Book Read Free

The Way

Page 32

by Mary E. Twomey

  When Baird paused, Alec eyed him. “Like when she attacked Sam in the hallway?”

  Baird chuckled. “Nah. He’s still breathing, isn’t he? When Blue’s cornered, sometimes she blacks out and goes on sort of a…a killing spree.”

  Whatever they’d been expecting Baird to say, it wasn’t that. They all turned as one and stared at her, mouths agape.

  “Sometimes!” Blue emphasized defensively as she took a bite of her sandwich. “And it hasn’t happened in a while.”

  “That’s what I said,” Baird argued. “And it happened a month ago. And it almost happened last night when Sam and I got into it.”

  Alec paled. “That’s what that thing with the towel over her head was?”

  Blue cringed. “But before that, not for, like, a long time. And I didn’t go totally dark last night or a month ago with those two Vems with that stupid green car, Baird. You had to kill those guys for me. I didn’t lose control completely.”

  Sam started his sentence twice before sound came out. “A green Humvee with fire decals?”

  Baird turned to Sam. “How’d you know?”

  “I saw the car! I could tell it was a murder cover-up. That…that was you, Blue?”

  Blue’s face darkened. “No. That was Baird. And they were robbing us, by the way. I don’t just go around slaughtering innocent people at random. And I didn’t black out, so I couldn’t kill them. Just gave one of them brain damage.” She frowned at her brother for bringing up the sore subject. “I told you I hadn’t blacked out in a while, Baird. I controlled it that time, so it doesn’t count. Leave me alone about it.”

  “A few months back when I was visiting Griffin, he told me that you almost blacked out and killed some guys that were messing with him.”

  “Almost doesn’t count. If you almost spill a glass of water, it’s not actually spilled, is it?” She huffed, her face turning red. “Plus, I didn’t kill anyone that time. Just broke a few arms. It was pitch black! They didn’t even see me there. Griffin took credit, and he got the respect he needed to keep other people from picking on him. You’re welcome!” She crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to ignore the dumbfounded stares of the three men she wished were not privy to this conversation.

  “Griffin was scared of you.”

  Blue gasped, forsaking her sandwich. “He didn’t say that! I would never hurt him.”

  The men watching the two vacillated between horror over the situation and amusement at her feisty personality finally being drawn out. “Well, this is a problem,” Alec muttered.

  Baird eyed his sister. “Griffin did say that. You don’t know what you’re doing when you black out.”

  She glared at him, all pretense of submissive behavior gone. “I never attacked Elle, Grettel or Griffin!”

  “You punched me in the face once! That time you killed the dozen or so guys Trisan sent after me?”

  “Who said that was by accident?” Blue challenged. “You’d been asking for that black eye for days! Kinda like right now.”

  Sam sniggered as he sucked on his cigarette, unable to keep the attraction off his face as he watched the kitten turn into a tiger.

  Alec held up his hands to force a truce. “Alright, you two. Enough. So how do we deal with this? What’s the trigger?” He watched as her forced timidity melted away.

  Blue held her chin up, daring them to question her. “I don’t like being threatened. Do you? I told you in the hallway, I don’t like it when people put their hands on me. Just like anyone else, I’d imagine.”

  Liam cocked his head to the side. “Yeah, but everyone else doesn’t go off killing left and right when they’re in trouble.”

  Baird spoke for his sister. “In The Way, that’s how girls end up raped or dead. In the real world, that’s how you end up abducted for a prostitution ring.”

  Alec lost his appetite for pancakes and put down his fork as he continued the conversation. “Well, it won’t be like that where we’re going. No one’s going to hurt her or sell her off for sex. If she’s going to be with Liam, she’ll be very well guarded. But there might be times she’s cornered or scared, and she’ll have to be able to handle it.”

  Blue flopped her arms on the table and laid her forehead down to hide her face. “I can handle it!” she growled.

  “Clearly,” Baird snorted. “Tell me the situation, and I’ll work on it with her before she goes.”

  “Liam’s photographed all the time. Sometimes the paparazzi get a little overzealous and corner him. If she’s with him…”

  “I’ll just slip out of sight. I’m fantastic at being invisible,” Blue argued, head still buried in her arms.

  Alec addressed Baird. “Look, I’ll do whatever I can to make this happen. Vemreaux can’t keep dying over there. The emperor’s worried. The king’s getting desperate. I’d love to get her over there and let her end it. But if she’s a danger to Liam or any of the royal family, I just can’t risk it.”

  Blue banged her forehead against the table in frustration, causing the silverware to clatter and Liam to jump.

  Baird nodded. “I understand. She’ll be ready. I’ll see to it.”

  Blue slammed her head on the hard surface again, drawing a noise of protest from Sam.

  “I’ll need proof, Baird. Solid as your word is,” Alec instructed.

  “I know. I’ll take care of it.”

  Blue lifted her head to look at her brother. “You really think I’d hurt Liam?”

  Baird’s mask of composure settled back into place after being ruffled at their argument. “No, but Alec doesn’t know you like I do.” He turned to Liam. “Will she wear a uniform?” he asked, changing the subject.

  Liam shook his head. “No, she’s a civilian. You know I’m not buying her to own her, right?” It was obvious that Baird needed the clarification when the Wayward’s eyebrows rose. “The emperor doesn’t own slaves. It’s normal here to do that, but it’s not a good example for our family to own people. I’m buying her from Joe, so I’ll be her owner, like, that day, but she’ll technically be a freed A-blood after I file the paperwork and make the payment to liberate her.” He raised his hand when Baird began to protest at the wasted money. “My dad wouldn’t have it any other way. Since you want her under the radar, I’ll buy her from Joe to cover his loss so he can purchase a new Wayward. Once she’s mine, I’ll free her and she’ll magically choose to come work for me. Her wage will be the same as a Vemreaux and she’ll have the same rights. She can vote, walk around wherever she wants without a problem and be, you know, free.”

  The sandwich in Blue’s hand dropped to her plate, immediately forgotten. Her mouth hung open in surprise as she stared up at Liam. Her chest moved up and down, but her eyes did not fog up on principle.

  Though she was clearly affected by the words, Baird spoke up. “That’s unnecessary. She might only live with you for a week or two. You can’t waste your money like that. It wouldn’t be right.”

  The usually happy-go-lucky Vemreaux’s face darkened as he leaned forward. Baird began to wonder if Liam’s bodyguard was only there as a formality. “What’s not right is that I’m in the position to own human beings. It could have just as easily been reversed, you know. The only real difference between us is blood type. I just got lucky. Does that mean your sister should be a slave her whole life because she was born with the short end of the stick? My family doesn’t own slaves. It’s insulting to think that we would. Now don’t fight me on this, Baird. You may run this place, but you’re trusting me with your sister. You should want this for her.” His tone conveyed the disappointment of an older brother to a younger, foolish sibling. “Wouldn’t you be happier knowing she’s out there, free?” Liam noticed the look that Sam gave him and turned to his friend. “What?”

  “You sound just like your dad. Never a bad thing, that,” Sam commented as he smoked.

  It was odd to witness Baird at a loss. He was always so sure of himself and his duties. For the briefest of moments, Blue saw
a flash of Griffin’s insecurity in him. Embarrassment mixed with defiance and settled into his chest to tighten the muscles there, but he said nothing controversial. “Okay. If she’s freed, doesn’t she have to find lodging?” His brain worked quickly to factor the new information into the existing plan.

  “She’s a personal servant, so she’ll live in the mansion with me. I have a guest bedroom next to mine. My sister’s servant lives in the room adjoining with hers five days a week. Blue would just stay all seven with me.”

  “What’s the rent?” Baird asked, trying to find the catch.

  Liam’s nose crinkled. “There’s no rent. She wouldn’t have any bills to pay except for what she charges outside of her expense account.”

  At this, Baird could no longer attempt a poker face. “Expense account? For what?”

  Liam didn’t see what all the fuss was about as he picked up another shot and downed it in one satisfied gulp. “You know, for eating out when we’re on the go. She’s supposed to travel with me places if I say I need her, so she’ll also have to eat out with us. If she wants personal things like clothes, hair stuff…” he trailed off as his hand lifted to make circles in the air. “I don’t know what chicks buy. She’ll get a green card that’s linked to an account. My dad’ll put money in it every month for her to use for that kind of stuff. You know, like an allowance. Her paycheck’s a separate thing. I’ll set up a bank account for her over there. Don’t worry.”

  Baird tried to be delicate, so that the words did not burst out unpolished. “And all she’ll be doing is household stuff for you? Nothing else? Nothing I’d have to kill you for?”

  Liam nodded, taking the insult with grace. Deciding to play it off as a big joke, he winked at Blue. “Well, if I want a sandwich and a smile at two in the morning, then…”

  Sam’s hand flew up and smacked the back of the prince’s head. “Then you’ll get it yourself.”

  Blue’s wide eyes met Liam’s with a combination of shock and confusion. Her mouth opened like she wanted to say something, but words wouldn’t reach her throat.

  Liam seemed to understand everything she wanted to say, and he acknowledged her inexpressible gratitude with a polite bow of his head and a gracious smile.

  For once, Baird was speechless. He looked down at his sister with wonder that was tinged with the hardness of jealousy.

  Blue felt an odd gloss come over her eyes. She stood up and left the table for the kitchen without a word. Baird made no effort to follow.

  “Is she okay?” Liam asked for Sam’s sake. His friend looked like he wanted to go after her.

  Baird shrugged, thinking the answer to that question inconsequential.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Sam growled at Liam. “She’s afraid of being raped or sold as a prostitute. You think your dodgy sex jokes are funny to her? Or her brother, for that matter? Sandwich and a smile,” Sam grumbled.

  “Sorry. Forgot about that.”

  Baird shot Sam a confused look of appreciation.

  Liam switched tacks. “Uh, I don’t know if this is relevant,” Liam spoke into the hushed moment, “but I did ask Joe for both of you, Baird.” He watched Baird’s face jerk up and the air leave his lungs. “He wouldn’t part with you. Called you irreplaceable.” To cover over the wound, Liam spread some more sugar on it. “Said he wouldn’t give you up, even for double what he paid for you. Which, if you think about it, is a pretty high compliment.” Liam cleared his throat. “I put in a call this morning to Wayward Services. They’re going to be looking into your housing arrangement to see if it’s up to code, which it’s not. Joe’ll have to put you three in a better house if he wants the government out of his hair, which it sounds like he does. I gave him the heads up.”

  Baird looked uncomfortable at receiving the help that was already in motion. “Um, you didn’t have to do that. We’re fine the way we are.”

  Liam waved his large hand, signifying that it was done. “How are you going to make a move on that blonde of yours with no proper bed? Consider me your guardian angel.”

  “More like a fairy without the wings,” Sam murmured under his breath. “Is there anything else we should know?”

  Baird paused, humbled at being looked after so kindly. Then, regaining his manhood, Baird postured. “There’s something you should know. I see the way you look at my sister. I also saw you in here with a few nice pieces on your arm yesterday. I’d go for the Fems. Blue isn’t one of you, so leave her alone. She’s never had a boyfriend or even kissed a guy before. She’s pure. You get what I’m saying?”

  Before Sam could answer, which it looked like he was gearing up to do, Blue returned from the kitchen holding a plate with a sandwich on it. Without a word, she set it on the table in front of Liam.

  The prince looked at her down-turned eyes in confusion. “Aw, thanks. What’s this for, kitten?”

  Blue sat back down next to Baird and ducked behind his sturdy frame. “You said you wanted a sandwich,” she spoke quietly. “It’s almost two in the morning.”

  Curiosity twisted into a sickened expression, and Liam looked at the plate as if it contained a human head. “Aw, bambina. I was only kidding.” As soon as the word slipped from his mouth, Liam covered his offending lips as Alec and Sam both slapped him in the back of the head.

  “This is not your house, Liam,” Alec reminded him sternly. “You can’t call her that in public.”

  Though he looked like he agreed, Liam threw out the token argument. “You call this public?”

  “I call this not your house.” Alec shook his head as if it pained him to watch over such an imbecile. “Or your father’s country.”

  Blue looked up at Baird for him to explain what had just happened, but he shrugged, indicating his own ignorance.

  Liam held up his hands apologetically. “Thank you for the sandwich, Blue.” He made sure to say her name and not anything resembling another forbidden language. “I was kidding, though. I won’t make you get up and wait on me in the middle of the night. It was a bad joke. That’s something you’ll have to get used to. I only mean about half the stuff what comes out of my mouth.” He reclaimed his swagger. “The other half is pure gold, though. You’re lucky to be traveling with such a smart guy like me.”

  Before he could make another faux-pas, Liam reached for the sandwich because it was there and begging to be eaten. It was peanut butter and jelly, which he hadn’t had in years. When Liam opened his mouth, his words were jumbled from the bits of sticky sandwich impeding his speech. “Anything else before we call it a night? Will she be all ready to leave by Thursday?” He unglued his tongue from the roof of his mouth with very little grace.

  Alec averted his eyes at the sight of the food rolling around in the prince’s mouth. He struggled to keep himself from blanching as he recounted the number of decorum lessons the man had been given, all with limited results.

  Baird nodded. “Almost. She’s got one more job to do before she’ll be ready to kill the predator. I trained her myself, and she’s practically perfect.” The praise made Blue happy, but she did not show it. “If you can spare one of your guys for a couple hours, you can head home now.”

  “Sure,” Liam nudged Alec, who did not look thrilled at the prospect of babysitting. “What for?”

  Baird debated whether or not to tell them in front of Blue. He did not want her to have too much time to think about it. He wanted her to just go and execute without having hours or days to plan it out. He sighed at the late hour. “She’s supposed to be able to kill this predator and put an end to tyranny,” he paraphrased the familiar prophecy that at times seemed to simultaneously run and ruin his life. “The thing is, she’s never been able to kill someone without blacking out. I don’t want her to get out there face to face with it and freeze up. And you wanted proof that she can handle stressful situations without losing her mind, Alec.”

  Liam paused his attack on the sandwich. “You want her to kill one of my guys?” He raised an eyebrow. “Well,
then I change my mind. You can have Brody instead. He’s back at the hotel nursing a hangover, so he’ll be an easy target.”

  “I’ve already got a criminal in mind that’s gotten out of prison twice now for running a Wayward prostitution ring. I just want one of yours to go with her and make sure she does it. It’ll put any of your fears to rest that she isn’t the Light, or that she won’t be able to handle herself without blacking out.”

  “Well, shoot. I want to see that!” Liam exclaimed.

  Alec and Sam both shook their heads like they were tied to the same string. “Not a chance,” Alec protested. “If you get caught at a murder scene, it’ll get back to your father and become a public thing along the way. We’ll take you back to the hotel first and then I’ll go with her.”

  Blue wanted to say something, but she knew that Baird’s mind was already made up. Baird had taught her just about every takedown tactic there was, but snuffing the life out of someone and seeing their last breath escape their lips awakened both her conscience and something cold that she tried to suppress before it claimed her soul. She’d never been able to kill someone in her right mind. Part of her had to go blank to carry out the gruesome task.

  Baird stood up, so Blue mimicked him. Alec watched as they moved together, her following him like she had no choice to her movements. He hoped that she would be as easy to control in Europe. He did not relish the thought of being laid out on the ground every time he made her do something she did not want to do.

  Baird stood directly in front of his sister so the two saw only each other. His eyes bored into hers as he leveled his finger to her face. He spoke quietly just as Liam let loose a dramatic yawn to cover any chance of eavesdropping. Blue did not put up any semblance of a fight, but nodded once when he’d finished his instructions. Baird held up his finger to the others, indicating for them to wait there while he retreated into the kitchen for a moment.


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