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Aris: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Stratham Dragons Book 1)

Page 41

by Sarah J. Stone

  “I know. It was just so realistic looking. I suppose I just needed a voice of reason.”

  “Glad I could help out. Now, aside from seeing dragons, how are things with you?”

  “Ah, you know how it is. Just work, mostly.”

  “Sounds typical. How about the love life? Anything happening there?”

  “Love life? What’s that?”

  “Pretty much what I figured. When are you going to get back out there?”

  “It’s just not really on my radar right now, Barb. I’m so tired of meeting the same types of guys over and over. No one wants a commitment. They all want to just get lucky and then go about their business. If it was good, they’ll call you late on a Saturday night when their date didn’t work out and want to come over. That’s all fine and good, but I’m ready for something more substantial in a relationship.”

  “Well, you aren’t going to find it sitting at home.”

  “I know, I know. I’m just taking some ‘me’ time, I guess. I can’t deal with men right now. My career is going great and, other than men, my social life is fabulous. I get invited to all the best events and parties. Everyone wants the star of a local radio show at their gig. You know I’m not much for being deemed a celebrity, but I have to admit that it’s nice to have an open ticket to most places.”

  “Just don’t get too lost in the ‘me’ time. It must get lonely sometimes.”

  “It does. How about you? How are things going with Garth?” Amy replied, referencing the rather tumultuous relationship Barb had with her beau.

  “Honestly, it seems to be hitting a high note. We’ve been spending lots of time together lately, but he had to go to Italy on business for a couple of weeks, so I’m on my own for now.”

  “I assume you hear from him while he’s gone?”

  “Oh, yes. We Skype every night before bedtime.”

  “That’s fantastic. I’m happy for you.”

  “I don’t want to get too wrapped up in it. You know how it goes with us. Great one minute and at odds the next.”

  “I have an idea. How would you like to go on a little trip with me?”

  “A trip where?” Barb asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “Not far, just over to Big Bear Lake.”

  “You want to go camping? Since when?” Barb laughed.

  “No. You know I don’t do camping trips. I want to rent a cabin and do some hiking up the mountains.”

  “That kind of hiking, in those mountains, usually involves camping.”

  “Yeah, but just short term. Dropping a pup tent overnight during a hike and spending weeks in one are two very different things.”

  “Fair enough. Why the sudden inspiration to go hiking? You haven’t hiked in ages that I know of.”

  “I just want to get out and explore. That’s all.”

  “Well, you caught me at a good time, I guess. I’ll go with you. The great outdoors will be a refreshing change of pace from the city. When do you want to leave?”


  “Tomorrow? Wow. You aren’t playing. What about your show?”

  “I’ll tell them I have some personal things to take care of and let them play some of the pre-recorded stuff they keep on hand in case of emergencies.”

  “Alright. Well, I’m in.”

  “Fantastic. I’ll get us a cabin lined up and pick you up in the morning to head out.”

  The women finished their meal, chatting about all the things they missed in one another’s lives since they last got together. Barb was one of Amy’s oldest friends. It was always nice to catch up. Spending a week with her out in the middle of nowhere would be refreshing, though she did feel a little bad about not telling her the entire truth. No way would Barb agree to go if she knew they were on the trail of the dragon that supposedly didn’t exist.

  End of Preview

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  Coffee addict. Nature lover. Vicarious reader. That’s Sarah J. Stone in a nutshell!

  Born and raised in the mountain town of Aspen, Colorado – Sarah spent her childhood exploring the great outdoors. She often got into trouble by wandering too far but always had a large family around to keep a watchful eye.

  The majority of her career was spent at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where Sarah travelled the world helping address rural health issues. During this time books became the one constant in her life, so much so, she started to create her own worlds. What was once a pastime evolved into a full-time job and these days Sarah can be found sitting by the fireplace writing her next paranormal adventure.

  She adds sugar to her coffee and shifters to her literature.

  Check out other books by Sarah and connect with her on Facebook!




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