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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 75

by Kyle, Celia

  Millie eased closer to the window. It opened to the backyard. She’d run, beg her cat to take control and carry them away from the house. She’d run and run and fight to keep away from everyone.

  “Millie, it’s okay.” Maya took another step forward.

  “Stop.” She held up a bloodied hand, trying to keep the Prima at bay.

  “No, you’re not going to hurt me. You’re not going to hurt anyone.” The Prima eased closer.


  “Maya!” Alex’s roar had Millie jumping and scurrying back until she came up against the far wall.

  Maya’s cat reacted to her mate’s demand. But instead of cowering or becoming afraid, it was obvious the Prima was easing toward enraged. Golden fur slithered over the woman’s arms and legs while her eyes flashed a bright amber. She whirled away from Millie and stomped to the bedroom door.

  Okay, she was leaving. Good. Millie tried to soothe her abilities, assure it that with Maya’s departure, the male would leave their domain. It didn’t care. It remembered the touch of Harding’s mind and it wanted to see if Alex would be the same. What it’d be like to tug on all of those other lovely nerve centers.

  The Prima stuck her head out of the room and let loose a roar of her own. “For the love of fur, I’m trying to keep her from blowing your brains out! A little patience is appreciated!” The woman stepped back into Millie’s bedroom and then slammed the door so hard the walls shook. “Though why I’m saving your stupid, little pea-sized brain is beyond me.” Maya paused for a moment and looked to her. “It’s because he has a nice, big cock—”

  “Maya!” Alex interrupted again.

  “I was gonna say cocker spaniel you big, ungrateful ass!” Maya shook her head and whispered. “I meant cock. Just don’t tell him.”

  “Ass… ass… ass…” The word was repeated over and over by identical voices and Maya winced. The Prima’s twins, East and West, had heard her. Then again, the entire block probably heard her.

  “Damn, I was supposed to stop cursing. That’s gonna earn me a spanking.” The twinkle in the Prima’s eyes told Millie the spanking would be welcome.

  Shock filled Millie, though she wasn’t sure why each of the Prima’s outbursts still surprised her. After two months in Ridgeville, she should have been used to the loud arguments between the ruling couple. Loud arguments which, from reports, ended in even louder make up sessions.

  The twin’s chorus drifted down the hallway and the happiness filling each word crept into her mind. The delight wrapped around her raging power and its need to attack was blunted by their joy. That was one thing it recognized. Children were a near perfect barometer when it came to judging others and the twins were filled with pure delight.

  Her abilities stalled in their attempt to break free, stuttering, and it gave Millie the chance she needed. She mentally burst forward, intent on locking her power tightly once again.

  Alex’s growl traveled up the stairs, but at least he didn’t yell. That cloud inside her mind roiled and bubbled, but didn’t fight for freedom. It knew the cubs were in the house and accepted its bindings. The power allowed itself to be eased into the back of her head and out of sight. That part of her was always quick to lash out, but retreated when faced with an innocent.

  “Oh, look at that.” Maya stepped closer, her gaze intent on Millie. “Kidlets appear and your eyes go back to normal. Suhweet! I knew I was right.” The Prima shook her ass and waved her arms in the air in what Millie supposed was some sort of dancing. “Go me, it’s my birthday, I was right, and they were wrong. Yeah!”

  It then morphed into some weird, full body… thing… and she wondered if the Prima had gone into convulsions. “Uh, Maya?”

  Maya froze. “Huh. Sorry. I was just excited. Wanna know why? C’mon, ask why. Ask. Do it.” The Prima bounced on her toes.

  Life in Ridgeville was just… weird. She didn’t want to know why, but she couldn’t tell the Prima no. “Um, why?”

  “Because you won’t hurt the babies.” The smile was triumphant and slowly slipped to confusion. “No, wait. Went to the grand finale without any foreplay.” She waved her hands. “Do over. You’re coming to Honor’s graduation, and it will be safe because you won’t hurt the babies.” Maya jerked her head in a quick nod. “Got it right that time. High five.”

  The rapid pounding of tiny feet on the stairs preceded the appearance of the O’Connell twins. They were little balls of destruction and no one doted, or yelled at them, more than Maya.

  “Graduation?” There was no way.

  She’d barely left the house since she’d moved to Ridgeville. In the beginning, she attempted to socialize with the pride, but her power was too protective, too strong. It whipped and struck whenever she felt threatened, which happened way too often for other people’s comfort. All of her training, her therapy, and her rehab occurred within Gina’s home.

  She couldn’t wander out of the door and to Honor’s graduation. Yes, Honor was important to Maya. The girl was one of her guard’s younger sisters and insanely smart, but there was no way Millie could—

  Millie’s thoughts were cut off by the sudden appearance of East—or was it West—in her arms. Maya shoved the small, wiggling boy into her hands and then stepped back with a wide smile on her face.

  “There ya go. The kid is still alive which means you’re coming. Graduation with a lot of blah, blah, blah.” Maya made a talking motion with her hands. “And then lotsa food at the pride house. You get to be babysitter, and everyone else stays conscious and undead. Win-win.”

  Worry eased into Millie, concern over the people she’d be around as well as the cubs shoved into her care. She couldn’t say no, but she didn’t want to say yes either. “Maybe we should start smaller?”

  “Smaller? Well, Elise’s pup is barely two months old, so I doubt her mate, Brute, is about to let Katie outta his sight. Maddy’s cub, Brody, is six months old now. He might work.” Maya snapped her fingers. “Dam-ang, but he can’t walk which means you won’t be running after him, and you need cardio.”

  Millie concerned herself with leaving people brain dead, and Maya was worried about… cardio.

  Tiny hands slapped her cheeks, and she allowed the boy to direct her attention to him. “Ass… Ass ass ass…”

  “Maya!” Alex’s roar shook the entire house, vibrating the walls and floor and the tremors invaded her body.

  Fear engulfed her, filled her body with anxiety as she waited for her powers to respond except… except they didn’t. That dark part of her didn’t make a sound as growls and snarls from Alex drifted up the stairs. No, her cloud of rage was content and soothed by the giggling, cursing child smacking her cheeks. It remained vigilant and wary, but no longer felt the need to lash out without cause. For the first time in longer than she knew, she breathed worry free.

  “Okay.” She didn’t tear her gaze from the cub.

  “Okay?” Maya’s voice was filled with hope and excitement.

  “Yeah, okay.” Millie nodded. She might regret it later, everyone might regret it later. But as long as she was able to keep one of the children in her arms, she’d go.

  “Suhweet!” The Prima pumped her fist in the air. “I got a babysitter.”


  “I don’t always have to be right, I just need to make sure you realize you’re always wrong. Are we on the same page here? No? Lemme get you a bookmark.” — Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and publisher of the award winning book: Maya is Always Right So Shaddup.

  Wyatt leaned against the fence that encircled the pride house backyard and kept his attention on the cluster fuck in progress across the way. The yard overflowed with people of varying ages, mostly pride members and some not. Honor Mauer, one of the guard’s younger sisters, graduated high school a few hours ago. And since Maya always looked for an excuse to have a party, Honor’s graduation was the perfect reason to throw a shindig. Now they were all hanging out, drinking beers, eating hotdogs and enjoying time to

  Well, most of them were enjoying time together.

  Grayson, Alex’s Second, stood brooding on one side of the yard, glaring at all the newly graduated boys surrounding Honor. All of ’em vied for her attention, some more blatantly than others, but all of them flirting with the young lioness.

  In turn, Honor constantly looked past the boys to glare at Grayson.

  Wyatt couldn’t wait to see those two clash. From the moment Grayson let the maybe-mate secret out of the bag, the whole pride had watched them circle each other. Grayson was a lot older than her and Honor had a lot of growing up to do, but the two snarled at each other like cats and dogs. Even if they were both cats.

  A shift of air and crunch of nearby grass announced someone’s approach. He turned his head enough to catch sight of his visitor. Harding eased beside him, handing over a beer as he leaned against the fence, and they both stared and waited for the show.

  Wyatt brought the bottle to his lips and tipped it back, enjoying the bitter brew as it slid over his taste buds. Nothing better than a cold beer on a hot day. He swallowed a mouthful and lowered the bottle. “Do you think he knows Honor’s going to college in England?”

  Harding grunted.

  He shouldn’t be surprised at the man’s form of communication. They’d been through a hell of a lot together. Harding had joined the pride at sixteen. Alone. Tortured, scarred, and kicked out of his pride.

  Wyatt didn’t carry scars like his friend. At least not on the outside. On the inside, however…

  Alex rounded the corner of the house and pause as he hunted for someone. As soon as the Prime’s gaze landed on Grayson, Alex frowned.

  “Looks like he’ll know soon enough,” Wyatt murmured.

  Alex went to Grayson and leaned into the lion. Then he saw the change come over the man. Annoyance gave way to pure rage and a half-shift burst through Grayson in less than a blink. The man’s roar echoed through the yard, silencing all conversation and causing everyone to freeze.

  Yeah, the pride’s Second was pissed. Thankfully, it wasn’t at him.

  Grayson bolted across the yard, shoving aside unmoving pride members and random guests until he stood before Honor. In one great heave, the newly graduated lioness was tossed over Grayson’s shoulder. Without another word, the male strode off, Honor’s screeches filling the air in his wake.

  “Bet he knows now,” Harding stated the obvious.

  “Yup.” He took another swig of beer.

  The moment Grayson and Honor hit the tree line and ducked out of sight, the party resumed. Brute manned the grill while his mate Elise sat nearby, cuddling their newborn fox pup, Katie. The pup was a little over two months old, and both parents refused to let the little girl out of their sight.

  In the shade of a large maple tree, Elly and Deuce sat at a picnic table. Poor Elly was as big as a house, and Deuce had been running himself ragged trying to keep up with her cravings. They’d all be glad when Elly popped.

  On the other side of the yard, Maddy, Carly, and Maya congregated around a tray of veggies. Veggies. At a party for a carnivore. They were letting way too many herbivores into the pride.

  “Where’s Tess?”

  Harding tipped his bottle toward the pride house. “Trying to hide. I figure I’ll give her five more minutes and then I’ll go in after her.”

  The man tried to conceal his grin behind his bottle, but Wyatt caught it. Harding wouldn’t mind hunting down his mate. Not one bit.

  The thought left a familiar, empty pang in his chest. What would it be to have someone like that? Someone by his side and filled with unconditional love.

  A memory bolted forward and struck him before he had a chance to shut it down.

  You’re nothing but a worthless monster…

  The words cut deep, slicing into him as they had all those years ago. He couldn’t figure out if it was worse now, or then. At the age of five, he hadn’t understood, not really, but today was a different story. Thirty years after the fact and still he wondered.

  He shoved away the blossoming jealousy. No sense in being jealous when there wasn’t anything he could do to change the hand he’d been dealt.

  Some males had mates. Some didn’t.

  Kids ran through the yard, racing this way and that, giggling and laughing. Half of them wore their fur, while the other half was hardly dressed and scrambled through the grass with bare feet. Kids being kids.

  He wondered if he’d ever been like that.

  Then he remembered he had. But that’d been before. Before he started kindergarten. Before he met a loudmouthed kid. Before he discovered his…

  He shoved all that away too.

  “It’s been five minutes.” Harding tossed his beer into a nearby trash can. “Ignore the screams.” The man shot him a grin and then jogged toward the house.

  “Damn.” He took a swig of his beer and frowned when it turned up empty. “Shit.”


  “Shit shit!”

  Double shit. The twin’s voices hit him from opposite sides, their echoing chorus surrounding him as they giggled and repeated the curse.

  “Shit… shit… shit… shit…” They danced around, ducking beneath the fence to pop up in front of him.

  “Stop that. You’re gonna get me in trouble with your daddy.” He ruffled East’s hair and tugged a lock of West’s.

  Half the pride couldn’t tell them apart, but Wyatt could. He’d always wanted cubs, so they were something he kept his eye on. He was watchful, ready to take care of them if need be. His lion couldn’t wait to be a father, even if his human half was just as determined to live alone. His whole life was a constant battle, but it was normal. A part of him.

  Because monsters shouldn’t have children.

  East wrapped his small arms around his leg and stepped onto Wyatt’s foot. West soon followed.


  “Wanna walk!”

  Wyatt grinned and gave in to the two boys. They were filled with life, filled with joy, and there wasn’t much he wouldn’t give them. He took one step, and then another, pretending to stumble on the third, which caused another round of screaming laughs. Chuckling, he kept it up, stomping and play-growling at the cubs as he moved toward the picnic table.

  Their little claws came out to play, sharp tips digging into his jeans, but he didn’t care. The small cuts would be healed in moments. What did a little discomfort matter when compared to their delight?

  Not a thing.

  Twenty feet from the picnic table, Maya caught sight of them. Her cheerful expression fled, the flush of her laughs draining to leave her pale. “Easton? Weston? What are you doing with Wyatt?”

  The boys froze, their tiny bodies tense. “Uh…”

  The Prima bolted up from the picnic table and scrambled atop the wood surface as she raised her voice to a roar. “Alex? Millie?”

  Wyatt furrowed his brow and looked around as well. He wasn’t sure what Millie looked like since he’d never met the woman. There were stories about her being dangerous, that her time with Freedom had twisted her Sensitive abilities in knots. He figured everyone had their demons, a few more hazardous than others, and she’d come out when she was good and ready. From what he’d heard, she was skittish and refused to leave Gina’s house, but Maya cajoled her into attending Honor’s graduation.

  “Alex!” Maya’s voice overrode everyone’s in the yard, her fear evident in her tone. The cubs, sensing their mom’s worry, released him and scampered toward their mother. Carly was quick to step in and gather them close.

  “What?” The Prime strode toward them, the crowd parting to allow him to pass. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have the boys.” Maya pointed at East and West.

  “And…” Alex waved a hand at her to continue and then he too stilled, color draining. “Shit. Where was she last seen?”

  Maya shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Fuck.” Alex ran a hand through his hair. “Get everyone in t
he house. Keep them there. Do not let anyone out. I’ll find her.”

  “But she could—” Maya hopped down from the table and stepped toward Alex.

  “Which is something you should have considered before you bulldozed everyone and brought her to the picnic,” Alex snapped.

  The Prime’s anger hit the air first, the scent of scorching heat filling his nose. It intensified with each breath, rage forcing it to burn even hotter. The sharp tang of fear joined the maelstrom and Wyatt choked on the stench. Fur sprouted from Alex’s arms and his shirt stretched taut across his shoulders and chest. The Prime’s shift was nearly upon him with the tumultuous feelings coursing through his veins.

  “I just wanted…” Tears glistened in Maya’s eyes.

  Wyatt couldn’t keep quiet any longer. He didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he wasn’t about to let his Prime walk into anything Maya thought would be dangerous. Alex led their pride, he was important to their happiness; Wyatt… was not.

  “Prime? Is there something I can do?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, it’s my responsibility. I shouldn’t have allowed her to come. I’ll find her.”

  “She was cooped up too long. We’re overreacting. She’s fine and having a good time and… Oh, shit. There she is.”

  Wyatt followed the direction of Maya’s gaze and watched a woman race to the tree line. The breeze lifted and fanned her red hair like dancing fire. It trailed after her, chasing her into the forest.

  His lion rushed forward, demanding he hunt the female, pin her to the ground, and mark her with their scent. She was beautiful with lush curves and gorgeous, pale skin.

  He didn’t wait for Alex’s order or Maya’s demand. No, his cat wanted to run the prey down. He took off after her, first striding and then breaking into a gentle jog before shifting into a ground-eating run. He chased after her, his lion urging him faster, push harder. For some reason, it needed the woman like its next breath. She had to be in their arms. Now.

  The closer he drew, the clearer she became. Shorts clung to her rounded ass and curved hips while a fitted T-shirt was snug against her upper-body.


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