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Brailynn (A Rogue Enforcers Novel)

Page 8

by Samantha McCoy

  “Stop fretting, mate,” Andrej called from the other room. “I can feel your anxiety.”

  Brailynn drew in a deep breath, then released it slowly as she tried to calm her nerves. She didn’t know why she was freaking out. If there was one thing she’d learned growing up, it was that when you found your mate, everything happened as it should. Meaning, she couldn’t stop the inevitable. So why was she stressing out over it?

  Brailynn stepped away from the door, then froze. What…

  She rushed back to the door and opened it just as Andrej was walking out of the bedroom. “Wait!”

  He stopped and turned back to her. “Yes?”

  “You felt my anxiety?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He nodded.


  “Why? Does that surprise you?”

  “Kind of,” she replied looking a bit thoughtful. “I can feel your emotions, too.”

  “Can you?” Now Andrej looked just as thoughtful.

  “Yeah.” She stepped forward. “When I got here… When I stepped into the yard, I felt you. Your feelings, I mean. Hunger and then anger….” She decided to ask the one question out loud. “Why were you angry?”

  “I didn’t like Wallace so close to you,” he admitted. “Seeing him touch you… I don’t know, moje láska. It…”

  “I understand,” Brailynn interrupted, deciding to take pity on him when she realized that he was just as lost for words as she was.

  “Do you?” Andrej stepped toward her. “Do you feel my hunger now, Brailynn? My need for you. Do you feel the burning desire that I feel?” His voice was seductive. “My need to feel your skin against mine. Do you feel how badly I want to touch you?”

  She tried to ignore the feelings he was creating inside of her and focused on what she felt coming from him. It felt as if she were wading through vines; pushing and examining everything emotion until she found what she was looking for – him.

  Brailynn sucked in a breath.

  She felt the need and want that he spoke about, but more prominent was the hunger he had for her, and not just for her blood. The emotions coming from him stunned her. They caused her to feel things she never had before. She felt them as strongly as if they were her own, and that scared her. She had never thought that anyone would feel about her the way Andrej did. It was like she was his air, his water… his life force. She was the moon that woke him from every slumber. She would be the one thing that brought him certainty. Brailynn would be the one to save him, just as he was the one to protect her. She didn’t know how, or why, she could feel his emotions, but the fact remained, she did. They were all there for her to see. Andrej hid nothing from her. And after the surprises she had been thrown earlier, the honesty he provided was exactly what she needed. At that moment, she knew she was in trouble because whatever this man wanted, she would provide – including herself.

  “Go get a shower, mate,” he told her, his voice filled with heat. “Before I’m forced to break my promise and strip you down right here, right now; and have my way with you. All night long.” He emphasized the last three words drawing them out so that Brailynn understood just what he meant.

  She blinked.

  He took a step toward her.

  And she panicked.

  Turning, she ran back to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, then quickly locked it. She didn’t know why. The lock wouldn’t keep him out.

  No, but maybe it will keep you in!

  She felt the pulses down below. Her need for him growing with each second that they spent together. Soon, she wouldn’t be able to deny it anymore and would eventually beg him to take her. After all, that’s how the mating call worked. One day destiny would no longer be denied. And for her, that day was approaching, at warp speed.

  Cold shower, she told herself as she stripped out of her clothes and adjusted the water temperature. Because if she didn’t get her hormones under control, Brailynn would be begging him to fulfill her every desire – multiple times.

  Chapter Six


  Mate. Claim. Ours.

  He needed to hurry. The crazed part of his mind didn’t want to be too far from her, even though the rational side knew she couldn’t go anywhere without him knowing.

  Mate. Claim. Ours.

  Andrej jogged down the stairs and into the foyer. Looking around the room, he tried to spot the backpack that Brailynn had been carrying when she arrived, but it was nowhere in sight. He remembered seeing it when he had carried her into the house after she had fainted, but he couldn’t recall who was carrying it.

  “Harriet!” he shouted.

  Mate. Claim. Ours.

  “Yes?” The other woman walked out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a cloth.

  “Have you seen Brailynn’s bag?” he asked.

  “You mean that one?” She pointed to the large center table and sure enough, there it sat, propped up against one of the legs.

  “Good grief!” he cursed. It was right in front of his eyes.

  “If it was a snake…”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Harriet chuckled. “Evan brought it inside,” she informed. “Figured she’d want it at some point.”

  “She does,” he replied. “It has clothes in it.”

  “Oh ok.”

  He could tell she wanted to know more, but he didn’t know if it was his place to tell. He knew Harriet and Oscar regretted not being there for Brailynn as she grew up, but that didn’t change Brailynn’s feelings. And until she gave the green light, Andrej didn’t feel comfortable speaking on her behalf. So, he grabbed the pack and without another word, quickly dashed back upstairs.

  When he reached the bedroom, he stopped for a split second and listened. He could hear Brailynn in the bathroom. Mental images of her standing under the waters spray filtered through his mind. Her, covered in a thick soapy lather. Her head tilted back as the hot water cascaded down the curves of her body while she rinsed herself clean. It all played through his head in slow motion and he groaned.

  Claim. Claim. Claim.

  Andrej blinked and shook his head to dislodge the mental images. He had to get himself under control. He couldn’t afford to lose it again and allow the beast to be released. Right now, he didn’t trust it to uphold the promise that he’d made to Brailynn. And until he could, Andrej would have to stay on top of everything.

  I would never hurt our mate.

  Andrej wished he could believe that. But he couldn’t. While he and the monster shared the same body, they weren’t the same people. Andrej wanted a life of peace and tranquility. The beast wanted blood, chaos, and destruction. They were the complete opposite in all areas – except one.


  Andrej froze as he heard a noise from the bathroom. Was she…?

  Fuck me, he groaned inwardly.

  God, he wanted her. There was no doubt about that. The pull he felt toward her was powerful. Like two magnets being drawn to each other.

  And it had nothing to do with the sweet smell of her blood. Even back in the early years, when his blood lust was strong, Andrej had never struggled as much as he was while trying to care for his mate and respect her boundaries.

  Nothing makes sense anymore, he thought.

  He hadn’t wanted to leave the bedroom or for her to even be out of his sight. He was so afraid that it was all just a dream. That he would wake up and she’d be gone, and he’d be all alone. That all the color would drain from his world and he would, once again, be lost in the darkness.

  That was Andrej’s greatest fear now, that Brailynn was there. If she left, he would forever be lost to the darkness. It would consume him, and Andrej would willingly allow it. Because without Brailynn, there was no hope for him.

  Panic began to set in. He listened again to the sounds coming from the bathroom. He needed the reassurance that she was still there. That she hadn’t run from him.

  What if she left? he wondered. What if he had finally lost his mind and she wasn�
��t even real?

  Still frozen in place, he stared at the closed bedroom door. He could hear the water from the shower. He could hear her soft voice humming a tune. And if he sorted out all the meaningless clatter, he knew he would find the most beautiful sound in the world – her heartbeat. Andrej knew if he lived a thousand more years, he would never hear anything as magnificent as that.

  He wanted to be near her. Her essence called to him, but Andrej didn’t want to scare her any more than she already was. Even though people like them, they knew about destined mates, but that didn’t change the fact that sometimes people just weren’t ready for that part of life. They weren’t prepared for the level of desire and need that came with the honor of finding that one person who would always be theirs.

  The pull between mates was incredible. It was instantaneous and unrelenting; while at the same time, it was exhilarating and terrifying, all at once. Andrej could understand Brailynn’s fears.

  If someone would have asked him five hundred years ago if he were ready for his mate, and all that the responsibility entailed, he would have told them hell no, and then ran for the hills like his life depended on it. But that was then. This was now. And now, he was more than ready.

  He wanted all it all with Brailynn. He wanted her smiles. He wanted her laughs. He wanted her joys and sorrows, and he wanted her tears and even her fears. Everything that she brought to the table, Andrej was ready for.

  But she’s not, he told himself.

  And that was the thought that brought him back to reality. Brailynn feared him. Maybe not him directly, but she feared what Andrej meant. He could smell it on her. It was there, mixed in with her sadness. It tainted her sweet essence with an almost sour scent.

  And Andrej didn’t like it. If she wasn’t ready to be with him, then why was she there? It didn’t make sense to him.

  What could have brought her to his doorstep? How had she even found him? Did the Fates lead her to him? Was it by chance?

  No, because she asked for me by name, he thought, remembering Wallace saying that she had asked for him directly.

  None of it made any sense to him.

  Andrej had a lot of questions and he had a feeling Brailynn wouldn’t be able to answer them all.

  He sighed heavily.

  He knew everything would come in due time, but that didn’t settle his nerves any. He still felt like it was all a dream. Like he would wake up and she would be gone. And if that happened, Andrej wasn’t sure he’d survive the heartbreak.

  He blinked twice then shook his head to clear out the cobwebs. He needed to get a grip before Brailynn picked up on his negative energy. He took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders before opening the door.

  His stomach rolled nervously.

  He set her pack just inside the room and immediately closed the door again. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. What if he scared her when she came out of the bathroom? What if his presents made her more nervous because she didn’t have clothes on? What if…

  What if you drive yourself into the nuthouse because you keep creating scenarios that don’t exist? he sarcastically thought. Too late.

  He had to stop this madness. He was spinning out of control. Going in circles that never seemed to end.

  Stop it, Andrej! He chided himself. You are better than this.

  He shook out his hands. Stretched his neck from side to side.

  You’re old as fucking dirt, he reminded himself. You’ve been around the world. You can handle one tiny little witch.

  Claim. Mate. Ours.

  Oh, my fucking hell! Yes, she is ours. that’s been established. Now shut up about the rest!

  The beast inside was driving him as mental as the woman in his bathroom. He hoped that with the shower and with a bit of rest, Brailynn would start to feel a bit better. And maybe once she was settled, his own nerves and the demon would follow suit. And with time, his question would be answered.

  Mainly, Andrej was interested to know why she was there. He couldn’t imagine her coven just allowing her to leave. Harriet and Oscar had always made the place sound more like a cult, than a home. Especially since the elder Petrova’s had been killed.

  “Ugh.” He was going to drive himself insane.

  He knew he needed to stop obsessing, but there was something about the look in Brailynn’s eyes that spoke to him. She reminded him of an injured sheep. The small animal would move away from the herd to sit out in the open by itself so it wouldn’t lead the wolves back to the others; knowing that if it stayed with the herd, it would put them in danger because the herd would surround the injured to protect it. Ultimately, killing the entire herd in the process. So, as to not draw attention, the sheep would wander off aimlessly, willingly sacrificing itself for the greater good.

  To him, that was Brailynn.

  He could tell that her heart was burdened. Andrej could feel it in their connection. She had a lot on her plate. He could see the weariness in her eyes and in the way her shoulders slumped. It was almost as if she carried the weight of the world on them.

  He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest and his feet at the ankles. It seemed the more he thought about her, the more questions came to mind. And Andrej hated not having all the answers for them.

  “How is she?”

  He rolled his head to the left and watched as Harriet walked toward him with a tray of food and he shrugged. “She’s in the shower.”

  Harriet nodded. They stood there silently for a moment before she said, “I brought her some food. Figured she might be hungry.”

  “Just set it by the door,” Andrej told the older woman.

  He watched as Brailynn’s mother set the tray on the floor next to the door. Harriet was normally so sure of herself, so confident. So, to see her standing stiffly, wringing her hands in nervousness, worried him. He eyed her as she moved to place her hands behind her back then immediately brought them forward, interlocking her fingers.

  She was fidgeting.

  “What’s wrong, Harriet?” Andrej asked.

  “I just never thought…” Harriet’s words trailed off.

  “That you’d ever see her again?” Andrej prompted. “That you’d never have to explain yourself?”

  Harriet’s eyes snapped to his.

  “What Oscar and I did was to protect her,” Harriet snapped. “To protect our entire coven. Brailynn needed them.”

  “And you think she didn’t need you?”

  This was an argument they had had several times before. Andrej couldn’t understand how they had left their daughter behind when the Hunters had found them. Maybe for a day or so, until they could lose them and backtrack. But for weeks? Months? Years? He couldn’t fathom. However, while he might not agree with how she and Oscar handled things, it didn’t mean he cared any less. Andrej’s heart truly ached for the older woman. He couldn’t imagine the pain she felt.

  “You don’t understand,” Harriet replied. “Brailynn needed the Coven. She needed their knowledge and experience to develop into her own witch.”

  “You are correct,” Andrej scoffed. “I don’t understand and probably never will because she needed her mother and father more.”

  “If you believe that, then you don’t stand a chance with my daughter.”

  Her words hit a sore spot.

  “As if you would know anything about your daughter,” he snapped back.

  Harriet didn’t reply. She huffed a breath and turned on her heels, stomping down the hall and out of sight. Her behavior reminded him of a child storming off because she didn’t get her way.

  He knew he had taken a cheap shot at her, and he should probably be ashamed of the comment, but he wasn’t. Harriet and Oscar needed to take responsibility for the hurt and distress they put on Brailynn. Andrej remembered the emotions flash in his mate's eyes when she had seen her parents. The shocking disbelief was palpable.

  And he hated it.

  Inside his stomach rolled at the reminder o
f her sadness. As her mate, it was his duty to keep her happy. To bring her light. To remove the sadness that grew in her soul. But he couldn’t do that until the elephant in the house was addressed.

  His head snapped back to the door.

  With his overly sensitive ears, Andrej heard the water shut off in the bathroom. He continued to wait out in the hallway as she exited the bathroom. Andrej heard her footsteps as she walked around the bed. A visual of her in nothing but a towel popped into his head.

  “Your bag is by the door,” he called out, his voice edgier than normal.

  “Thanks,” she yelled through the door.

  “You don’t have to yell,” he told her. “I can hear exceptionally well. I even heard you…” He didn’t finish the sentence.

  He heard her gasp and smiled.

  He heard her rummage around in her bag and waited for a while longer before lightly tapping on the door. He wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to get dried off and dressed.

  “Come in,” he heard her call out, this time, barely above a whisper.

  His heart thumped a heavy beat as he turned the knob. He had no idea what to expect. He lifted the tray from the floor, and he pushed open the door with his back. But when he entered the room and got his first look at her, Andrej nearly dropped the entire tray.

  All the dirt smudges were gone. Her hair was brushed smooth, and she looked positively radiant in a simple Red Sox nightshirt. While there was nothing sexy about the look, to him, Brailynn looked was more exotic than he ever thought possible.

  “You like baseball?” he blurted, then groaned.

  Brailynn chuckled. “No.”

  “Oh.” He didn’t know what else to say.


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