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Off Limits: (Faking It #1)

Page 11

by Chloe Walsh

  Thrusting myself upwards, I cried out loudly, recklessly, carelessly.

  The deeper he moved inside of me, the more I moaned, and that harder he fucked me, the louder I screamed out for more.

  "You're already mine," Nate growled, biting down hard on my shoulder – so hard I knew he would leave a mark. "You've always belonged to me, Andi Davis."


  "Do you miss it?" I asked Nathan the Friday night before the homecoming dance. "Playing on the team?" I added, turning my face to look at him. "Does it make you sad knowing that you're better than all of them?"

  We were sitting side by side in the stands watching our school's football team – the Spring Hill Bobcats – getting creamed by neighboring school Jefferson High's Eagles.

  The bleachers were overflowing with supporters and screaming fans. Everyone was on their feet – everyone except for us. Tonight, we were hidden behind hordes of supporters and out of view.

  Nate smirked and tightened his arm around my shoulder. "It makes me happy to hear you think I'm better than all of them," he chuckled, drawing me closer. "But no. It doesn’t make me sad, Andi."

  "It makes me sad," I admitted, snuggling into his side. "Knowing that you had to give it up."

  "I have to eat, Andi, and have a roof over my head," Nate shot back. "What good is football if I'm homeless and starving?"

  "I know," I muttered. "It just makes me sad, that's all."

  "It's just a game," he replied. "There are more important things in a guy's life."

  "Like what?"

  "Like trying to figure out how to keep his best friend happy while he makes that best friend's little sister very happy," he purred, lips close to mine. "You look so fucking beautiful tonight."

  My heart fluttered wildly in my chest. I was no Dallas Holloway in the looks department, but I loved this boy and that had to count for something. And I didn’t love him for his football skills or good looks. I loved him for his heart. I loved the boy inside the man he had become. Every piece of him.

  "I guess it helps when the guy's best friend sets his sister up as his fake girlfriend," I breathed, feeling myself moving closer to him.

  "You know none of this is fake to me, right?" Nate asked huskily before brushing a quick kiss to my lips. It wasn’t enough. I needed more. "What I feel for you is about as real as it gets."

  "What do you feel about me?" It was a bold question, but one I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

  He stared at me for a long time before letting out a harsh breath. "What are you doing to me, Andi?"

  "I don’t know," I whispered, when he reached me, his mouth almost touching mine. "What am I doing to you?"

  "I'm fucked if I know, Andi," he croaked out before pressing his lips to mine again, this time a little harder. "But don’t you dare think of stopping." With his hand clamped on my waist, Nate breathed harshly against my mouth and the move was entirely too much for me. I wanted to give into him. I wanted him to have me. Despite everything else. I wanted to be his girl and screw the consequences.

  "Stay with me tonight," I heard myself say, breathing hard and fast.

  He groaned. "Andi, you know I can't…"

  "You can," I assured, interrupting him. "Nate's having a party at our house." Pressing my brow to his, I exhaled heavily. "Afterwards, just come up to my room." Reaching out, I clutched his shirt in my hand and tugged, my desperation obvious. "Please, Nate." I could hardly control myself around this boy. It was taking every ounce of my willpower to stay where I was and not climb onto his lap. "Stay with me tonight."

  With a sigh mixed with lust and defeat, Nate leaned forward and whispered, "You're going to ruin me, Andi Davis," before claiming my mouth with his.

  And this time, he didn’t stop.


  Chapter Fourteen

  The Bobcat's lost the game with an embarrassing final score, which meant that Jackson was in a horrible mood all the way home. However, by the time Ivy arrived and he had consumed a good portion of a keg of beer, he was back to his regular chipper self.

  Pretty soon, our house was filled with a bunch of people from school. It was almost a ritual now; Jackson throwing a house party the night before homecoming, right after the big game. Usually it was a night of celebration, but not this year.

  Not without their quarterback.

  Not without Nathan Cole.

  I'd stayed down stairs for a little while, but you know the saying; if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen? Yeah, well, that was how I felt tonight.

  I couldn’t take the heat of having Nathan and not being able to touch him like I wanted to. I mean, sure, being his fake girlfriend meant I could hold his hand and sidle up against him, but it wasn’t enough for the part of me that was his real girlfriend.

  I also couldn’t stand another minute of watching every girl stare and leer at him. I wanted to scream back off, he's mine every time one of those girls brushed too close to him or asked if he wanted to dance.

  Even the college girls in our town threw themselves at him, desperate for a taste of the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

  Tonight, Nate was dressed in faded denim jeans and a red plaid shirt, unbuttoned and hanging open to reveal a plain white wife beater. He looked like he should be on the cover of one of the many new adult romance novels I read, not standing in my house.

  When the boys' got out their guitars and set up their gear to perform, I took that as my que to check out. I retreated to my bedroom, unable to cope with the looks and stares he received…

  Up in my bedroom, I checked my blood sugars and injected myself with my insulin, but still, I couldn’t rest. Knowing Nathan was downstairs, being ogled by dozens of girls, was driving me insane. I wanted to drag him up here and lock him in my room, but of course, I couldn’t do that. I was jealous that I had to share him with Jackson –which was ridiculous because they had been friends since forever. I knew it was probably extremely unhealthy the way I felt about Nate, but I genuinely couldn’t help it. He was all I'd wanted for as far back as I could remember and now that I finally got to call him mine, I didn’t want to waste a minute of time with him.

  The sound of music coming from downstairs was insanely loud – the guys were on fire tonight.

  Jackson, Nate, and their two other friends – Kev and Daryl – that made up Alternative Kiss were belting out one rock anthem after another. The amps were turned up so loud I could feel the vibrations all the way up here in my room

  I rearranged my bedroom and took a shower while I waited for the party to finish up downstairs, shaving off every hair south of my chin.

  Ridiculous as it sounded, I wanted to be perfect for Nathan.

  I knew he would come.

  He'd promised me he would at the game tonight. I also knew I was asking a heck of a lot from him, putting in jeopardy his friendship with Jackson. The fact that he was willing to do that for me alone made my heart melt.

  The band finished whatever song they were playing, the crowd downstairs erupted in cheers, and then the sound of the stereo being blasted filled my room.

  It won’t be long now, I thought to myself and excitement unfurled in the pit of my stomach. The sound of heavy footsteps outside my bedroom door caused my entire body to ignite in a hot flush. The jangling of my door handle caused my legs to tremble.

  When my bedroom door finally creaked open, I had to close my eyes and force myself to calm down and breathe. I heard the door close, and I knew he was here.

  In my bedroom.

  I opened my eyes and let out a strangled sigh when my eyes locked on Nathan.

  Blake Shelton's Sangria was blaring from the stereo downstairs, accompanied by chorus of drunken crows singing along to the lyrics.

  Meanwhile, I could hardly breathe.

  "Hey." I blew out the breath I'd been holding and played with the hem of my nightgown. I kept his eye contact, frozen on my knees, breathless and full of wistful anticipation.

  Nate stared at
me hard before letting out a harsh breath. "I shouldn’t be in here." He looked around my pink bedroom and then back at me. "Feels kind of disrespectful to your brother."

  "I want you in here," I breathed, wanting to drag his body down on top of mine more than I wanted my next breath. "Feel free to disrespect me all you want."

  Flicking off my light, Nate walked over to my bed to where I was kneeling. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward so that we were chest to chest. "I'm gonna need you to stop saying shit like that to me, pretty girl." His breath flooded my senses and I could practically taste the mint and alcohol on his tongue. "Otherwise, I'm gonna end up real hooked on you."

  "That's what I want," I admitted with a breathy sigh. "I want you to get hooked on me, Nathan Cole. Make me your favorite habit and don’t ever quit me."

  Nate let out a sigh and pressed his forehead to mine. "You fuck with my head so bad, Andi," Nate told me in his deep, raspy voice. "I'm in a real bad fucking way with you, girl."

  "Good," I replied, my voice barely more than a strained whisper. "Because that's the way it has always been for me."

  With a sigh of longing, lust, and pure want, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my mouth to his. The second our lips touched, a growl tore from the back of Nate's throat and my whole body ignited in fire – an aching of desperation thrumming low in my belly.

  Reaching between us, I grabbed Nate's shirt and dragged him down on me. My kisses were hungry, frantic, as I poured everything I was feeling for him into them. My hands roamed over his flesh, uncertain and untrained, but more than willing to learn.

  "Andi," he whispered gruffly, "Slow down, baby." Pressing my back into the mattress, Nate held himself above me. "There's no rush."

  Maybe there wasn’t for him, but I was dying inside while waiting to have him again.

  Leaning up on my elbows, I caught his lips with mine and pulled him back down, needing his weight on me, hard and overpowering. He was so big, so strong, and I couldn’t get enough.

  Tugging on the waistband of his jeans, I rocked my body against his, telling him with my hips what I wanted him to give me.

  "You're gonna have to be real quiet," Nate said, tone thick and gruff. "I mean it, Andi, baby. No screaming."

  I knew he was worried. The last few times Nathan had been between my legs, I'd been loud – real loud – but I knew what was at stake. I was sure I could control myself. "I promise I won't make a sound," I breathed, willing to say whatever it took to have him inside of me again.

  With my heart in my mouth, I watched, frozen to the bed, as Nathan climbed off me and began to undress. This was the first time I'd seen him completely naked and I was speechless. His body was ripped and cut and muscular. He was just so viral and primitive looking, standing over me with his erection standing proudly. And he was big. Very big…

  "Get naked," Nate ordered in a teasing tone.

  Immediately, I rose to my knees and whipped my nightgown over my head. Knowing I wouldn’t need a bra and panties after my shower, I was entirely naked for this boy.

  "Fuck," Nate hissed. He dragged his swollen bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes roamed over my naked skin.

  "Will I do?" I heard myself ask when his gaze became too intense for me to take. "Am I…okay?"

  "Will you do?" Nate repeated in a low growl. "Come here and let me show you how much you'll do."

  Climbing off my bed, I walked unsteadily until I was flush against him, our naked bodies touching.

  He was so much taller than me, so much stronger, harder, toned…

  Nate reached out his hand and pressed the palm to my breast, cupping me, stroking his thumb over my hardened nipple. "Look at me, Andi."

  Exhaling a shaky breath, I looked up at his beautiful face and whispered, "I want you so much."

  His hands dipped to my waist then, moving lower until he was gripping my ass.

  In one swift move, Nate hoisted me up and slammed me onto his cock. I opened my mouth to cry out, but he buried those cries with his lips and then his tongue as he thrust inside of me. My heart was in my mouth the entire time as I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my complete trust in him. Effortlessly, Nate walked us across my bedroom with his penis inside of me, stopping only when he had me pinned against my bedroom door.

  "I am all fucking wrong for you," Nate snarled, grinding his hips against mine, thrusting himself deeper inside me, harder… "I'm bad news, baby." I could feel the build up inside of my body as every nerve south of my navel knitted together, shocking me, causing my body to jolt in pleasure. "If you knew how much, you wouldn’t let me touch you…"

  "I don’t care," I cried out against his lips as I held on to his broad shoulders, desperate to pull him deeper inside of me. "None of that matters to me… I'm… oh god, I'm all yours."

  "Damn…Andi," Nate hissed out through clenched teeth, fucking me harder now. "Quiet."

  "I'm trying…oh god…Yessss…" I didn’t know why he was telling me to be quiet. He was the one fucking me so hard my body was banging noisily against the door.

  Nate claimed my lips once again and then we were moving. My back hit the mattress first with Nathan landing heavily down on me, still buried inside me.

  Breaking the kiss, I gasped for air and moaned loudly when he roughly pulled out of me.

  "Get on your knees," he hissed as he flipped me onto my stomach. "I need to see what you look like when I fuck you from behind."

  Weakly, I pulled myself onto my elbows and knees, crying out in a pleasured pain when he impaled me from behind.

  "So fucking beautiful," he groaned as his hands roughly gripped my hips. Nathan fucked me mercilessly and I loved every raw moment of it, pressing against his thrust, daring him to take me harder.

  My promises of being quiet long forgotten, I cried out loudly. Heck, I screamed my lungs out, my fingers digging into the bed sheets, and the sound of him slamming into me reverberated in my ears.

  I was so caught up in the moment, so deliciously aroused, that I didn’t notice when bedroom door flew inwards or the light in my room switched on. Only when I felt Nathan pull out of me did my sanity return. Reality hit me like a lightning bolt the moment I came back down to earth and heard my brother's voice and…Ivy?

  Scrambling onto my back, I quickly dragged my blankets over my naked body, and watched in horror as Ivy struggled to hold Jackson back from Nathan who was pulling on his jeans.

  "You fucking bastard," Jackson was roaring. "You fucked my sister? You sick, twisted bastard."

  "Jackson, calm down," Ivy cried out, pressing her hands against my brother's chest. "Please."

  "Calm down?" Jackson roared, chest heaving. "Did you not see what I just saw?" He glowered over Ivy at Nathan. "Is that what you think of her – of me? How could you do this, man?"

  "Jackson," Nate said, his jeans on now. With his hands held out in front of him, he took a step forward. "Let me explain."

  "What's to explain?" Jackson shot back, livid. "I think the visual of you fucking my baby sister explains it all." He shook his head in disgust. "My sister. That's my goddamn sister, Nate, and you were fucking her like a dog."

  "Yeah, I've been fucking her," Nate snarled, edging closer to my bed, putting himself in front of me. "I've been fucking her because I'm in love with her!"

  He was in love with me?

  "You're not in love with her," Jackson shot back, snarling. "Don’t bullshit me, Nate."

  "It's true," I found the courage to say. Looking up at my brother, I begged him to understand, "I'm in love with him, Jackson." Tears filled my eyes. "I love him."

  "Don’t talk to me right now, Adriana," Jackson hissed, holding his hand out. "Jesus, I can't fucking look at you right now." Turning his attention back to Nathan, Jackson shook violently when he said, "I forgave you for what your whore of a girlfriend did to my family because I understood. I got it. It wasn’t your fault. It was on Dallas." Jackson shook his head and exhaled a shaky bre
ath. "Not this. I can't forgive this." With that, Jackson turned on his heel and bolted out of my bedroom with Ivy running after him.

  "What did he mean?" I asked, when words finally found me. Frozen to the bed, I watched Nathan watch me. "About forgiving you for what Dallas did to our family?"

  Releasing a haggard sigh, he walked over to my bed and sank down on the edge. Leaning forward, he dropped his head in hands. "I never wanted you to find out about it." I watched as his whole body shuddered. "None of us wanted you to find out about it."

  "Tell me." My blood ran cold. "Now, Nathan."

  "Christ," he hissed, rubbing his face with his hand. "The reason I broke up with Dallas was because I …" his voice broke off and he cleared his throat several times before speaking again. "Is because I caught her cheating on me."

  Oh my god. "With who?" Suddenly my brother's hatred of Dallas made sense in my mind. "And Jackson knew too?"

  "Yeah," Nate shuddered. "Jackson knew, too."

  "I'm so sorry, Nate," I whispered. Reaching out, I placed my hand on his back. His body tensed under my touch. "Who was it?"

  "Andi," Nate whispered, refusing to look at me. "I don’t want to…"

  "With who?"

  "With your dad," Nathan whispered and a crushing pain I'd only experienced once before hit me in the heart. It was the same pain I'd felt when I walked in on my father having sex with one of our nannies. I think I had been five at the time. "Oh my god," I choked out, feeling physically sick. "Please tell me you're wrong." Clutching onto Nathan's arm, I pulled hard. "Please, Nathan," I begged, tears streaming down my face. "Tell me this isn’t true…"

  "It's true," a female voice declared, startling me. Looking up in horror, I noticed Dallas leaning against my door frame. Sauntering into my bedroom, she closed the door behind her before saying, "But why don’t you tell her what really went down, Nathan." Smiling, she added, "You know, the part that Jackson doesn’t know about."

  "Don’t," Nate choked out, stiffening. "Please, Dallas. Not here."


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