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Erase (The Expiration Duet Book 2)

Page 6

by Lou-Ella Fields

  “Oooh, you should totally try on this blue one,” Millie says as she flips through the sale items outside one of our favorite clothing boutiques.

  I glance down at the four bags already stuffed in the basket of Rose’s stroller. “Tempting, but I think I’ve got enough.” I cringe just thinking about looking at my next bank statement. I’m not one to be so overindulgent with spending, but life has thrown me some seriously rotten lemons, and when you can’t make any damn lemonade, the only thing left to do is shop. The reminder of money has me mentally making a note to contact Wilma after I saw the three missed calls from her when I woke up this morning. I’m sure she’s heard the news by now and is about to have a conniption if I don’t get in touch with her soon.

  Millie oohs and ahhs before she finally tears herself away from the rack. She glances back at it a few times, so I start moving along in hopes that it will get her moving, too.

  “Let’s roll; I need coffee, stat.” I march forward because I’m a woman on a mission. She catches up and links her arm through mine as we move through the automatic doors of the mall out into the muggy spring air; the sky is overcast, but I can’t find it in me to feel too annoyed about it. It rather fits my mood. That would be tired, confused, and anxious as all hell.

  “You got that right. I need it after all that damn exercise.”

  I laugh. “Agreed.”

  We continue out to the sidewalk and down the street to The Shed. Millie grabs the door for me as I maneuver Rose inside to our booth in the back, feeling relieved when I see it’s not taken. I hit the brake on the stroller and glance at a now thankfully sleeping Rose before sitting down with a dramatic sigh.

  Millie climbs in on the other side. “I need carbs, dude. Wanna grab a double chocolate muffin or three?” She eyes the menu.

  “Sounds good.” I pull my phone out, hoping to find a text from Seb. We’ve barely talked since Zeke left my place yesterday. He needed to sleep before his shift, but at least he did so at my place.

  Maple sidles up to our booth and smiles at Rose. “Hey, chickadees! The usual?” We both return the greeting and nod in agreement

  “So—” Maple starts.

  “Yeah, yeah, Zeke’s back, and no, I still haven’t had a chance to tear him a new nostril,” Millie cuts her off.

  Maple laughs, assuming she’s joking. She’s not, so I’m kind of glad she hasn’t seen him. Hopefully, that anger will ebb some by the time she does.

  “Give him a nut punch from me while you’re at it,” Maple adds. Jesus Christ, my eyes widen at both girls, who completely ignore me. Even though I’m the one who should probably want to do the most damage of all.

  “Gladly,” Mil high fives her in solidarity

  “How’s that going, Liv?” Maples tone turns softer.

  I shrug, not knowing how to answer. “It’s going,” I settle on saying.

  “You’ve got tall, dark, and delicious now. There’s no way in hell I’d be giving up all that for that scumbag.”

  I quirk a brow at her. “I wasn’t planning on it. Don’t worry.”

  She eyes me for a minute, hopefully seeing the seriousness on my face and that I won’t be getting generous with any other juicy details right now. “All righty, back in a few.”

  “Oh, and two double choc muffins!” Mil hollers at Maple who flicks her hand up in response.

  I slump down onto my forearms, groaning. “Let’s stay in a small town, I said; it’ll always be fun and cozy, I said.”

  Millie laughs, bopping me on the head with a pamphlet.

  “Here, on the bright side, you can get your yard trimmed by Norman Junior himself.”

  I sit up. “No stinkin’ way.” I laugh as I see a picture of Norman Simmons, guns out, posing behind his ancient lawn mower on the pamphlet in front of me.

  Mil snatches it back. “That’s one for the Ivy Falls scrapbook.”

  “Oh, hey ladies.”

  Ugh, come on. Now?

  I look over at Keira, who is on her own, for once.

  “What’s up, tits for days?” Mil drawls, eyeing Keira’s very exposed chest in a low-cut hot pink tank.

  Keira does the same for a second before shrugging. As if she doesn’t see a problem with her nipples almost hanging out for the whole town to see. Maybe she really doesn’t. Whatever floats her skanky boat.

  “Oh, nothing much. Just thought I’d check in, you know, in light of recent events and all that.” She waves a manicured hand around.

  “Hmm, such as what?” I ask

  She rolls her eyes before letting them land on me. “Zeke, duh. I heard he’s back.”

  “You and the rest of the world,” I mutter. “What of it?”

  She looks stunned for a beat but quickly tries to gather herself.

  “How’s that working out for you and that hottie EMT?” She smirks.

  I don’t bother answering and watch as Maple approaches with our drinks and muffins instead.

  “Beat it, Keira,” Maple quips as she places our drinks down.

  “Is that any way to talk to a paying customer?” Keira retorts.

  Maple shrugs. “I ain’t seen any dollar bills or an order come my way. So either get a coffee and some carbs for that underfed body or scamper off, ‘kay?” She places a hand on her aproned hip, waiting.

  Kiera flicks her hair over her shoulder. “Whatever. If you’re finally done with Zeke, tell him he knows where to find me. Or the new guy. I’m not picky.” She winks and turns to stalk off.

  “I didn’t think sloppy seconds was exactly your style,” I say to her retreating back.

  She turns and shrugs her bony shoulders. “Oh, honey,” she says as if I lack brain cells, “with men who look like that? I’d take sloppy thirds and fourths.” I blink about twenty times as she exits the cafe.

  “Holy guacamole, the girl needs to know when to give it up already. Sheesh.” Millie rolls her eyes before bringing her coffee to her mouth and taking a hearty sip. I do the same, savoring the taste before swallowing.

  “Speaking of … When do you have to see dick for brains again?” She cuts her muffin in half before bringing one half to her mouth for a bite.

  “He sent me a text last night, asking to let him know when he could see Rose again.” I pick at my own muffin, suddenly not very hungry.

  She hums. “Okay, so it’s going to be a regular thing?”

  I sit back against my seat, wrapping my hands around my mug.

  “Well, yeah. He’s her dad. If he’s serious about staying, it’s probably best we work something out.” I take a sip of my coffee. “I don’t know. It’s something we’ll have to discuss, I guess.”

  She rolls her eyes. “The last thing you need is to spend any more time with that asshole than necessary.”

  I glare at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She raises both her brows at me. When I remain clueless, she elaborates. “It means that man is bad for your health, your heart, and your relationship with Seb.”

  I scoff. “I know what I want, Mil. You know that already, too, and it’s not him. Not anymore.” My shoulders slump with my sigh. “Even if I didn’t feel the way I do about Seb, I couldn’t take him back. Not after what he’s done.”

  Her blue eyes narrow as if she’s assessing the validity of my words.

  “Okay.” She takes another sip from her coffee. “Just making sure.”

  “Besides, Zeke knows where I stand and how I feel. I’ve made it clear that there’s no chance.”

  “You sure about that?” She goes back to eating her muffin.

  I don’t answer, mainly because even though I should be sure he knows—I mean I’ve told him and he’s seen it for himself—I know Zeke Walters.

  Feeling like my brain is going to explode, I return to picking at my muffin as we drink our coffee in silence for a little while.

  “What do I do, though? I mean really? Should we sit down and discuss visitation or something? Or do I just see how things go for a little while?”

  Again, I need to get my research on. I’m completely baffled by this whole sharing thing. A part of me just wants to keep my baby girl for myself, but I know that’s not fair to her.

  Millie shrugs. “Hell if I know. If I were him, I’d be grateful for any crumbs you leave out for his dumb ass.”

  “Not helping,” I grumble

  She sighs. “Look, even though I hate his stupid, cowardly guts, I think just do whatever you can handle for right now. Yes, he hasn’t had much of a chance to get to know his daughter, but no, that’s not your problem to fix right away for him.” She looks over at the stroller. “Just … talk to Seb and make sure he’s on board with whatever you decide. As much as he’s not her biological dad, he’s been the only one she’s had and deserves to be treated like his opinions matter.”

  Well, shit, I thought I’d been doing that already. Seb knows practically everything that’s been going on. But have I been including him or just running my thoughts by him? I don’t know, and I suddenly start to feel sick to my stomach about it.

  “Liv.” Mil tries to get my attention, so I meet her eyes again. “Don’t overthink it, okay? He may already know how you feel about him. I’m just saying to tread carefully. Make sure he knows that whatever decision you make, you’ve factored him into it, too, ya know?”

  I nod, looking over at Rose. She’s starting to wake up, judging by the stretching of her tiny little limbs.

  I tuck my hair behind my ears. “Let’s skedaddle before little miss diva enters a stage-four feed me meltdown,” I mutter as I quickly polish off my coffee and climb out of the booth.

  “I’ll walk you home, but I’ve gotta jet once we get there.”

  I nod, kicking up the brake on the stroller and waving goodbye to Maple who’s behind the ginormous, old coffee machine. Millie grabs the door for me, glancing at her phone once we’re back out on the street. “Shit, let’s move it. I need to be at work at three.”

  We spend the short walk back to my place in relative silence.

  I can’t help but wonder if even though I feel like I’m already being torn in half, trying to cater to everyone’s needs, I’m still doing it all wrong.

  Once back at home, I get Rose fed, her diaper changed, and then settle her on my lap. Remembering that I need to call Wilma back, I get back up to grab my phone before returning to the couch.

  It rings in my ear as I smile down at Rose, who’s smiling back at me, and playing with her tiny hands.

  “Good grief, young lady! I was just about to leave the courthouse and come find you,” Wilma says dramatically.

  I try not to roll my eyes at her theatrics. “I’m fine, Wilma. I’m sorry. I crashed early last night, so I missed your calls.”

  “Fine? You’re fine even though that miserable excuse for a man is back?”

  So I was right—the whole town definitely knows.

  “Okay, maybe not fine, but I’m managing. He even met Rose yesterday.”

  “Okay, we need an agreement drawn up, pronto. He can’t try to barge in on you anytime he pleases. He’s going to have to play by your rules.” I hear her heels clipping through the phone as she walks somewhere.

  “I’m just taking it one day at a time for now. He’s only just met her,” I remind her.

  “Doesn’t matter. You let me know what you want, and we’ll have it done. How’s Sebastian handling all this?”

  Hang on. “You’re not going to give me the third degree about making sure I stay with the right man?”

  She scoffs. “I know you. I know you’re not silly enough to be even entertaining the idea of leaving that man for Zeke Walters. Not after all he did to you.”

  I smile at that. It’s nice to know someone doesn’t feel the need to question me and my decision-making abilities now that Zeke’s returned.

  “Thank you. And Seb’s okay; I guess he’s handling it as well as can be expected for anyone in his position.”

  She hums in my ear. “Well, Ken has some ideas to run by you to get you set up from home. We’ll get in touch soon when this mess settles down some, okay?”

  I’m grateful but also itching for something to distract me from this chaos. I need to figure this out, though, and I know that means I’ll need a little more time, too.

  “Thanks, Wilma,” I say softly

  “Don’t mention it. Anyway, getting back to the office now. Give that gorgeous lump of a baby some kisses from me. Take care, darling.”

  When we hang up, I put my phone on the arm of the couch and just sit there, staring down at said baby who’s starting to get sleepy again. I knew that small nap wasn’t exactly going to cut it.

  My head turns at the sound of the front door opening, and my eyes find Seb as he chucks his keys on the dining table before entering the living room.

  “Hey, beautiful girls.” He bends and kisses my head before taking Rose from me. I forgot he mentioned having today off.

  He blows onto her tummy as he holds her in the air, making her giggle like mad. My heart warms at the sight and sound. I take a mental snapshot as a reminder of what’s important.

  He takes a seat beside me and props her up on his lap.

  “How’re you doing?” His brown eyes scrutinize every inch of my face.

  I get lost in the movement of his lashes for a second then remember to respond. “Um, okay, I guess. What about you?”

  His lips curl into a soft smile. “Better, now.”

  He reaches over to brush some hair back off my face, tucking it behind my ear. I shiver, feeling his touch all the way down to the soles of my feet. I clear my throat a little. “I’ll put her down for a nap. She had a small one earlier in the stroller, but it wasn’t long enough to last until bedtime.” I stand and reach down for her, but he takes one of my hands and turns it palm side up to his lips, kissing it softly. “I’ve missed you.”

  I smirk and narrow my eyes at him. “I’m right here.”

  He lets go, and I move back as he stands with Rose. “I’ll put her down. Back in a minute.” I watch his ass wrapped in his low-slung, signature dark denim as he walks away. Starting to feel a little flushed, I head to the kitchen and down half a glass of water before returning to the couch.

  Not even five minutes later, Seb is placing the baby monitor on the coffee table and climbing over the top of my reclined body, his lips heading straight for mine. I gasp as his tongue instantly invades, my hands flying to his flexing biceps that are holding him up. I break away, panting, and just stare up at him, my eyes darting back and forth between his.

  “I need you,” he rasps.

  The desperation in those brown eyes has me worried, but they also make it impossible to deny him anything.

  “I’m all yours,” I breathe as I pull his face back to mine. My tongue enters his mouth and softly strokes his. He groans and starts grinding against my damp panties as I moan into his mouth.

  He pulls back. “Bedroom.”

  I nod as he gets up and takes my hand to help me. He stares down at me once I’m on my feet then curses under his breath before lifting my yellow sundress over my head and tearing my bra open, throwing it to the floor. My hands start tugging at his gray t-shirt, wanting, no needing desperately to touch his smooth skin. He pulls it off with a hand behind his head. I unbutton his jeans, but I’m halted when he picks me up and starts moving. We don’t make it to the bedroom, though, because as soon as my lips touch his, my back is against the living room wall and my legs are wrapped around his waist.

  “Off,” I whisper urgently, trying to shove his jeans down.

  He does it for me but doesn’t bother removing them completely which, for some reason, only has that ache between my thighs growing stronger. His glasses start fogging with our heavy breathing, so he reaches up and yanks them off, chucking them onto the couch behind him. I bite his bottom lip as I run my fingertips down the smooth expanse of his chest to the defined muscles of his abdomen. His chest rises and falls faster as I reach his length and wrap my hand around i
t, sucking his tongue into my mouth with a desperation that’s encompassed every inch of me.

  He reaches between us and tugs my panties to the side before aligning himself with my entrance. Then with one thrust, he’s slamming inside, and my head is hitting the wall as I throw it back on a drawn-out moan. The sensation of feeling so painfully full sets every one of my nerve endings alight with pleasure. He takes advantage by dragging his lips up my neck.

  “Fucking perfect,” he rumbles.

  His lips and tongue travel down to my chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. I moan again and wrap my arms around his shoulders, rocking my hips. I need him to start moving.

  He doesn’t disappoint. His arms move under my thighs to grab my ass as he starts thrusting slowly. I sink my hands into his hair and rest my forehead against his.

  His eyes hold mine as he says, “Fuck, yes. Tell me you’re mine, only mine.”

  My brows pull in slightly. “Of course, I am,” I pant.

  He pulls back and then runs his lips up the side of my jaw to my ear. “Say it.” He nips my lobe. I shiver at the feel of his stubble scraping against my skin. “I need to hear you say it.”

  “I’m yours, only yours,” I whisper.

  His only response is to groan low and deep as his thrusts speed up, and his head drops to my shoulder as he starts pounding in a rhythm that has my head spinning. Goose bumps rise on my heated skin as his heavy breath fans over my neck.

  “Seb,” I whimper, creeping closer to the edge of bliss with every deep thrust and deliciously slow drag of his cock.

  His lips connect with mine again, his thrusts soon start to lose finesse, and he starts fucking me with the kind of abandon that has my back slamming into the wall. I don’t even care. I’m so close, I can taste it as our tongues collide.

  “Come for me. Come on my cock while you’re moaning my name.” He breathes into my mouth. “Give it to me, Liv.”

  I bite down hard on his lip, feeling my walls start to contract with his ragged words. It’s as if he breathes the demand straight into my body, controlling and commanding it to his desire.


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