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Wolf Games: Severed Fates (The Vampire Games Book 6)

Page 4

by Caroline Peckham

  I sat back in my seat, thinking on that. “And then we went to Africa for a holiday?”

  “Yes,” Ulvic said.

  “But you said my memory was wiped by Ignus Helsing?” I frowned, the details not adding up.

  Ulvic shifted in his seat. “Yes, it was a slow-acting drug. He'd obviously injected you with it before the breakout. You knew what was happening up until we arrived in Africa. Then your memories just...went away.”

  My brow creased. “Okay...” I said, guessing that was possible. But it kind of implied Ignus knew I was gonna be leaving the V Games. “Why would he remove my memories the day I broke out?”

  “It was the last day of the games. He was planning on giving you back to me, I think.” Ulvic rubbed the back of his neck, his gaze firmly on the road.

  “Seems like he would have done it after I-”

  “I don't know the details, Jameson,” Ulvic cut me off harshly. “That's what happened, alright?”

  “Alright, jeez, chill out. I'm just curious.”

  “Well don't be. You don't want to remember that time anyway, trust me.”

  I nodded, flicking through my iPod to distract myself. The motorway stretched out ahead of us and I knew we had a long way to go. Guess it was me and a grumpy Ulvic for the remainder of this trip.

  I wanted to ask more, but Ulvic didn't seem in the mood to talk, his arms tense as he gripped the wheel.

  “Let's play twenty questions,” I suggested.

  “No,” Ulvic snipped.

  “I spy?”

  “No, just get some rest,” Ulvic insisted.

  I sighed, resting my head against the window. “I spy with my little eye something beginning with G.”

  Ulvic didn't reply.

  “You have to guess,” I said.


  I sighed and silence spanned between us. “It was grouchy git, if you were wondering.”

  Ulvic's lips pursed, but he said nothing.

  An amused smile pulled at my mouth. Winding him up was always fun.

  It's gonna be a long journey for you, bro.


  We arrived in Wales, winding through the countryside, passing through small towns and villages until there was nothing but sprawling hills and valleys. We were in the middle of nowhere. Miles from anyone. My iPod service had been on zero for the past hour, but luckily I had plenty of tracks downloaded to fill the silence.

  We rose over a large hill and the view before us made me sit up in my seat. An enormous quarry stretched away below us. It certainly wasn't used for mining anymore. Above one large pit was a construction zone, but it was difficult to see what was being built with all the scaffolding surrounding it.

  Ulvic took the only road into it, winding down a steep hill, leading us into a deep section of the quarry. We circled into it further and further, leaving the sun far behind as we approached a gargantuan iron door, barring our way forward.

  Ulvic stepped out of the car, leaving the engine idling and I turned, prodding the others to wake them up.

  Nadine gave me a dreamy smile and Mekiah yawned broadly. I didn't reckon Reason had been sleeping properly, she had bags under her eyes and the smile she gave me was hollow.

  “We're here,” I announced and they gazed out of the windows at the sight around us.

  “Jesus,” Mekiah muttered. “This is Rockley's new place?”

  “You know him?” I asked, furling a brow.

  Mekiah shook his head. “No...just heard about him.”

  “Is he a good guy?” I questioned, needing to know what we were walking into here.

  Mekiah's mouth dropped into a flat line. “Define good.”

  Nadine scowled. “He's a Hunter. He played games like the Helsings. But worse,” she filled me in, her upper lip curling back.

  “Why the hell is Ulvic buddying up with him then?” I muttered, but I didn't get an answer to that question as Ulvic dropped back into the driver's seat, having alerted our presence somehow. The iron doors split apart in the middle, widening and widening until a low-lit tunnel was revealed beyond them. Two armed guards stood sentinel on either side of it. One of them gestured with their machine gun for us to enter and Ulvic drove forward.

  An uncomfortable feeling stirred in my stomach. What the hell was this place?

  The doors closed behind us and we were plunged into semi-darkness; ultra-violet lights on the walls provided the only illumination. My white t-shirt lit up in a blue glow under the strange lighting.

  We trundled on, the passage seeming never-ending. We must have been a mile away from daylight before the tunnel turned and opened out into a vast underground car park. Metal struts stood in the concrete, rising up to support the rocky ceiling.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed. “Does this guy get a lot of guests?”

  “Not yet,” Ulvic growled in response, guiding the car into one of the spaces, marked with white lines. The place was pretty much empty apart from our vehicle and a row of black SUVs against one wall.

  Ulvic stepped out of the car and I followed, shutting the door behind me with a clap that echoed around the cavern. My pack exited the vehicle and we moved to the boot to get our stuff. I slung my bag over my shoulder, spying a row of guns and sheathed knives beneath it. Ulvic gathered a few of them up and unzipped his duffel bag, dropping them inside.

  “What are they for?” I asked as Ulvic slammed the boot shut.

  “Just a precaution,” Ulvic said.

  “Against what?” I asked but he strode away, not answering.

  I rolled my eyes, glancing at my pack. They didn't seem too chirpy.

  “Everyone cool?” I asked.

  Reason shivered, rubbing her bare arms and Mekiah slid his leather jacket off, holding it out to her. She thanked him, pulling it on and it swamped her tiny frame.

  I glanced at Nadine with a teasing grin. “Do you want my jacket too, babe?”

  She raised her middle finger in answer, heading after Ulvic.

  I didn't feel the cold much, but this place was like a cellar. I wondered vaguely how far underground we were as we marched after Ulvic. He walked toward a lift with a set of steel doors and a call button beside them. It had one arrow on it. The downward type. So I guessed we were about to go a whole lot deeper into this quarry. Ulvic pressed the button and it lit up as the doors parted.

  Inside, was not what I'd expected. It was fancy as hell, with a glittering black floor and mirrors all around the edges. I checked my hair as I stepped inside, the plane ride coupled with the car journey having royally messed up the back of it. It was getting long again. Apparently I'd cut my hair during the V Games, which didn't make sense to me. Unless Ignus had gone at it with a pair of shears for some reason. There was a weird shaved patch at the back, too. Someone, somewhere is having a good laugh about this.

  None of the others seemed interested in their reflections. In fact, my pack looked like they were about to shit a brick. Like one each, not collectively. Ulvic was the only one who didn't look scared, but he continually flexed his fingers, giving away the fact he wasn't entirely comfortable in this place.

  The lift descended further and further, making my ears pop. If we went any deeper, I reckoned we'd be closing in on the gates of hell. And judging by the paleness of Reason's face, I didn't think that was too far from the truth.

  I flexed my fingers as the lift came to a halt. Supposedly, we were guests in this place. So why was everyone on edge?

  The doors opened and a vast hall stretched out before us. The walls were black as onyx set with golden tiles, sparkling in the light of a roaring fire at the far end of the corridor. A black carpet ran down the length of it, all the way to the fire where a huge array of leather seats and sofas were laid out. It was super symmetrical and something about it gave me the creeps.

  Ulvic led the way forward and I spotted a couple more armed guards, blending in with the black walls, adjusting their guns as we passed by.

  We reached the array of furniture
and I spotted a large reception desk to my left, made from white marble. A pretty girl stood behind it with ebony skin and sleek straight hair.

  “Welcome to The Paradise Resort,” she said, grinning widely, showing pearly white teeth.

  Ulvic approached the desk and we gathered around him.

  “Rockley Jones is expecting you,” she said, taking a tablet from her desk and pushing it toward us. “I just need you to sign in and I'll have your room keys sorted in no time.”

  I shuffled closer, glancing down at the form on the tablet.

  Ulvic tapped out his name before taking his credit card from his wallet.

  The girl waved a hand. “That's not necessary. Rockley has everything covered for you. You'll have access to one wing of the resort. Most of the mine is still under construction.”

  “I understand,” Ulvic said a little stiffly and the girl took the tablet from him, tapping something on it before taking key cards from beneath the desk. She laid out five before us.

  “We get our own rooms?” I asked in surprise.

  “Evidently,” Ulvic said, passing me one of the keys before handing out the others.

  “Just take the lift down one floor, you'll find your rooms in the first corridor.”

  “Thank you,” Ulvic said, heading past the desk toward the golden doors of a lift. We headed down another level, emerging in a corridor of exposed stone walls and white carpet. The place smelt like new plastic and a warm breeze filled the air from vents set into the walls.

  We headed along the corridor, finding our rooms amongst the first row of doors, all next to one another.

  “I'm going to find Rockley,” Ulvic announced. “Feel free to settle in. I'll be back in a while.”

  “Can't we come with you?” I asked, wanting to find out a bit more about the guy who owned this place.

  “No,” Ulvic said firmly. “I'm sure you'll have a chance to meet Rockley later.” He circled back toward the lift before I could voice my complaints and I resigned myself to heading into my room.

  I slid the key card smoothly into the lock and a musical tone sounded it opening. I stepped into one of the most luxurious rooms I'd ever seen. The floors were grey marble and soft rugs lay about the place between leather seats. A table was adorned with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket.

  “Jesus,” I muttered, heading across the space to the king-sized bed with crisp white sheets, complete with chocolates on the pillows. There were no windows, but one of the grey stone walls was taken-over by a huge screen, showing a life-like view of the sea washing over a white sand beach. I would have thought it was real had I not been a mile underground.

  A panel on the wall beside it allowed me to change the view, from forests to mountains, even a night-time view of a city skyline. I left it on the mountains, reminded of home and headed over to the fruit bowl.

  Two mangoes and a glass of champagne later, I was starting to feel a lot better about this Rockley Jones guy. But perhaps that was his intention...


  Rockley had taken Silas and I to an abandoned quarry. I could hardly believe it when we'd descended underground to a resort which must have been at least the size of his old one, if not bigger. And there was no expense spared. The thought of him restarting the games made me want to scream. After all my friends and I had done to bring down his empire, he'd had a whole other resort in progress anyway. Thankfully, it seemed empty. There were no spectators or tortured contestants running around the place. For that, I had to be grateful. Of course, that meant Rockley's efforts were focused entirely on me. And when he'd had Silas escorted to a hotel room and taken me into the depths of the resort, I hadn't just been scared, I'd been terrified.

  Hours later, I was in a small room of stone walls. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I awaited my next bout of torture. A single bulb hung above me, lighting the space. A bag of sawdust sat in one corner and I tried to ignore it, certain its purpose was to soak up blood. Most likely my blood.

  I'd tried to prise the door open a couple of times, but it was pointless. Even if I made it out of the room, the place was crawling with armed guards. And there was no way I'd make it back to the lobby to try and escape. No, I was essentially screwed.

  Eventually, the door opened and I glanced over my shoulder to see who had entered. Rockley approached, now dressed in a colourful shirt, hanging open several buttons too far to reveal the tattoos on his chest and an array of silver chains.

  I sprang to my feet, my hands curling into fists. I wasn't going to let him get close without a fight.

  Rockley reached into his trouser pocket and chucked a tube of Larkspur at my feet. “We have guests. I want you looking your best for the game dis evening.”

  A jagged lump lodged in my throat.

  “Game?” I echoed.

  He smiled, nodding once. “Oh yes, you'll be de first to trial out one of my new events.”

  “You can't kill me,” I breathed. “Silas-”

  “Silas Madigan can go to hell. I will give you what I always give my contestants. A chance. If you survive...” He shrugged. “Den maybe he will get you back eventually.”

  “I'll play your game, then let me leave with him,” I demanded. It was the only chip I had to play. And it wasn't much of one. I certainly didn't want to go anywhere with Silas. But if it got me out of here, then I was willing to try.

  Rockley laughed. “You are under de impression dat I care what Silas Madigan thinks. He is a business partner. But I have my own agenda. And if his plans don't align with mine den...” He shrugged. “I guess I will find a new partner.”

  “You promised,” I whispered, resting a hand on my stomach.

  “A deal is a deal. But no one said dat baby had to be birthed in his care. You are already two or three months into your pregnancy, no? And if my memory serves, a Werewolf has a gestation period of approximately six months. Perhaps he can do his procedure here. I can do a lot to you in four months dat won't affect dat child.”

  I ground my teeth, my worst fears confirmed. “And then?” I pressed, guessing the answer before he said it.

  He stepped forward, his aura ominous. “Den I will have you gutted like a fish and make a trophy from your bones to be displayed to any other Immortal who ever considers defying me.” He drew up to his fullest height, releasing a breath. “You will be de example to dem all. And when I hunt down your friends - which I assure you I will do - den their broken bodies will join yours, hanging on my walls for de rest of time.”

  My gut churned. I set my jaw, nodding, trying not to show my fear.

  He gestured to the Larkspur. “I want you healed by tonight.”

  I scooped it up, clasping the cool tube in my palm.

  He paused before he exited, glancing back. “Do not get attached to your unmarred skin though, my dear. It will not remain dat way for long.” He slammed the door behind him and a jolt went through me.

  I carefully slipped out of my gown, squeezing the Larkspur into my palm and rubbing it all over my body. The most awkward area was my back, but I managed with some twisting and turning. I sighed as my stinging skin grew numb and a warm, tingling feeling spread through me.

  When the Larkspur had dried, I reluctantly pulled the dress back on to shield myself from the biting cold. I didn't know how long I had to wait. Time seemed to stand still in the small room.

  At some point, someone pushed a small plastic plate of food into the cell. It consisted of a lump of bread and a measly piece of cheese, but I ate it down for the sake of my baby. It did nothing to quench my blood-thirst though. And I hoped Rockley wasn't going to keep me deprived of it, unsure if my child needed it too.

  Hours passed and when I was about to lose my mind from waiting, the door opened. Two armed guards gestured for me to exit and I didn't see the point in disobeying. They escorted me down the stone corridor and I passed other metal doors that probably led to more cells. From the amount we passed, I guessed this place was set up
for a lot of Immortals. The doors seemed to stretch on for an eternity in either direction.

  The corridor split into a crossroad and the guards guided me down a passage toward a bolted silver door. One of the men unlocked it and pushed me through. The clang of it shutting behind me made me wince and I took in the space before me with a touch of fear.

  A silver collar laid atop a plinth in the centre of the room. A camera pointed down at me from the ceiling and I glared at it, awaiting instructions.

  A hologram sprang to life before me of Rockley Jones with a wide grin on his face. “You will have one hour to escape de maze beyond de door behind me. You must reach de exit within de time frame or the collar will inject you with a deadly poison.”

  “And what makes you think I'm going to put that collar on?” I growled.

  “Because...dere are two people in de maze who need your help.” The hologram disappeared, replaced with a map of a maze, spinning slowly in the air above me. Two glowing targets lit up on it around the large space and the hologram divided into two live images, showing each of the people, their ankles chained to a bolt in the ground at their feet.

  My heart sunk like a stone.

  My breaths rattled past my lips.

  My twin brother and my father were both struggling to escape the chains bolted to their ankles.

  I shook my head, horror tearing through me. Somehow, Rockley had found them, brought them here. And all to punish me.

  It had been so long since I'd last seen them, but my familial bond was as strong as ever as I gazed at them. We might have been estranged, but that didn't stop me caring about them. And I'd do anything in my power to save them.

  “No!” I gasped, lurching toward the hologram.

  It morphed back into Rockley Jones and his laughter filled the room. “I'd put on dat collar if I were you. You won't be allowed in de maze without it. And dere are hungry creatures close by looking for deir next meal.”

  I snatched up the collar, locking it around my neck and it snapped into place. I tugged at it, but there was no way I was going to get it off again.


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