Light of Darkness
Page 9
MICHAEL: Yes. Precisely. Remember, you and all Earth Dwellers decide what happens on this Earth. You decide, as you have been given the management responsibility over Earth’s resources. Whatever you allow, the Head Office will allow. Whatever you don’t allow, the Head Office will not allow either. The power is in your hands.
Ebenezer: Then man has incredible choice and incredible power over how he responds to the currents of life. Whether he will succeed or fail, whether he will triumph or fall. It seems there is a unique freedom that is within our grasp that many a man has perhaps not tasted or experienced yet.
MICHAEL: A unique freedom, indeed. There is a misconception of what true purity is and how it is revealed in our lives. True purity, when it comes down to it, is simply the integration of the body, spirit, and the soul into one. When those three align, the person is said to be pure.
Ebenezer: If I understand correctly, then a man can be completely evil and still considered pure?
MICHAEL: If the man’s body, spirit, and soul are all evil, then yes, that man is living in purity. That is not to say that the way he is living is correct.
Ebenezer: That seems to be too unbelievable to be true.
MICHAEL: Perhaps. But unlike my adversary here, I aim only to speak the truth. This occurrence is not only unique to purity; it is also a characteristic of the term “character” itself, as you Earth Dwellers know it.
Ebenezer: Answer me this: How does the term “character” fit this definition as well? On what grounds of knowledge do you make this claim?
MICHAEL: By simple definition. My Commander is one, meaning He is completely integrated. In other words, He never changes. A person with ulterior motives is a person without character. So, to have character, or to be one, means you have arrived at a point where you are completely free from any dichotomy. You are only one person, not two. Your greatest battle as an Earth Dweller is between the dichotomy, or two personalities, within you. And it begins with the senses, is filtered through the spirit, and ends with the soul.
Ebenezer: This secret self, does everybody have it?
MICHAEL: I like that term, the secret self. Yes, every Earth Dweller begins this life with a secret self. However, it is a lifelong pursuit to become one, or whole. The more your secret self can become public, the closer you come to becoming pure, or one.
Ebenezer: It appears this is something everyone should strive for. This, too, is difficult in my world as the majority of Earth Dwellers, or people, don’t want others to see their “baggage.” But I take your word as true. I should ask you this: What are the benefits of becoming “one” beyond what you have described? In a practical sense?
MICHAEL: It’s very simple; the foundation of completeness is character. It is as simple as that. If you have no character, you cannot be whole or complete, and you will not be one.
Chapter 8
December 31, 2019
Ebenezer: You know, your statements have me thinking a great deal.
Ebenezer: Well, the world is full of leaders who have fallen due to failures in character, and it has left us with many problems, in my opinion.
MICHAEL: What type of problems?
Ebenezer: Well, take, for instance, the issues concerning race here in the United States. I’m sorry to bring this up again, as I alluded to this earlier in an indirect question I presented to your adversary. Perhaps you can expound on it a bit more. We seem to be living in a time where such failure in character has led to a lack of moral authority concerning issues like prejudice and racism. At least, that is how I see it.
MICHAEL: You have communicated an interesting analysis. As I watch what is and has been transpiring on your Earth, and as my Commander watches as well, we have no choice but to be concerned. Yes, character plays a role in every earthly conflict. Issues regarding race are no exception. And yes, failure in this arena has led to the degradation of all moral authority on these issues.
Ebenezer: I knew it. And what are your chief concerns?
MICHAEL: The solutions you humans have deployed to solve your problems. And how you have analyzed the problem. And the leadership that is speaking out on the problem and the principles they refer to. Or perhaps I should say the lack thereof.
Ebenezer: I am indeed glad then that I have brought this up for discussion. Over the last several years, or decades rather, men and women have become increasingly more impatient with those who show any form of discrimination toward others. But I suppose I am surprised by your comment that we somehow lack solutions. Wherever I turn, I see people striving and working tooth and nail to bring about change for those experiencing the effects of living in such a society.
MICHAEL: Tell me, as I am curious to know, what solutions do you see?
Ebenezer: Reform. In the form of policy changes in the various systems, but primarily in law enforcement, housing, education…
MICHAEL: Systemic reform is good; however, I would challenge you to consider other possibilities in light of what has been discussed today. Especially given the fact that you have been doing battle over the same issues for quite some time within your Earth. Specifically, think about what we have discussed concerning power. Remember, the potency of my Commander will only further expand His principles; my adversary’s, his own. What principles underlie racism within a society? Are they not those of my adversary?
Ebenezer: Yes, I would agree with that statement.
MICHAEL: But what about the solution? Is the solution in line with my Commander or my adversary?
Ebenezer: I consider that a silly question. The solutions are all in line with your Commander’s.
MICHAEL: That is incorrect. The dominating solutions you humans have deployed are not in line with my Commander’s for this time and in this season.
Ebenezer: For this time and in this season? I suppose I’m back to playing checkers, Michael. Please explain further.
MICHAEL: The key to understanding the usefulness of authentic power is understanding that it gives one the ability to be able to accomplish his or her purpose. I stated this earlier. My Commander provides the fullness of Himself and His nature and deposits it into each available Earth Dweller, and it then acts as a co-partner to bring about the purposes for which that human was created. This is critical because circumstances could call for a change in strategy based on the time and the season. It appears you humans are deploying strategies that were applicable to your previous generations but not for the current generation or season in which you find yourselves living now. Don’t get me wrong; at one point, they were good strategies. So, perhaps I should explain a bit further… you humans have categorized three important periods in your nation’s history. The first you call the American Revolution, which established your nation as free and governed by a system you call democracy. The second is the Civil War, which you fought to eradicate the institution of slavery. The third was the American Civil Rights movement, which was conducted to change human behavior related to segregation and discrimination practices. That was a period of intense policy change…
Ebenezer: And the policy change must continue.
MICHAEL: Policy change is important; however, is it necessary for the Earth Dwellers among you to rise and speak directly to the real problem?
Ebenezer: If you are again suggesting that human beings are somewhat off base in how they currently address these issues, I am still not following.
MICHAEL: That is precisely what I am suggesting.
Ebenezer: Okay, make it plain. What is the real problem, then?
MICHAEL: The real problem is that your fellow men have failed to take total responsibility for the policies ruling their own hearts. I am not speaking of outward responsibility, but inward. One must first embody justice before it can completely be given or bestowed on others. That underlying problem cannot be changed through legislation alone; it can only be eradicated through a deeper transformation of the heart, or the inner mind
. A man can be set free physically but still not be accepted as an equal if his former oppressor’s heart has not changed. A man can be set free physically, and even be accepted by his former oppressor, but still live with the residual effects of his former oppression if his heart, or inner mind, remains unchanged, and he continues to see himself in the light of his former oppression. Oppression of any kind affects both the oppressor and the oppressed. Therefore, I will lay it to you plainly: There is a stain on the heart of you Earth Dwellers, from the least of you to the greatest, from the smallest to the biggest, from the richest to the poorest, from the blackest to the whitest, that must be eradicated through a transformation of the inner mind, or the heart. Remember, the reality you see hinges on moral principles, and therefore, the reality you see has spiritual control. That is the beginning of true justice, as my Commander sees it.
Ebenezer: And how does one do that? Specifically?
MICHAEL: Through a transformation of the inner mind. However, as I have said, without true authentic power, one is left without the strategies to overcome the problems you Earth Dwellers are experiencing in your time. Problems that stem forth from the heart or inner mind. This power, I know as a fact, is so useful to you Earthlings because it will assist you in this transformation. I will not tell you what specific strategies to deploy; you must connect to this power yourself, submit to it, and discover it relentlessly. I would also advise you to look through this recording carefully upon completion of this discussion, as you may find a few clues that will guide you further toward a solution based upon the things my adversary and I have stated.
Ebenezer: Very well. So, to reiterate, the key to the problems we Earth Dwellers face is a change in heart or a true mental transformation?
MICHAEL: Based on knowledge of the truth and a revelation of the strategies that my Commander has made available through the power He has deposited in those ready and wanting to receive it.
Ebenezer: I must say, my mind is turning like a propeller at the moment. I would like to dig deeper into this topic while I still have the chance. Because, in all honesty, I am a bit confused as to what I can say to the world, to my peers that has not already been said. I now know I must connect to this power and appropriate it as my co-partner to bring about the strategies for change within my society; I have noted that. However, I would very much enjoy hearing from you how you assess the various incidences of violence that have been inflicted upon seemingly helpless individuals at the hands of others. Incidences that have even been captured and disseminated by innocent bystanders. Based on your statement earlier, man is the responsible agent on this Earth, and he must take responsibility for this issue and for dealing with it effectively. Is that correct?
MICHAEL: Yes, you Earth Dwellers are the responsible ones. I can offer my assessment of the situation. For one, the fact that you Earthlings have reacted to these incidences, whether the reaction is in line with my Commander’s principles or not, means there is hope. For the conscience of you humans have not been fully stained. However, it takes careful analysis and self-reflection to really take full inventory of the situation and realize that the issue is not only between the one who is being oppressed and the one administering the oppression.
Ebenezer: Okay, how would you analyze it then? If you were I, in what other ways would you view it?
MICHAEL: Well, other than what you already know about the oppressed and the oppressor, how about the Earth Dwellers who have captured the acts via their recording contraptions and have acted to expose the evil deeds to the world? How about the others who have stood idly by and watched the events transpire? Is there any blood on their hands? My Commander once told a story about a Samaritan who was traveling along a road and saw a man who was not of his kind lying on the path, beaten and robbed. Two other men had passed before him, but they did not stop. Yet this man who was from a completely different background stopped to help and tend to him.
Ebenezer: Yes, I have heard that story.
MICHAEL: Yes, it’s a popular one. What you don’t realize is that the road in which they were traveling was a very dangerous road and was every bit conducive for ambushing. So, anyone who stopped to help the man would have been putting his own life at risk. The Samaritan was fulfilling the highest act of love in putting aside his own well-being for a complete stranger. Now, with that said, the individuals who were present during some of these incidences, were they fulfilling the highest act of love by recording the events?
Ebenezer: I know where you’re going with this, and I would have to say that although it could be said that they were doing a good thing, that no, they were not. They weren’t doing the best thing.
Ebenezer: Because the highest act of love in that situation, as you have stated, would be to have stepped in to stop the man committing the injustice… even if it cost them their lives.
MICHAEL: Correct. However, as we have said time and time again, if the principles one lives by are incorrect, then the heart, or inner mind, is not correct.
Ebenezer: And what about the others?
MICHAEL: Yes, the others. There were some who neither recorded nor did anything to resolve the issue they were seeing. They simply sat by and took in the experience. I believe that is 99 percent of you Earth Dwellers. Simply consuming but doing nothing.
Ebenezer: I’ve heard that said before.
MICHAEL: The consumer mentality is dangerous and takes one further and further away from true unconditional love. It spirals one down the deep corridors of hopelessness and ever reaches, always wanting despair, into a dark night devoid of even the dimmest of stars. True unconditional love, as my Commander sees it, is laying one’s entire life down for anoth...
PRINCE: Ewww. Ugh, someone cue the violin and then call me an ambulance.
Ebenezer: Hush, Mr. Prince. But Michael, what would your Commander have done if He was a bystander while some of these injustices were occurring?
MICHAEL: It is becoming more and more clear that you are in dire need of a hearing aid, my friend.
PRINCE: It’s okay! No need to remember anything he says. Only remember the things I have told you. Freedom, remember. Truth, remember.
Ebenezer: Freedom, truth, yes, yes, I know. I have begun to learn that at many times the best answers usually present themselves while in deep silence and contemplation. With that said, there is another topic that I have wondered about for some time in my moments of silence that I would like to get your opinion on, if you would allow it, Michael. It is in regard to charity, or what some humans, or Earth Dwellers as you call us, call philanthropy.
MICHAEL: Ah, charity. You Earth Dwellers adore it.
Ebenezer: I see by the tone of your voice that you may have strong opinions about it, one way or another.
MICHAEL: Let me hold my tongue and hear out your question. Proceed.
Ebenezer: Well, it isn’t so much a question as it is an assessment of the overall system, based on what we have discussed thus far concerning true, unconditional love. You see, many humans, or Earth Dwellers, have used their wealth and resources to invest in causes that they care deeply about, causes they would like to see transformed and significantly changed…
MICHAEL: I am aware of this, yes.
Ebenezer: Great. I must be honest; I have struggled with this to some degree because I have always been one to question the motives of those who do give, as it seems that at many times one’s giving can become so impersonal that it ultimately becomes ineffective.
MICHAEL: Ebenezer, a man may be self-centered in his self-denial and self-righteous in his self-sacrifice; his generosity may feed his ego, and his piety may feed his pride. To that man, benevolence becomes egotism, and martyrdom becomes spiritual pride.
Ebenezer: Yes... what you just said, I’ve heard it said before. So, I assume you would agree that the current system of “giving back,” as we know it, is ineffective? Or could it be riddled with self-centeredness and pride?
MICHAEL: Let me ask
you this: How should you define unconditional love?
Ebenezer: Back again to unconditional love… let’s see… unconditional love, or the highest act of love, is an individual choosing to lay his entire life down for another.
MICHAEL: Precisely. But I must now add to that definition with respect to the current topic. True unconditional love is not only one choosing to lay his entire life down for another but doing so with the mentality and heart posture that he is not expecting anything in return. So, with that working definition, how would you evaluate your Earth Dwellers’ current system of “giving back”?
Ebenezer: Well, one of the primary vehicles for giving back is through the not-for-profit, which means the organization is not looking to make any money off the donation that was given to it. I don’t know the exact definition, but that, in my understanding, is the gist of it.
PRINCE: That sounds like true compassion and unconditional love to me!