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Page 29

by Donna Grant

  She was gasping for breath when he pulled back. He cupped her face between his hands. Some of the time they’d had together had been wasted. If only she’d known then what she knew now, she wouldn’t have fought her desire.

  “Doona get hurt,” Ulrik said as he lowered his forehead to hers. “And doona die.”

  “Don’t hold back,” she told him. “Your uncle has done enough damage. It’s time he was dispersed … elsewhere.”

  Ulrik surprised her with a grin. It quickly faded as he grew serious. “Be safe.”

  “I will.” After all, she had a reason to live—him.

  When his hands fell from her, she took a step back and smiled through the wash of tears that filled her eyes. Then, right before she touched the cuff, she said, “I love you.”

  In the next second, she was standing in her flat above Graves. Her face crumpled, and she buried her head in her hands as she let the tears come. But there was too much to do for her to cry. She lifted her head and sniffed while wiping her face. Then she walked into her room and straight for her closet.

  Tonight, she was dressing for battle. And she had just the outfit for it.

  Eilish removed her borrowed clothes and tossed them onto the bed. Then she changed into a black lace and leather bra and matching panty set. She grabbed a pair of black leather pants as well as a black tank that laced up the front. Next, she slipped her feet into over-the-knee black boots.

  She walked to her vanity and sat on the stool. Styling her long hair up and out of her face, she turned her head from side to side, examining her reflection. Satisfied with what she saw, she leaned to the right and opened the bottom drawer. After her first run-in with a Dark Fae, Eilish had wanted to make sure she’d be prepared if she ever walked into battle again.

  After all, a knight didn’t go in without armor.

  She might not be a knight, but she was a Druid. And her armor would help deflect anything Mikkel used. In all honesty, she’d never thought to use them. But she was glad she’d prepared.

  Eilish shrugged on the knit jacket that fell just below her breasts. She fastened the button that would hold it in place and held out her arms. From her shoulders down to her wrists was black chainmail made of titanium—light, but sturdy. She’d added her magic into the armor, as well.

  She lowered her arms and looked at herself in the mirror. “I’m going to be quick—quicker than I’ve ever moved. I’ll steal back my finger rings, and I’ll help Ulrik. Mikkel will never harm me.”

  After a deep, calming breath, Eilish rose to her feet and walked from her flat. As soon as she was in the stairwell, the loud music assaulted her. She ignored it and made her way down to Graves. Slipping from the hidden doorway, she was happy to see that while she’d been otherwise engaged, the pub had continued on. But that was because she hired good employees.

  Her gaze moved around the dance floor and the crush of people before she looked up to the railing where others gazed down upon the dancers. She leaned her arm against the bar and studied those that lingered there.

  Something touched her arm. She jerked her head over to find Cody, the bartender. He gave her a nod and a smile before motioning to the glass next to her. Eilish downed the whisky and set aside the empty glass. Then she made her way through the people, hoping that any of Mikkel’s spies would see her.

  She stopped at tables with regular customers and made sure they had everything they needed. Then she walked up the stairs. She made the rounds on the second floor, but Graves no longer felt safe.

  There were eyes on her, watching her. It made her feel as though everyone in the pub was a spy for Mikkel. For all she knew, they were. It was disconcerting and infuriating.

  The more time passed without Mikkel showing, the antsier she became. Ulrik’s silver cuff was hidden by the sleeves of her jacket. Knowing that small connection was there helped to keep her calm and focused.

  The first hour was nerve-wracking as the hairs on the back of her neck rose from the caress of unknown eyes. The second strained her patience. The third hour brought her to the point of breaking. At the start of the fourth, while she was at the bar, she spotted Mikkel walking toward her.

  Ulrik’s plan was well and truly a go now.

  Somewhere in the throng of people was someone who was there to watch for Mikkel’s arrival so they could alert Ulrik. She didn’t know who it was. Ulrik had refused to tell her. He didn’t want her looking for them. It couldn’t be a Dragon King or a mate because it would alert Mikkel, and for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine who it could be.

  But Eilish didn’t back down when Mikkel approached. Nor when he smirked at her before thrusting his index finger down on the bar, demanding a drink.

  “You’re not welcome here,” she stated over the music.

  Mikkel laughed as he took the whisky and brought it to his nose to smell. “Irish whisky was never my favorite, but it’ll do.”

  “Get out.”

  He took a small sip before setting the glass down and facing her. “Where’s Ulrik?”

  “How the hell should I know? He left me in that forest.”

  “When did you make it back?”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “You know, Mikkel, you’re not the only one with connections.”

  “Ah,” he said with a nod, his lips twisting. “I’m also not stupid.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion. Now get out of my pub before I toss you out.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, I almost want to see you try. Besides, I know you really want these,” he said and lifted his left hand, showing off her finger rings.

  “You look like an idiot wearing those. And they will be mine again.”

  Suddenly, he leaned close, putting his face near hers, his nostrils flaring in anger. “You’re the one who has worn out her welcome. I’m taking over the pub. And I’ll be the one throwing you out.”

  Eilish smiled. “Please try.”

  “I—” Mikkel suddenly stopped. He paused for a moment before he said, “I’ll be back for you.”

  Then, with a touch of the finger rings, he was gone. Before she followed, Eilish walked all four corners of the building, inside and out, placing spells so Mikkel could never enter again.


  Caledonian Forest, Scotland

  This wasn’t how it was supposed to end. That didn’t make Ulrik want to change things, however. Mikkel was never supposed to be a part of the problem. Yet when Ulrik discovered his uncle was not only still in the realm, but vying to become a Dragon King, he’d quickly altered his plans.

  But Mikkel hadn’t been the only surprise. There had been Eilish, as well.


  Ulrik didn’t notice the giant pinewoods of the ancient forest. His mind was on the Druid. He still didn’t know what to do about her. He wasn’t ready to say good-bye, but he also couldn’t give her more. And she deserved it.


  He felt Con’s voice in his head. After so many eons, it felt strange to hear his old friend through the link. “Did you hear from Fallon?”

  “Aye. Larena spotted Mikkel talking with Eilish.”

  Ulrik immediately called Mikkel’s name via the telepathic connection to get him away from Eilish. “I just summoned him. Mikkel willna ignore me. He wants me dead.”

  “Then you need to act like you’re still injured. It’s a good thing Anson saved your shirt.”

  Ulrik wasn’t used to having anyone with him when he battled. After so many years on his own, it felt … odd … to trust someone.

  And whether he liked it or not, he was trusting. He nearly snorted aloud. So much for him vowing never to trust anyone again, especially Con. But this wasn’t just about him. This was also about Eilish.

  Ulrik shifted his shoulders against his ruined shirt that was now hardened by the blood that had dried. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

  “Your plan is solid,” Con said.

  Ulrik made it appear as if his wounds w
ere still open and bleeding. “Is it? I’ve failed a lot recently.”

  “I’m no’ sure you have.”

  At this, he did release a snort. “How do you figure that?”

  “I doona think you really wanted to hurt any of the Kings or their mates. Why else would you save Lily and ensure that Darcy didna die?”

  “This isna the time for such talk,” Ulrik stated. He didn’t want to discuss any of his deeds—the bad, or the rare good.

  Con blew out a long breath. “I’ve done a lot of thinking since I saw you in the mountain. I sat down and tried to discern what Mikkel did and which transgressions were yours.”

  “And?” Ulrik asked. Then kicked himself.

  He didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to know. He didn—

  “You had plenty of opportunities to kill mates. You had even more chances to challenge Kings. Yet, you didna.”

  “Lest you forget, I nearly killed Rachel in Paris.”

  “Did you?” Con asked. “I know you, Ulrik. I know you better than anyone else, and I know if you’d really wanted to kill Rachel, you would have. Nothing would’ve stopped you. Just as nothing will prevent you from ending Mikkel this night.”

  Ulrik was glad he didn’t know where Con was hiding because he just might go over there and beat the shit out of him. “Stop trying to make me out to be good. We both know I’m no’. Nor am I redeemable.”

  “Is that why you willna give your love to Eilish?”

  “Leave her out of this,” Ulrik stated in a low voice.

  Con was silent for a moment. “Such statements reveal your feelings, brother. You love her.”

  “If you—”

  Ulrik’s thoughts ground to a halt when Mikkel appeared in the clearing. He was more than ready to face his uncle and put an end to the chaos that Mikkel brought with him everywhere he went.

  “I can’t believe you’re still standing,” Mikkel said with a shocked grin.

  Ulrik fought not to shift and end this quickly “It’s just us. Let’s stop the pretending.”

  “Who’s pretending?” Mikkel asked. “I’ve chosen to leave the guttural, vile sound of the Scots behind me.”

  “Ah, but you slip whenever you’re angry. You can no’ hide who you truly are.”

  Mikkel raised a brow. “And you haven’t been hiding? All this time, you’ve had your magic. Why haven’t you attacked Con? Why haven’t you claimed the ultimate throne?”

  “I wanted to hurt Con. I wanted to strip him of everything as I’d been stripped.”

  Those words weren’t lies. They were what had made Ulrik plot out every detail of his plan to take the Kings from Con one by one until everyone turned their back on Con.

  Mikkel made a sound that was half snort, half laugh. “Keep telling yourself that. I know it’s because you didn’t have the balls to take Con out.”

  “And you do?”

  “Yep. Right after I dispatch you.”

  Ulrik held out his arms. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Where’s the Druid?”

  He cocked his head to the side, wondering why Mikkel would bring her up now. “Eilish? How am I supposed to know?”

  “You had sex with her.”

  “Just like I have sex with a lot of women. My goal was to woo her away from you. I’d say I was successful.”

  Mikkel’s smile was tight. “That is going to be the last time you take something that’s mine. Know that once you’re dead, I’m going to make the Druid suffer.”

  “You say that as if I care what happens to her.” Those words were harder to say than Ulrik had imagined.

  The slow smile on his uncle’s face was filled with confidence and a wealth of contempt. “You’re going to die. Our battle will be over before it begins. You’re not healing, which will slow you.”

  “If that’s the case, then you will want to gloat over the things you’ve done. Like having my father killed.”

  Mikkel threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, dear boy. I didn’t have him killed. It’s not my fault that he went into that meeting thinking it was a peace talk. It’s not my fault that he didn’t prepare for a battle. It’s not my fault that Ualan didn’t make sure no one betrayed him.”

  Ulrik didn’t feel any better now that his fears were confirmed. It only made him want to inflict as much pain on Mikkel as he could.

  “You thought you’d be King.”

  Mikkel rocked his head back and forth as he glanced at the sky. “That I did. After all, you were so young.”

  “It infuriated you that I became the next King of Silvers.”

  “You could say that.”

  Ulrik clutched his fake wounds. “That’s why you tried to leave the family.”

  “You disgusted me. You still do. I couldn’t set up your death so soon. It would look suspicious. So I had to get away.”

  “Why no’ challenge me? Were you that much of a coward?”

  Mikkel scratched at the side of his eye near his temple. “You call me a coward. I say I’m smart. I’m not going to put myself in a situation where I won’t win.”

  “So you cheat.”

  “I do what has to be done. That’s what will make me a great Dragon King. No one will remember you when I’m finished. And once I kill Con, I’ll become the greatest King of Dragon Kings that has ever ruled.”

  Ulrik couldn’t believe such a snake had been in his midst for so long, and he’d been blind to it. It would give him great joy to see the life drain from Mikkel, but he needed something first.


  Mikkel sighed loudly. “Still holding onto that garbage, I see.”

  “You turned her against me.”

  “How could I do that? I was a dragon, remember.”

  Ulrik simply stared at him. If Mikkel had pulled it off, he wouldn’t be able to hold back crowing over such a feat. And Ulrik didn’t have long to wait.

  Mikkel laughed and clapped his hands slowly. “I wondered if you’d ever figure it out. Yes, I instigated Nala’s betrayal. You made it so easy. You didn’t seem to care what your family thought as you spent more and more time with the humans. Then you asked one to be your mate. I knew then that you had no right to be a King.

  “Back then, it was easy to find Druids. I was able to locate one who was a bit daft. It was his madness that convinced him to talk to me. With his magic and some willpower, he was able to allow me to take over a human’s body for a time.”

  Ulrik shook his head. “That’s no’ possible. We would’ve known.”

  “I’d gone away. You didn’t realize it because your prick was buried deep in that mortal,” Mikkel said, his lips peeled back in a sneer. “But it happened. I wasn’t sure how long it would last, so I told him of my plans. Though, to be fair, he thought it was only going to be a joke played upon you.”

  The more Ulrik heard, the sicker to his stomach he became.

  “And I watched it all unfold,” Mikkel said with a wide grin. “It was glorious.”

  “You knew she couldna kill me.”

  “Of course. But I knew it would destroy your happiness, and you’d have no choice but to make an example of her. Not to mention, you’d be reminded that your true loyalties lay with dragons, not the mortals.”

  Ulrik made sure to remain in the same spot instead of moving too much to keep Mikkel believing he was gravely injured. “I would still have been King.”

  “You would’ve been heartbroken, which would’ve made it easy for me to find a way to set you up as I did your father.”

  “You had everything figured out. Even going so far as to remain behind after the dragons were called to cross the dragon bridge to another realm. Why wait so long to approach me?”

  Mikkel twisted his lips as he shrugged. “I intended to kill you a few centuries ago, but then I realized you could help me. I knew you would keep Con’s focus on you while I positioned myself close enough to take him out.”

  “Would you shut him up already?” Con said in Ulrik’s head. “Also,
Mikkel’s plot with Harriett was just as you said. Sebastian and the others stopped her before she reached the village.”

  Ulrik spotted movement behind Mikkel. When his eyes caught a glimpse of Eilish, he wanted to rush to her side. By sheer will alone, he remained where he was. “I believe you overestimated.”

  “Which part?”

  The fact his uncle seemed genuinely curious baffled Ulrik. “All of it.”

  “Look at you,” Mikkel said with a chuckle. “I won’t even be winded when I finish with you.”

  Ulrik dropped his arm and stood straight. With a wave of his hand, the magic making it appear as if he were still bleeding and wounded vanished.

  Mikkel’s brows snapped together. “That’s no’ possible.”

  “Is it no’? Oh, and by the way, Harriett willna be harming anyone in the village.”

  At his words, Con stepped out from behind a tree and came to stand beside him. Ulrik might not admit it aloud, but it felt great to have his old friend with him once more.

  “No,” Mikkel stated.

  Con grinned. “Oh, aye.”

  “This ends tonight,” Ulrik said. “You end tonight.”

  Mikkel widened his eyes and bent over as he began to laugh. “Did you really believe I’d come on my own?”

  “Did you really believe we would?” Ulrik replied. He then let out a shrill whistle. Immediately, there were eight replies from different locations around them.

  Con raised a brow. “In case you were no’ sure, that means all of the mortals you brought with you have been detained by Ulrik’s men.”

  “You’ve no’ thought of everything,” Mikkel said, his anger showing in his brogue.

  Eilish sent a blast of magic into Mikkel’s back, knocking him forward.

  Ulrik closed the distance between them and ripped the finger rings off Mikkel before tossing them to Eilish. “Go. Now.”

  “Oh, I doona think so,” Mikkel said as he rolled over and launched a volley of magic into Eilish that sent her somersaulting backward into a tree before she fell unconscious to the ground.

  That’s all it took for the rage to explode inside Ulrik.

  He swung his head toward Mikkel. “Prepare to die. Painfully.”


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