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Scarlet Unleashed

Page 2

by Krihstin Zink

  Thanksgiving wasn’t any better. Except, to add to Scarlet’s inebriated behavior, Elizabeth, Scarlet’s adoptive-mother and the supposed to-do lady of Naples, decided that she too would get shit-faced drunk. Of course, my parents uncomfortably bowed out early. They drove from Miami to Naples to spend the holiday with us, but they had no choice but to leave. And yet, one would think that after Elizabeth and Scarlet’s pre-Thanksgiving-dinner drunk escapade that Scarlet would behave herself—hell no. I was mortified when my mother, as she walked out of Elizabeth and Benjamin’s home, whispered that Scarlet was skinny dipping while we were setting up Elizabeth and Benjamin’s Christmas tree.

  Scarlet and Violet’s siblings, as well as their perspective families, haven’t visited since the disaster that was Thanksgiving Day. But, who could blame them? After Thanksgiving, everything changed.

  Benjamin, Scarlet’s oblivious father and Elizabeth’s too-kind husband, has sadly given up. He literally just stands or sits there while Elizabeth and Scarlet run amok like two drunken party girls. Even Violet and her fiancé, Milton, have begun to push away.

  While Tim, Kim, and Scarlet’s friends from Key West gather for fun nights out, Scarlet and I sit at home, because Scarlet called them lame just because they’re happy. It’s as if she’s lost her will to even try to live. Who gets punished the most? Me. Between my birthing facility and plaguing myself with worry over Scarlet, I rarely sleep.

  My distress and panic always begins the moment I walk toward our front door. I remind myself that at least after she’s released her verbal warfare she’ll make it up to me by pleasing me. But, even those acts have become minimal.


  I glance at my cell with hopes that one of my patients is in labor. But it’s not. Instead, I delete another one of Ivy’s inappropriate texts. Ivy confessed that she saved my number from one of my business cards. I stuff my cell back into my pocket, grab my briefcase, and then force myself to walk toward our home.

  As I approach the front door, a strange silence stirs a feeling of unease. Usually, I can hear porn moans and music from the front door. Whenever I catch Scarlet in her happy moods, it increases my belief that she’s a fucking faker. That she’s acting out and milking her condition to the fullest.

  I slide my key in as I use caution to open the front door. “Scarlet?” I call before I shut the door and lock the dead bolt.

  The moment I enter the living room, I find Scarlet. She’s unconscious and there are pills scattered everywhere. Her torso and arms are stiff and slumped over the sofa. Her auburn hair is swept over her back and covers most of her arms. Panic sets in and increases as I begin to hyperventilate. In the distance, I hear my briefcase crash to the floor before I jog toward Scarlet.

  I’m on my knees, calling her name, “Scarlet. Scaaarlet? Please, baby…What. Have. You. Done?”


  My neck is stiff and my hands tingle. I hear the front door open, but I can barely move. A strange weight has my body glued to the sofa.

  “Scarlet?” David calls for me, but I’m too weak to move.

  Fuck. I over did it this time.

  I try to move, but my body is thick and dense from my toxic cocktail. David’s hands are frantic as he tries to lift me. He’s cautious when he shakes me, but when I barely respond, he lifts and pleads, “Stay with me, baby. Please, Scarlet. Don’t leave me.”

  David slips as he lowers me into the tub. My head thuds and a low mumble escapes from my lips. Suddenly, glacier-cold water releases me from my drugged state.

  “Ahh!” my pain-filled shrieks rush from my lips and jolt me to attention.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” David growls as he shakes me by my shoulders.

  My stomach clenches as I heave forward and vomit all over myself. I collapse backward as my body feels too weak to respond to his questions.


  I gawk in disgust as I witness my once gorgeous love limp and covered in bile. A moment passes, and I’m finally able to stand. I integrate warm water into the cold cascade that washes over Scarlet’s vomit-covered legs.

  After I’ve removed Scarlet’s drenched clothing, I wash her like a parent would their infant. Once she’s free of bile, I shut off the faucet and reach for her towel. She appears lifeless and pitiful.

  Scarlet’s significant weight loss enables me to easily remove her from the tub. She rarely eats and has become ghastly thin. With a gentle motion, I lower Scarlet onto our bed. Then, I ensure that I dry all of her that’s in reach without collapsing onto her. She appears dry enough, so I cover her naked body and leave her in our dark bedroom

  Our living room is a wreck due to all the scattered pills and weeks of neglected housework. I comb my fingers through my hair as I take in all that I have to do—shit that Scarlet failed to do. One-by-one I collect all of Scarlet’s medication.

  I’ve tidied our home, showered, and clothed myself in sweat pants; 5:00 PM beams from my nightstand. Scarlet shifts but continues to snore. From afar, I hear Scarlet’s cellular phone ring. I hustle toward the ringer, but my search is useless. The moment I finally find Scarlet’s cell it stops ringing. Fuck. Elizabeth’s face flashes on Scarlet’s screen. I decide against returning her call.

  Hours pass as I sit still in the living room staring at a photo of Scarlet and me from Jensen and Associate’s opening day.

  “David?” Scarlet calls from our room.

  Without a second thought, I rush to her side. Once I’ve reached our bedroom I see her in the upright position on our bed. She’s exposed and doesn’t bother to cover her naked body. Her cheek bones are strongly defined and she’s free of makeup. Scarlet’s lost her luster and curves, and she’s far from the gorgeous woman I once loved.

  “David, why am I in here?” she questions before her eyes grow to a wide stance. I inform her of the scene I arrived home to and continue with every damn detail. She gasps and shakes her head in disbelief. For a moment, it’s as if my Scarlet has returned to me. She weeps and gapes in my direction while I disclose how frightened I felt to find her in such a gruesome state.

  She reaches for me, so I burrow in next to her and pull her close to me. In my arms she feels fragile, so my arms become her shelter. Scarlet’s body begins to quiver as sobs jolt from her torso. An eternity passes, and I continue to hold her.

  For the first time in months, Scarlet releases her negative emotions. The negative emotions that have darkened her heart. More time passes, and Scarlet finally grows silent, then she rolls over to face me. Now, we’re eye-to-eye. Her bloodshot, puffy, hazel eyes plead for my forgiveness.

  “I…I’m. Sorry. I’m sorry for my awful behavior. The past few months have been… difficult. And I’ve had no right to take what I’ve suffered out on you or my family.” She leans forward for a kiss, but I shift my face.

  She gave me hell when she found out that I had dinner with Kate. Yet, here she is, giving me a half-assed apology that is more empty words than sincere. I shrug away from her and sit on the edge of our bed. With my elbows on my knees, my palms cradle my face while I consider my next move.

  Scarlet places her hands through my arms then presses her face against my back. “What can I do to make you forgive me?” Her voice is infused with lust as she huffs into my ear and nibbles at my ear lobe.

  My body fails me as my cock begins to stiffen. Scarlet notices my hard-on, then says, “I see a part of you accepts my apology.” She pushes her head through my arm, maneuvers her fingers into my sweat pants and with a swiftness, she releases my dick and thrusts it deep into her throat. Saliva builds in her mouth as my cock pulsates and strokes against her tonsils. She works my balls, first in a gentle motion, then with tenacity. My legs shake as she increases her rhythm. She bobs and jerks her head and neck as I feel my dick harden before I release my load down her throat. A deep groan spurts from my throat as my cum continues to flow.

  Scarlet gives my dick one last slurp before she releases it before she stares up at my face. In one salac
ious motion, she wipes my excess cum from her lips, then sucks on her thumb. Without a word, she straddles my waist then slides on top of me. She’s warm and ready, just like I like her. In a swift jolt, she shoves me down onto the bed then bucks on my dick until she moans out my name. As soon as she’s satisfied, she slinks off of me to lie next to me on our bed. With my pants at my knees and my dick covered in cum, I stare at the ceiling and question if this is the relationship I pictured when I proposed.

  “I’m hungry,” she whispers into my ear as she runs her fingers through my chest hair. “Could we go to Chops? I could go for a burger and fries,” she questions in a hushed tone. She’s quiet and waits for my response. I’m unsure what to say. It has been weeks since she requested to eat out.

  Maybe my Scarlet is returning to me?

  By eleven o’clock we’re dressed and ready for bed. Scarlet skipped her meds and actually ate dinner. Well, she ate what she could. The minute I paid for our meal, we strolled down 5th Ave until Scarlet asked that we head home.

  She held my hand the entire drive home as we cruised in silence. Not once did she complain about a headache, so I didn’t bother to probe; I wanted to enjoy our time together without fucking it up with my questions.

  We pull up to our home and from my Fiskar Karma to the front door our hands are frantic as they search for any skin to stroke. The moment the front door seals shut, articles of clothing begin to fly. We’re naked and consumed by one another’s lust. Scarlet rushes to the bed, sits with her knees perked up, giving me a perfect view of her taut goodness.

  After I slide into her, as we kiss, I’m unhurried and rigorous with her. But, as all the bullshit she has done flashes through my mind, I become furious as my speed and rhythm increases. By the time I climax, Scarlet’s animalistic moans wither into mumbles.

  “Besides my drama, did anything interesting happen today?” she inquires in a humble tone before she slumps her head on my shoulder. Her soft auburn hair feathers on my skin before she plays with my chest hair. I tell her about my appointments, how each pregnant client held healthy fetuses. Without considering the consequences, I absentmindedly mention Ivy.

  “Ivy? Who the fuck is she, David?” Scarlet jerks her face toward me as her eyes and nostrils form into a fumed expression. My mouth dries as our silence increases. Her fingers grip and tug at my chest hair. Her eyes seethe as a disgruntled pout forms on her lips.

  All I can do is release a deep sigh and respond with, “She’s a new receptionist.”

  “How is it you rarely remember any of your coworker’s names, but you remember Ivy’s?” She snarls as she sits up to scowl at me. My gaze is fixated on her bare, perky breasts; they call for my attention, so I sit up to nip at her tan right nipple.

  “You’re the only one for me. Even with all your bullshit, you’re the only one I want. Do you fucking understand?” My hands squeeze her lips into a pout as I force her to shake her head yes. That cute giggle I’ve missed so much gurgles in her throat. Her fingers contact my stomach, and I’m useless as she tickles my sides.

  “I love, cherish, and adore you, David,” she announces from above me as she stares down into my eyes. Tears edge at her lids, and for once, I believe we might survive all of this.


  David’s touch soothes me to sleep. And, for the first time in months, I feel myself drift into a dream. It’s lovely.

  The beach is empty, and I’m dressed accordingly. My toes sink deep into the damp sand. I search my surroundings.


  Just me and the wide-open beach.

  Time passes as I wander on the shore. Suddenly, a loud thunderclap rings through the sky. A fog moves in from the ocean as a crackle-type sound rings in my ears. I search my surroundings, then I recoil in terror when I see the once clear, pristine water splash and toss until it becomes soiled with blood.

  The crimson-tainted wave splashes with a violent vengeance against the stiff shore. Horror freezes every inch of me as a dilapidated corpse seeps onto the beach. I’m petrified as I witness the decrepit cadaver morph into Kate.

  Her hair and skin are drenched in a thick crimson goo. Kate stands to face me. I will my body to move, but nothing happens. Low, steady whimpers escape my lips as Kate stalks toward me. Blood drips from her body then splatters onto the sand as she whips a long pointed tail to and fro. Her once jade-colored eyes are now replaced with small flames that flicker with each of her steps.

  Kate’s mouth opens to speak, and again, a thunderclap explodes through the sky. The tide comes in brutally and with an unnatural ferocity. Monstrous waves crash onto the sand as the previously sapphire sky now burns like a massive ember.

  “Hello, Scarlet,” Kate hisses through sharp wolf-like teeth. We’re eye-to-eye and my body betrays me. Run! Run, Scarlet. Run!

  But, where would I go?

  “You’re my bitch now, whore,” Kate’s voice roars through the sky as her tail whips at me. Her stare is vengeful as she stalks toward me. With a swift flick of her hands, I begin to levitate toward her until we’re forehead to forehead.

  Her eyes blaze and threaten me. Kate’s mouth opens, and a black smoke seeps from her lips. I fight but fail as the smoke enters my mouth. Kate’s voice is in my head, “We’re one now. I will ruin you. I’ll make you wish I had killed you.”

  Kate’s flame eyes sear at my soul. Again, she lifts her hands, then with a jerk, I’m catapulted into the warm, blood-soiled ocean. I sink, deep into the water as my limbs are too weak to swim.

  The crimson sea is dense, and I’m unable to see until an enflamed Kate is before me. “You’re my bitch now, whore,” she repeats as the ocean ripples around us.

  Her screams vibrate and induce my skull to feel as if it has cracked. I shake in a violent jolt as we ascend from the bottom of the ocean. We rocket out of the sanguine water and levitate as our screams become one.

  “Scarlet. I’m here. Wake up. Please,” David’s voice hums in my ears.

  Kate’s lips turn at the corners before her devilish grin threats me. Then, she presses her forehead to mine and says, “We’re going to have so. Much. Fun.”

  She releases me, and I plummet into the dense sanguine ocean. I jolt awake as my vicious screams echo against the walls.

  “Scarlet, you’re all right, lover. Please, stop screaming,” David urges as he draws me close into his arms. My screams halt as I take in the fact that I’m no longer dreaming.

  “What was it, babe? Was it…a Kate nightmare?” David questions as he combs my hair out of my face. One painful detail at a time, I share my bloodstained night terror.

  Hours later, David’s cell alarm wakes me. My head throbs, but I manage to serve myself a glass of water. I drink it with my recommended med dose. While David prepares for work, I lounge in the living room.

  The thought of the last time I visited Kim or Tim dances in my mind. It’s been weeks. My twenty-fifth birthday draws near, and I’m disappointed with all the bridges I’ve burned. My mix of opioids, mood stabilizers and alcohol fed my misbehavior. Consequently, a darkness within me has begun to build. For a moment, I evaluate my Kate nightmare.

  What did she mean by calling me her bitch?

  My reverie ends when David places his hand on my shoulder. “Are you all right, gorgeous?” he questions as he struts toward the kitchen. I pull my knees under my chest to hold my legs snug.

  “I just need more sleep, babe. That’s all,” I assure him as a flash of Kate’s flame-pupil eyes flicker in my mind.

  “What’s on today’s agenda?” he questions as he collects his briefcase. David glances up from his phone. His strong unshaven jaw flinches as his piercing, brilliant-blue eyes search my face for a response.

  “Hello, did you hear me? Scarlet?” he snorts out in a huff.

  Without much consideration, I offer, “I might send out some emails to check up on my friends…or the friends and family I have left.” I muster up a lopsided smile.

  David closes the distance betwee
n us. In a swift movement, he draws me into a hug. His arms are warm and his aroma relaxes me. Again, Kate’s eyes glare and singe in my mind. David kisses me deeply as his hands urge my body tighter against him. I wilt into him as his lips lusciously attack mine.

  He detaches from my lips and presses his forehead to mine. “I’m so glad you’ve come back to me, Scarlet. I feared that I’d never see the true you ever again,” David whispers against my lips before he rests his chin on my head. He gives me one last snug hug, then joins his lips with mine. As he walks out the door, David wishes me a productive day.

  I hear his Fiskar Karma drive away, and I become sluggish to leave the sofa or even the living room. I hope to make the best of today, so I venture into my closet to collect several Victoria’s Secret items. Black leggings, a camisole, a thick sweater, and undergarments, as well as a thick pair of socks and my black-leather riding boots.

  A dense, soap-infused lather covers my body as I soak up the hot steam that overwhelms the bathroom. After I feel clean, I snatch up nearby towels, then wrap my hair and body. I wipe away at the fog that covers the bathroom mirror. My hair stands on end while my skin crawls then forms into goosebumps that begin to cover my exposed skin.

  Kate’s vengeful gaze stares at me from the mirror. Blood drips from her saturated skin as she slinks out of the mirror and then toward me. Her tongue is hot against my right cheek. She stares down at me as her flame-pupils flicker and dance in unison with every accelerated beat from my heart. My towels drop to the floor, and then my hands shake against my face. “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything,” she hisses as our bodies become one.

  My heart stops as I feel her evil heart darken my soul. Convulsions jolt throughout my body until I seize against the bathroom tile. My skin burns from Kate’s fury. She overpowers my mind and forces my subconscious to shut down. I become a spectator to her possession of my vessel.


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