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Second Chances (Pebble Harbor Book 1)

Page 12

by Brenna Ash

  At home, he booted up his laptop and waited impatiently until he could open up the browser. He had the blog saved to his favorites. He was subscribed, so he was surprised he didn't get a notification that one had been posted. But he hadn't checked his email either, so that would be the reason why.

  Once the blog came up his heart sank. All of it was lies. This was going to kill him. Anxiety overwhelmed him as he read on.


  The Scoop by Jules


  Okay, my loves. Here's the latest news on our favorite Hollywood Hottie. Apparently he's been very busy since he was fired from his latest movie for undisclosed reasons and just couldn't keep himself out of the spotlight. I've obtained a video and some stills of a late-night sexcapade between Hayden and an underage girl. Yes, you read that right, our man is a perv. From the looks and angles, it doesn't appear that he had any idea the session was being recorded. And what a session it was. The video and most of the pictures can't be shown because of the age of the victim. But below is one of the pictures of what seems to be Hayden sleeping after his exhausting cardio-fest. The girl, who remains unnamed, shared the video and pics to her Facebook page, which have since been taken down. She is now talking with investigators after someone reported them. Hayden may be back from his unplanned vacation sooner rather than later and he may be trading in those designer clothes for something a lot less alluring.

  Until next time,

  Sparkly Dreams!


  Anna must've been waiting for him to call because she answered before the first ring. “Hayden.”

  “What the hell is this shit? I have never. You know I never. Shit! What the hell do we do about this? That picture isn't me! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.”

  “I know. And I'm on it. You're going to have to come back home. The police are going to want to talk to you, and you staying away makes you look even more guilty.”

  He slammed his fist into the wall, the pain not even registering.

  “Hayden, calm down--”

  “Really? Calm fucking down? They're painting me as a pedophile! How the hell do I combat that?”

  “That's why you need to come home. The pictures originated here. I've been in touch with Ellen, and we're working damage control as best we can. But the shit storm isn't going to stop until you get in front of the cameras and explain that this isn't you, and you talk to the cops and let them know there's no way this is you. I can tell from the pic it's not you. It's a really close look-alike, but not the real deal. That's what we need to get the police to look into.”

  “Okay, I'll see what I can find for flights and head back home. I'll call you when I have some info.”

  This was unbelievable. Who the hell did he hurt so bad in his lifetime that they would post all this shit about him? Who wanted to take him down so badly? He went online and checked the flights to LAX. Florida wasn't a bad place to fly out of, but it took a good half day at least to get to California from here. The prices were ridiculous for a last minute flight, but he'd have to suck it up. He found a red eye that left in a few hours and booked a first-class ticket. Not something he'd do normally, but he didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment.

  That didn't give him much time to pack and to go see Sunny and explain things to her. He was hoping he could get her to come back to L.A. with him, but with these latest developments, he knew it wouldn't be this time. It wouldn't give her enough time to settle her affairs here.

  His phone rang, and seeing Anna's name pop up on the screen, he answered. “What's up?”

  “I've, um, got some news for you. You're not going to like it.”

  “So what's new on that front? What've you got?”

  “I received an email through your contact address. It gives the identity of your anonymous blogger.”

  “That's great. Who's the bitch that's been trying to take me down?”

  Anna cleared her throat nervously. “Yeah, it's, ah...”

  “Jesus Christ, Anna, spit it out. Is it someone I know?”


  “Of course. Whatever. Just tell me who the hell it is. I'll deal with it.”

  “I'm not so sure you should take this one on your own, Hayden. It's a bit close.”

  “Let me be the judge of that. Who is it?”

  She paused. “Anna, tell me who it is.”

  She sighed. “Sunny.”

  Hayden felt like he'd been punched in the gut by Mike Tyson. “Come again?”

  “It's Sunny. Hayden, before you do…”

  He disconnected the call. Betrayal ran rampant through his veins. Why? Why in the hell would she do that? She knew what his career meant to him. How hard he'd worked for it. Fuck, she even knew that the reason he'd kick started it was for them and their potential family.

  He grabbed a beer from the kitchen, twisted off the cap and threw it in the general direction of the trash can, missing it, but not giving a shit. After a long swallow, he gazed around the kitchen, memories of he and Sunny sitting at the bar assailing him. He turned his face up to stare at the ceiling. Hayden couldn't believe he was so stupid.

  Her plan was perfect. It was the ultimate revenge plot. Hell, Hollywood couldn't have written a better script. Write a blog that follows the person that hurt her. At first it's innocent enough, then it turns to something closer to obsession. Then, unexpectedly the poor bastard goes back home and runs into the old flame and things heat up again. Things fall into place and it's like they'd never even been apart. They fall into a comfortable pattern and then when he's feeling complacent and can see a future between them, she strikes with the ultimate career take-down post. He pushed his hand through his hair. Jesus Christ, he could go to jail for this!

  He thought back to earlier when they were at the falls and Sunny wanted to say something to him. She kept telling him she wasn't a good person and he wouldn't believe her. Well, he believed her now. He hoped she was happy.

  In the bedroom, Hayden snatched his luggage and duffel bag out of the closet and tossed them on the bed. Anger rolled off him in waves. He emptied the dresser, stuffing his clothes in the suitcase, not caring what type of shape they were in. They could be folded when he got back home. He did the same in the bathroom, not that he had a lot of items in there. His razor and a few toiletries. He shoved them in his shaving bag and dropped it in his case.

  The linens and other items he bought, Mrs. Wester could keep. He'd have Anna call a cleaning service to come in and wash everything, and then he'd let Mrs. Wester know he'd had an emergency and that he was sorry for the short notice. And he truly was. He really liked it here. Hayden hadn't realized how much he missed his hometown until he'd come back. Lesson learned. He wouldn't be back again. From here on out if his buddies wanted to meet up, Hayden would fly them to L.A.

  In the car on the way to the airport, he called Joe. It went to voicemail and he hung up. He called Joe after that. His friend answered.

  “Hey, man. Sorry for the short notice, but can you let the guys know I have to head back to L.A.?”

  “Sure. When you goin'?”

  “I'm driving to the airport now.”

  “Okay. Sunny going with you?” Hayden grunted at that. “What happened?”

  “She doesn't know I'm leaving and she can rot in hell for all I care. I tried calling Joe, but he didn't answer, so can you just let the guys know? I'll call you once I get back and things settle down.” If I'm not in jail.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Not in the least. But I don't know the full scope. Listen, you'll see some shit on the news. Know that none of it's true, okay?”

  “Shit, man, sounds serious.”

  “Yeah, it's fucking bad. And I've got Sunny and the damn blog she runs to thank for this. I'll connect with you later.” He ended the call. He probably shouldn't have said that Sunny was to blame. He hadn't confronted her about it. Maybe there w
as a reason. But the idea of seeing her face right now made him see red. He wasn't an angry or violent person, but right now he felt like he could take out a few guys if they looked at him the wrong way.

  Chapter 14

  The flight to LAX was relatively uneventful. The extra he'd paid for first class was well worth it. It wasn't the way he'd normally fly. Hayden remembered his humble beginnings and usually didn't mind flying economy with everyone else. Most times, he welcomed the conversation, but this time he wanted the privacy that first class could offer.

  Hayden could only do so much to disguise his appearance when there were so many TSA regulations that needed to be followed for security. He didn't mind, but it made him vulnerable and he didn't like that. Didn't like the feeling of his fate in someone else's hands. Not when he'd worked so hard to control his life and future.

  People were pretty much the same. A celebrity was a celebrity, whether they were in good headlines or bad. A lot of fans just wanted a picture. He got a few sneers from others. Whatever. They could go screw themselves. The last thing he needed to do right now was a fight with a fan in a crowded place where people would surely record it and sell it to TMZ or whatever house would pay them the most. It was an easy buck.

  And there were those people that would just try to goad a reaction out of him. He was glad he'd entered the airport at the latest possible moment so he wouldn't have to deal with a lot of people for long. Plus, the airport wasn’t overly large. It would be a different scenario when he landed at LAX. He knew there would be photographers and reporters waiting for him to land along with curious fans.

  He'd let Anna know when his flight was expected, and she said she'd be there with a car waiting. She'd do her best to keep everyone at bay, but couldn't make any promises. He knew that. It was definitely the dark side of the business. Whenever something happened in your career that could cause a black mark against it, they were on you like vultures. That's where the money was. Sure, everyone enjoyed reading the fluff pieces about what celebrities like to do in their downtime, how they spend a normal day, blah, blah, blah. But when something bad was out there to report? That was their bread and butter. A good story could pay their bills for the year.

  Hayden feared that this was just one of those stories. Once he was settled into his seat, he plugged his headphones in his ears and tried to drown out everything until landing time.

  One good thing about the TSA's security rules was that the paparazzi couldn't attack him right when he walked off the plane and into the airport, but they were there in baggage claim. All of them waiting, clamoring over each other. Bulbs flashing. Shouting out questions.

  “Hayden, who's the girl?”

  “Did you know how old she was before you slept with her?”

  “Are you scared of prison?”

  “How much time do you think you'll get?”

  “Will you pay her off?”

  “Will you settle?”

  “Was she worth it?”

  On and on the questions went. People yelling at him. He located Anna as he rushed out of the area, not caring about his suitcase. He could send his driver to pick that up so he didn't have to stay here and wait and deal with the hordes of press thirsty for his blood.

  He ignored them all and hastened toward the exit where Anna waited, her blonde hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. He slid into the backseat of the car, Anna right behind him.

  “Welcome back.”

  He rolled his eyes at her. “Nice welcoming party. You set that up?”

  “Yeah.” She laughed. “Not likely. The story has spread like wildfire as I'm sure you can imagine.”

  He nodded, his jaw set in a hard line. “My suitcase will be coming out in baggage claim.”

  Anna nodded and opened her phone. “I've got someone in the area posing as a traveler. He'll grab your bag and meet us later.”

  Hayden closed his eyes, leaned back against the head rest and sighed. “It's the middle of the goddamn night. Don't these people have anything better to do?”

  She handed him a bottle of water. “Better than possibly make a lot of money? Hardly. You know that.”

  “I do. It's just the part I hate about my career choice. The publicity of everything. Being the constant target.” He took a long swig of the icy water and let out a long breath. He was exhausted.

  “We'll fix this, Hayden. She'll pay. Dearly.”

  He gave Anna a curt nod. The thought of making Sunny pay didn't make him feel any better. He couldn't swallow the betrayal of what she'd done. Didn't really understand it fully. But he didn't want her life destroyed either. He wanted to be alone. “Just get me home.”


  Forty minutes later, the car pulled up to the gate leading to Hayden's house. The press blocked the entry. The driver honked the horn, inching forward. All the while, cameras pointed at the car, flashes going off trying to get a picture of Hayden. Thank God for the blacked out windows. He could only imagine what he looked like right now and he didn't need this time in his life forever documented in the media. They finally broke through the mob and got past the gate, the iron grates closing behind them blocking off the media and keeping the press off the long driveway.

  The house couldn't be seen from their vantage point, so once the car drew to a stop in front of the house, he breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out of the car.

  “That was fun. Not,” Anna mumbled. “My phone's been blowing up since late yesterday afternoon.”

  “I'm sure. That's why I pay you the big bucks.”

  “I think I should get a raise after this debacle.”

  He laughed at that. “Well, get me out of this and we'll talk about renegotiating your contract.”

  She followed him into his house, her heels echoing loudly on the polished stone floor and ricocheting off the high ceilings. She'd been here earlier. In his gourmet kitchen, the dome lights hanging over the white quartz island were on, and when he opened the door to his restaurant-style fridge for something to drink he found it had been fully stocked with all his favorite things. Except beer. There wasn't any.

  “No beer?”

  She raised a black brow in question. “You usually don't drink beer so I didn't get any. I can send out for some. What kind do you want?”

  He contemplated having her pick up something stronger, but decided against it. “Whatever import he wants to pick up is fine. Just make sure there's plenty of it.”

  Entering his bedroom, he headed to the master bath and turned on the shower, giving the water a chance to heat up. His house felt painfully empty. He'd never had that feeling here before. It must be because he'd let himself imagine Sunny here with him. Dumb-ass idea if he'd ever had one.

  Her betrayal stung. He was having a helluva a time letting it go. He wanted to know why. He stripped and stepped into the steamy shower, the water running over his skin in rivulets as he stood there. He laughed. A maniacal, crazy laugh.

  Wasn't this a strange turnaround in events? When he'd gone back it was Sunny who was always asking why. She'd finally gotten her answer after years of waiting and now it was his turn to ask the question. He rested his palm against the cool tile of the shower and tried to figure out how he could've been such a fool. He didn't get it. He didn't understand it. She knew him.

  She knew things about him that no one else did. Why would she make up such awful stories? Ones that could land him in prison. Hell, he even told her how his whole party-boy lifestyle was just a sham. That had to mean something. It meant a lot to him, but apparently the feeling wasn't mutual.

  The water ran cold, jerking him out of his thoughts. He had no idea how long he'd been in there. A while. His skin was turning wrinkly.

  He shut off the water, lifted a towel from the heated rack and wrapped it around his waist. Hopefully the beer was here.

  He padded into the kitchen. Anna glanced up from her tablet in her seat at the bar, her eyes widening. She'd seen him in the same state
of dress many times before. He had no idea why it caught her off guard this time.

  “In the fridge.” She tilted her head toward the appliance.

  “Thanks.” He plucked a bottle from the door and wandered back to his room, shutting the door and Anna out. He wasn't in the mood for talking with her or anyone else for that matter. Still, he reached for his phone and checked his texts. He had numerous ones from Sunny. He ignored them.


  Sunny paced the length of her living room, the pine boards feeling cool under her feet.

  “What the hell did you do to Hayden? What were you thinking?” Marlene's voice was shrill on the other end of the line. “Hayden called Drake. Told him you were the blogger.”

  Sunny's heart sank. She wanted to be the one to tell Hayden. To explain everything to him and make him understand. She'd be lucky if he ever talked to her again. “That post wasn't me. I swear. I never would do that!” She chewed on her thumb nail.

  “It's your blog! The one that you've been using to follow Hayden all these years. Damn, I knew you were obsessed with him, but I didn't realize how obsessed you were. God, Sunny, what is wrong with you?”

  “Come over. I need you right now. You need to help me come up with a way to fix this. I've got Linc coming over after work, so he can help on the tech side.”

  “Drake is pissed. I'm not even sure he'll let me out of the house if he knows I'm going to yours.”

  “Are you kidding me? We've been best friends for decades. You and Drake just started dating.”

  “You just screwed over his best friend.”

  “I didn't! That's what I'm trying to say. And I'm your best friend! It wasn't me. It has to the be Charyn. She started threatening me when I stopped posting her crap. Linc was able to figure out her info and I contacted her. The next thing I know she posted the story that she had originally sent me to post and I refused because I knew it was bullshit.”

  “It was posted on your blog.”

  “I know! Obviously she hacked into it. Because I didn't write the thing. She sent it to me a while ago. I saved it in my files, but wasn't going to do anything with it. The picture isn't even him for Christ's sake. Just look at it. I could tell right away.”


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