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[What's Luck Got to Do With It 01.0] Some Lucky Woman: Jana's Story

Page 27

by Carmen DeSousa

  Howard shook his head. “Jennifer isn’t upset with you, Jana. Hell, she’s the one who brought me your books.”

  “Oh … I’m …” I stuttered. “I’m not sure what to say.”

  Howard rested his hand on my knee. “Jana, listen to me. I want you to know that you are an amazing woman, and that you should never settle. If a man isn’t willing to fight for your relationship, he’s not worth you fighting for him.”

  I stared at Howard, wondering what this was all about. “You mean Adrian? I didn’t give him a chance —”

  Howard glanced at his watch, which caused me to cut off my words. He looked up at the front door, then back at me. “If he cares —”

  “You don’t know Adrian,” I cut him off. “You have no right.” I followed Howard’s line of sight to the front entry again. “What are you looking for, Howard —” I stopped short as I saw a man rush through the door, heading directly to the front desk. “Adrian?” I whispered, as if I was seeing things and had to convince myself before I called out to him.

  “Go to him, Jana,” I heard Howard say, but his words sounded faint, as if I were in a dream. I turned to look at Howard, again noticing that same sadness in his eyes, but he smiled. “Go,” he repeated. “He obviously came a long way.”

  Jumping up, I started to run across the lobby, but then realizing I’d probably slip and break my hip or something traumatic that would land me in the hospital instead of Adrian’s arms, I screamed out his name as if he’d suddenly disappear. As though he were an apparition and I needed to prove he was real. “Adrian!”

  Adrian turned and my heart jolted, tears immediately filling my eyes. I took off toward him, hoping if I fell he’d catch me.

  “Oh thank God,” he called back and then ran to me, closing the distance within seconds. “Jana!” He picked me up and swung me around, then quickly set me down again, staring into my eyes. “Sorry. Did I hurt your shoulder?”

  The tears continued, but I laughed. “Not even close.” I stood on my tiptoes so I could reach him, then wrapped my hands around his neck, showing him how much I missed him, but also that I’d been doing my exercises and was able to lift my arm.

  Adrian pressed his lips to mine, and proceeded to kiss me as though we weren’t standing in the middle of a busy hotel lobby. I heard my name mumbled by several people and suddenly wondered if Howard had pointed me out, again seeking more publicity.

  I didn’t care. I was with the man I loved, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with if he wanted me.

  Adrian finally pulled back and looked at me. “So you’re not still mad at me?”

  I shrugged. “I am. But that doesn’t change the way I feel about you.”

  “But I saw you with that producer … on TV. Hell, everywhere —”

  I kissed Adrian again, cutting off his words, then pulled back. “I don’t want anyone but you, Adrian.”

  He smiled. “Good. ’Cause I’m officially free, and I was hoping you’d come home with me.” He pressed his hand against my cheek. “I love you, Jana, and I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that … and everything else, but I promise I’ll never keep anything from you again.”

  “That’s all I ask,” I said. And it really was all I wanted. I wanted Adrian to love and respect me, and to never lie to me.

  Adrian kissed me again, then pulled back. “Thank you, Jana. I was so worried when I saw those images on social media last night. I hopped on the first plane out this morning, afraid that I would lose you forever. I know you said that you wouldn’t make any decisions without talking to me, but I didn’t want to take that chance. I should have come that first day. I should have fought for our relationship instead of letting you leave without telling you how much I cared. But I also wanted to give you room. I hope you don’t mind that I stalked you to Pittsburgh.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” I said. “In fact, I want to introduce you to Howard.”

  Adrian furrowed his brow. “Okay …”

  I took Adrian by the hand and directed him back to where Howard was still sitting.

  Howard stood and extended his hand. “You must be Adrian.”

  Adrian accepted Howard’s outstretched hand. “And you’re Howard.”

  “That’s me. You have some woman there, Adrian,” Howard said. “Take good care of her.”

  “I plan to,” Adrian retorted, protectively wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

  Deciding not to allow these men to go back and forth all day, I jumped in. “Howard and I were just saying goodbye, Adrian. I’m packed and ready to go home. Do you have a car, or did you come in a taxi?”

  “A taxi. I didn’t have time to make plans. I just jumped on the first plane here,” Adrian said.

  Howard lifted my hand and kissed it. “Brent’s waiting outside, Jana. He’ll take you both to the airport.”

  I stepped forward, out of Adrian’s grip, and wrapped my arms around Howard in a tight hug. “Thank you for everything, Howard. I think you can manage without me now. Please keep in touch, though, as I really do appreciate everything you are doing … everything you’ve already done.” I was pretty sure now that Howard had known exactly what he was doing last night … and today.

  Howard wrapped his arms around me too, then whispered in my ear, “It’s my pleasure, Jana. Remember what I told you, love. You’re someone worth fighting for. Call me if you ever need proof of that.” He kissed my cheek, then relinquished his hold on me after one final squeeze.

  Somehow, I had a feeling that Howard really would prove that to me if I allowed him … for a long time. But a life with Howard wasn’t for me. I loved my life, and I loved Adrian. I knew that Adrian would make some woman a wonderful husband again, and I hoped that I’d be that lucky woman.

  “Thank you, Howard,” I said with a smile, knowing he’d given me a gift that was greater than producing my movie. “Let’s go home, Adrian.”

  Adrian reached for my bags with one hand, wrapped his free arm around me, then offered Howard a head nod. “Thanks, Howard. Nice to meet you. I’ll look forward to seeing the movie.”

  Adrian directed me to the exit, and I didn’t have to look back and wonder, even once. I was going home with the man I loved. And I planned to live happily ever after, because even though I didn’t need a man, I found one whom I wanted more than anything else in life.

  Epilogue – It’s a Miracle

  Howard walked into the men’s restroom and washed the pale foundation that Jennifer had given him off his face.

  He walked out of the restroom and sent Jennifer a text, but then saw that she’d already arrived.

  The tall, beautiful blonde wrapped her arm around his shoulders, just like one of his male friends might have done to console him for letting the woman of his dreams walk out the door.

  “You really loved her, didn’t you?” she asked.

  Smiling, Howard shook his head. “You know me better than that, Jen. Since when do I get all mushy?”

  She removed her arm and stared at him. “You don’t. That’s how I know. You can’t say that I didn’t warn you, though. Told you she was different.”

  “You did,” Howard agreed. “And you have damn good taste. I don’t suppose you could find another one like her, could you?”

  “Not likely. I’ve been trying to get you married off as long as we’ve been friends. And myself for that matter.” Jennifer sniffed. “Tell me something, Howard, how did you know Adrian would come to Pittsburgh?”

  “I didn’t. It’s what I would have done, though. If I’d seen a man kiss the woman I loved, and then say that he’d never have her wondering if she needed a man, nothing would have stopped me. So I figured if he cared at all, he’d be on the first flight out of Florida, which was at eight o’clock this morning, which would put him in Pittsburgh by ten, and here no later than eleven. If he hadn’t come, I never would have let her leave. But I had to give him a chance, because he’s the man she wanted.”

  “It’s too bad
you’re not my type, Howard, you’re gonna make some lucky woman a wonderful husband someday.”

  “Hopefully, someday I’ll meet a wonderful woman who’ll be my wife and make me a very lucky man,” Howard said on a sigh. “Enough of the sap, Jen. Let’s go do what jilted lovers do best! Throw back a few too many beers and cry on each other’s shoulders.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Jennifer said with a pat on his back. “But, Howard, what are you going to tell Jana when you’re still around in a couple of years?”

  Howard shrugged. “I’ll tell her it was a miracle.”

  It’s never the end … as there’s always one more story to tell.

  If you enjoyed Some Lucky Woman, please hop on over to for the next book in the collection, Down on Her Luck, which runs parallel with part three of Some Lucky Woman.

  Before you go…

  Although all of my stories have a common thread — Love and Forgiveness — I write in several genres: Women’s Fiction, Chick Lit, Romantic Suspense, Coming-of-Age Romance, Paranormal Romantic Suspense, and Mysteries with a Paranormal Edge. You can find all my books on my website:

  To be notified when I have a new release or special, sign up for my newsletter here.

  You can find links to each of my genres on my website, or click the genres listed here to be directed:


  Unlucky In Love

  Some Lucky Woman

  Down on Her Luck


  She Belongs to Me

  Land of the Noonday Sun

  Entangled Dreams

  When Noonday Ends

  Split Decisions


  Love Like Crazy

  Love Until It Hurts

  New Coming-of-Age Supernatural Romantic Suspense coming soon!



  Creatus Rogue

  Creatus Eidolon

  Creatus Animus


  The Pit Stop (This Stop Could be Life of Death)

  The Depot (When Life and Death Cross Tracks)

  The Library (Where Life Checks Out)

  Thank you again for reading Some Lucky Woman! If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a review wherever you get your books. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just a few words to let other readers know if they should download it too. It means so much to an author to hear what readers loved — even didn’t love — about a book. It’s how we grow and learn what you want to read next time … and in the case of a series, which characters you want to see more of in the next books or which ones we should knock off. :)

  Thank you again!





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