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Second Chances (Pebble Harbor Book 1)

Page 16

by Brenna Ash

  With a small push, Sunny backed off him and sat beside him on the couch, gazing into his eyes and then out the window. She wracked in a shuddering breath. “Your words were beautiful. But I didn't come here to have you apologize to me. You didn't do anything wrong.”

  He opened his mouth to speak but she held up her hand to stop him. “We were young. That part you had right. But kids break up all the time. People move on. I was stupid for not doing so. My purpose for coming here was for me to apologize to you. I've done so many things wrong, Hayden. And for a while, it was like I was living someone else's life. I don't do that kind of shit. But I did. And to be honest, I didn't always feel guilty. I'm an adult for Christ's sake. What the hell was I doing trying to get back at my college ex for leaving me to follow his dream? It was stupid. I can't say that enough. I never moved on. I couldn't forget the past.”

  “That's not a bad thing,” he cut in.

  “It is when I let it turn into something ugly. I've told you before about how innocent it started and I really meant that.” She grasped his hand in hers, absently playing with his fingers. “I should've known that you would never really do those things that Charyn was sending me. But I was so pissed, I think maybe more at myself for hanging on than anything else, and it didn't take much prodding for me to turn cynical towards you.” Her eyes bored into his, tears threatening to spill onto her cheeks again. “I'm so sorry, Hayden. I really am. I never thought that the things I wrote would have such an effect on you and your career. When you came back and I realized you hadn't changed, you were the same person that had left all those years ago, I knew that I was being used as a pawn for somebody else's agenda. I stopped posting anything she sent me. And only put up the stuff I knew was true to try to make amends for the bad stuff. When she started threatening me, I didn't really take her seriously. Until she knew who I was and where I lived. Then I had Linc do some research and see if he could track her down.”

  She paused, inhaling a lungful of air. She was talking fast. Trying to get everything out as fast as she could. Her words coming out in a rush.

  “That's why that day at the falls I'd asked you who Charyn was. I figured you must know her in some way since she had this vendetta or whatever you want to call it against you. I told you I wasn't a good person there, and I wanted to come clean at that time, and then you told me your secret and that was that. We left without me saying anything and then later that afternoon Charyn hacked my blog and posted that awful article.” Sunny clutched onto his hand. “She'd sent it to me a few days earlier. I was going to show it to you. I had no intention of posting such shit. I mean, one quick glance at that photo and I knew it wasn't you. But she did that post and everything spiraled out of control. I never wanted any of this to happen. I swear to you, Hayden.”

  He nodded. Her voice trembled with raw emotion. She was hurting from this just as much as he was. He saw that now. It was just something that neither one of them could control. It was out of their hands.

  “One of the perks of being famous is we get to deal with a crazy every now and then.” Hayden smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “Look, we've got everything out in the open now, right? No other secrets? You're not hiding a love child or something?”

  She laughed, her pony tail bobbing from side to side. “No. You know everything.”

  “Good. So let's move on from this, okay?” He lifted her chin so he could gaze intently into her eyes, willing her to believe his words. “That shit is in the past. Things are clearing up. The authorities know the pic isn't me and that I didn't sleep with any underage girls. They know the name of the woman, Charyn Bliss, and are searching for her. Once they find her, they'll let me know.”

  Relief passed over Sunny's face and some of the clouds lifted from her eyes. “I love you, Hayden.” She looped her arms around him and brought him down to her for another kiss. He gladly obliged, mumbling against her lips.

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  Chapter 17

  The next few days passed in a rush. Hayden showed her around the city. She never knew if she should call it Hollywood or LA or by one of the many suburbs surrounding the area, so she just called it the city. It was beautiful. She loved the palm trees. Some places were a bit too busy for her, but Sunny still enjoyed being there.

  She and Hayden had made huge inroads in their relationship. Now that everything truly was out in the open, things were going smoothly. She'd never been happier. The only cloud hanging over them was Charyn Bliss.

  The authorities had yet to bring her in. They knew who she was and where she worked, but Charyn hadn't been to work for the past week. She had to know the police were searching for her and she was keeping herself hidden really well. She'd make a mistake sooner or later and they'd get her. Sunny just hoped it was sooner. She wanted that chapter closed in their book.

  Hayden had introduced her to some of his friends. Like home, he kept his friend circle small. He had a few, close friends that he shared everything with, instead of surrounding himself with lots of artificial people. Which seemed to be the norm here. Superficial people came out of the woodwork in this city. There were so many people who would rather use you for your money and reputation than take the time to make it for themselves. Sunny didn't get it, but Hayden explained to her it was pretty common. That was why he had to be so careful in choosing who to let into his life. He didn't need that kind of negativity.

  The phone rang, stirring them from their slumber. Sunny snuggled further into the down comforter, trying to block the noise out. She didn't want to get up yet. The bed shifted and she knew Hayden was reaching for the phone. His voice when he answered didn't even sound like he'd just woken up. She was impressed.

  He ended the call. Gathering her in his arms, he pulled her close, kissed her forehead and patted her bottom. “We need to get up and get ready. We've got to go to the police station.

  Sunny sat up quickly. “What's going on?”

  He smiled, admiring her nakedness from where the sheet fell off her breasts. She hit him in the shoulder and clutched the sheet in her fists. He pouted, then said, “They've got a picture of Charyn. Maybe we've seen her before. They want to know.”

  “That's good. But they still don't know where she is?”

  “Not yet. This might help.”

  “Good. I'm ready to stop wasting any energy on her.”

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her from the bed into the bathroom. He turned on the water, waiting for the steam to fill the room and fog the mirror. He pulled her under the water with him, burying his face into her neck. She moaned as he kissed a trail from one side of her collarbone to the other. He nipped at her bottom lip before capturing her mouth in a deep kiss. He lifted one of her legs and entered her in one deep thrust. Sunny gasped at the sensation.

  His strokes were fast and quick. This wouldn't be a drawn-out session and she was good with that. She could feel the tide rising, pulsing against her ears. She clung to his shoulders as he quickened his pace, stroking in and out of her. Her breath came out in short gasps, moans escaping from her lips. The knot of tightness in her stomach grew, and as Hayden stiffened inside her, crying her name out in a snarl, she let go, tumbling into the sea, letting the waves wash over her again and again.

  He set her down on wobbly feet only when he knew she'd be strong enough to stand on her own. With a naughty twinkle in his eye, he said, “Now that's a great way to wake up in the morning.”


  At the police station, Hayden and Sunny were greeted by one of the detectives Hayden recognized from when he was questioned a couple of weeks ago. Had it only been that long? It seemed longer. They followed him into a room that looked eerily similar to a cell, minus the bars. They each sat in the metal chairs at the desk. Detective Stafford sat across from them, placing a manila folder on the table.

  Opening the folder, the detective, whom Hayden guessed to be close to his age, placed two pictures face up on the scrubbed metal surfa
ce of the table. He dipped his head toward the photos. “Do either of you recognize this woman?”

  Hayden studied the blonde woman in the pictures and his stomach dropped. Her overdone makeup and teased hair were familiar. The short skirt and too tight top showing off her ample cleavage was a dead giveaway.

  He formed an O with his mouth.

  “Do you know her?”

  Hayden ran his hands through his still-damp hair. “I do. Well, I know her face. I had no idea what her name was.”

  “One-night stand?” The detective glanced toward Sunny with an apologetic look.

  “No!” Hayden scowled. “I don't do that kind of shit. But she is one of the women that I took home.”

  Detective Stafford looked at him suspiciously. “You had a relationship with her and didn't even know her name? That's a new one, I have to admit.”

  “We didn't have a relationship. We had nothing. She was turned around and sent back home, with a healthy pay-off, mind you, before ever getting near my house.”

  “So you shunned her? She's jilted, that's what you're trying to say to me? She did all of that shit as what, some type of payback?”

  Hayden shrugged. “I don't know. Ask her!” He was frustrated. The detective thought he was an asshole. Whatever, he could deal with that. Sunny just sat in the corner of the room and watched in silence. He was glad that he'd come clean with her about how he'd really lived his 'bad boy' life. Otherwise he'd be getting the same incredulous looks from her that he was from the detective.

  “Okay, calm down. Tell me how you met her.” Stafford pulled out a small notepad from his lapel pocket and grabbed the pen he'd stuck behind his ear and waited for Hayden to start.

  Hayden explained how he and his PA worked his image to give the media something to write about. “I'd never had any problems, until now, obviously.”

  Detective Stafford sighed. “All right.” He stuck the pad back in his pocket. “We'll continue to search for her. I'll contact you when I have more information. Thank you for coming in.”


  A week passed with no contact from Charyn. Sunny breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe the woman had finally moved on and found another person that caught her attention. An arrest warrant was still in effect and Sunny was sure she'd be found eventually. She was just glad Charyn was leaving them alone.

  Sunny stretched, her muscles deliciously sore. She and Hayden hadn't been getting much sleep lately. She wasn't complaining.

  A warm breeze drifted in through the billowing curtains. Hayden must be by the pool. She hadn't heard him get out of bed. Fighting the temptation to enjoy the fresh air and quietness for a little longer, Sunny swung her legs off the bed and got dressed.

  The door to the master bath was closed. That was weird. Hayden usually didn't leave the doors open unless he was outside.

  Sunny ventured outside to see Hayden. Maybe the wind had forced the door closed. He wasn’t at the pool so she descended the wooden steps that led past the dunes to the beach to see if he’d decided to get some surfing in at the private beach.

  The beach was empty with the exception of a lone figure walking along the edge of the water. Definitely not Hayden. She watched the waves crash to shore for a long moment before turning to head back to the house.

  The sharp blow from behind knocked Sunny to her knees as pain exploded in her head. She fell just at the edge of the water, but her attacker didn’t give her time to gain control of her senses. She was being pulled toward the water.

  Her adrenaline kicked in. No way was she going to allow this person to drag her into the water. Sunny lashed out and landed a solid kick if the grunt from her attacker was any indication.

  It was enough to get the person to loosen their grip. Sunny turned in time to see Charyn lunge at her again. Sunny screamed for Hayden, but Charyn stunned her with another punch to Sunny’s jaw.

  The crazed woman was trying to get her into the water. Sunny ignored the pain as she tried to make her way back to the house. “Hayden!” Charyn yanked Sunny’s head back by her hair. Tears sprouted in Sunny’s eyes. She may lose this battle, but there was no way she was going to lose it in the water.


  “What the hell? Are you all right?” Hayden called from the bathroom. No answer. Sunny’s call sounded muffled. Had she fallen out of bed? He chuckled. First time for everything.

  “Hayden!” Louder this time. He could hear the terror in Sunny's voice. He burst into the room and found it empty. He dashed outside. She wasn’t in the pool area. Voices reached him on the breeze coming off the water. He ran to the beach and stopped short.

  Sunny was fighting with another woman near the shoreline. Sprinting to the women, he saw Sunny crumple to the sand, unmoving.

  Was that Charyn? He advanced on the woman. Something metal in her hand glinted in the sun.

  “No!” he yelled, diverting Charyn’s attention away from Sunny. Please let her be okay. Hayden sent a quick prayer up to the gods that be.

  Charyn stopped him with the tip of a blade pointed at his chest. Putting his hands up, Hayden darted his eyes toward Sunny, trying to make sure she was still breathing.

  “What the hell is the matter with you? Are you fucking crazy?”

  The blonde woman sneered, jerking the knife in his direction. Hayden backed up a step. “I see you're still with the whore.” Her voice was surprisingly steady, despite the crazed look in her eyes. “Don’t worry. She’s fine. For now.”

  Hayden surveyed the area. Nothing on the beach would help him in this fight. He’d have to use brute force and hope for the best.

  Sunny moaned, her brown eyes fluttering open as she focused on Charyn pacing the beach. Hayden went to her and clasped her hand. Her fingers were stiff. “It's going to be okay,” he whispered.

  “Don't talk to her,” Charyn spat. “I was the one you were supposed to choose.”

  Hayden stayed silent as he assessed the woman stalking in front of them. She was small in stature, almost on the petite side. She had a death grip on the knife handle. Her knuckles whitened from holding it so tight. She stopped in front of them. Sunny stiffened. No way was he letting any more harm come to her.

  Thank God it's not a gun. Hayden pushed off the sand and lunged at the woman. He tackled her at the waist, forcing them both into the water, and ignored the searing pain in his shoulder. She was stronger than he anticipated and fought him hard, kicking out her legs. He managed to wrap his legs around hers. She tried bucking him off her, thrusting her hips. Knife still in hand, she slashed erratically at him.

  Charyn screamed obscenities, spittle running down the corner of her mouth.

  Their struggle took them deeper into the water.

  Sunny was screaming from the shore.

  “Go call 9-1-1!” Hayden yelled as he grappled with Charyn, easier now that he had her legs constrained. Clutching the hand that held the knife, he squeezed her wrist hard, finally, forcing her to drop the blade. It fell into the water out of reach. He could hear Sunny yelling in the background.

  Charyn reached up with her free hand and scratched at his face. He caught her other arm and pinned both of them to her chest, hugging her close to his body. She went limp.

  Holding on to woman, Hayden took a step toward the shore and planted his foot on the dropped knife. The sting of the slice emitted a hiss from him at the same time Charyn reared her head back and slammed it into Hayden’s jaw.


  Sunny watched in horror as Hayden stumbled back into the water. She had to help him. He was going to bleed to death or drown if she didn’t get to him soon. The only good thing was that it looked like Charyn’s head butt had stunned her as much as it had Hayden.

  Without a second thought, Sunny ran through the water and dove to Hayden. For the first time in years, she wasn’t worried about what may be lingering in the water. Her only thought was to save Hayden. His head bobbed above the water and he stood as the waves rushed over h
im. Relief flooded her.

  Charyn rose out of the water, a feral sneer splitting her face. Sunny had had enough of the deranged woman. She lunged at their attacker, kicking her feet out, she knocked Charyn off balance. Enough to allow Hayden to drag the woman out of the water before restraining her by sitting on her legs and pinning her arms down in the sand.

  “Sunny, baby, you did great.” Hayden drew in a deep breath. “Run to the house and call the police.”

  Charyn made one last vain attempt to buck Hayden off, but her fight was clearly gone.


  Hayden watched Sunny approach the beach. “Are the police on their way?”

  Sunny nodded.

  “Okay. Sunny? Look at me.” Her stare was fixed on his back. “Sunny!” That snapped her out of her daze. “You did it, babe. Water and all.” She seemed to ignore that fact.

  “You're bleeding.”

  “I'm fine. You need to let the police in. Go open the front gate.”

  Charyn bucked underneath him. “You bastard!” She spat, a look of pure hatred darkening her eyes. “It was supposed to be me.” Tears welled and spilled down her cheeks as the fight left her and her body went limp under Hayden's.

  He kept her pinned. Didn't want to give the woman an opportunity to attack again in case this was a ruse. He could hear the sirens getting closer and within minutes police swarmed the beach.


  Sunny had never been so scared in all her life. The sight of Hayden bleeding and Charyn attacking him like a crazed animal was something she never wanted to see again.

  “You okay?” Hayden reached for her as the doctor finished suturing the stab wound Charyn had inflicted. Thankfully, no vital organs had been hit, but he still needed a good amount of stitches. And the pain killers weren't so bad either.

  She laced her fingers through is. “That's what I should be asking you.”

  He lanced her with a face-splitting grin. “All's good, babe. And now it's over.”

  “I'm so thankful for that.”


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