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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

Page 100

by Kyle, Celia

  Her muscles contracted, flexed, and spasmed. The cat was trying to assert its will, take control of the human body.

  “Hell no, you stupid bitch.” The lioness howled and she gritted her teeth against the pain. “We’re not opening that fucking door.”

  Honor reached for the discarded vial. She stretched for the nearby needle. She’d apologize to Brute’s mate for the unsanitary nature of reusing a needle later. The nurse stressed over and over that sterilization was necessary and reuse was unacceptable.

  It wasn’t just her heat she battled now. No, her lioness was in on the fight.

  Her lower stomach clenched, her clit twitching and pussy releasing more of her cream. It prepared itself for penetration, for being fucked over and over again. Her breasts ached, nipples forming hard points within her bra.

  On top of that, fur rippled over her skin, traveling to her arms until she banished it from sight. Then it’d reappear on her legs, the cat searching for a weakness.

  It wanted the male.

  Honor wanted another shot.

  “Honor! I’m ordering you to open this door!” Angus’s voice vibrated the whole room and she could only imagine how loud he sounded to others.

  Her beast purred, slinking forward, pushing against her control once again.

  The needle finally slid past the rubber and connected with the tranquilizer. She yanked on the stopper, hardly caring how much of the drug the syringe pulled.

  Fingernails transformed to claws and the cat attempted to shatter the vial. It was determined. It wanted the fucking male. It wanted to be fucked. It wanted to ripen with cubs from the strong lion.

  Honor sobbed, shoving and tearing at the beast, screaming at it to remain strong, remain faithful to Grayson.

  She heaved against the animal, tearing it away for a moment, just long enough to fill the needle and plunge it into herself once again. The liquid burned as it made its way through her veins, but it blunted the cat, it eased the need.

  Unconsciousness eased closer, gently pulling her down, and she wondered if she’d taken too much, if she’d killed herself by trying to remain committed to a male who may not even want her.

  “Honor…” Angus’s voice was muffled, but the purr was unmistakable. He rapped out a rhythmic knock. Shave and a haircut. Da-di-di-da-di. Da-di. “Let me in, kitten…”

  No. She was safe from him. Or was she?

  Honor shied from the rest of the memories, stepping away from them and returning her attention to the man who had kept her strong, to Grayson. Anguish coated every line of his features, filling in each wrinkle.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “I know.” She nodded. She knew he was. The scent of his sorrow mixed and mingled with her pain. “Do you want to hear the rest?”

  Grayson stopped breathing for a moment, his entire body stilling. “There’s more?”

  Honor gave him a rueful grin. “There’s always more.”

  “Then I want to hear it.” He swallowed hard and she thought she saw a sheen of tears. “Share the pain with me. Share the burden.”

  “If you turn away from me. If you hear… I tried very, very hard to be strong. I fought. I hurt people. If there is any chance, any chance you could walk away, then don’t ask me to tell you. I’ll heal on my own and return to you when I’m not so broken, but I can’t—” Honor sobbed then, memories and pain overwhelming her for a moment, the past attempting to draw her back into the darkness.

  Suddenly warm, strong arms surrounded her, comforted her. Her history still swarmed, tried to paint a different face on the male who cradled her so gently. But she knew this was real, she wasn’t being tortured by Bianca or held captive by Angus. She was truly in Grayson’s arms, held safely in his embrace.

  “I will not leave you, I will never walk away from you. Never.” He tightened his grip, forcing her against him.

  Her cat whined, urging her to trust him, to put her faith in the male destined for her. She scented the truth, his flavors telling her he hadn’t spoken a single lie.

  “I need you to hold me. I need you to hold me tight and never let go.”

  Grayson’s lips were warm as he brushed them over her temple, where he let them linger on her skin. “I won’t. Not ever.” He spoke against her forehead. “Tell me about the cage.”

  She opened her mouth, ready for the first wave of those memories, that hell, to bombard her, but then the wind changed. It was a subtle shift that brought new scents, new flavors to her, to them.

  “Ricker.” Grayson spat the tiger’s name and the male stepped into their small clearing.

  In one sweeping glance, she took in his expression, read the feelings he seemed to wear on his sleeve. Rage. Heartbreak. Fury. Pity. “You heard me.”

  It wasn’t a question, but he nodded anyway. “No, not all, but enough. I’m sorry. Alex sent me to keep an eye on you two. It wasn’t smart to run off alone.”

  “I can protect my mate.” Grayson’s growl rose in volume.

  Honor was quick to calm him, to stroke his vibrating chest with her trembling hand. “It’s okay. It’s fine. He…” She fought to calm her racing heart. “Someone needs to know.”

  Her mate shuddered and then he was petting her. “But that wasn’t all that happened.”

  “No.” Not by a long shot. “Maybe we can finish talking later.” She forced her gaze to center on Ricker. “The most important thing to remember is that he’s evil. He doesn’t care about anything but his pleasure. He will do anything…” Bile rose in her throat, the past shoving forward. “Anything to get what he wants.”

  The tiger nodded. “And he wants you.”

  Tears stung her eyes as phantom pain assaulted her. The scars crisscrossing her abdomen heated and she could practically feel the slice of a razor blade into her flesh. “He wants me.”

  “Let’s get you back inside. Ricker is right, we shouldn’t be out here.” Grayson pressed a kiss to her temple. The act was chaste, sweet, and comforting, and drew a tear from her eye. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve such an understanding, caring mate, but she’d never let him go.

  Honor stepped from his arms, missing his touch the moment his fingers left her skin. She focused on him, smiling when she saw the same look of loss on his features.

  Grayson’s attention shifted from her to Ricker. “Is there anyone between here and the house?”

  “Yeah. A few. I wouldn’t let them approach, but they’re there.”

  “Good.” Her mate nodded and focused on her. She knew that look, the one that said he wanted to send her away, that he wanted to talk with Ricker. Although, when male shifters “talked” it tended to involve fangs and claws. Angus wasn’t here for Grayson to beat on, but Ricker was. “Honor…”

  She shook her head and stepped forward, cupping his cheeks. She rose to her tiptoes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you when you get back to the house.”

  * * *

  Grayson gripped her wrists, holding them gently, and pulled her hands from his face. He kissed her palms, one and then the other, before releasing her.

  He tried to hide it, but rage burned in him, searing him from inside out, and his lion ached to roar its displeasure to the world. He wanted to tear the entire London pride apart limb by limb. He wanted every female and male to die beneath his claws and save every child from their perverted Prime. Blood would flow down the drains of that fucking building and he’d destroy the place brick by brick.

  But for now, he would remain calm, remain relaxed as he sent his mate to the safety of the pride house. And when Angus finally appeared, Grayson would take his time slicing pieces from his body. Until then, he had to content himself with venting his fury on Ricker.

  Grayson released her and she slowly eased away, turning from him as she approached the forest. The sway of her hips entranced him, drew him like no other woman before, and he ached to run his hands over her curves. Someday… Though, after he’d heard part of what she endur
ed, he wasn’t sure he could ever lay his hands upon her body. Would she toss him into the same category as Angus?

  No, she won’t.

  He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did.

  Keeping his voice low, he let the breeze carry his words. “You heard it all, didn’t you?”

  Ricker nodded, his gaze not holding a hint of shame.

  “So you’ll tell Alex?”

  “Of course.”

  “There’s more.” He recalled the pain filling his mate’s gaze, and the urge to destroy the torturous male rose hot and fast. “I think there’s a lot more that he’s done to her. I think he got through that door.”

  “When he finally shows up, you’ll kill him.”

  Yes, he would.

  “So.” Ricker cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. “You gonna try and take a piece out of me already? You can’t go back to the house hopped up on your anger. It’ll piss Maya off and then she’ll poke at you, trying to find out the reasons you’re mad.”

  Asshole. The tiger was right, but still an asshole.

  The low murmur of voices came to him on the wind, bringing Honor’s low chuckle and the deep baritone of a male’s response. The volume lessened, telling him she strode away from their clearing and toward the pride house. The rage transformed into a raging need to follower her, comfort her. They’d worry about gutting something, or someone, later. For now, it wanted Honor back in their arms.

  Damn beast.

  Grayson sighed and let his crazed rage dissipate. There was no sense trying to hold onto it now. The cat wasn’t cooperating. Fucker.

  “Nah.” He shook his head. “Let’s go back to the house. The cat’s decided he doesn’t want to kick your ass anymore.”

  “Kick my ass?” Ricker snorted.

  Grayson ignored him and strode past the male, venturing into the woods. His nose had him following her scent, sticking to the exact path she’d taken.

  He and Ricker didn’t speak as they made their way to the pride house. It took longer, his steps more careful than when they raced past the trees. They emerged onto the cleared lands surrounding the home and he found the Prima’s guards, their mates, as well as the Prime and Prima waiting for them.

  Great. An inquisition.

  Maya was the first to rush forward, worry etched in her gaze, but Alex’s touch had her stilling. “Maya.”

  “But…” Her attention flitted from the Prime to Grayson and back again. “He knows what’s wrong with her and…”

  “Maya.” The tone was soft, but filled with an underlying order that the Prima obeyed. It wasn’t like his usual ranting and raving. No, this was a Prime directing his mate. “Honor is his mate. He will take care of her. Leave it be.”

  “She was so sad, Alex. And he knows why.” Maya looked to him. “Why? What happened? She just walked by us, not saying a word. We can’t fix it if we don’t know why. What did you do?” Tears glistened in the Prima’s eyes and he sensed the other women were just as anxious to descend on him, but the Prime was right. He needed to care for his mate.

  “Not everything can be fixed immediately, Maya. Though I wish it could.” He understood the female’s desire to protect and care for one of their own. He tilted his head in thanks to the Prime. “Thank you, Alex.”

  Now he needed to go to his mate. He had no doubt she’d sought the comfort of her room, her small den. He wouldn’t touch her, not when fear still rode her, but his lion demanded he be nearby.

  The Prime jerked his head in a quick nod and the group parted for him. He paused by his leader. “Ricker needs to speak with you when you have a moment. I need… You can’t tell her secrets, but you need to know.”


  Grayson moved past the gathering with heavy, lead-laden feet. His heart hurt, but he knew it was nothing compared to what lived inside Honor. Without thought, his feet took him through the house, and up the steep stairs.

  A set of subdued twins stood beside his door, both of their small faces sad and frowning.

  “Honor’s in your room and she’s sadder.” Weston wiped his nose on the back of his hand. He was the more sensitive brother. He’d still be a cutthroat Second someday, but for now he was a sweet cub.

  But his words surprised him. He assumed he’d have to go to her room, to her space, and attempt to comfort her. Instead, he found her in the place he called home. His heart lifted at the idea just as it was overwhelmed by sorrow.

  “I know.” More than they could fathom, he knew how upset she was.

  “You won’t make her worse.” Easton glared at him as he tossed out that order. Ah, a miniature Prime through and through.

  “No, I won’t make her worse. I’ll always try to make her happy.” He both hated and loved that the boys stood up to him.

  Both nodded at the same time.

  “’Kay, but we’ll be watching you.” Another glare from East, quickly mimicked by West.

  East reached out and opened Grayson’s bedroom door, granting him entrance to his space. The suite was roomy, but he’d have to think about building a home on pride lands. Somewhere close to Alex, but far enough to give them privacy.

  His door shut with a quiet snick, the boys closing them in, and he strode toward his bed. She lay atop the covers, her arms clutching his pillow to her chest, her knees drawn up. She curled in on herself, seeming to try and protect herself from the world.

  She hadn’t quite figured out that was his job.

  He went to a nearby chair, content to watch her sleep, to be there if nightmares attacked. He’d always fight her demons.

  Honor sighed, nuzzling his pillow and breathing deep. He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of watching her sleep.

  Digging out his cell phone, he texted Alex, asking him to set up coverage for the bar. Alex owned Genesis and Grayson managed it. A shifter bar, it made a good bit of money for the pride’s use while also giving the local lions a nice place to have a drink. Or fuck on the night of the Gaian Moon.

  Which also reminded him one was on the horizon. He checked his phone for the date. Two weeks. He had two weeks to gain Honor’s full trust, for her to believe in him when he assured her nothing would happen that she didn’t want to happen.

  How could she endure his touch after Angus? He knew there was more, but her capture was more than enough to tell him she’d suffered at the male’s hands.

  He shook his head. He wanted her, but no meant no. Hell, yes meant no until he was sure they were on the same page. He wasn’t into BDSM, but maybe they needed a reverse safeword. Whatever she needed, whatever she required, he’d give her.

  Right now he understood what living for another person meant.

  Because he’d live, and die, for Honor.

  He’d also kill for her and he had just the person in mind.


  “Love someone with all of your boobs. Or your butt. Eh, pick the biggest part of you. There, you love them that much.” — Maya O’ Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and woman who has big boobs and a big butt. Look at how much she loves Alex. And yeah, you could fall back on the whole “heart” thing, but it’s rather tiny when compared to the awesomeness of her chesticles.

  Not much changed after she revealed some of her past to Grayson. He didn’t treat her differently, didn’t look at her as if she was weak. Then again, he didn’t know it all, did he? No, no he didn’t. She needed to tell him though, needed to push those words past her lips. Soon, she told herself. Soon.

  For now, things went on as normal.

  No—she paused in the middle of folding his laundry and placing his socks in a drawer—things had changed. It’d been a week since her confession and she suddenly found herself moved into his suite, his den. After telling him some of what occurred, she’d sought comfort in his bed, surrounded by his scent. Then she’d never left.

  She watched him make room for her in his closet, empty several drawers for her things, and generally moving her into his life. It felt right even as her lion
ess and part of her human half panicked.

  Grayson wouldn’t hurt them, they knew that. He hadn’t pushed, even after they’d discovered they truly were mates. Knowledge didn’t lessen the occasional twitch when he surprised her or the look of fear that shot through her when she awoke.

  Memories were hard to shake off.

  He didn’t care though. He didn’t seem hurt when her natural actions overtook her. Instead, he remained still, waiting for her to realize who stood before her.

  She’d never met a male, human or shifter, who had such patience. In some ways, it told her what type of father he’d be. He showed her he wouldn’t snap and snarl at their cubs when they did something he didn’t like.

  The thought warmed her heart and she begged her mind to finally put Grayson into the “non-scary” category. It had yet to happen. Even after chastely sleeping beside him every night, she still reacted to him that way. She hoped the panic would leave her soon. She couldn’t live with the terror much longer.

  Honor tucked another pair of socks together, the thick fabric stretching to wrap in on itself. His “biker” socks. She teased him about their thickness, telling him if he bought a smaller pair of boots, he wouldn’t need such thick socks. He’d mock growl and remind her small feet meant small other things and there was nothing small about him. Anywhere.

  Blushing, she placed them in the drawer and slid it shut. With a smile on her lips, she turned back to the bed and a scream rose in her throat. Fright had her freezing, her body flooding with adrenaline at the first hint of fear, and then she recognized the massive male before her.

  Grayson. Her Grayson. Her mate.

  The scream transformed into a harsh sob. She threw herself at his unmoving body, her male unmoving while she dealt with the sudden emotions. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and clung to him, shuddering when his palms slid along her back.

  “Shh… I’m sorry. I thought you heard me. Shh…”

  The apologies, the understanding tone, made her cry even harder. Tears flowed from her eyes one after another, quickly dousing his bare skin. He smelled like oil and grease and man. He must have been working on his motorcycle; the massive hunk of gleaming metal was his baby and he rode it whenever he could. Unfortunately, that wasn’t very often since he’d been home with her for the last week.


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