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Scarlet Unleashed

Page 10

by Krihstin Zink

  Withdrawal shivers quiver throughout me as I neglect to create warmth under the hospital covers. Thoughts of sleeping next to Scarlet’s heat create a distraction to this desolate experience. I need to be with her, to feel her hotness within my arms.

  Laughter startles me, and I stiffen under the blankets. “Did you forget about me already?” Kate rattles into my ear. Blood trickles down the walls as I feel Kate’s tail slither up my leg. “I’ll always be here, ready to take you or Scarlet at my whim.” Fear consumes my withdrawal symptoms, and I tremble under my sheets like a child that’s scared of the boogey man.

  “She’s not real. She’s not real,” I repeat to wish Kate away.

  “Drugs made you weak, and now evil is here to play,” she hums into my ear while her breath singes at the hairs on my face. Her tail whips and smacks against my ass. The moment it attempts to enter my exit only hole, I jerk to fight Kate off. But then she snakes her tail toward my cock and restricts the circulation. The pain elevates the decibels of my shrieks.

  “Whaaat the hell?” a med tech squeals from the room’s entrance.

  “Please, I’m having hallucinations of my dead, psycho ex-girlfriend. I need anti-psychotics. Something. Anything,” I plead with the med tech, until she finally leaves to then return with a sedative.

  “Just relax, Sir, this will calm you quickly,” she instructs while she injects my IV line.

  An infinity slugs by, and although I’m pacified, I can still see and feel Kate. Her demonic glare pierces at my mind. She taunts me from the corner of the bed. She never moves an inch, but her tail violates me. Finally, a physician enters to treat me.

  “Hi, I’m Dr. Lynn. I’m the physician on shift. I see that you have complaints of hallucinations. Hmm. Could you list any drugs you may have mixed?” Her focus is more on my chart than on me. And it’s obvious that she has no clue that Kate is on the bed, and now has her tail all over the doctor.

  “I see that you have a high concentration of cocaine and opioids in your lab work. But there are also several other unrecognizable substances.” Judgment hardens her stare, and shame kindles within me. She makes a gesture for me to answer her. My throat feels dry, and I’m uncertain how much I should share. Leakage of this hospital visit could definitely extinguish any hopes of me ever returning to practice as an OBGYN.

  “So, have you become mute? It’s strange because everyone heard your shrieks down the hall. I truly hope for your own good that you’re not a drug-seeker because I won’t hesitate to report you.” She grips her hip with her right hand as she presses her clipboard against her chest.

  “Look, I’ll…I’ll tell you everything. Just end the hallucinations, please,” I confess before sharing that after the mental loss of my fiancé, I nosedived into weeks of drugged uncertainty. I even mention Ivy and Gloria, but change their names. I exaggerate and say that my drug abuse kept me oblivious to my captors and where my exact location was.

  She gawks at me in disbelief while I reveal detail after detail. Kate’s tail whips in excitement as I vaguely mention my sexual obligations in order to obtain my fix.

  “That sounds like…” she says before she shakes her head in agitation. “That’s one heck of a tall-tale. And I do not tolerate drug-seekers. I’m notifying the authorities,” she shouts, before she storms out of my room.

  “Ha! Looks like you’re going to jail tonight, bud!” Ivy’s voice causes my hair to stand at attention

  “Fuuuck, what are you doing here?” I growl at her before I shift my body into a defensive stance.

  “Well, after that fucking tranq finally wore off, I tracked that whore, Gloria,” she hisses at me, then takes a step closer. Her hands are tucked behind her back, and she’s dressed in a med tech’s uniform.

  “I got that bitch tied up and waiting in my trunk.” Her grin alarms me, and my leg itches to run, but I’m too injured and helpless. Kate spectates at the foot of the bed with a wide demonic grin on her lips.

  “Please, just leave. I won’t tell; I promise,” I offer as I know she has evil intentions for me.

  Before Ivy can reach me, Kate rushes at me and pins me to the bed. Ivy’s oblivious to why I’m unable to fight back. Tachycardia escalates to an unbearable speed, and my pores are overdriven as my perspiration dampens the bed linens.

  Ivy’s pupils overpower her eyes, and I notice her jaw clench. Her head jerks and fear strikes through me.

  “Please,” I huff as I stare at demonic Kate. Her grin taunts me, and before I’m able to yell for help, Kate continues to pin me and manages to seal my mouth. Ivy’s so fucking gone—the closer she gets, the better my view of her powdered nostrils becomes.

  She’s at my side now, speaking in gibberish until she scolds, “I always win—always! Enjoy death, motherfucker,” she squeals as she stabs and then shoots a dense poison into my heart.

  I’m unable to even struggle against Kate. I visualize the unknown poison emerge from my heart and then travel throughout my vascular system. Pain emerges from each of my systems as my organs begin to shut down.

  “What are you doing?” someone shouts from behind Ivy.

  Ivy’s bugged-out glare is the last face I see before my heart stops. Kate plunges her hand into my chest and then drags my soul from my physical form.

  “Now, let’s watch the fun,” Kate hisses as she digs her nails into my hand. We stand in the corner of the room while a crowd of medics race to repair what Ivy has caused.

  “What was in the syringe?” a full-formed nurse yells at Ivy as she pulls the syringe from my chest cavity.

  “Deaaath,” Ivy answers while her shoulder jerks. For a moment, I believe she sees us. But then, she returns her gaze to the nurse.

  “What type of death?” the nurse urges Ivy to reply.

  She shakes Ivy to get her to confess, but the room grows silent when Ivy says, “Lethal injection.”

  “Fuck,” a doctor mouths as he runs from my side and out of the room.

  “What can we do?” someone questions.

  “Induce a coma until we can remove the poison from his system,” a younger doctor offers.

  In a blur, the medical staff works under pressure to induce a coma and reduce the effects of Ivy’s lethal injection. A nurse attaches a heart monitor to my finger, and it begins to beep again. There are boisterous instructions to stay persistent, to continue until they’re able to save me. I yank my hand free of Kate’s grip then dive back into my body. An uncertain darkness looms as my damaged heart fights to survive.

  “We’re running out of time,” someone yells in the distance before an unfamiliar nothing devours me.


  “Oh, my sweet. They almost killed you; it’s a shame that they didn’t. Then we would have had some real fun,” Kate’s warm taunts startle me awake. As usual, I ignore her. She cannot touch me, therefore, she’s not real.

  A long exhale releases from my nose and mouth. She can’t touch me, and she’s not real.

  “Well, hey there, ‘lil lady!” A stubby male nurse, with fabulous fake lashes, sashays in my direction. I force myself to be polite and smile at him. He’s charming and returns my greeting.

  “Scarlet? Honey, how are you?” Florence, as his name tag reads, questions before he lifts an oral thermometer into my direction.

  “Fine,” I whisper. But I’m not. I’m not fine. I feel as if I’ve lost several rounds of professional wrestling. And Kate’s unwanted advances are unraveling my mental strength.

  “Darlin’, open up so I can take your temp. Do you feel up to that, tootsie?” Florence requests as he closes the distance between us. I nod in response to his question.

  Florence is efficient with my vitals. He shares that a doctor will check in on me soon. With effort, I thank him and then smile with admiration toward Florence’s fierce strut out of my hospital room. I stare out of the window and see that it’s dark. Soft footsteps echo outside of my hospital room. The room’s dim lights relax my worried mind.

  For a moment
, I consider why I’m here and not at DLC. My last memory was of David, then Kate. Again, I exhale when I remember the injection Olive administered.

  “I’m glad you’re awake,” Olive states in a cheerful tone from the room’s entrance.

  “Me, too. So, why am I here? Hold on, shouldn’t you be at work?” Her glee to see me dissolves as sadness creases her once caramel-smooth face.

  “I’m deeply sorry, Scarlet. I-I accidently administered an almost lethal dosage of tranquilizer.” Her eyes overwhelm with tears as her lips quiver and release a sniffle. I sit up just enough to welcome her next to me.

  “It was an accident. I’m fine now,” I repeat in a whisper while she sobs on my shoulder. She smells of apples and spice. And suddenly, I feel her damp lips flutter on my neck and then travel to my cheek.

  We’re eye-to-eye, and the expression on her face along with her intense impenetrable stare, induce me to blurt out, “Olive? Everything all right?”

  I wiggle away from her, then repeat my question. She inches toward me, leans in close, then brushes her lips against my ear before she whispers, “You have me absolutely enamored. I’m not sure if it’s your situation or your beauty, but I need to have you near me,” she pants before she seals the distance between us. My heart flutters as the hairs on my neck rise. I feel my skin blush, and there isn’t a qualm that stops me. I relish in our shared affection, and for the first time in weeks, I divulge in an actual person’s embrace. Olive’s touch is lush and gentle and desired compared to my hallucinations of Kate’s unwanted advances. This is no dream-state sex with David, but instead, true, cherished, physical contact.

  Her kisses are cautious, at first, but then I ignore my reservations, and I urge my lips against hers while I treasure this generous moment of enchantment. I plunge my tongue into her mouth and comb my fingers through her short, brown, pixie hair. With every second that passes, she heals my broken heart with her lips. She detaches from me, and her lips are crimson as a result of our healing connection. Her makeup-free face draws me in, and I can’t help myself—I reach to return her lips to mine.

  “Ahem…” someone interrupts from the distance. Florence stands in an awkward stance in the room’s entrance. “Sorry, ladies.” His lips form an awkward grin, and he laughs as he shakes his hands in the air. “Maybe I should come back?” he offers as he forces a smile then points at each of us.

  “No, I’ll come back later. Is that all right?” Olive searches my face for a response. Her chestnut eyes welcome me into a lovely possibility. Could it be simple with her?

  The moment Olive departs from sight, Florence unleashes an arsenal of questions. I summarize my response into one answer, “She was my nurse at DLC. My life is complicated, but she provides a needed stability.” I neglect to share more.

  “Understandable,” he replies before he checks my vitals again. We chat about the weather while he treads lightly around the pending topic: Why I’m on an extended stay throughout Naples’ medical facilities? Florence doesn’t press that I share any more information. Once he’s finished with my vitals, he pats my leg, then says, “Farewell, tootsie—this is the end of my shift.”

  According to the wall clock, five minutes pass before Violet fills my room with her concern.

  “What the flip happened now?” Violet squeals as she runs to my side. I reveal all that I know, and before I’m able to finish my sentence, Violet blurts out, “We’ll sue these motherfuckers! That’s malpractice. They could have killed you.” It takes me time to soothe her qualms, but it resonates that I was indeed on the brink of death. Lord, I promise, if I survive this, I’ll live a better life.

  “Scarlet? Where’d you go?” Violet questions while she pokes at my leg. I apologize for my digression, then question if she’s heard from David.

  “Oh… I’m not sure you want to know.” She shakes her head. To my annoyance, after much probing, Violet finally confesses all that she knows.

  Update after update, she confirms everything David confessed from my dream. My heart aches for his demise. But then, the selfish bitch from within unleashes an unforeseen fury. “How the fudge could he just crumble and succumb to another psycho slut? And drugs? Fucking drugs?” I squeal louder than I should.

  “Drugs? I never said anything about drugs…” Violet sways in discomfort as her brows crease into a dubious grimace.

  “Oh. I must be tired. Maybe… Maybe we should talk more later?” I state as I wiggle and then cover myself with my sheets. Violet kisses my temple before she informs me that she’ll return soon.

  I’m soon alone and deep in my thoughts. The light hits a plastic sign that shines before me: Collier Urgent Care. Hmm, this is a first.

  A good night’s rest is enough for some, but after weeks of Kate’s unwanted advances and ravages combined with the aftermath of psychosis as well as treatment, I emotionally deflate as I consider, What now? The positive affirmations that once relieved my anxiety no longer work, and now my will to overcome my circumstances has diminished and transformed to pessimism.

  My full bladder induces a piercing discomfort, so I call for a nurse’s help. Five minutes pass and no word—from anyone. I refuse to pee myself, and with the fortitude of an infant that seeks to take her first steps, I use a firm force of determination to step from my bed toward my wheeled IV stand.

  My knees and legs are unstable, and it’s a true struggle to make it from the bed to the doorframe, but once I do, my celebration halts as a result of my escalating urge to empty my bladder. Nonetheless, the sting urges me to continue.

  One painful step after another and I manage to peer into the room next to mine. An older woman sleeps while her daughter reads a paperback copy of Charlaine Harris’ Dead in the Family, a Sookie Stackhouse book. Oh. I still need to read that one.

  When the older patient’s daughter notices me, she sets her book down and then rushes to my side and questions, “Can I help you?” I exhale in relief and nod with appreciation. “I’m Krista, what’s your name?” She combs her golden hair over her left ear before she readjusts her glasses. With caution, she shifts to loop her arm around my waist. “I’ll go at your pace, OK?” she offers as she waits for me to make a move.

  In a whisper, I thank her before I introduce myself. By the time we make it to the second room, my pace reduces and my legs plead for a break. The second room from my room is empty.

  “So, where are we headed to?” Krista questions as a warm, friendly smile forms on her face.

  “I need to use the restroom,” I respond before I fail to conceal my bladder discomfort.

  “What’s injured?” she inquires, her gaze giving me a once-over.

  “Just muscle weakness from medical treatment,” I reply with hopes that Krista won’t probe further.

  “Oh. All right. Well, could I carry you? I’m a professional weight lighter, and I’m on a break to tend to my mama. She broke her hip,” Krista shares as she waits for my response.

  I adjust my hospital gown, then prepare for her help. In one swift motion, she lifts and cradles me. Before I cause myself harm, I grab hold of my IV stand.

  At a safe but quick pace, we breeze by the rest of the rooms. Finally, once we’re at the end of the hallway, glee overcomes me the moment I’m within reaching distance from the bathroom door’s handle.

  Krista uses caution to set me down, then guides me inside. “I’ll be right out here. Cool?” she asks with a cheerful smile. Again, I thank her, then wait for her to shut the door. A flood of pride soothes through me as I struggle but succeed to sit myself on the throne. Elation flows through me as for the first time in weeks, I use the restroom—alone.

  Longer than necessary passes, but I do it. I use the restroom and wash my hands. With a firm grip, I wrap my fingers around my IV stand, and shuffle after shuffle, I finally make it to the door.

  Krista’s smile greets me, and it’s as amiable as before. “I’ll help ya back, sweetie,” she offers before she shifts to lift me.

  In a polite ton
e, I decline and request to make the journey by foot. She nods her head in agreement, then threads her arm through my arms and helps me return to my room. With a slow and even pace, we continue our journey back to my room. Upon my arrival to the fifth room from my room, I halt to lean against the frame and take a necessary break.

  My heart freezes and a stab to the gut topples me forward when I see a thin, unconscious version of David. That’s not my David. I stumble toward him.

  “Take as long as… Scarlet?” I glance at Krista then witness concern crease her features.

  Everything he said is true. He’s unrecognizable; what was once a muscular form appears as a thin, malnourished David. His cheeks are sunken in, and he’s an odd shade of greenish-gray. David’s limp form barely takes up any space on his Collier Urgent Care bed. His machines beep and tick while the world around twists and turns into an emotional disaster.

  “Scarlet?” Krista whispers in a scold as she fails to reach for me. Her fingers graze but miss my arm.

  “David?” Grief clenches at my chest and my sobs become relentless. “Daaavid,” I wail in a hysteric tone as I collapse next to his motionless form.

  I bellow his name as a nurse lifts me, then carries me away from my lover.

  “Y’all can’t be in here. What’s wrong with y’all?” A husky nurse reprimands us. Krista scurries toward me to aid me with my IV stand. The nurse is brusque as she pushes us out of David’s room.

  “You can’t leave your room without a medical escort, and you sure as hell can’t topple onto coma patients,” the pudgy, grouchy female nurse continues to scold her directions of what I can and cannot do while staying at her facility. Coma? David is in a coma? My mind wanders into a swirl of questions while the overzealous nurse continues with her heated speech.

  “Why?” I whisper without waiting for the nurse to stop spewing her demands.

  “Excuse me?” She jerks her head back and then glares at me before she continues, “You can’t just roam the clinic and cry hysterically on coma patients, that’s why!” Her hands are frantic in every which direction while she continues to shout at me.


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