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Second Chance Ranch

Page 19

by Jenna Hendricks

  Chloe crouched down next to Ana’s limp form. She examined the girl for broken bones, and when she was sure there weren’t any, she examined Ana’s face. There were already signs of bruising all along the left side of her face. Her left eye looked to be swollen.

  She looked up at Logan. “Can you carry her to the truck? I don’t want to leave her here while we go back for it.” She eyed the man standing over Ana’s body, who only chuckled.

  The guy hadn’t said a word; he just laughed and smirked as though this was all fun and games to him. It probably was…for him. But Elizabeth doubted he’d be laughing for long.

  Logan bent over Ana, and she stirred as he picked her up.

  “What?” Her left eye stayed shut, but her right eye fluttered open and she looked to Logan. “Oh, thank the good Lord.” She leaned her head against his chest and closed her one eye again.

  Elizabeth’s nostrils flared. “This isn’t over. The sheriff will hear about this.”

  Both Elizabeth and Chloe backed up a few paces before they turned and followed Logan back to their car.

  Logan drove them straight to the Beacon Creek Clinic. Before they arrived, Ana woke and told them what had happened.

  “I hitched a ride earlier this morning into Bozeman with one of the ranch hands from the Bar One Ranch.” Ana wasn’t holding back this time.

  Last time, it was like pulling teeth to get any information from her. Something had changed, and she was now willingly giving them details she had never wanted to share in the past.

  Elizabeth hoped this meant that Ana was beginning to trust them, and that the girl wanted to be here in Beacon Creek.

  “Not five minutes after I arrived, Bart and his cronies found me. Five of them each took a punch at me right in front of everyone. He said I was to be an example of what happens when we leave him.” A lone tear dribbled down her cheek from her good eye.

  “I’m so sorry, Ana. I wish we could have gotten there sooner.” Elizabeth was turned around in her seat so she could look at Ana, who sat in the back with Chloe.

  Ana was laid out on the bench seat with her head in Chloe’s lap.

  “It’s all my fault. I should have stayed with your family.” Ana wrapped her arms around her upper body and looked up at the roof of the quad cab Ford truck.

  Elizabeth bit the inside of her cheek as she considered her next words very carefully. “Ana, I thought you were happy on the ranch. My mom told me that you two had spoken about your future and how you could live and work there. What made you decide to run away?”

  The girl shrugged her shoulders and turned her head away from Elizabeth, but not before a pained look crossed her features.

  Elizabeth wondered if the girl had run away from home at a young age and all she knew was life on the streets. She had to have been under Bart’s control for a while to make her feel like she had to return to him. There must have been some sort of manipulation or maybe even a little bit of brainwashing.

  Could Bart be something like a cult leader for the homeless? Or did he control them with fear and beatings? Whatever made those poor people follow Bart needed to be discovered and stopped.

  Elizabeth set her sights on bringing Bart down.

  Chapter 24

  “She’s going to be alright. I want to keep her here overnight for observation. She had a big goose egg on her head, and I want to make sure it’s nothing too serious. I can see she has a minor concussion, but I want to make sure it’s nothing more.” The doctor spoke to Logan and Elizabeth in the hall outside Ana’s room.

  Elizabeth thought it all felt like déjà vu. They had been here before, and she prayed it would be the last time.

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Logan nodded, and then continued, “Do you think she’ll be able to go home tomorrow morning?”

  The doctor gripped her clipboard. “Which home?”

  “My family’s ranch.” Elizabeth wasn’t about to let Ana go anywhere else. At least not until the girl was healed and could explain what she was thinking when she left the perfectly safe home of Elizabeth’s family ranch.

  The doctor nodded. “Yes. Unless something develops overnight, I think she’ll be ready to discharge into your mother’s care come tomorrow morning. But like last time, she’ll need to stay down for at least a week until her body recovers from the trauma she sustained.”

  “Of course. Thank you, Doctor.” Elizabeth ran a worried hand down her face. She tried to keep her anxiety off her face, but she knew she wasn’t doing a very good job of it when Logan ran his hand down her back in a comforting gesture.

  When the doctor walked down the hall, Elizabeth looked into Logan’s eyes. “What are we going to do?”

  He rubbed his chin and considered his words carefully before answering. “I think we take Ana back to your family and make sure everyone keeps a good eye on her. We have to make her feel safe and wanted.” Logan took a few steps away Elizabeth, toward the other patient room that was currently empty.

  “I think she must have felt she wasn’t wanted, or maybe overhead something that gave her that opinion?” Elizabeth began her own pacing up and down the small corridor.

  He nodded. “Possibly. We should ask your family what they think.”

  Elizabeth stopped in front of Logan. “You’re right. She’s going to be sleeping for a while—what do you say we head out to the ranch now?”

  “I’ll follow you out there, unless you want to carpool. I can bring you back to town after we talk with your family.”

  She considered his offer and decided friends shared rides. There would be nothing wrong or weird about them riding together. The only problem was that his family ranch was closer to her parents’ ranch than town. So he would be going out of his way to bring her back to town where her truck was currently located.

  “Sounds good. If we hurry, we might even make it in time for supper.” She wasn’t sure what was on the menu that night, but she did know that there would be plenty for the both of them if they arrived in time.

  The ride out to the Triple J Ranch wasn’t as quiet as Elizabeth had expected. In fact, it was comfortable. The way they spoke, it felt almost like old times. However, back in high school Logan would hold her hand as he drove her home. This time, they sat in their respective seats and didn’t touch each other.

  “Have you heard about Chloe’s new job offer?” Elizabeth hadn’t had much time to talk with Chloe, but she figured Leah or Logan might know more.

  Logan looked over at Elizabeth and nodded before turning his head back on the road that took them to the Triple J. “Yeah, she said she’s leaving soon. Do you have a date yet?”

  “No, she hasn’t told me when she’s leaving. But I think it’s coming up quicker than I’d like.” Elizabeth didn’t like the idea of her twin leaving town, but it was something her sister had wanted to do for years. She wasn’t going to stand in the way of Chloe’s happiness, even if it would make her unhappy.

  “To be honest, I’m surprised she didn’t leave sooner.” Logan slowed down to go around the bend in the road.

  When the ranch entrance came into view, Elizabeth sighed. “Every time I go through the arches of the Triple J I know I’m home.”

  Logan chuckled. “Then why do you live in town? I bet your parents would love to have you back on the ranch with them.”

  She shrugged. “It’s just easier for my business to live in town. Especially when I’m on call, which is half the time. Being centrally located cuts down on travel time when there’s an emergency.”

  “So, you wouldn’t be interested in living on a ranch?” Logan was fishing. Now that they were on friendly terms, he was going to press his suit of her. And with his father in poor health, it was important for him to stay on the family farm. Should he and Lizzie marry, they would have to live with his family so he could take care of them.

  She did love her family ranch, and he thought she’d love his family farm just as much. He knew his family would be thrilled to have them both there. But if she pre
ferred to live in town, that might not work so well for his father.

  Although, it would be nice to live close to the store. Maybe if his father’s health improved, they could live in town and visit the farm regularly. Especially if Leah continued to live there.

  He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but he also knew he had to have a plan before he asked Elizabeth to marry him. She liked plans.

  “Well, I guess if it was centrally located it would be fine. But I really do need to be in town when I’m on call. There’s only one ranch close enough to town, and that’s not going up for sale any time soon.” She chuckled and looked out her window. The smile on her face was enough to get Logan to move mountains to ensure she continued smiling like that the rest of their lives.

  Her joy was contagious, and the tightness in his chest began to loosen, and hope filled his heart. If he could find a way to get them close to town and close to his family’s home, he would do it.

  The moment he stopped his truck, Mrs. Manning came outside and ran to Lizzie’s side. “Is she alright? When will Ana be coming home?”

  Elizabeth put her hands on her mom’s shoulders. “Mom, she’s going to be fine. And tomorrow morning I’ll bring her out here as soon as the doctor releases her.”

  “I’ll come, too.” Logan wasn’t about to pass up a chance to talk more with Ana about what happened and why she’d left. He couldn’t understand why anyone would want to leave the Triple J.

  “Well, come on in. We were just sitting down for supper. You can tell us all about what happened. Do you know why she left?” Mrs. Manning was just as confused as Logan and Elizabeth as to why the young girl would leave the ranch and go back to living on the streets.

  During supper, the majority of the time was spent discussing Ana and what had happened. No one had any clue why she would have left. They all thought Ana was happy and wanted to stay on the ranch as part of the family.

  Elizabeth bit her lip and decided it was time to ask a tough question. “Is it possible Ana overheard someone talking about her? Maybe someone said they weren’t happy about her being here?”

  Her entire family looked around the table at each other. Confusion was written all over everyone’s face.

  Matthew, the oldest of the Manning boys, spoke up first. “I don’t see how that would be possible. We all want her here.”

  Luke, John, and Roman all nodded their agreement.

  “Are you sure? Maybe two of you were out in the barn talking about something? Maybe even joking? It’s possible she overheard something wrong. And then just left instead of confronting you.” Logan still had no idea why Ana would leave, and it was eating him up inside.

  He had started to think of her as a little sister and wanted to protect the girl.

  John’s face hardened. “None of us would say anything negative about Ana. We all love her like she’s one of us.”

  “Okay boys.” Mr. Manning put his hand in the air to try and calm everyone down. “I don’t think Logan is accusing you of anything wrong. He just wants to try and figure out why Ana would leave like she did. Miscommunication is all too common these days.”

  He looked back to Logan and Elizabeth. “I don’t see how anyone could have said anything that could be construed in a negative manner. If anything, I think it’s possible one of the boys might have flirted too strongly with her. But none of them would have done anything to hurt her or upset her.”

  Logan nodded. “I agree. Even though I haven’t been around in a while, I know your boys wouldn’t hurt Ana.” He directed his comment to the head of the Manning family. “But you might be on to something.”

  Logan used his napkin to wipe his mouth. “Are any of you attracted to Ana?” He looked between all five Manning boys. They ranged anywhere from eighteen to thirty. If Ana was about nineteen, then any of these men could be interested in her. She was a very nice-looking girl.

  Elizabeth laughed and her eyes widened. “Oh, come on. None of my brothers would have asked Ana out or said anything more than how cute she is. A few of them”—she looked to Mark and Luke specifically—“have a reputation of playing the field, but they would never make a play for a young woman living at the ranch. Especially one recuperating from the injuries she sustained last time.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Manning looked at each other, and then to Elizabeth with grave expressions.

  Mr. Manning swallowed hard. “Well, I have noticed a couple of the boys seem…attracted to Ana.”

  Mrs. Manning nodded.

  “Wait.” Matthew held up his hand. “Mark and Luke flirted a tiny bit, but nothing more than friendly flirting. I’ve been paying attention.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes at the two middle boys. “Have you said anything at all that might have scared her? Think. She’s probably been beaten up a lot and maybe even worse. Think about your words and actions.”

  Both young men in the hot seat shook their heads.

  “I haven’t said anything other than how pretty she is,” Mark stated.

  Luke followed up with, “I’ve only smiled at her and paid her extra attention. I don’t think I’ve even flirted with her.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Guys, she doesn’t need your extra attention or smiles. Don’t you know what the girls in town do when you smile at them?”

  Both of her brothers had exceptional smiles. When they turned their pearly whites on the girls in town, they practically swooned.

  Mark and Luke looked at Elizabeth as though she had lost her head.

  “What do you mean?” Mark asked.

  With an exasperated sigh, Elizabeth tried to explain how all the girls in town fell hard for them both when they smiled and paid extra attention to them.

  Roman, who’d stayed quiet the entire time, spoke up. “Do you mean all it takes is smiling at a girl and she’ll go out with you?” He tilted his head and squinted at his big sister.

  Elizabeth chuckled. “No, Roman. It takes a little bit more than that, but when a very good-looking young man of a certain age does it, then girls are known to see more into it at times.”

  “Look, what your sister is trying to say is that you need to treat Ana like you do the twins. If you tease her and act like she’s your sister, then she won’t feel as though you want anything more. Call her a good buddy or tell her you see her as a sister. Something to make her understand you aren’t trying to do anything untoward.” Logan took his last bite of steak and moaned.

  “Oh, Mrs. Manning. I had forgotten how good your steak is. Thank you for letting me join your supper tonight. This is the best I’ve had since the church BBQ.” Logan had filled up on the Triple J Ranch steak that time as well. He’d even taken some home for his pops, who was very grateful.

  Mrs. Manning stood up and began to clear the plates. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Logan. You’re welcome here any time.” She looked at her daughter and smiled.

  The Mannings had always wanted Elizabeth to marry Logan. Even when they were young, both families expected the two would eventually marry. Both families were heartbroken when Logan broke up with Elizabeth. Although, the parents had stayed friends and hoped one day their kids would wisen up and get back together.

  If what Mrs. Manning was seeing was any indication, their prayers would be answered soon enough.

  “I’ll talk to Ana tomorrow morning and see if it was something the boys said or did. If it was, that should be easy enough to clear up.” Elizabeth stood to help her mother clear the table.

  When she came back to the dining room, her mother followed her with a homemade apple pie.

  All the men smiled and looked longingly at their mother’s pie.

  Mrs. Manning held the pie in her hands. “What this means, boys, is that no one from this ranch is allowed to date Ana. You can’t even want the girl. Do I make myself clear?” She turned back toward the kitchen as though she was going to take the pie away from them.

  All of them, even Mr. Manning, agreed.

  “Don’t worry, Ma. I’ll make sure
none of the boys see Ana as anything but a sister,” John said as he licked his lips and stared at his mom’s famous apple pie.

  That apple pie had won awards at local fairs and bake-offs. If anyone thought they wouldn’t ever get it again, they would do whatever their mother asked.

  Elizabeth was confident that Ana wouldn’t have to worry about any of her brothers flirting or giving her extra attention again.

  Chapter 25

  The next morning before the clinic opened, Elizabeth was standing at the front door waiting to get inside.

  Logan walked up just as the nurse on duty unlocked the door and opened it up. “Come on inside. Ana and the doctor are waiting for you both.”

  Elizabeth looked to Logan, who smiled encouragingly at her, and she followed the nurse inside.

  Once the doctor had discharged Ana and everyone was in Logan’s truck, Elizabeth turned to Ana. “I’m so very glad you’re going to be alright. You have no idea how scared I was for you yesterday.”

  Logan interrupted, “We were all frightened when we learned you had left.” He looked back at Ana through the rearview mirror and hoped that he was showing compassion in his eyes and not frustration. Even though he was frustrated, he also felt bad for the girl. If she thought the Manning boys were romantically interested in her, he could understand her need to flee back to what she knew.

  It may have been a horribly dangerous situation, but it was one she knew. Something she had dealt with. Sometimes, the evil you know is better than the scariness you don’t know.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. Are your parents mad at me?” Ana looked at Elizabeth and winced.

  Elizabeth reached back with one hand and lightly squeezed Ana’s hand. “They aren’t mad—they were just worried. We all want to know what made you leave and go back to Bart. You had to know he’d hurt you for leaving, didn’t you?”

  Ana squeezed back and nodded. “Yes, but at least I knew what to expect with Bart.”

  Elizabeth furrowed her brow. “What does that mean? Did something at the ranch scare you?”


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