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Page 24

by Rebecca Sherwin

  My second thank - you goes to my muse. I’ve had a lot of messages from my readers and team, asking who he is. I can’t tell you that, but I will tell you a little bit about him, about us – how he gives me the power to connect with my characters as much as I do. Is he a celebrity? No. Did I find a picture of a man and write with him in mind? No. What we have is different, unconventional, and unpredictable. The future doesn’t promise us or deny us anything. We draw our own lines. Are we friends? Yes. Are we lovers? In a way. Are we more than that? I hope so. One day. When it comes to my muse, I do one thing. I freefall. I close my eyes and I let go. I don’t think, I don’t analyse, I just feel.

  He has made me feel again, beyond emotional necessity. He has given me the strength I needed but couldn’t find for a long time. He makes me feel desirable, confident, hopeful and strong. And he has shown me that you don’t need to know the answers right away. You just need to feel that what you’re doing is right. That is why I am able to write with the passion I do.

  Paula Radell is my publicist, editor, cheerleader, my soon-to-be collaborator, but most importantly my friend. The Twisted series wouldn’t be possible without her and I can’t wait to hear her reaction on my other WIPs. She is my biggest critic (after me!), she sees my vision for this series as clearly as I do - , when she isn’t mind-fucked by the directions I take - , and I couldn’t be more grateful to have her on this journey with me. She is an incredible, passionate, supportive and honest person and anyone who had the pleasure of knowing her should consider themselves lucky. She is my person. Thank you, my bodacious BFF. You have saved my writing career.

  Edward A Stanbridge is an amazing writer and person. He was the only person to read Revival before it was finished . and I’m so lucky to have him looking over my work (more than once!), and picking for flaws and mistakes. I value his honesty and friendship, his commitment to sharing the work of others before his own, his keen eye and his sense of humour. I cannot wait until he finally releases what he’s working on. It’s going to blow your mind.

  Catherine Scott. She is working on her own writing projects, she promotes and reads my work as well as working with her students, and preparing them for a great future. She is funny, driven, an avid reader and the man candy she shares with the Ravishing Readers is downright droolable (totally a word!)

  Kerry-Anne Bell, my South African sister. I love you. That is all.

  To my Ravishing Readers…I can't name everyone, but you know who you are. You ladies keep me sane when I’m about ready to thrown in the towel. Thank you.

  A special thank-you goes to Brittany Alexander. I posted a competition on my Facebook page back in October, to ‘create a character’ for Revival. Brittany won the competition with her character, Benny the Hunter. Benny is a wonderful character with his own story to tell, so I thank Brittany for giving him to me, and allowing his voice to be heard.

  To Tracie and Paula. Team Radell. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a trio. No hangers on!

  To the bloggers who support not only me, but every author who they like, read, review and share. You are a huge reason why the indie world is such a great community to be a part of. When you set Put the drama aside to , focus on the shared love for reading and writing, and bloggers and authors are a match made in heaven. Thank you.

  So that’s it. The thank-yous for Revival are done. As always, I thank the girls in my ‘real-life’ who probably won't read this because they couldn’t get past the first sex scene and look at me the same way again. I love you. I owe you wine.

  To you, if you’ve gotten this far. Thank you! I’m sorry for leaving you with another cliff - hanger. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for Thrive. It’s going to be one hell of a ride!

  Where will I be in 2015?

  Peterborough, London, York and Birmingham. The schedule for 2016 is building up and I hope to meet as many of you as I can both here in the UK, and overseas.

  For more information, events and release schedules, and to order your paperbacks for signings, come and stalk me online.


  I’d love to hear from you. There is no question too small, no request too big.

  You can find me on Facebook, either by searching my name and sending a friend request, or:

  *“Like” my page for regular news and updates on my WIPs and upcoming releases, giveaways, what I’m reading and where you can find me during takeovers and events

  * Follow me on Twitter

  *Follow my website

  *Find me on Goodreads

  *Or send me an email

  The release of Revival (Twisted #2) , and all following releases by Rebecca Sherwin, will be sponsored and hosted by Passionate Promotions, and represented by Paula Radell.

  You can find more information by clicking the following links: or

  One final big thank you to everyone on this journey with me. I hope you enjoy the ride.

  Happy reading!

  Back Matters

  Welcome to the ‘back matters’. All credit for this innovative cross-promotional concept goes to author S.H. Pratt. If you’re a lover of romantic suspense novels, here are three additional authors with their excerpts that you can sink your teeth in and then one-click from your e-retailer store of choice.

  My Never (My Never, #1) by Renée Swann

  Deeper (The Deeper Chronicles Book 1) by Allyn Lesley

  Glitch by Olivier Linden

  My Never (My Never, #1) by Renée Swann

  Volume One of the My Never trilogy. *This is a novella*

  Monique Cullen is turning thirty. She thinks a life of cats and singledom is ahead of her - until she runs into her high school sweetheart while vacationing in Cairns. Can their love be resurrected?

  Have you had someone in your life that you would do anything for? Monique Cullen did. And she regrets the day they went their separate ways.

  While holidaying in Cairns for her thirtieth, Moni runs into him. Troy DeGaris - single, handsome and irresistable. But can their love be resurrected?

  A little girl weaves her way into Moni's heart, making her second-guess everything she's worked for. And Moni must make a decision - should she follow her heart and stay in Cairns, or return to her home town and stale life?

  Family and friends rejoice at the possibility of these high school sweethearts falling in love again. But Troy's ex-fiancée, is on a mission to tear them apart. Will she succeed? Or will it bring her to breaking point?


  August, 2010


  I dreamt I was with you last night. We were skipping pebbles across the river, holding hands. You turned to me and, for the first time, said you loved me. I will always remember your laugh, your smile. They are imprinted in my brain and forever on my mind. You will always be a part of my life. But I don’t know if you will ever see me again. It hurts too much think of what could have been.

  Love always, Mon.

  May, 2013

  My life was over. I was turning thirty. And as if that wasn’t enough, I had a major fight with my best friend of twenty years. Katie should’ve known better, and I hated myself right now for feeling this way.

  When I was twenty, I had my life all mapped out. I was going to open my own book publishing business and get married and have kids. I never thought I’d end up single, friendless and an editorial assistant.

  This week was supposed to be fun. Kate and I planned to fly to Cairns for a joint birthday celebration — but I guess that’s cancelled now. Maybe I’ll go by myself and meet a hot guy who I’ll have a fling with. A girl can dream.

  My thoughts circled to my one true love — Troy. We were high school sweethearts and ne
ver would have broken up if we hadn’t gone to different colleges, on opposite sides of the country. I remembered him as if it were yesterday. And I missed him. He’s my never — the person who I should have ended up with, the one who shakes your soul, but timing was never right.

  With endless possibilities for my solo vacation, I packed my bags and was on the next available flight to Cairns.

  I stowed my carry-on in the overhead compartment and settled into my seat. Cairns, here I come! I thought. Two weeks of sun, sand and Kerouac. I tugged The Town and the City from my handbag and flicked to the marked page.

  My mother was the first person I called when I landed.

  “Monique,” she said. “How was your flight?”

  “It’s was okay,” I said. “Couldn’t wait to have my feet on solid ground again.”

  “This thing with you and Kate, it’s silly. Are you willing to let a little lie get between the two of you?”

  My face crumpled at the thought of the friendship being over. “I don’t know, Ma. And it was a pretty big lie.”

  “So what? It’s silly!”

  My finger punched the END CALL button. Now I needed a drink. Everyone I’d confided in thought I was being childish, irrational — but I couldn’t stand liars.

  I stalked over to retrieve my luggage and then located the airport bar, hauling myself onto a stool.

  The bartender floated over. “What can I getcha?”

  “Whiskey,” I grumbled.

  He appraised me and then arched an eyebrow.

  “What?” I said. “Girls can’t drink hard liquor?”

  He poured me a shot, lips stretching into a lop-sided grin.

  “Thanks.” I flicked a stray peanut off the counter. Now that I was here, I just wanted to relax and forget about my crappy life for two weeks, if that were possible.

  My Never is perma-FREE on all platforms!

  Amazon US | B&N | Google Books | Kobo | Smashwords

  Grab volume two, The Worry List, for $2.99

  Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Google Books | Kobo | Smashwords

  Pre-order volume three, Sway, for $2.99

  Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords


  Renée Swann is a full-time writer who lives in Sydney, Australia, with a crazy pooch named Abbey and a boisterous, somersaulting rescue budgie named Kaleb. Her days are spent living in her fictional worlds and consuming way too much caffeine. She has an (unhealthy?) obsession with all things cupcake- and coffee-related plus Kerouac and YA dystopia/fantasy books. Renée can often be found surrounded by books, marathoning crime shows and munching on vegan goodies, on Twitter, Pinterest, or dancing in a rainstorm.

  Renée Swann is a pen name for Renée Shearer, who also writes young adult fiction as C.J. Hart.

  Twitter | Pinterest | Tumblr | Instagram | Website

  Facebook as: Renée Swann | C.J Hart (YA pen name)

  Goodreads as: Renée Swann | C.J Hart

  Deeper (The Deeper Chronicles Book 1) by Allyn Lesley

  Everything Avianna Linton thought she knew was shattered in one traffic stop. With her life turned upside down, she flees to the bright lights of New York City hoping for anonymity and a new life.

  Rising from nothing, Noah Adams holds onto his power and control with a bone-crushing grip. No one dared challenge his authority until her...

  Avi’s disdain for Noah is barely contained, and Noah does everything he can to restrain himself—a concept he has little experience with.

  There’s more between the two than either of them realize. A force looms near, hovering with deadly precision and motivated solely by revenge.

  Avi wonders who her new friends truly are and if she’s already in too deep. Noah, accustomed to getting what he wants, will do whatever it takes to draw Avi's in deeper.

  Deeper is an interracial romantic suspense novel by new author allyn lesley.


  © allyn lesley 2015

  Noah shoved his hands in his pockets so he wouldn’t touch her without permission. “What’s your name?”

  She straightened her posture, meeting his stare while folding her arms over her chest. “What’s yours?”

  Noah laughed out loud.

  Well look at this. She has the balls to question me to my face?

  He stepped closer to the woman who piqued his interest. “I like that you don’t scare easily. But I asked you first.”

  Damn, she’s short. Her head just reached his shoulder. His gaze lowered to her open-toe gold shoes that showed off the cutest digits he’d ever seen. He appreciated that even in heels he towered over her. Her glare greeted him when he returned his attention back to her face.

  “And I asked you second,” she countered with a hand on her hip. “We could play this all night, Mister.”

  Noah’s gaze deliberately dropped from her tasty-looking lips down to her green dress with the cutout that flirted with her thick thighs. Noah slowly retraced his path up her body and conveyed his intent.

  Oh yeah, I’m so fucking you tonight.

  By the time their eyes connected again, Noah’s grin had split his face, revealing a set of deep dimples and gleaming white teeth. She failed miserably at making her small smile into a scowl. His grin disappeared when she took a step backward.

  “Noah Adams.” The name you’ll be screaming later. He stretched his right hand out, hoping she’d be polite enough to shake. The feel of her hand would have to hold him until he got to the rest in his bed later.

  Release Date January 26, 2015


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  allyn lesley writes real stories about real people.

  As a teen, allyn lost herself in the pages of some of Romance’s heavyweights, trusting that a happy ever after was just around the corner. In allyn’s own writing journey, as in life, she’s learned that people don’t always experience recovery and restoration after a fall. Her stories speak to the gritty side of life where the right choice isn't always easily identified and happiness not quickly gained.

  Glitch by Olivier Linden

  Liam Gallagher, AKA Glitch, is the brain behind a trio of corporate criminals. Formerly known as one of the most notorious hackers in cyberspace, he now works to keep Hawk Global Industries one step ahead of its competitors.

  But there's a catch. Being blackmailed to do what he does best isn't how Glitch plans to spend the rest of his life, and his partners in crime feel the same way. When an old flame crosses his path unexpectedly, Glitch and company learn that betrayal is on the horizon for them. It's time to put a plan in motion and reclaim their freedom, once and for all. Things are going to get pretty nasty along the way, even a little sexy, but it's all in a day's work for a Corporate Hitman.

  *Intended for readers 18+ due to graphic language and adult content*


  “So you think I’ve been looking for you like some lovesick woman with stars in her eyes? Is that what you think of me?”

  Shit, she was pissed.

  “That’s not what I think of you, but I just wanted to...” he tried to explain but Araceli stopped him with a sharp poke to his chest.

  “The only thing I expect from you is your honesty,” she said as she poked him again. “I didn’t come here for some sort of fairytale ending. I came here to find the only man that I have ever connected w
ith in my life. I know what the fuck I need and want. So as long as you’re a man of your word we should be fine,” she finished, attempting to poke him again, but Glitch grabbed her wrist before she did.

  Her feisty rant was probably meant to set him straight, but all it did was make him unbelievably aroused. His chest heaved slightly as the intensity of his desire for her made its rounds through his body. The ache in his groin, the hardening of his cock, the urge in his hands to touch her, and the need to taste her with his mouth.

  “You know what I do need?” Her voice lowered to a sultry, edgy purr, and she flicked her little pink tongue across her bottom lip as they continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.

  “Tell me,” he demanded, his voice hoarse from lust. “Tell me what you need.”

  “Take my clothes off. The only thing I need right now is to feel you inside me. That’s one thing that I have expected.” Her voice was full of need as she leaned her body closer to his.

  “Fuck your clothes,” Glitch growled as he pulled her roughly against him. She gasped lightly in surprise of his sudden action but sighed deeply when his lips brushed the sensitive flesh of her neck. Firm as steel, his erection taunted her as his hips flexed into her. His fingers dug into her flesh as he bunched her skirt up around her thighs, and she began to understand his meaning. Araceli was glad she decided to dress up for their dinner, forgoing the sweats that were her normal hacker attire. Even though, something told her he would have just ripped them away with the intensity in which he handled her.


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