Light of Darkness
Page 6
MICHAEL: Because the accuser and his men have no power except it be given to them by my Commander. My Commander has commissioned me to bring this weasel here to answer you on their behalf, upon your request. Your petition was received by the Heavenly Office on December 10, 2019, at 2:44 a.m.
Ebenezer: Very well. Yes, the timing is accurate. That was one of a string of sleepless nights, I do recall. And what do you say, Michael, to the prince’s claims?
MICHAEL: I have nothing to say in regard to his efforts. What is done is done, and the battle has already been won. Yes, this man works for the most scrupulous liar that walks the face of the Earth, and we refrain from acknowledging even his presence, for again, whatever he is allowed to do, and whatever he is able to accomplish, is only if my Commander allows it. As he mentioned, his master’s tricks have not changed since the inception of time, and though he is cunning and crafty in his delivery, we know very well the deeds he will try to deploy next.
Ebenezer: But in your assessment, has he been honest in his responses here today?
MICHAEL: Yes, this deceiver has been honest. A bit overconfident but honest. We are in a battle against one another to control the systems of the world and establish our kingdoms. He and his master have a strong presence in the airwaves at the present moment; however, that is something we are raising up people to take back, men and women whose destinies are catered specifically to those fields.
Ebenezer: I understand. It is good to know that he has been, for the most part, honest during my interrogation. But these men and women that you are raising up—are they immune from the clutches of the prince and his cohorts?
MICHAEL: In this world, in its present form, they are not totally immune. However, the power within them that our Commander has deposited is enough to overcome the wily tricks of my enemy, even if they find themselves exposed to them. They possess the power to be set free, not merely to enjoy themselves, but to do battle and engage in the fight, to overcome in their own lives, and to become channels by which others are set free.
Ebenezer: Michael, I am very much encouraged by this. Very much. You seem to inspire and energize when you speak. I would like to hear more. Your enemy mentioned that the battle you fight is not one of flesh and blood but one of principles, or first truths. So, I assume that you would also agree with this statement, and the key, perhaps, to activating that power is by knowing first truths in a sense? Is that correct?
MICHAEL: That is very much the case. The reality you see hinges on foundational moral principles, and therefore, the reality you see has spiritual control. One of the first truths, or principles that those under my Commander’s allegiance must learn and understand is that my men and I have been assigned to each of them to keep them in all their ways. Just as I have been sent here this evening to answer your petition to my Commander, every person in the kingdom of light has at least two such helpers working day and night to keep them from harm.
Ebenezer: I really like that principle, or first truth, as you call it. You all must be a very busy group then. Are you assigned to protect me?
MICHAEL: Yes! Those who understand who my Commander is and who we are and what we do and believe we can be appropriated at any time very much love this principle. It is a great benefit in the kingdom of the light. Our Commander made it clear to all those given free will that the principle of petition is available to anyone in His kingdom who calls for it. I, however, am not directly assigned to protect you. There was a standoff to prevent this meeting from occurring after your request was made on the 10th of December, and I had to intercede and bring him here myself.
Ebenezer: Standoff? Wow. Well, thank you. I wasn’t so sure that anything had happened during any of those sleepless nights, but I am happy to know that there was much going on in another realm that I could not see. You mentioned that your enemy has no power over those with free will unless your Commander allows it. Can you explain that a bit more?
MICHAEL: The prince, through his master, still has access to the throne of my Commander. He must seek His permission before he does anything to those the Commander claims because of me and my men standing guard at all times. My enemy and his legions of demons both need my Commander’s permission.
Ebenezer: That is very interesting. So, everything that he is getting ready to do, to unleash rather, into the world is being allowed by your Commander?
MICHAEL: That is precisely accurate. Despite what he has said so boldly today and the confidence with which he has spoken, neither he nor his master is on equal level with my Leader. My Commander has several divine attributes that he simply does not and will not have. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; of those characteristics, his master carries none.
Ebenezer: I am glad you have said this and made it abundantly clear. It is encouraging to know that the two are truly not on an even playing field. But I must ask, and please excuse my ignorance on this matter, but if your Commander is infinitely more powerful than His adversary, then why is he being allowed to run terror on the people of this world and to do his evil deeds in manipulating them in confusion by using distorted principles?
MICHAEL: Great question. Great question, indeed. To answer this question, we must begin at the very beginning. First of all, in the beginning, the quality of everything that our Commander created was good, but something went wrong. Good became bad. The accuser was the bearer of the light, or the knowledge and truth of God, at one time. It was, again, at one time, a beautiful thing. Before he became the accuser, he was the most vibrant of the angels. But he said in his heart, “I will ascend to heaven, and I will raise my throne above the stars of God.” Is that not what your master said, Mr. Prince?
PRINCE: Yes. That is what he said. You know this, Michael.
MICHAEL: But wickedness was then found in him. And he was no longer the model of perfection, and his purity left him. His heart became proud, and his wisdom became corrupted and perverted. Do I speak the truth, Mr. Prince?
PRINCE: I cannot speak for my master, but yes, that is the truth, I suppose.
MICHAEL: Mr. Ebenezer, the accuser decided to leave the truth, even though our Commander called him the model of perfection. He lived in the presence of our Great Leader. He lived each moment next to Him, as a cherub in His presence. But his own pride and vanity caused him to be cast down. So, this being set up his kingdom in the air, which he has already somewhat thoroughly explained. This man has only one dream since he was cast down from heaven—he wants to get his fill of worship here on Earth. He has told the absolute truth in that regard. But he needs a body here to make himself legal. So, Ebenezer, in simple terms, this accuser wants to possess you. However, to address your question, the accuser and his followers have only been given freedom for a time. But even in the freedom he has been allotted, he is still carrying out our Commander’s purposes, for all the armies of Earth that he may control are still nothing compared to my Commander’s power, and He is the One whose glory and majesty will return at the appropriate time.
Ebenezer: It would be great to know exactly when that time will be, as it could perhaps give many people hope—much-needed hope. People have begun to lose hope in this world and in living in general.
MICHAEL: I will tell you this, and I am somewhat sad to say it: the world will see a greater flood of evil in the coming decade that will attempt to destroy all witnesses to my Commander on the face of your Earth. But do not be afraid, for as I have said, even as our adversary is working, we are still working, still protecting, and my Commander will return once more at the appointed time to completely take back the Earth and make right every distorted principle.
Ebenezer: I look forward to this day very much. I hope that it will happen in my lifetime. But please, Michael, tell me: How can one be one of the few whose true allegiance remains with your Commander? In other words, in what areas must he focus his efforts to ensure he remains a tool and instrument of the kingdom of light?
MICHAEL: Ebenezer,
may I be so bold as to say that I believe you very well know the answer to the question you are asking.
Ebenezer: I do?
MICHAEL: Yes, you do. For this was the sole purpose for this interrogation or interview today, whichever you choose to call it. Yes, the enemy is at work getting ready to unleash his evil deeds on the entire Earth, spreading fear throughout the hearts and minds of those unaware of his tactics and in those who have become slaves to his principles. But my Commander has brought him here so you can prepare yourself and warn others to prepare, also, for what he will be unleashing. Remember, the reality you see hinges on moral foundations, and therefore, the reality you see has spiritual control. Now, to recapture what has been said here, what battle is being fought between my Commander and his adversary?
Ebenezer: The battle... hmm. I suppose I may be a bit slow this evening, for it is a bit late, or early, I should say. Forgive me. But I believe what was discussed here is that the battle is not one waged by human hands but is about first truths or principles that have become a part of one’s inner man. And yes—all reality hinges on moral foundations, and therefore, has spiritual control.
MICHAEL: Yes, you have it exactly right. Please listen to this recording again and again in the coming days because it is of critical importance. In terms of the principles that you and others seeking allegiance to our Commander should adhere to, a critical reason for our discussion today, there are seven that I would encourage you to walk in as you go about your daily life on Earth. In doing so, you can live a life here and now on your Earth that mirrors that of my home country, my Commander’s headquarters.
Ebenezer: Live a life here on Earth just as it is in the Heavenlies. Outstanding. I would love to know these principles. As you say, these principles will allow me to be productive in this world, even throughout the next decade? And prevent me from being influenced by the principles of your adversary?
MICHAEL: Yes, that is the truth. The key, once I give you these principles, is to guard them against the systems of Earth over which my adversary wields a great deal of control at the current moment. These will get you through the season of crisis in the coming decade and beyond. I have said it several times, and I will say it again as it is of critical importance: The reality you see hinges on moral foundations, and therefore, has spiritual control.
Ebenezer: And once again, I hear you, and I agree. Very well. I am eager to hear what you have to say. Open up.
MICHAEL: The first principle that one must live by and mark on one’s mind and heart in order to make it through the coming decade is the principle of purpose. I am amazed by how many of you humans reject even the idea of death because you know you have not finished what you have been born to start. Death never threatens an Earth Dweller who has discovered his purpose.
Ebenezer: That is a very strong assertion. If I am hearing you correctly, the logical conclusion to your statement is that human beings can die and should die willfully, without the pressure of any external influence?
MICHAEL: That is exactly what I am saying, and the man who understands this can gain the power to defeat even death, something my adversary here finds absolutely repulsive. Purpose gives every man clear confidence about his life and his death. There are so many people who are lost and frustrated, even those that follow my Commander. Have you ever seen a manufacturer who began to build something, and because it didn’t become what he intended, he made it into something else? You don’t see that. The builder doesn’t stop until he gets what he purposed in his mind. The purpose for the product cannot be substituted. If you are trying to become something you are not, you are abusing what you are. There is no satisfaction besides purpose. Purpose will haunt you. No matter what you plan, if it isn’t my Commander’s purpose for you, it will not prevail.
Ebenezer: What percentage of people do you know that are living their purpose? Seventy? Eighty?
MICHAEL: Seventy or eighty? Oh no! How about five or ten. If that. There is an enormous amount of squandered potential, a lot of misdirected minds, and many unhappy people. Your world is full of them. Just imagine the positive impact these people could make on your planet if they started doing something they truly valued! Plus, it makes our jobs easier. I can’t begin to tell you how miserable it is to have my guys assigned to help people who are doing nothing, always grumpy, and always complaining.
Ebenezer: So, I assume that making money and earning a living are not at all related to living a complete life?
Ebenezer: So, I assume that making money and ea—
MICHAEL: Yes, I heard you. My response to your question is more related to my total state of shock and disbelief than my inability to hear you. Since I assume you are serious, the answer is no, absolutely no. Money does not, in any way, equate to living a complete life. Foolish is the Earth Dweller who bases his value on money, or any external, physical thing, for that matter…
MICHAEL: Like the human body, which, I should add, is a value that has come to possess many of you, causing many of your younger Earth Dwellers to do once unconscionable things—for the sole sake of making money.
Ebenezer: Hmm...
MICHAEL: Perhaps it has now become clearer why the acceptance of distorted principles can be so damaging and toxic to the human psyche.
Ebenezer: But Michael, I see many of the people I know working jobs I believe they truly enjoy. They walk around the offices smiling and laughing, and they take wonderful vacations with the many bonuses and large commission checks they receive. And the pictures… oh, how they take fabulous pictures and share so the world can see!
MICHAEL: So?! If only you could see what I see!
Ebenezer: Perhaps you could explain. What more is it you see?
MICHAEL: Your Earth is full of people whom everyone believes are doing well, but when they close the door in the evening and turn off the lights, it’s hell in the bed. I see them crying, and I see them weeping; I see many angry, frustrated, and disappointed because they know they’re not fulfilled. But when they’re back in the lights, you Earth Dwellers give them resounding applause. In secret, however, they are as depressed as they can be. Corporate executives, politicians, doctors, bankers, managers, models, many earthlings are doing great things by the standards of others, but yet, they long to do other things. They are, quite simply, out of position. Deep inside, they really want to write. Deep down, they really want to speak. Deep within, they really want to practice law or medicine. Deep within them, they really want to do photography or cater events or cook. Their lack of fulfillment in their gifts will make them frustrated. They are impressing other people yet are depressed and frustrated themselves. My Commander’s deep calling and purpose will make them sick if they don’t pursue it. The scream of purpose is the loudest one that can ever be heard.
Ebenezer: So, there is a difference for each man between his work and his job. It seems as if his work is what he was born to do, but his job is what the world pays him to do. At least, that is how I see it.
MICHAEL: You see it very well. You see it correctly. Until a man finds his purpose and maps out his destiny, then all he has is a job. And if all you have is a job, then you really have no reason for getting up in the morning. I don’t care how much coffee you drink or how many pills you humans scarf down; if all you have is a job, then you’ll lack the energy for living.
Ebenezer: So, purpose and destiny can give energy or take energy, depending on if you have it or if you don’t.
MICHAEL: That is exactly right. The man who discovers his true purpose develops a wealth of energy within him that keeps him moving forward. Even against the most impossible odds.
Ebenezer: But tell me, as I am somewhat confused, and my mind is a bit scattered due to the current hour: How does this relate at all to your enemy and avoiding the pitfalls that he aims to deceive us with? Especially in this coming decade?
MICHAEL: It has everything to do with it! Open your e
yes! Whenever a man is without a driving purpose, he has no reason to guard his mind from the information he is receiving from the world around him. You heard my adversary’s story about the young boy which he took possession of. There is no filter constantly governing his decisions. If a man knows exactly what he should do, then he knows what he shouldn’t do. He becomes vigilant in what he allows inside him, outside him, and around him. I have always found it interesting how you humans put so much emphasis on the nourishment you put in your body but fail to guard and protect the nutritional quality of the information that you deposit into your minds. The latter is much more important.
Ebenezer: Can a man or woman be in line with his purpose but be out of line in his principles? In other words, can the influence of your adversary negatively affect the purity of the purpose and vision of the individual?
MICHAEL: I see you are moving two, perhaps three steps ahead. You are as one who has mastered the great game of chess. You speak of both principles and purity, which are both critical for circumventing the enemy’s tactics in the coming years. But let’s first touch on principles, as they relate specifically to purpose.