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Stepbrother: Clubbed

Page 2

by Ling, Sybil


  “I just thought you would’ve been real popular with the guys. The thought of them all using you just made my blood boil,” he said. “It was part of the way I justified sleeping around. I just assumed you were having the time of your life at college without me. You know, considering you hang out with Casey and all. I guess I thought that since you were going around, to get my mind off you, I should try and do the same. Fuck! I’m a fool…”

  “I…I’ve been saving myself. For a special guy. For a guy I cherish. For a guy I love. Saving myself for you,” I said, softly caressing his rugged face.

  “You…you love me?”

  “Yes Kane. I do. I love you!” I admitted. A sudden feeling of relief overcame my body. After all this time, I have finally said those sweet words. A feeling that I have suppressed and bottled up for way too long.

  “Good. I am glad. You know what Heather?” he said, leaning in closer again. His voice deepened. “I love you too.”

  Kane pressed his lips on mine, kissing the fuck out of my mouth. It was a hungry, primal kiss of passion. Rough, fiery, my body was swooning over to the heat of the kiss. I grabbed his cheek, kissing Kane back with just as much passion. I was brushing through his hair, feeling every inch of Kane’s face.


  Kane ripped off his shirt, discarding it on the side of my bed. His bare chest was out in the open. Ungh! Kane was bulging with muscles. His body looked quite bulky, as if chiseled in perfectly in the likeness of an ancient Greek god.

  “Damn! I don’t remember you looking like, err, like that!” I said.

  “I try to keep healthy,” he said. “So Heather, ever seen a naked man before?”

  “Well, I may have peaked on you in the shower back when we were living together!” I replied, thinking back. If my memory serves me correctly, I am in for a massive treat.

  “Aw, you’re making me blush again,” he said. “Now Heather, you are going to touch it. Please, I need you to do it.”

  I unbuttoned Kane’s pants, letting them fall gracefully to the ground. His erection was throbbing, almost tearing through the seams of his white underpants. I moved my hand in a little closer, feeling his bulge.

  “Kane,” I moaned out, feeling the shielded package. It was firm, strong, a sign of just how badly Kane wants me. I gently let the beast loose, pulling down on Kane’s underwear. Kane looked very pleased.

  Kane’s cock was just as I remembered it. It was large and somewhat intimating. Especially for my first. It stood tall and strong, hard and ready for action. The dick was very thick, almost the size of a can. I felt the gloriously long shaft, feeling the hunk’s veins. The base of his cock had the perfect drizzle of hair. The head was a little wet, oozing with pre-cum.

  “I…I hope this won’t hurt,” I said nervously.

  I moved in closer and started to stroke the man’s glorious cock, feeling the heat emanating right out of the skin. His cock was hardened up even more at my touch. I grabbed the end of the shaft, stroking up and down.

  “Ungh! Fuck! More Heather! More!” Kane begged of me. Phew! Guess I am doing it right! I kept going, feeling up his rugged tool. Each movement was sending Kane ecstatic. He kept grunting, moaning, begging for more. For the first time in my life, I had power over Kane. Being able to provide such pleasure to him was oh so satisfying. I couldn’t take it anymore! I need more of him!

  “Kane! I am going to, you know, have a taste,” I said.

  “Heh! All yours!”

  I bent down just a little tasting the very tip. The man’s head was very fluffy, throbbing at the mere touch of my tongue. It was unlike anything I have ever tasted before. It was musky, familiar, and most of all, masculine. Although it tasted good, I can’t say I am addicted. However, knowing I was providing such pleasure to my brother was amazing. I swirled my tongue around the head, moving myself up and down Kane’s hard long shaft. My hands moved downwards, playing with his balls. The grunting, the heaving, this was incredible!

  “Ungh! So good! You’re so good Heather,” my man grunted.

  The glorious cock swelled up in my mouth. I coated the prick, taking in the stranger’s hunky essence, nibbling each and every last drop of pre-cum. Each touch caused the hunk to moan, louder, begging for more. At last I let go.

  “Please Kane! I am ready! Take me!”

  Kane was very quick to take the offer, pinning me down on the bed. His warm breath sent shivers up my spine. The hunk started to kiss the fuck out of me, going absolutely wild. In a flash, my the stupid trampy dress Casey picked out for me was torn off. I was lying there in my bra and underwear. I couldn’t help but blush as Kane eyed up and down my body.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are Heather,” he said. “I’ve been admiring your body for just about as long as I can remember!” Kane gave me the cutest smile I have ever seen. He looked so damn adorable. Kane’s kisses were wild and passionate, tenderly exploring every inch of exposed skin on my body. Each touch was sending electric sparks right throughout my core. It was then I realized what I have been missing out on all my life. Intimacy…

  “You have no idea how badly I’ve missed you, Heather!” Kane grunted as kissed the sensitive exposed area right above my belly button.

  With an exaggerated growl, Kane bit into my bra, pulling them right off.

  “Do you…do you like them?” I asked, feeling rather self-conscious about myself.

  “Perfect! Absolutely perfect!”

  My breasts were heaving, my nipples swelling up in excitement. Kane became an animal, devouring my tender nipples. His touch was wild and rough, yet smooth and reassuring at the same time. I was panting, heaving, wanting more and more of his touch. Kane’s lips were wet, the warmth of his breath was tantalizing. My skin was almost flaring up at the touch of his warmth, quivering, getting exactly what I need. As Kane worshiped my body, my pussy began to become nice and wet, almost swelling up at his touch. It was time for me to be serviced for once!

  “You ready Heather? You ready to show yourself to me!”

  “I’ve been ready for years Kane,” I said. “Please! I need you!”

  With his cheeky boyish grin, Kane knelt down at the end of the bed. The man soon rolled my panties, right down past my legs, passing the ankles, soon tearing them off my feet, discarding the garment on the carpet floor.

  Kane’s hands were eager, ready to explore my outer temple. The man began to feel his way around my slit, going around slowly in circles without getting too close. I could not help but moan out, wanting him to just go for it already! At long last, his strong, firm fingers moved in.

  “Oh! Kane!” I yelled out as he planted two fingers inside, thumb resting on my throbbing swollen clit. My pussy seemed to be extra sensitive to Kane’s touch, his very presence. The warmth of his body drove me wild. Kane began to move his fingers around, prying my pussy open little by little. As he did so, his thumb kept bugging my clit again and again, hitting the damn spot real good. I have touched myself (while thinking of Kane) many times before. But having someone else do it, someone who loves me, just feels so much better. The difference is incomparable.

  Soon Kane withdrew his fingers, licking each one with a gleeful smile. I could not help but smile back, pleased that he is enjoying my taste. But a taste was not enough. He gave me the naughtiest smirk before closing right in on my pussy. Kane needed more of my pussy, and my pussy needed him.

  “I simply must have a taste,” he whispered.

  “Please, do it!” I said as Kane pried open my pussy with his fingers.

  Slowly the man moved in closer until I could feel the heat of his breath hitting up my soaking wet slit. Kane became an animal, going absolutely wild, devouring. His fast, rough tongue movements felt so damn good. I was in shock, panting, heaving in pleasure as Kane had his way with my tender pink pussy. I was squinting, clenching my teeth, thrusting myself against him. It felt so damn good! Kane sent his tongue as deep as possible, licking up against the walls, penetra
ting with his tongue.

  Kane’s fingers soon let go, focusing instead on my clit. He was using fingers from both his hands, rubbing the outside of my clit simultaneously. While his fingers went mad, his tongue continued to ravish my pussy. Kane hollered off the sexiest growl as his hands and tongue did their thing, driving me absolutely over the world. I was heaving, completely lost in pleasure by my Kane’s skillful hands and mouth. I was egging him on, begging him to not stop. At long last I have the man of my dreams, exactly where I want him to be!

  “Don’t you stop Kane! Don’t you dare stop!” I screamed, unable to contain myself. Kane kept going, making my clit swell up immensely. My pussy was absolutely soaking now, all at the touch of the man I have wanted all my life.

  With a smile, he withdrew his face, moving himself upwards while kissing my body. Soon he was right on top of me, grinding his pants through my pussy, kissing the living daylights out of me. Kane on top, completely in charge, pinning me down with his strong hard biceps. His musky scent was enticing. A familiar scent that I have missed ever so much.

  “I am going to make love to you Heather. Are you ready?” Kane asked in his deep manly voice.

  “Yes! Of course I am Kane! I’ve been wanting this nearly all my life!”

  My breasts were quivering, my nipples and clit swollen up, pussy drenched. Kane’s cock was hard and ready. It is time.

  “Please Kane…I need you! Do me! Make love to me! Please!” I screamed out.

  Kane gave me a sly cheeky grin, moving himself closer. I smiled at him back, reassuring him that this was the right thing to do. We kissed again, then with a loud grunt Kane entered me. My pussy flared up, being touched my a man for the first time.

  “Argh! Whoa!” I yelled out, surprised at just how thick the dick was. Fuck, feels so fucking good!

  “Does it hurt? Want me to go slower?”

  “Ungh! No! Perfect! Feels so good!”

  “Heh! Prepare to be deflowered my love!”

  Hearing the phrase my love sent me into a frenzy of desire. Kane’s began to thrust, completely stretching out my pussy. The touch was freaking incredible, causing my wet pussy to flare up in excitement. Kane’s touch felt so strong, touching in just the right spots. I was panting out, clenching, and enjoying every moment of it. Kane was grunting loudly, every so often bending over to kiss me roughly on the lips, his stubble tickling my skin.

  “Fuck Kane! Right there! That is the spot!”

  The man I grew up with went further in, little by little, stretching me out until finally I was able to accommodate his entire cock. Kane was groaning as he slid deeper and deeper inside my pussy.

  “Damn Heather! You feel so tight! You are mine!”

  “Ungh! Take me Kane!” I begged, clenching tightly onto his neck, bringing him closer to me.

  With a loud grunt, Kane buried himself as deep as possible, filling my tender sweet pussy with his cock. All of it. My body was flaring up in pure euphoria, as my nails dug deep into Kane’s back. Kane went faster, pounding my pussy with such brute force, yet kissing me with sincere tenderness.

  Kane went wild, making my swollen pussy tighten up, almost contracting around his thick long cock. His thrusts were frenzied, his kissing passionate.

  “More Kane! More!” I begged. I was panting, sweating, completely lost at the touch of Kane. My pussy was swelling up, my entire body heaving.

  I was whimpering, unable to cope with such pleasure. Kane had me pinned down, absolutely dominating me, burying himself deep in my hole. Soon his pumping became harder and faster. This is too fucking much!

  “Kane! Kane! I love you, Kane! Ungh!”

  I began to scream, my entire body vibrating in fucking bliss. I was almost convulsing, squirting whatever was left right onto Kane’s still rock hard cock. I was clenching on tightly to my Kane’s back, riding the wave, screaming at the top of my lungs.


  Kane slowed down, kissing me out as bliss took over my body. The man I have craved for all my life as just made me come. A sense of wholeness and completion washed over my body. The loneliness I have felt these past couple of years dried up, completely leaving my body. I am safe, I am whole, I am with my love.

  Kane kept pumping my now spent pussy, kissing me furiously while doing so.

  “Ungh! I’m nearly ready! Where do you want it, Heather? Where do you want it?” Kane panted out.

  “Inside me! Fill me up with your seed Kane!” I begged. At that very moment, my body was screaming at me to accept his seed. I began to clench my muscles around his cock, putting the pressure on.

  “Ungh! Of course love!”

  With a final thrust, Kane let off his seed like a jet stream, absolutely filling my pussy. His thick warm seed drenched my walls. His cock was pulsating like mad, his grunting loud. His seed was nice and warm, exactly where it belongs. We kissed again before collapsing next to each other, falling asleep in each other’s arms.


  9 months later…

  I was walking out of the exam hall with gusto. My mid-semester exams are finished! And knowing me, I think I aced it! Finding a residency is going to be a breeze if I keep this up! As I walked down the hall, I couldn’t help but notice a rugged, handsome, familiar face smiling right at me. Without words, I pulled him into the janitors closet.

  “I’ve always wanted to do it at school!” I whispered. “Take off your pants dear!”

  “Fuck yeah! Anything you want babe!”

  Kane grabbed hold of my ass, lifting me up. It took all of Kane’s muscles to keep me lifted up. My back was against the wall. His hands were under my skirt, pulling off my panties. Kane took out his cock, plunging it furiously into my soaking wet pussy.

  “Ungh! Do me Kane! Fuck!” I teased as my man pounded my hole like mad. He kept at it, grunting, sending me fucking ecstatic. With a loud grunt, his seed surged through my pussy. I was screaming out in pleasure, kissing the fuck out of my man. At last, I was back on my feet.

  “So…was that my present for finishing my finals?” I asked while putting my panties back on.

  “Nah! Got a real romantic dinner set up tonight,” he said as we walked out of the closet.

  “Can’t wait for the surprise! Oh, by the way, our folks are flying over sometime next month. They want to check in on us.”

  “Heh, still real surprised how well they accepted our love! Then again, I guess it is in my genes to like women like you!”

  “Urgh! I’m still trying to repress hearing our parents have at it during that sleepover,” I said, sharing a laugh with Kane.

  Life is good. Kane followed me about a week after our first time together. He works full time while I study. I get to spend all my free time with the man I love. Watching movies, playing games, talking, fucking, whatever we feel like. I have finally come out of my shell. All it took was the loving of the man I have wanted all my life. He is mine now, forever!

  Thank You!

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  Stepbrother Troubled: Part 1

  Emily is finally coming home after four years at college. A lot has changed since she left, including her mother getting re-married and Emily finally getting a stepbrother!

  But Blair isn’t all he seems to be, and even though Emily finds herself attracted to him, she knows that there’s something lurking just below the surface … something that doesn’t want to get out.

  It’s not until one night, when Blair finally breaks the ice and tries to comfort a stressed-out Emily, that she discovers what he’s really like — both inside and out. Will their relationship last? Or will Emily have to be forced to realize that she and Blair may never be?

  Check it out on Amazon! Click here!

  Other Titles

  Baby Gamble for My Billionaire Stepbrother

  Stepbrother Baby Gamble (Part 1)

  Stepbrother Baby Bet (Part 2)

Stepbrother Troubled

  Stepbrother Troubled: Part 1

  Stepbrother Troubled: Part 2

  Stepbrother Troubled: Part 3



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  About the Author

  Sybil Ling is a self-published author whose specialty is in the tense relationships between women and those men they find themselves so close to, but cannot have. Growing up in a large, and very close, family herself, she writes with both experience and passion.

  Forbidden fruit is something that Sybil Ling loves to take juicy bites out of. Ms. Ling has been writing risqué stories for some time now and loves the fact that she can now share them. Her stories, while fiction, can definitely be said to be inspired by true events...

  Check her out on Amazon!




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