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Incubus Trial

Page 14

by Emma Jaye

  “If you suck well enough, I’ll think about it.”

  “No deal. Lesson first.”

  The vampire’s eyes reddened. Ezra tried not to flinch as adrenaline flooded his system. If he caved now, he might never get what he wanted.

  “Now you’re afraid.”

  “Yeah, so? Happens a lot around here. What’s it going to be, pain for me and mediocre pleasure for you, or a mind-blowing climax for you and the satisfaction that Morvan will be really pissed off.”

  The vampire stepped forward and wrapped his hand around Ezra’s throat, above the collar, but he didn’t squeeze, not much anyway.

  “Stiffen three fingers and give me your hand.” Ezra did so, the chain providing an audible accompaniment. Stephen placed them at the base of his throat.

  “Hit here, hard. When he lets go, punch with the other hand here. He placed Ezra’s fist at the base of his ribcage. Then kick him in the nuts.”

  The vampire released his throat and grinned. “Wanta practice, killer?”

  Ezra didn’t have a chance to smile before Stephen grabbed his throat again, and this time, it wasn’t gentle. Just to mix things up a little Ezra used his unchained hand to jab the vampire in the throat. He followed up with a leg sweep rather than the recommended punch and kick. Mashing a bloke’s nuts would probably cause a hell of a lot more retaliation than Ezra could cope with. His aim was to entertain, at this stage anyway.

  The sound of the vampire hitting the floor mat was music to Ezra’ ears, as was the grudging laughter of the vampire he’d just floored.

  “You won’t tell Morvan where you learned that will ye?”

  Ezra looked down at the red-haired vampire, who no longer appeared entertained. Is he worried? Maybe he was picking up leverage as well as a new move.

  “Not if you give me another lesson sometime.”

  The vampire’s eyes narrowed. Ezra found himself on his back, the breath knocked out of him, with a set of fangs inches from his face before he saw the other demon move.

  “Don’t threaten me, boy. We’re all dangerous, not just Morvan and Fabian, now suck.”

  “You got it. I think you’re even faster than Silas. Some serious skills there.”

  “I should be, I’m older.” The vampire released him, mollified at the praise, and sat on the bed. Ezra tucked his mind away, and went to work.

  It took a gratifying short time before Stephen grunted and fluid shot down Ezra’s throat. He sat back on his heels savouring the rush the vampire’s energy had given him.

  “What’s it like?”

  Ezra blinked at the question, then smiled as he got to his feet, dick bobbing in anticipation. “Well if you want to find out, you only have to ask.”

  “Fuck off,” Stephen said, but he wasn’t angry. “I’m not into that.”

  Ezra blinked in confusion, giving and receiving was all the same to him. “Why not? I don’t get it.”

  Stephen chuckled. “Now that’s where your wrong, you’re going to be getting plenty, but only in specific ways.”

  Ezra opened and shut his mouth.

  Stephen pulled him down so he was sitting on the vampire’s lap. “It’s about dominance. I dinnae know any male vampires who would take the passive role.”

  “You think what I just did to you was passive?”

  Stephen chuckled and shook his head. “No, I meant being on the receiving end. There’s nae way I’d let you fuck me and I wouldnae suck you. Although looking at the size of that thing, I don’t think anyone would want that stuck in them.”

  Ezra glanced down at his dick, which was still erect and weeping.

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  Stephen barked with laughter. “You are too adorable.”

  Ezra gave him a grin. “Well, I know that. Now, do you have to go or–” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  The vampire groaned. “You are going to get me in so much trouble. I was only meant to be bringing the mat down.”

  “And what am I meant to be doing with it?”

  “Exercising, keeping yourself fit, not getting bored. Practice your moves.” Stephen bobbed his head from side to side, shadow boxing like a prize fighter.

  Pleased that he seemed to be developing some sort of relationship with the vampire, Ezra gave him another grin. The more he wasn’t only a series of holes to these bastards, the less they were likely to hurt him.

  “Sounds good, but jumping about with this is going to be tricky.” He pointed at his dick. “Now as he’s still perky, you must be interested so–”

  “Time,” Silas called from the stairs.

  “Damn,” Ezra said, “Is he spying on us or something?”

  Stephen stood up, and Ezra scrabbled to not end up on his arse on the floor.

  “You can bet on it. He got his self all bent outta shape when you got your toes busted. There’s a wee office next to the door. He mostly stays in there unless he’s down here. Although, I’m applying for a deputy position. It has its perks.” Stephen flicked out a hand and slapped his arse.

  Ezra scowled and rubbed his abused cheek. “Brilliant,” he grumbled, “looking forward to it.”

  Stephen laughed again before strolling to the stairs and Silas. The two vampires spoke briefly, but Ezra couldn’t make out what they were saying before they shook hands. Stephen bounced up the stairs without a backward glance.

  Silas strolled toward him, the silence Ezra hadn’t noticed a moment ago pressed in on him. His erection fled under Silas’s stare.

  “It appears you made a friend.”

  Ezra got back on the bed, pulling the grey, scratchy blanket around his shoulders.

  “Isn’t that what I’m meant to be doing?”

  “What are you up to? He won’t help you escape if that’s what you’re after.”

  Ezra snorted, but he couldn’t meet the vampire’s studied gaze. “As if. Besides, being newly adult, one of you couldn’t hope to feed me. Speaking of which...” He gave the sharp-featured vampire a smile. “Have you got a few minutes?”

  Silas turned on his heel. “I’ll send the next one down, but I don’t think he’ll want to chat.”

  “We’ll see.”

  LATER, LYING IN SILAS’S arms, bruised, battered, burned and exhausted but well fed, he asked, “Are all of you kinky?”

  The vampire snorted and stroked his hair. “Depends on what you call kinky. Don’t forget you’re a toy; they’ll do things with you they wouldn’t dare to do with a mate, or a human. Humans don’t live long enough to train properly and they can’t take what you can.”

  Ezra rolled to his side, away from the vampire. He winced at the brief contact his sore backside made with the mattress. He’d certainly been ‘trained’ today. The next vampire hadn’t spoken to him, despite giving the grey-eyed demon a cheerful greeting. One minute he’d been saying, ‘And what can I do for you?’ the next he was face down with a dick in his arse. At least it had been quick.

  The bruises and the cut on his temple were from the next two vampires. The first had wanted him to lick his boots. Ezra’s refusal earned himself a kick to the head that left him dizzy enough not to protest when the vampire took his mouth roughly instead.

  The second, rather like Fabian, had wanted his arse red before he took him. Being spanked like a child had been worse than what the clan leader had done. When he’d worked out that what the man wanted was for him to howl and cry, he’d given him what he desired. Next time, he’d do it earlier.

  His enthusiastic begging and screams when the next one tied him down and poured scarlet melting wax from a candle on him hadn’t been real till the bastard poured it on his dick. Then it had become all too real. As it turned the vamp on, he’d remained hard throughout.

  Silas had cleaned him, lifted him into the chair while he sorted out the bed.

  “Why didn’t you lick his boots?”

  I’ve still got a little pride, and I’m not a dog. And that’s damn stupid. What happens here doesn’t matter. I don’t
have a choice. I’m using them. I’m using them. The mantra helped a little, even though he knew, deep down, he was deluding himself.

  “They were dirty.”

  “I’ll make sure they’re clean next time.”

  Ezra stared out into the gloom of the cellar. He had to keep his left hand above his head to avoid getting the cuff tangled or making Silas lay on it. His fingers were cold. It didn’t matter.

  There was a faint glimmer of light coming from underneath the door at the top of the stairs. Every now and again he heard footsteps or indistinct voices above. The occasional human scream made him shiver. Did his screams upset the humans? Did they think he was one of them? The vampires could probably hear him crying and begging for their fellow clan members. I’m using them.

  Was it night or day up there? Most demons tended to be nocturnal; it made hunting easier. He didn’t bother asking Silas. He wouldn’t get an answer apart from ‘time to sleep.’

  “Do you want help sleeping?”

  Ezra turned over, ignoring the pain in his back. The bruises were already healing. By tomorrow, he’d be all shiny and fresh, ready for it to happen all over again.

  I’m using them.

  Silas’s eyes shone red as Ezra’s focused on them. A knuckle brushed down his cheek wiping away a tear he hadn’t known was there.

  “You did well today. Sleep now.”


  Ezra was pleasantly surprised to find himself alone when he woke. So far, Silas had always been either in bed with him or the chair while he slept.

  The lantern by the stairs was lit, but as usual, it only illuminated a small part of the room. Even though he knew the array of ‘toys’ on the far wall were there, he was thankful he couldn’t see them. The damn things always seemed hungry for their next taste of him.

  Keeping the blanket around him, he reached for the mug of juice on the small table at the head of the bed. His belly had ceased grumbling for solid food, and he hadn’t had a bowel movement since he’d arrived. Who would have guessed he’d miss having a shit? Most of the fluid he took in was lost through sweat, tears, slick, and cum. The chamber pot under the bed had only been needed a few times.

  The training mat looked a hell of a lot warmer than the flagstones. The memory of putting Stephen on his back motivated him to get up. After splashing a little water on his face from the jug on the washstand, he paced out how far he could reach with the chain. It wasn’t quite the entire mat, but it would do. Facing the bed, and the point above it where his chain fastened to the wall, he threw a few test punches.

  He’d have to adapt the workout he’d invented at home, but it was certainly possible. The vampires might be stronger and faster, but he had flexibility on his side. As advantages went, it was a little pitiful, but he intended to maintain it.

  Move by move, he extended the series of punches, kicks, handstands, and lunges, till he was breathing hard. Sweating freely, he finished his last repetition with a backward flip, intending to get a drink.

  A slow clap came from the darkness. He spun around, crouching, heart pounding. His eyes strained, trying to discover who was back there.

  What will he want; fight or fear, banter or submission?

  “Very nice. I’ll have to make you dance for me more often.” Fabian’s slow, sinister voice made his gut clench. Even though he hadn’t seen Fabian since that first night, he’d known this was coming. I’m using them. The mantra helped, but not much.

  Ezra hid the flash of fear by picking up the towel from the washstand and wiping the sweat from his chest and underarms.

  “What do you want?”

  Fabian smiled as he moved into the light. He was still wearing ridiculously old-fashioned below the knee breeches with long woollen socks. They looked so warm it pissed Ezra off. Jealous fought with his fear, making it easier not to cringe or attempt to hide himself.

  “I’m pleased to see you in such good spirits after your first session with my clan members. I thought we’d turned you into a vegetable.”

  “A what?” Ezra glanced over. In a crowd of other aristocrats, apart from his ridiculous outfit, Ezra wouldn’t have glanced twice at Fabian. He didn’t have a remarkable build or stunning features. It made him even more frightening.

  “You know, eyes open, but nobody home?”

  “Well, I’m not. What do you want?”

  Fabian didn’t reply, so, as he’d finished with the towel, he sat in the chair and looked at the vampire with his eyebrows raised. He resisted the itch to reach for the blanket and cover himself.

  “Speak up; I haven’t got all day.”

  Fabian roared with laughter. “I came to see how my toy is settling in; it appears I have my answer. I’m just sorry Council business has kept me away.”

  Fabian wouldn’t kill him. It’d just be pain. He’d heal, sooner or later.

  “I’m not a toy. I’m a living, intelligent person and you’re keeping me here against my will. You know it. I know it. What’s the point in carrying on with the lie?”

  The vampire loomed over him in an instant, his hands on the back of the chair either side of Ezra’s head. Heart pounding, Ezra swallowed and clenched his jaw as he looked up. Power oozed from every pore, but the vampire’s eyes were red with lust, not anger.

  Being naked with Fabian fully clothed was meant to make him feel vulnerable. It did, but not as much as it would have done before he’d met this bastard.

  “You are what I say you are, boy. I own you, mind, body and soul. And I can make you beg and squeal just as easily as I did the first time.”

  Ezra looked steadily into the cold grey eyes, knowing exactly what would turn him on the most, what would deliver the biggest meal. Defiance.

  “You can hurt me, make me scream, but you’ll never make me beg again, and I’ll never, ever call you master. You’re not worthy of the title.”

  The first blow would have knocked him to the floor if the chair hadn’t had sides. Eventually, Ezra kneeled before him. Barely conscious, Fabian held him upright with both fists in his hair and used his mouth. After flooding Ezra’s throat, he thrust him, gasping, to the floor.

  “See? I told you; I own you, toy. Now say ‘Thank you, Master’.”

  With spots before his eyes, Ezra struggled, back to his knees. Looking up, knowing Fabian’s cum and his own snot and tears covered his face, he said, “I’m Ezra Erotes, I’m an incubus, and you just fed me, you ancient, wrinkly arsed, wig wearing, fop. You have to kidnap people to fuck because no–”

  Ezra got his wish, as the blow to his head knocked him out.

  When he woke, his back was tucked up against Silas’s chest. Even though he faced the room, Ezra couldn’t see Fabian. The clan leader could still be hiding in the gloom, but Ezra didn’t think so. Up to now, Silas had told the truth about nothing bad happening when he was with him.

  “Antagonising my father isn’t a healthy pastime,” Silas murmured against his hair.

  “I’m still here, aren’t I?” Ezra said as he rolled into a sitting position.

  “Stephen suggested you were trying to suicide by proxy. I don’t believe it.”

  Ezra glanced over his shoulder. Silas’s lean, long lines called to him, hunger gnawed at his soul. Fabian’s visit had kept the others from him and now his energy levels were low. Silas lacked a lustful glow. Ezra bet he could rectify that situation in less than a minute.

  Flipping over to his belly, he shuffled down and licked the hollow beside the vampire’s hip bone. Silas tasted like his scent, sandalwood.

  “Stop changing the subject,” Silas said, but his voice was hoarse with desire.

  Ezra changed his focus to the vampire’s rapidly filling cock. He swiped his tongue over the head, before sucking it into his mouth and taking it to the root. Breakfast with Silas was always a comfortable, languid affair. Some of the others delivered more of an energy punch, but Ezra treasured these few minutes.

  Silas groaned. Tilting his hips up, he said, “My dear, you are evil

  Ezra pulled off him with an audible pop. “Still want to talk about your daddy?”

  The hand pushing down on top of his head told him he’d won.


  Through trial and often painful error, Ezra came to an understanding with most of the vampires. Some he cajoled into not hurting him with blatant seduction and getting to the sex before they could think of starting any fun and games.

  He’d discovered that ‘boot lick’ guy liked him in the position more than enjoying the actual shoe shine. A little crawling, and posing, pushed him to his finale without wasting time on footwear.

  The spanker always enjoyed turning Ezra’s backside red. But as he only used his hand, Ezra was fine with it. Being fucked with his arse hypersensitive was damn good.

  But he couldn’t avoid violence with all of them. Some, like Morvan, always followed the same violent routine. They sparred, but rather than being angry when he used the techniques others had taught him, Morvan was delighted, especially when he refused to divulge the identity of his teacher or teachers. Morvan’s sessions always ended the same way, with Ezra being choked unconscious as the big vampire humped him like the devil himself.

  He knew the group he termed ‘fighters’ were using him, with his full co-operation, in a sort of warped arms race. Each tried to teach Ezra a technique that’d surprise their fellows, whilst beating him themselves.

  Some never failed to send his heart pounding. They were ones who got off on his pain and fear rather than his body, including ‘wax man’. Three or four others enjoyed caning him when he was tied to the cross or bench. He’d learned which ones stopped if he begged, and which ones that annoyed.

  Bones still managed to ‘accidently’ break the odd finger or toe, but now he restricted his fetish to one digit at a time. Telling Silas had resulted in Bones being banned for a time. The beating Bones had given him when his access resumed, meant Ezra didn’t mention it the next time a toe got ‘tweaked’.

  He couldn’t do anything about the true abusers, but Silas stopped the sessions if he was in real danger. Care and cuddles from Silas always followed those sessions. Even though he knew Silas enjoyed comforting him, sometimes, when Silas held him, whispering that he was good and beautiful, the pain was worth it. It was fucked up and wrong, but it was all he had.


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