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Hoosier Werewolf 2: Who Let The Wolf Out

Page 6

by Kate Steele

  “No, feels good.”

  Closing his eyes, Chad lay against Dustin. With deliberate intent, he moved. His unhurried, rhythmic undulations rubbed skin on skin and massaged muscle against muscle. The gentle thrust and shimmy of his pelvis succeeded in opening the way for his hard cock to rest flush in the cleft of Dustin’s ass. Dustin clenched his buttocks squeezing the thick column between lush, warm flesh.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. Hold it tight,” Chad breathed against Dustin’s ear.

  “God, you’re a tease. So close to where I need you. So close. I want you in me, not this cursed piece of silicone.” Dustin groaned and bucked his hips, forcing them more tightly together.

  Chad answered his need by increasing the rhythm, thrusting within that hot crevice, dragging his cock over the smooth base of the plug that stretched Dustin’s spread, needy entrance. He continued until they were both panting and Dustin was reduced to a whimpering bundle of pent up desire, pleading desperately for release. Lifting himself up, Chad rolled Dustin to his back.

  Face flushed and eyes closed, Dustin’s parted lips were a temptation he couldn’t resist. Chad licked the tender, rosy flesh, rimming his mate’s mouth before sliding his tongue inside. He groaned at the sweet flavor that met his probing explorations. Every part of Dustin, his taste, his scent, the feel of his skin, the sound of his voice, wove invisible threads through Chad. Every moment spent with him served to strengthen the unbreakable bond that Chad felt forming between them.

  He couldn’t get enough of this man and luckily it wasn’t a problem. Dustin gave of himself so freely, so generously and sensuously, he sated Chad’s hunger each time it rose. Taking his hands, Chad pushed Dustin’s arms over his head. He trailed his hands down firm forearms and sculpted biceps. Reluctantly he left the luscious mouth he was devouring in favor of further exploration. Lips lingering over the flesh of Dustin’s throat, he could appreciate a vampire’s fascination with such a tender part of the body.

  Just beneath the surface, he could smell a bare hint of the coppery scent of Dustin’s blood. Masked by flesh infused with his mate’s scent, it made his mouth water and his dick pulse. Someday, if Dustin allowed it, he’d taste that blood and forever bind his chosen one to him and to the pack. Groaning at the thought, Chad forced himself away from that vulnerable spot in favor of a place that would ease his sudden blood hunger. Burying his nose in the pit of Dustin’s arm, he breathed in the rich, sweat-laden musk.

  A hot rush of lust shot straight to his cock. The scent was undiluted and unmistakably male. Blood hunger forgotten, the simple need to fuck returned full force. His gaze lit on his next target. Two sensitive nipples called, light brown and already taut from the slide of his chest against Dustin’s. Chad kissed his way to them and licked at the tiny nubs before gently worrying them with his teeth. Dustin’s pants and eager moans accompanied every lick and bite. Chad left them rosy and hot before moving on.

  Craving more of his mate’s myriad tastes and scents, he eased down Dustin’s taut abdomen, lips and tongue savoring the light, salty tang of skin growing moist under the lash of sexual arousal. Ignoring Dustin’s fully erect cock, Chad kept going until his nose was buried in the dark wiry puff of Dustin’s pubic hair. The aroma here was more effective than any drug. Chad’s head spun. It was Dustin’s essence, pure and hot, rich addictive musk overlaid by the tart flare of testosterone. It tapped into every primitive instinct Chad possessed. All the longings and wants that are masked by the veneer of civilization. It screamed of the need for sex, to fuck, give, take and use until every primal, animalistic desire was met.

  Chad lifted his head, fighting down the howl that was building in his throat. Growling fiercely, he plunged his mouth down the length of Dustin’s cock and swallowed hard. Dustin surged under him, crying out at Chad’s rush of aggression. Easing back, Chad forced himself to slow, to once again find the place that spoke of an unhurried savoring of his mate.

  Gentling his touch, but keeping it firm and steady, he tightened his lips and established a taunting rhythm. His tongue kept pace, following the bulge of enriched blood-filled veins and firm, hot flesh under satiny skin. Drops of salty/sweet pre-come leaked from the tiny slit that topped the plump head of Dustin’s cock. Chad resisted swallowing, wanting the flavor to rest against his tongue and fill his mouth.

  Dustin’s hands were fisted in the sheet, his hips thrusting up to meet every downward sweep of Chad’s mouth and tongue. His desperate babbling pleas hit Chad like a cattle prod. “Oh yeah. Suck me, suck me hard. Make me come. Please, lover, please.”

  Chad increased the pressure and sucked, his cheeks hollowing with the effort. Insinuating his hands beneath Dustin’s ass he cupped the flexing globes, bringing him closer while taking Dustin’s length down his throat. He swallowed, the movement compressing and massaging his lover’s cock. Dustin jerked, cried out something incomprehensible and came. Easing back, Chad swallowed the thick jets of semen that filled his mouth. The taste was mildly bitter, a combination of salt and sweet that inundated his palate and wrapped him in a sexual haze.

  As much as he relished Dustin’s release, his own demanded attention. He slid his mouth free of Dustin’s cock and sat up. Grasping the base of the plug that filled Dustin’s ass, Chad pulled it free. Dustin’s entrance, slick and open, beckoned and Chad wasted no time filling it with one long, smooth inward glide. His groan and Dustin’s twined together, a harmonic expression of lust.

  Breathing deeply to maintain control, Chad held his hips still and steady. He ran his hands up and down the length of Dustin’s legs where they rested over his shoulders. Releasing one, he lowered it to waist level, his free hand going to Dustin’s spent cock and balls. Tenderly he caressed them with his fingertips, teasing and petting until Dustin was shivering.

  “I want you to come with me,” Chad demanded softly.

  “I can’t. Not again,” Dustin denied with a groan. His stomach muscles quivered when Chad’s fingers encircled his cock.

  With infinitesimal care, Chad squeezed and stroked his lover’s dick. A frisson of triumph swept over him when he felt the softened flesh firm under his manipulating fingers. “Yes you can. You will.” He leaned forward and tenderly kissed Dustin’s open mouth. “Come with me, baby. You want to make your lover happy, don’t you?”

  “Oh fuck. Chad,” Dustin groaned his hips starting to pump, pushing himself into the firm grip of Chad’s hand.

  Dustin’s surrender made Chad feel strong, invincible. He moved, fucking his mate, doling out and accepting the pleasure that grew sharper, higher and hotter with every thrust. Before he knew it, Chad was slamming his body against Dustin’s, sprinting toward an orgasm that suddenly surrendered all resistance and slammed them both with savage glee. His guttural, growling groan was a counterpoint to Dustin’s warbling wail. Dustin’s tight passage gripped him hard, warm seed spilling over his fingers, the pulsing spurts matching the draining rhythm of his own release.

  His original goal, to savor his mate, had gone beyond his simple expectations. He reveled in, relished and glutted himself not only on the sheer physical delight but the emotional feast this closeness to Dustin laid out before him. Coming down from the high, his body relaxing, Chad disengaged from Dustin’s body. Draping himself over his lover, he rested on his elbows and looked down into sated blue eyes. Words weighed on the tip of his tongue, words he’d never said to anyone except family and certainly with nowhere near the same meaning.

  Dustin’s half-lidded eyes widened and he reached up to cradle Chad’s cheeks in his hands. “I love you too,” he whispered. “But next time you wear the butt plug.”

  Chad laughed. Eyes suspiciously bright he rolled and brought Dustin to rest against him. “It’s a deal.” He squeezed Dustin tight and whispered against the top of his head. “I love you.”

  * * *

  “Grab your coat. We’re going out.”

  Dustin looked up from the sofa where he was stretched out watching television. Chad was standing over him w
ith a smile on his face. “Where are we going?”

  “Some club called Transitions.”

  “You know that’s a drag club, don’t you?” Dustin sat up, a confused frown on his face.

  “Remember what I said about Jerry feeling free to visit his usual haunts?”


  “Turns out I was wrong. But guess what? He’s visiting new places.” Chad grabbed Dustin’s chin and turned his face up kissing him soundly before continuing. “That phone call I just got? Noah Badden. He’s been going around to all the clubs in the area showing Jerry’s picture. Someone at Transitions recognized him. Does the name, Wanda, ring a bell?”

  “Holy shit, you’re kidding. Wanda?”

  “Um hmm. Whatever you two did in that jail cell made quite an impression on our girl, Wanda. She recognized Jerry’s picture and told Noah all about how he looked like the cute, manly little bad boy she met in jail. Some guy by the name of Dustin Parks.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Dustin felt his cheeks heat.

  “Is there something I should know?”


  “Come on, sweetie, you can tell me,” Chad teased.

  “Nothing happened,” Dustin hedged then mumbled, “Except for Wanda and some other guy trying to put the moves on me.” Dustin got up and headed for the coat closet. He yelped when Chad swatted his ass. “What was that for?” He frowned back at Chad, rubbing his abused cheek while he walked away.

  Chad caught up to him, slung an arm around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. “Just ’cause you have the cutest little tush I’ve ever seen.”

  Dustin tried to still the twitch of his lips. “You know when we get back you’ll have to kiss it and make it better.” Reaching the coat closet in the living room by the front door, he grabbed Chad’s then his own coat.

  “Gives the words ‘kiss my ass’ a whole new meaning,” Chad quipped.

  Donning his coat, Dustin laughed and followed Chad out to the garage.

  Half an hour later Chad parked the jeep in a pay lot four blocks from the club. Before he got out, Dustin grabbed his arm. “Tell me again why I’m here. Can’t the police just arrest him?”

  “You’re the only one who’s had contact with him. I want you to positively identify him. I don’t want any slip ups. Finding this guy is the key to getting you off the hook. I want that, Dustin.” Chad slid his hand behind Dustin’s head and brought their foreheads together. “I don’t want you going to trial for something you didn’t do.”

  “I’m not exactly thrilled about the idea either, you know.”

  “I know, baby. I know you’ve been worried. And I know you’re not exactly thrilled with the idea of seeing this bastard again but this could be it. If that’s really Jerry in there, tonight could bring an end to those worries.”

  Dustin nodded and kissed his lover. “Let’s do this.”

  Exiting the jeep, they walked the short distance to the club. Just inside the door, Noah Badden waited. Chad greeted him and introduced Dustin to the man. Noah was an inch or two taller than Dustin’s own six foot height. Rimless glasses framed deep green eyes with auburn lashes that matched the dark auburn of his hair. The two of them shook hands. Noah’s grip was firm and sure. Dustin liked him immediately despite the slight qualm he felt knowing that he and Chad had once been lovers, something Chad had explained to him a few days earlier.

  “I’ve been discreetly keeping an eye on him. He’s talked to a few people, had a few drinks. There’ve been a couple of discreet exchanges. He’s dealing.”

  “Where is he now?” Chad asked.

  Noah motioned with his head. “At the bar.”

  Dustin looked in that direction, his gaze sifting through the crowd and traveling over those seated at the bar. He didn’t see Jerry. “Are you sure? I don’t see him.”

  “Try taking a closer look at the lady with the blonde hair in the blue sequined number. According to Wanda, that’s our boy. It’s a great disguise and he’s carrying his stash in his cleavage.”

  Dustin felt his mouth drop open.

  Chad slipped his arm around Dustin’s waist. “You didn’t know he was into the drag scene?”

  “I didn’t have a clue. He never mentioned a thing about it.”

  “Well, let’s go see what kind of reaction we get when you go talk to him.”

  Chad steered Dustin in the direction of the bar. Dustin swallowed his trepidation, smiled and nodded at the suggestion Chad whispered in his ear. He glanced back to see Noah following at a discreet distance. Taking the barstool next to Jerry, he sat.

  Swiveling his seat he turned to face their prey. “Hello, beautiful. Mind if I buy you a drink.” The blonde snapped her head in Dustin’s direction and as soon as their eyes met, Dustin knew. “Hello, Jerry. I’ve been looking for you. You left something at my place.”

  “Dustin! What a surprise. How are you, baby? I’ve been meaning to call but um, as you can see, I’ve been a little busy.”

  “Don’t call me that. I’m not your baby. I’m not your anything. You left drugs in my apartment and got me arrested.”

  Jerry’s eyes narrowed, his pleasant expression turning stone cold and ugly. “Prove it.”

  “I don’t have to prove it. You’re going to the police and confess.”

  “Really,” Jerry laughed. “And who’s going make me do that. You? You are so pathetic. Sweet, little Dustin. You’re like a little puppy dog, so cute, everybody loves you. And smart? You with your post graduate studies and degrees in this and that. I can only imagine the shock and dismay your fall from grace must have caused. The angel lost his wings. I can’t believe how easy it was to fool you. A few kind words and a hard cock. If people only knew what a pitiful simpleton you really are. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have places to go.”

  Dustin sat frozen under the lash of Jerry’s putrid tirade. How could he have been so blind to the bitter resentment Jerry harbored against him? Could it be true? A few kind words and a hard cock? Was that all it took to win his affection? And if it was, what did that say about this new relationship with Chad? Jerry stood and started to walk away. Noah stepped in front of him and Chad helped block his escape.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Knowles. Except to jail,” Chad growled.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Dustin’s lawyer and this is my investigator.”

  “Well, Mr. Big Shot Lawyer, I don’t see any cops here and neither you nor your investigator has the right to hold me here against my will.”

  “As to that, you’re perfectly right. But as for no cops? Sorry. See those two guys coming in the front door? I’ll give you a hint. Those aren’t costumes.”

  Jerry’s bravado disappeared. His shoulders slumped. “Son of a bitch.”

  “Aptly put.”

  Dustin remained seated while Chad and Noah dragged Jerry across the club and talked to the police officers Noah had called to come collect him. Staring at the floor, he didn’t see the person who came and seated themselves next to him. “Hello, sugar, how are you?”

  Dustin looked over into heavily lashed and familiar blue eyes. Wanda was dressed to the nines in an emerald green satin dress. He mustered a smile. “Wanda. Hi. I’m doing better now, thanks to you.”

  “Are you sure? You look like someone just stole your lollipop.”

  “Yeah. I was just thinking about how we don’t really know anyone. At least the way we think we do.”

  “Well, there’s a certain amount of truth to that, sugar, but then some people are better judges of character than others. I happen to be a very cynical and observant type of person. Take for instance the first time I saw you. You told me you were in jail for dealing drugs. My first thought after hearing that? Bullshit.” Wanda smiled, her deep voice taking on a teasing note. “I took one look into those big, innocent, baby blues and knew for a fact that you could no more deal drugs than I could play it straight.” She reached out and gently tweaked Dustin’s chin. “You’re one of those sweet people who
take others at face value. You don’t expect lies or treachery. It’s a very nice way to be, but something that will get you hurt by, say, that bastard they’re hauling away?”

  Dustin nodded partly amazed and not a little bit touched by Wanda’s assessment.

  “I didn’t like him from the start. When I first saw him, he reminded me of you, until I looked into his eyes. Windows to the soul, my dear, and his is a little tarnished. But you know, a good thing came out of this. That guy who’s coming this way? He’s looking at you with so much love in his eyes it’s a wonder flowers don’t sprout from the floor, and flocks of sweetly twittering little blue birds aren’t circling around the two of you.” Wanda gestured a bit extravagantly then smiled. “Now he’s one of the good guys. Although, hmm, I sense a mystery there. I have a feeling that’s something you’ll figure out and when you do, you’ll find it won’t make a bit of difference. You are one lucky boy, Dustin Parks. Don’t let someone who meant you nothing but harm win. Take that beautiful man home and let him love you.”

  Tearing his gaze from Chad who was walking across the crowded room toward him, Dustin looked at Wanda, reached out and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek before pulling away. “You are a miracle in high heels. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, sugar.”

  Chad arrived and added his thanks to Dustin’s. “You ready to go home?” He held his hand out to Dustin.

  Smiling into those honest slate-gray eyes, Dustin let his doubts slip away. He took Chad’s hand and walked out with his lover.


  “And then he confessed.”

  Dustin watched, his eyes filled with pride as his lover explained how Jerry Knowles’ confession got him off the hook. Five of them sat at a table near the dance floor at Midnight Howl, celebrating the dropped charges against Dustin. Nick, Ethan and Crewe were giving Chad their undivided attention.

  “I still don’t like the fact that Jerry got off so lightly. He would have happily sent Dustin to prison,” Nick growled.

  Chad sighed. “I’m not so pleased about that myself, but it was part of the deal they made. The evidence against Jerry wasn’t all that compelling. According to the nuances of their chemical components, the pills he had on him, and the stash they found in his hotel room were all from the same batch as those that were found in Dustin’s apartment. But that didn’t mean Dustin couldn’t have accepted them voluntarily.”


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