lungs with his scent.

  “Ricker… I can’t believe… How?”

  “I couldn’t take you away from them, Kit. I figured it out. It’ll be a lot of work, but it’ll be here and that’s what matters.”

  A sob escaped her lips and she tightened her hold when it felt like he was going to release her. She didn’t want to let go. Ever.

  Unwilling to put voice to her words, Maddy let her mind do the talking… I love you.


  She felt amusement coming from her mate, but that wasn’t what she was looking for. She bit him. Not hard or anything. Just a nip. –ish. Okay, only a tiny bit of blood hit her tongue. Promise.

  “Ouch, woman! Okay, I love you, too.” He rubbed his chin over her cheek. “I can’t believe you made me say it in front of everyone. I’ve got a tough guy image to uphold, you know.”

  “Hey! You two love birds about done snuggling? The pride would like to run sometime this century.” Alex’s voice ruined their moment.

  Maddy wondered if she could kill the Prime and get away with it…

  Ricker must have caught her thoughts… “Maybe next time, Kit. I’ve got a mind to strip my mate down to fur and chase her through the forest.”

  Oh. Well.

  Maddy released Ricker and then turned to the gathering, throwing her arms high. “Let the run begin!” Then she dashed toward the tree line, giggles trailing after her.

  Along with Alex’s roar. “I start the run, woman!”

  “Maybe next time!” She waved behind her as she neared the forest. Her nerves quickly shifted to arousal and excitement, her mate’s heavy tread on her heels as he chased her.

  Besides, it wasn’t like she was worried about her Prime’s an
ger. Ricker had saved her once. He could always do it again.

  Plus, she was a total badass beyotch now.

  End of Head Over Tail

  Note from the Author

  Here are a few other Maya-isms for your reading enjoyment. They didn’t manage to sneak into this book, but they’re too good not to share.

  “Being a lion doesn’t make you a pussy. You make you a pussy. So, grow a set and kick some ass.”

  “Courage is like a muscle. Become a bodybuilder. Though, I’m not sure if steroids would work with this.”

  “Smile, it’s the second best thing you can do with your lips. The first involves politely telling people to be nice to you before you kick their ass. You thought I was gonna say blow jobs, right? Naughty beyotch. You can do the whole blow job thing, too. Just not to the peeps whose asses you’re kicking. Unless it’s your mate. Sometimes they deserve it. The ass kicking, not the blow jobs. Unless you guys are kinky like that and then you can do both.”

  “If worms had guns, birds wouldn’t mess with them. The same thing applies except you’re a lioness and have claws. And everyone else is wormy… Wait. Does that make sense? It doesn’t, does it? Fuck it. You’ve still got claws and I’ll buy you a gun.”

  Part IV

  Fierce in Fur

  Elise really did love her family. Mostly. Except they just wouldn’t leave her the heck alone. Yes, she’d just returned after two years of hell at the hands of a militant group called Freedom. And, yes, she was a severely broken Senstive. But, no, she wasn’t a baby who needed to be coddled and wrapped in cotton. Which was why she got the hell out of Dodge and headed to the one place she knew she’d feel more herself and less cotton-y: Ridgeville. Only her escape didn’t go as expected. There was a whacked out wedding, followed immediately (really immediately) by Elise putting her nursing skills to use and catching a couple of babies. Somewhere along the way, her friend Maddy worked her Sensitive magic mojo, and Elise began to feel more like herself and less jacked in the head. Of course, her life took a turn for the O-M-G-Awesome when she stumbled across her mate. Did she mention he was over six feet of lickaliciousness?


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