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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

Page 4

by Nia Arthurs

  “It was nothing.”

  “If you hadn’t been there…” she paused and took in a deep breath. “I don’t know why or how you knew to come in, but I’m glad you did.” She played with the ring on her finger. “And about last night—”

  “We don’t have to discuss this now.”

  “We do,” she said, more resolved than he’d expected after all she had been through. “I don’t understand why you said those things and I’ve seen enough to know that you probably won’t tell me. I respect your feelings and I won’t misunderstand your stepping in tonight as anything special. You would have done so for anyone.”


  “That being said,” she swallowed, “do you think you could stay with me until I fell asleep? If you don’t want to, I totally get it.”

  She was peeling back her defenses in a moment of raw vulnerability. Emotion clogged his throat as he watched her. She was poised, ready for his rejection and silently hoping for his agreement.

  Benjamin stood and dropped into the seat beside her. He tapped his chest. Kelly scooted over and laid her head there. He kept his hands at his sides, but soon the position became too uncomfortable. Benjamin slowly allowed his palms to cup her shoulders.

  They remained quiet for several beats before Kelly spoke. “I went to my grandmother yesterday.”

  “You did?” He was surprised. When Kelly spoke about her grandmother, it was always accompanied by a healthy dose of resentment. He knew reconciliation between them would be hard earned and tedious. “When did you have the time?”

  “I spent the night at her place.”

  The words filled him with such relief that he missed most of what Kelly said after. She hadn’t gone off with a random stranger as Renesha had led him to believe. Instead, she’d been working things out with her family.

  “… and that’s why I didn’t want to call her tonight.”

  “Hm?” Benjamin scrambled to pretend he’d been listening. “That’s great, Kell.”

  “That’s great?”

  He heard the amusement in her voice and glanced down. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening.”

  “That’s a blow to the ego.”

  “Start again? This time I promise I’ll hang on every word.”

  “I’ve already bored you enough.” She yawned and adjusted her head to sit more comfortably on his chest.

  Soon, her slow, steady breathing alerted him. Kelly had fallen fast asleep. Lulled by the sound of her quiet slumber, Benjamin closed his eyes and rested.

  Getting On With It

  Kelly turned the bacon in the pan and allowed it to crackle and curl. She kept one eye on the meat while she scrambled the eggs in the neighboring pot. The scent soon drew Benjamin to the kitchen.

  Kelly looked him over, grateful for the morning light that highlighted his adorably messy hair, droopy blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She had slept on those shoulders all night and, though she’d developed a crick in her neck, it was the best kind of pain.

  Last night could have ended on a completely different note had Benjamin not stepped in. Kelly had meant what she said to PD Lewis. In her mind, she had already given up the fight, deciding to let Clayton have his way so it didn’t feel like the dreaded ‘r’ word.

  If her ex had succeeded in sleeping with her, something precious would have broken inside. After everything that he had done, her heart was rattled and her state of mind was in shreds.

  The ‘what ifs’ painted such a terrible picture that Kelly felt burdened to show her appreciation for Benjamin’s rescue. It was only a meal and a pot of coffee, but to her, it was every bit of her rescued soul.

  “Smells great,” he said, his voice husky from sleep.

  “Take a seat.” She grabbed a plate and set the eggs in the middle. “This will be done in a minute.”

  Instead, Benjamin walked over to her and crossed his arms over his chest. Flustered by his proximity, she skittered to the left and stared at the bacon as if it held the answers to life’s mysteries.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Like a baby.”

  “I’m sure it must have been uncomfortable. I should have put you back to bed, but I dozed off.”

  The thought of curling into bed with Benjamin flashed through her mind and she winced. After the trauma of last night, she still had the gall to lust after her boss? He’d taken such tender care of her, expecting nothing in return. It was time to dial the heat meter down a bit.

  “Trust me. I’m fine. Thank you for letting me stay over. I’ll head back down as soon as I clean up in here.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” he said.

  “Do what?” Kelly asked, turning off the stove and sliding the bacon into his plate.


  She froze, her hand gripping the plate tightly for fear that it would grow lax and crash to the floor. “You’re kidding.”

  “We can exchange apartments,” Benjamin said and hope seeped out of her like a deflating balloon.

  “Oh.” Kelly frowned. “That’s what you meant.”

  “Don’t sound so disappointed.”

  “I’m not. I’m just…” She glanced up and found him looking at her with a teasing smirk. “I don’t want to kick you out of your own apartment.”

  “I won’t be able to sleep at night thinking of you downstairs and vulnerable. Remembering what happened every time you go into your bedroom. At least until things are settled, you should stay here. I’ll stay at your place and get it cleaned up.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “As your boss, it is my job to protect your emotional and mental wellbeing so that I can get the best work out of you. It’s simple business etiquette.”

  She chuckled wryly. “Is that your excuse?”

  His cold expression melted and he offered a sheepish look. “It does sound a bit foolish, doesn’t it?”

  She sighed. “I told you that I wouldn’t misunderstand.”


  “It’s fine. You don’t have to tiptoe around me or make lame excuses. Last night, I just really needed someone. I wasn’t throwing myself at you, and I don’t plan to do so in the future.” She shoved the plate at him. “I’m heading back to my place.”

  “Let me go with you.” He set his hand on her arm. “Just to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m a big girl. I won’t run from my own home because of one bad experience.” Kelly slipped her shoes on and walked toward the door. “Enjoy your breakfast.”

  As she trotted down the stairs, her bravado faded. Fingers trembling, she reached for her door lock and pressed her passcode. When she opened the door, she was surprised by the neatness of her living room.

  Her sofa pillows had been set back into place and the lamp shards swept up. On the surface, everything was as it should be. Still, Clayton’s fragrance lingered.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have played big and returned to her place so quickly.

  Kelly shook off her fear. The sun was shining and it was a new day. Clayton had already stolen her peace of mind. Would she allow him to take her beloved apartment too?

  Determined to brighten the place, Kelly opened every window. Golden light sparkled on her living room floor and glinted against a glass shard that hid beneath her sofa. She grabbed her pan and broom and swept the entire living room and kitchen area.

  Buoyed by her progress, Kelly moved to the bedroom next. Reaching out to turn the knob was the hardest thing she had ever done. She knew, as soon as she saw her purple walls and white blankets that the memories would flood her.

  “I can do this,” she said, hyping herself up. “I am stronger than fear.”

  Kelly bit on her fingernail and swerved away. Who was she kidding? Walking into her bedroom would be like voluntarily returning to a nightmare. She wasn’t ready. Not yet.

  At that moment, a knock sounded outside. Kelly eagerly bounded to the foyer and threw the door open, stunned when she sa
w Benjamin on her threshold. Had she not been clear earlier? Was he here to offer more pity?

  “What do you want?” she asked, allowing her irritation to seep into her voice.

  He raised dark eyebrows and jerked his chin toward the duffel bag in his hands. She recognized it and snatched the handles from him.

  “Why do you have this?”

  “I took some clothes from your room so you didn’t have to come down here to change. I figured I should return it.”

  “Oh.” She bit on her lower lip, glad that the injury didn’t sting quite as much as it had the day before.

  “Did you get in okay?” He peered at her face and saw when her expression turned frightened. “Is something wrong?”

  “I… can’t open my bedroom door.”

  His face crumpled in confusion. “What do you mean? It could open just fine when I checked last night.”

  She licked her lips and stared at his pale toes peeking out of his slippers. “Could you just… come in and stand beside me.”

  It had taken all of her strength to beg him for that favor. Kelly hated that she had been relegated to the trembling damsel in distress, but facing her room with Benjamin beside her would be a thousand times easier than doing it alone.

  “Of course,” Benjamin said without hesitation. He walked in and closed the door behind him. “But…”


  “In exchange, you have to eat breakfast with me.”

  A watery smile tipped the corners of her lips. “What kind of request is that?”

  “You went to all that trouble and you won’t taste a bit of it. Doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “Fine.” Kelly allowed her grin to bloom. “Let’s do that.”

  “Great.” Benjamin slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants and followed her down the hall to her bedroom.

  With his steadying presence behind her, Kelly reached out and turned her knob. The door opened with a creak. The curtains were drawn, but the sun struggled past the heavy material to reveal the faint stains on the floor.

  Someone had obviously tried to clean up. The pools of blood had disappeared along with the spatters that had tainted her white bedspread and mattress. The foam had been stripped down and the scent of bleach hung heavy in the air.

  Instead of images of Clayton’s overpowering body, Benjamin’s raging fists on Clayton’s face, or the horror of sliding in front of her ex to keep Benjamin from striking a death blow, Kelly saw an image of her boss on his hands and knees cleaning her floor.

  “Did you do this?” she asked, her voice breathless.

  “Do what?”

  “Did you wash up in here?”

  “It was nothing,” he said. “Took less than an hour. You were knocked out cold by the time I was done.”

  “Benjamin, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.” He stepped back. “Unless it’s that you’re not coming to work today.”

  “Why wouldn’t I come to work?”

  “Kel, you’ve just been through a horrifying experience. The police might need you available to make a statement—”

  “Then they’ll have to get me after working hours.”

  “As your boss…”

  “As my friend, I need you to understand. I have to go to work. If I sit at home and twiddle my thumbs, I’ll just relive last night over and over again. I’ll go crazy.”

  He sighed. “Fine. You can come to work.”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder, feeling a bit of her confidence return. “Like I needed your permission.”

  Benjamin smiled at her and that’s when Kelly knew. She’d conquered one morning and she would conquer another. Eventually, she’d conquer a week and then a month. In the end, she would be alright.

  When Wrong Is Right


  Returning to work after punching a man to within an inch of his life felt a little like walking into a slightly altered world. He wished he could convince Kelly to take a few days off and regroup.

  Stubborn woman.

  The very tenacity that drew him to her frustrated him to no end. He couldn’t resist making excuses to pass by her office once every few hours just to check on her. She seemed fine on his last trips, but everyone could wear a mask.

  Benjamin cleared his throat, unable to focus on the contract he held in his hands. Perhaps it was time to get some coffee and stretch his legs. For the fifth time.

  He gathered his file and his cell phone to make it look as if he was on an important errand and burst out of his office. On the way out, he nearly stumbled into Harley Williams.

  According to office gossip, the woman had won the Miss Belize pageant a few years back and held all the charm that accompanied the status. She was a talented architect and dedicated worker. Her only flaw? She was quite vocal about her intent on marrying him.

  Benjamin found Harley’s goal amusing, but brushed her off as often as possible. He had eyes on only one woman, and unfortunately, Harley wasn’t her.

  “Sir!” Harley squealed, her white teeth bright against her olive-skin tone. “I’m back!”

  “Back from where?”

  She breezed over his confusion. “Thank you so much for giving me the day off yesterday. My parents were thrilled that I could attend their going away party.”

  “I wasn’t the one who sanctioned your day-off, Ms. Williams.”

  “Still—” She followed him as she began to walk down the hall—“I’m sure that you missed my presence.”

  “Your presence?” He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Why would I miss that?”

  Harley coughed and struggled to retain her cheerful mood. “Anyway, I’m going to dive straight into the Lord Industries project so don’t you worry about a thing, sir.”

  “I will leave Lorde Industries in your capable hands.” About to approach the Business Administration department, Benjamin slowed down so that he could catch a glimpse of Kelly through the open door.

  She had her head down, her beautiful neck exposed due to the bun that she wore. Straight black tendrils hung on either side of her cheek and tickled the tip of her pretty nose. He exhaled in satisfaction and nearly walked into the wall.

  Harley stared at him with jaw slack and he coolly wiped the surface of his tie. When caught in a compromising position, Benjamin had learned that it was best to play it safe and pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary.

  “Did you need to discuss something more, Ms. Williams?”

  “Were you… spying on Kelly?”

  “Whaaaat?” Benjamin’s eyes widened. The reaction was instinctual and he had to work to reel his panic back in. “I was simply heading to the break room for more coffee.”

  “The break room is that way.” Harley pointed in the opposite direction.

  “I’m still new here,” he said with an awkward chuckle. “I forget where the rooms are.”

  “Okay…” Harley said slowly. She looked down and seemed to be battling something within herself.

  Eager to get away from her before she collected her thoughts, Benjamin swiveled around and fast-walked in the direction of his office. To his horror, the woman kept right on his heels.

  “Mr. Levy! Can I talk to you a minute?”

  “I’m actually very busy.”

  “I thought you were going to get coffee?” Harley asked pointedly.

  He froze, realizing he’d been caught. Straightening his shoulders and lifting his chin, Benjamin slowed down. “Right. Coffee.”

  He changed directions to the break room and poured himself a cup while Harley stared at him with unblinking eyes.

  “Was there something you wanted to discuss?” he asked, squirming beneath her analyzing gaze.

  “Mr. Levy, what do you think about going on an office workshop?”

  “A workshop?” he asked, taking another sip. “Why would we do that?”

  “Nearly half of the staff at D&T are non-architects. Some don’t understand what we do o
r why it’s important. It could also be an opportunity to sharpen our skills on the state-of-the-art technology that the company’s invested in. Some of the old school architects don’t even use it.”

  “That’s a nice idea, Ms. Williams. Why not make it an after-hours training? I’ll sanction a budget for light snacks.”

  “It would also be a great opportunity for you to get to know your staff. All of them. Not just a few.” Harley cleared her throat. An image of Kelly popped into his mind.

  “I’ll think about it,” he said.

  “I’ll draft up a proposal and send it to you.” Harley persisted.

  “Go ahead and do that.” He arched an eyebrow at his cup. “Now, may I finish my coffee in peace?”

  “Of course.” She grinned brightly and tiptoed out of the room. “Ouch!”

  “Watch it!” A voice growled. Benjamin glanced up and found Renesha and Harley glaring at each other. The two stubbornly insisted on using the doorway at once, pushing and growling to not give the other an inch.


  When at last Renesha succeeded in stumbling into the room, she seemed surprised to see him there.

  “Mr. Levy!”

  “Renesha.” He saluted her with his mug.

  “Uh… I was just going to bring you some coffee.”

  “It seems I beat you to the punch. Go ahead.” He slid over so that she could have access to the coffee pot.

  Her fingers trembled as she grasped a mug and poured the black liquid into it. Awkwardness tinged the air and Benjamin was just about to excuse himself and get back to work, when Renesha stopped him with a soft voice.


  “He froze and spun back around to face her. “Yes?”

  “Kelly told me what happened last night.”

  His eyebrows shot up. When had the friends had time to discuss the details of Kelly’s assault?

  “I see.”

  “I may have been a bit too harsh with you yesterday. I hope you don’t hold it against me. Kelly’s my best friend and she’s been through enough in her life.”

  “I understand, Ms. Hamilton.”

  “But sir…” She stepped in front of him, her eyes sharp. “I don’t understand. You told Kelly that you don’t want anything to do with her, but you stepped up in a big way when she needed you. Even,” she lowered her voice, “offering your apartment.”


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