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Light of Darkness

Page 12

by Ebenezer O. Makinde

  MICHAEL: Membership isn’t given in order for one to enter the Heavenlies. The Heavenlies operates under a process of citizenship, as I stated… the same way your earthly country operates off of citizenship.

  Ebenezer: Interesting. So, anyone can become a citizen of the Heavenlies as long as they qualify?

  MICHAEL: That is correct. There is no exclusivity.

  Ebenezer: That is much different than our earthly systems, where every man or woman can become a member in certain groups of his or her choosing.

  MICHAEL: Much different. A broken system, in my opinion. How many different groups do you currently have, all claiming to carry the truth? And you should know, by the way, if you haven’t already read between the lines, that it is possible to gain citizenship in the Heavenlies, even while you are still on Earth.

  Ebenezer: And therefore, I can receive the benefits you mentioned?

  MICHAEL: Correct. A completely new history.

  Ebenezer: I am enjoying the sound of this more and more. What else can I know, or should I know, about the Heavenlies? What are the houses and streets like up there?

  MICHAEL: If you want to better understand what the Heavenlies looks like, take a look around at the basic structure of your community and your world. What types of things do you see in your own city? Every city has land, language, laws, symbols, a constitution, a moral code, shared values, customs, social norms, and culture.

  Ebenezer: I see. Then I would very much like to go there one day.


  Ebenezer: Why not?

  MICHAEL: The Heavenlies is dangerous.

  Ebenezer: What?

  MICHAEL: I said the Heavenlies is dangerous. It seems to be causing many of the problems for you Earth Dwellers here on Earth. The majority of the petitions we receive involve, in one way or another, the Heavenlies.

  Ebenezer: I don’t understand. You just stated that the Heavenlies is full of peace, and joy, and longsuffering, and love, and goodness, and kindness. How can that be bad?

  MICHAEL: Because the Heavenlies promises you Earth Dwellers what you are inherently seeking.

  Ebenezer: And what is that?

  MICHAEL: Power and control over your environment. That is every Earth Dweller’s search. But it’s not without warrant. Most Earth Dwellers, as we have discussed, are not living out their purpose, and they find themselves in a miserable existence under the control of many forces. They own nothing, including their time, their talent, nor their treasure. They live in constant fear and anxiety, unsure of what tomorrow will bring. Therefore, the idea of a place free from all of that stuff becomes their driving motive. Do you recall what we discussed concerning the relationship between the Heavenlies and you Earth Dwellers?

  Ebenezer: Yes. Whatever us Earth Dwellers allow, the Heavenlies would allow. And whatever us Earth Dwellers do not allow, the Heavenlies would not allow.

  MICHAEL: Correct. This is very important. Notice that those on Earth have full control over what transpires on Earth. Remember, you are a free-willed thinking agent, and the completion of your destiny, in all reality, has been placed in your own hands.

  Ebenezer: As I think about it, most of my friends and relatives find themselves stressed out and fearful over the things they cannot control. Indeed, I can see how there is much validity in what you are saying.

  MICHAEL: It is only the truth! If only a few men would take the truth and believe it and apply it, it would make my job much easier. And more fun, too. We would be opening up and unlocking many of the beautiful things stored up in the Heavenlies for you Earth Dwellers to access and enjoy on your Earth.

  Ebenezer: If only a few men?

  MICHAEL: Yes! It would transform your world overnight. I guarantee it. A few good leaders could go a long way in shaping your world. I’ll give an example. In your car, there are thousands upon thousands of components. The ignition, the battery, the generator, the terminal wire, and the steering wheel are different, are they not? The same goes for all parts of the vehicle. Each part has a specific job as well. But they all have specific functions. But the key lies in the Earth Dweller knowing that function, knowing who he is, what part of the car he is. Remember, purity, power, persistence, petition, purpose, and potential. Purpose and potential are directly related to who you are as an individual—or which part of the car you are. When an Earth Dweller does not know his purpose or potential, his leadership is inauthentic, and he must continue to perform rather than truly live. Many Earth Dwellers are basing their entire lives on other people’s opinions. If you think hard, I am sure you will be able to think of quite a few who live in such a way.

  Ebenezer: Trust me, Michael, I don’t need to think too hard. Several come to mind straight away. Mr. Prince, I have heard about the Heavenlies, and now I would like to know where you reside. What is the place like where you make your home? Describe it for me.

  PRINCE: Of course. I will tell you exactly where and what it is like…

  What has no touch yet always causes quiver?

  What makes his home in the warmest place so as to never cause a shiver?

  What lacks aroma and yet can smell itself and all around it?

  What comes and goes but never departs, remaining with those that found it?

  What lies with most yet fails to get its rest?

  What can limit contribution, even warring ‘gainst the best?

  What keeps two binded yet holds no rope to bound?

  What finds itself pervasive, where the storage of money and wealth can all be found?

  What makes one roar with laughter and at the same time want to weep?

  What keeps a thing at shore though it dreams of casting deep?

  What waits at every corner yet cannot be seen or heard?

  What remains in one position but yet soars just like a bird?

  What screams in time of war but yet fails to make a sound?

  What rises to different levels but yet remains fixed upon the ground?

  What robs of precious time but yet always gives it back?

  What shuns discrimination, no matter white or black?

  Ebenezer: I have not the slightest clue as to how to even begin to solve this. Perhaps you can provide a hint, or better yet, another riddle?

  PRINCE: That is the only riddle I will be giving. Thank you.

  Ebenezer: Michael, do you know?

  MICHAEL: Yes, I believe I know the answer; however, it would benefit you greatly to crack the code for this yourself. The truth, once you find it, will always be yours, and no Earth Dweller will be able to take it away from you.

  Chapter 11



  December 31, 2019

  Ebenezer: (Sighs) Why must this be so difficult? Let me move away from the poet and back to you, Michael. I have another question that I would like to inquire of you.

  MICHAEL: Ask away.

  Ebenezer: If your Commander is omniscient, or all-knowing as some would call it, it means He is aware of what will happen in both the near-and-long-term future. Correct?

  MICHAEL: That is correct.

  Ebenezer: Okay, so if He has that ability, then every moment of every day is simply a replay of the past-present that your Commander had already orchestrated. Is that not a fact?

  MICHAEL: That is a fact, but remember that although my Leader’s purposes never change, the plant to bring about that purpose may. My Commander, He sees the end from the beginning. And then He presses “play” on life, in a sense, to bring about the end He desires.

  Ebenezer: And yet we Earth Dwellers still have and maintain the ability to decide.

  MICHAEL: Of course! As I have stated, plans may change, but purpose never changes. An incredible gift from my Commander to you Earth Dwellers, the ability to will freely, I’d say.

  Ebenezer: Explain to me this, then. We Earth Dwellers, as you call us, most of the ones I know, are constantly obsessed about the future—about life 10, 15, or 20 years from now, and what our lives will reflec
t when the present passes and those days come about. I, too, have found myself wrestling with this idea. So, I bid the two of you this question: Which is more important, the past, the present, or the future?

  PRINCE: I will give you the truth as I see it. Anything less is a threat to your freedom. Without a doubt, the past and the future are equally as important for the Earth Dweller to focus all of his mental faculties on.

  Ebenezer: And you, Michael, what would you say?

  MICHAEL: The present is really the thing that matters most. And I find that too many of you Earth Dwellers align yourselves with the thinking of my adversary, I might add.

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, you say the past and the future, but Michael says the present. At once, the two of you must defend your differing positions.

  PRINCE: The Earth Dweller’s glory depends upon his total body of work and the things he accumulates while living on this Earth. If he finds himself concerned only about the present, then what ability does he possess to plan and map out his future and his destiny? And if he finds himself only occupied with the here and now, then how is he able to make up for the mistakes of his past? If he isn’t even aware of them? Both the past and the future are of equal importance. An Earth Dweller who is not concerned with either will face difficulty and troubles that will leave him unfulfilled in his endeavors.

  MICHAEL: I would be careful with this little devil. Remember, he is a crafty little thing, indeed. If a man is concerned about his past, it is because he is operating out of his own strength—he must remember it for fear of repeating it again. If an Earth Dweller is concerned about his future, it is because he is operating out of his own strength as well, for he must establish every little detail to bring about the desired end. Both are equally dangerous. But if a man is focused on the present, it means that the stress of his future and the weight of his past are not up to him, but up to something or Someone greater that can lead him to where he should be.

  Ebenezer: I assume that something or Someone happens to be your Commander?

  MICHAEL: The way He has designed it, an Earth Dweller cannot live fully at all if he finds himself unable to live fully now.

  Ebenezer: This seems like a trap of sorts to me, if I may be honest. We have been given free will and have been blessed with the ability to think rationally, and yet it is to our detriment to think in terms of either the future or the past?

  MICHAEL: The extremes of the future or the past. There is nothing wrong with planning for your future or remembering old times with friends and loved ones, but to have those rob you of the gift of the present is a grave mistake.

  Ebenezer: What should the present look like, then? What type of mentality should an Earth Dweller carry who is correctly in line with his priorities, as you state them?

  MICHAEL: An Earth Dweller who finds himself fully perfected in abiding in the present has completely mastered the two principles of petition and power. In everything he does, at every moment of every day, he is in constant communication with the Head Office. Everything he does is with this relationship in mind.

  Ebenezer: I recall you stated earlier that the power within is a wonderful communicator and will act as the navigational system of our lives, alerting us as to when we are off or on course in terms of the direction we are heading.

  MICHAEL: Precisely. Power appropriated by my Commander. And what about that petition?

  Ebenezer: Petitioning, as you stated, is a human representing your Commander’s rights on Earth. You stated that petition is necessary because your Commander’s influence cannot come to Earth without it.

  MICHAEL: Do you see how both of those have the potential to be continuously active states? Do you see how both require one to be fully present to what he is facing at the moment and not many years in the past or in the future? And do you see how it requires one to be fully aware of the here and now? This is the key. It is of tremendous use for you to look ahead or behind in this way, but you will fail to develop the deeper communion that my Commander wants to have with you today, here and now.

  Ebenezer: I see. Why must the world put so much pressure, then, on us Earth Dwellers, or humans, to succeed? To arrive at a certain destination?

  PRINCE: Allow me to interject so as to add some balance to this conversation. It is because it is absolutely necessary in order for each Earth Dweller to ensure he attains the glory and praise that he rightfully deserves. How can one strive to attain if he has not the destination of his life already fixed within his mind? How can one strive to overcome his past if he is not fully and completely aware of it at all times? How can one choose to make better choices if he is not constantly analyzing and contemplating his decisions in terms of either the past or the future? How can one know what money and material things will satisfy his soul if he does not look into the future fully and completely and plan for it?

  Ebenezer: It does feel good to be recognized for my work. I certainly don’t feel life has given me the praise and the good job that I’ve wanted for all of the work that I’ve done thus far. Michael, what do you say to this?

  MICHAEL: Perhaps I should take you outside once again. Come with me.

  Ebenezer: To where?

  MICHAEL: Come with me. Take the recorder as well, please.

  Ebenezer: Okay, is he coming? Mr. Prince.

  PRINCE: Oh yes, I’m coming. I know exactly where we’re going.




  (Door Opens)


  (Door Closes)

  Ebenezer: I see my angels are still enjoying themselves under this early morning sky.

  MICHAEL: Yes, hopefully, my men will be given something to do soon. Of that I am confident based on the knowledge you have now attained! See, you’ll notice they will attend to you as you move. Give it a try using the principle of petition.

  Ebenezer: Uh, okay. What should I say?

  MICHAEL: Just ask my Commander to protect you on this short journey. Tell Him that He said He would give His angels complete charge over you to keep you in all your ways.

  Ebenezer: Commander, please protect me on this trip. You said You would give Your angels charge over me to keep me in everything I do.

  MICHAEL: There you go. How are you doing, my friends?

  Ebenezer: Wow! That really worked. My bodyguards.

  MICHAEL: Of course it worked.

  Ebenezer: Amazing. How far down are we heading? We are getting closer and closer to the gated area and out of my neighborhood. It’s just a few blocks down.

  MICHAEL: I know. That’s precisely where we are heading! There is one property, in particular, I want you to see.

  PRINCE: Hee-hee.

  Ebenezer: I hope to one day move to these parts.

  MICHAEL: This, I know as well. We receive your petition every week up in the head office.

  Ebenezer: You have? Then why haven’t you answered yet?

  MICHAEL: My friend, have you already forgotten the principle of purpose and petition that we discussed?

  Ebenezer: That’s right. Yes, I remember. My petition must align with your Commander’s law and His principles that He intended to govern the Earth. If they align with those of your adversary’s, then my law is out of harmony with your Commander’s law, and my petition will not be answered.

  MICHAEL: Does your request sound familiar?

  Ebenezer: Familiar to…

  MICHAEL: The avidities we discussed earlier.

  Ebenezer: Hmm, I never thought about it in that way…

  MICHAEL: Perhaps it may be time to think a bit differently.




  MICHAEL: Here we are.

  Ebenezer: An unfinished house…

  MICHAEL: Correct. An unfinished house. But not just any unfinished house.

  Ebenezer: What other types of unfinished houses are out there? I assume there is a lesson to be learned here as well.

  MICHAEL: There are quite a few, and yes, this he
re is a tragically unfinished house. One replete with illusion and confusion.

  PRINCE: Allow me to do the honors by telling it, for it is a fantastic story. You see, through many of my wonderful principles, I was able to convince this man that all of my dreams were his dreams. From the time he was in grade school, I began to push him and overwhelm him with the belief that he must begin at once in climbing the ladder of life—the ladder of success and accomplishment that would set him on a path toward gaining the greater things in this life, the external things that so awesomely define my kingdom. From first grade to the second, I weathered him with my ideals, beating him down day by day through my many mediums the idea of one day “arriving” at a life destination. On from the second grade this young man went, on to middle school and then to high school. He took the accelerated courses, graduating with a perfect average and earning the title of valedictorian of his class. An eloquent graduation speech he gave. He did this all with the hope of one day arriving. So, the story continues, the young man was good enough to get into a top-five college, where he was a double major, excelling in both the classroom and intramural sports. Instead of graduating in four, he did it in three, all the while avoiding one of my master’s subtle pitfalls that capture many of you Earth Dwellers, debt. Commendable. However, my master and I were completely at ease with this because I knew I already had him. He was far along already on my wonderful path of regret. So, after graduating at a very young age, he took another step on the ladder before him, and he continued his climb into the real world, going into business for himself, breaking the six-figure mark in net revenue only three years after graduation. A phenomenal feat. It was then I began to hand him the other wonderful riches his hands had earned; he had the cars, the vacations, and the relational command that would be the envy of even the great emperors of old. But it was not enough; it couldn’t be enough. He still had much more of the gamut to climb. So onward he went, climbing life’s skyscraping ladder, reaching higher and higher for the wonderful stars. More money, a bigger house, more power…


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