A Pretty Pill

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A Pretty Pill Page 15

by Criss Copp

  “Okay.” I say, shuffling the chair over so I’m right up against the bed; so we can continue this conversation at a whisper. I notice she’s still holding my hand.

  “This is like a game of truth or truth!” she says and laughs lightly and then sighs, her hand on her sore head.

  “At what age did you lose your virginity?” I ask.

  “15.” She answers quickly.

  “I was 18.” I say.

  “No way!” she says. “Can I call bullshit?”

  “No! I’m telling the truth. I was an angry motherfucker before that and all the girls were too scared of me. The girl that took my virginity was my first and only ever girlfriend; I met her when I moved to Sydney.” I explain. “This is all going to be truth... 100% truth from me.” I stress.

  “Me too!” she states.

  “Okay, speaking of partners; number of boyfriends?” I ask.

  “Three.” She answers.

  “Well you already know I only had one girlfriend.” I say. “Longest relationship with a partner?” I ask.

  “Ten months, but I need to clarify he wasn’t my boyfriend and we weren’t exclusive.” She answers.

  “Was this the bisexual fuck buddy?” I ask.

  “Yes!” she responds.

  “Then no, I don’t accept it.” I reason.

  “Oh...” she whines.

  “No. Must be just you with them... exclusive!” I explain the rules.

  “Then three months.” She answers.

  Commitment issues... much?

  “Two years!” I answer my own question.

  “Wow, two years. Did she break your heart?” she asks me.

  “No, somebody else did.” I grumble. She gasps, and goes to pull her hand away, but then stops. She breaths a moment, and returns her grip. She looks like she’s fighting an inner war. I plough on...

  “Longest length of celibacy?” I ask. This will make her feel better.

  “Damn, how accurate?” she giggles.

  “To the month!” I answer, smiling.

  She’s doing some calculations in her head...

  “I hope it isn’t hurting you to think too hard.” I chuckle. She grips my hand like a vice, hoping to hurt me I’m sure, but it doesn’t.

  “Sixty-nine!” she laughs.

  “Seriously?” I ask.

  She nods, slightly...

  “One and a half for the months ending the year after my parents died, and then seven and a half for this year, equals nine months. Then add the five years of months; five times twelve is sixty, so sixty nine!” she chuckles. “That’s so funny!”

  I’m laughing lightly with her. I’m thinking its the perfect timing for her to finish that record length of time!

  “What about you?” she asks.

  “Um... eight months. I’ve recently eclipsed the previous record of seven months.” I explain.

  “Wow, that’s pretty good for a virile guy!” she congratulates me.

  “Okay, so now! How many guys... actually... first, have you ever done anything with a girl?” I ask, changing the question mid sentence.

  “No, nothing!” she answers.

  “I kissed a guy once.” I say.

  That’s got her... “Really?” her eyes are wide.

  “Yep... I was bet by my girlfriend that I wouldn’t do it. So I counter-bet her that I would if she would let us have a threesome with her friend... that was a girl.” I explain.

  “And you did, and you then did?” she asks with her eyes wide open.

  “Yes and yes! A bet’s a bet!” I argue.

  “Did you pash... did you like it?” she asks.

  “Yes, we pashed... and really, I didn’t feel anything at all; maybe because I kept thinking it was a means to an end! Probably like an actor feels about that stuff! I didn’t kiss him for long though.” I explain.

  “Right!” she almost silently breaths. She’s almost, impressed? Weird!

  “And the threesome?” she asks.

  “Amazing, and I’ve ended up having a few since with some random women, but I wouldn’t ever do it again in the confines of a relationship!” I answer and explain.

  “Oh, why?” she asks.

  “It was the reason we broke up.” I answer.

  “I’m not into it, but I think it’s hot for guys. I’d have totally done two guys back in the day; I just didn’t get the opportunity, but not these days!” She enthuses, and then chuckles.

  “So, that brings us to the question of numbers. How many Jade?” I ask her pointedly.

  “Give me a moment... I need to think, it was a long time ago... I have an idea, but... um!” she says, closing her eyes and counting softly to herself while moving her lips.

  I’m thinking she’s in double digits, but probably barely.

  “Thirty-two?” she says unsure.

  My eyebrows go way up. She’s clocked up more than half of my number in less than half the time. Our average for time ratio is heavily weighted towards her.

  She gives me a shrug... “Uni for two years bumped it up pretty high. I have a friend that’s way past that now... like, by lots!” she says nodding her head.

  “No, that’s cool... you’re a reborn virgin now anyway!” I say... and I bet she kind of is, unless she’s kept herself busy down there.

  “And you?” she asks.

  “Fifty-three.” I answer.

  “Oh come on, a guy like you over several years? Are you sure you’re not missing a couple of years counting in there somewhere?” she asks me suspiciously.

  “Hey, I’m once again telling the honest truth... I date in spits and spurts. When I’m fighting a lot, I don’t date. I’ve found I get a lot more action towards the end of the season. So, the first two are my ex-girlfriend and the friend we both hooked up with, and then after that there are fifty-one one night stands.” I explain. “Some of them more than one at a time.” I smile cheekily.

  “When you put it all together like we just have; we’re about as bad as each other!” she laughs.

  “Well it’s been a sordid conversation, but thanks for taking my mind of some dark shit!” I say.

  “No problem.” She says, and takes her hand out of my hand and begins to smooth it over my shoulders in a caressing motion.

  Fuck... I wish she felt the way that I feel!

  Chapter Fourteen: 18


  I haven’t been to work since my concussion, and won’t go back till Wednesday.

  Today is Silas’ birthday, and he’s staying home. We’re going on a ride after he wakes up, and since I’m not able to ride because of my recent head injury, Ben’s doubling me. He’ll come and collect me, and then he just wants to stop in at his place so Silas can see his Mum; because she has a present for him. They’ve already hit it off, when he’s gone over to their house on the weekends, more recently I have been joining them.

  And then we’ll be heading off for Dungog, because Silas wants to grab lunch up there.

  Tonight we’re going to Beaumont Street, to have dinner there at a popular bar and restaurant. We’ll probably stay on there for a bit, but Shae’s underage, so she’ll be leaving with her parents after dinner. Silas is kind of keen to be back from our ride by the time school finishes for the day, so he can spend the entire afternoon with her... so I’m expecting he’ll be up soon.

  Speak of the devil...

  “Jade?” Silas calls through my bedroom door. It’s 9:00am.

  “Come in.” I chime.

  Silas enters... he’s not looking as well rested as I’d hope, for someone who was able to sleep in well past his normal 6:00am wake up time.

  “Happy Birthday!” I enthuse. Putting my arms up, so he’ll come to me as I’m lying in my bed and get a cuddle.... which he does.

  Climbing up next to me, he falls with his back up against me so I can hug him from behind.

  “Thanks.” He says groggily.

  “What time did you get to bed?” I ask him.

  “After 2.” He groans.
  “Silas! Why?” I chide.

  “I was up playing online because I knew I could sleep in today.” He answers.

  “You look wasted!” I accuse.

  “I feel wasted.” He says.

  “We should call the bike ride off.” I reason.

  “No fucking way... it’s my birthday, and it’s what I wanted to do!” he says.

  “You’ll fall asleep on the bike.” I argue.

  “No I won’t... I’ll have an energy drink.” He counter-argues.

  “You haven’t been sleeping too well this week...” I begin.

  “I’ve been too excited about today!” he interrupts.

  “I know... but it worries me. We need to be careful. You know how things can flip pretty rapidly.” I explain, perhaps unnecessarily.

  “Yeah, I know.” He sighs.

  “You’re not allowed to drink too heavy tonight... especially since you’re tired.” I argue.

  “It’s my birthday! It’s a rite of passage!” he argues.

  “Perhaps... but you know the meds you take don’t mix well with alcohol.” I make clear.

  “Yes nurse Jade.” He responds.

  “Just pace yourself... I’m going tell Ben about it too.” I clarify.

  “Wow... you’re a party pooper!” he says.

  “I’m a worried mother-hen!” I counter.

  He laughs at that.

  “So what did you get me for my birthday?” He asks.

  “It’s in the envelope there.” I point beside him to the bedside table.

  “A card?” he questions.

  “Stop being a dork and open the thing!” I request.

  He rips the envelope open and starts reading the front of the card. Then he opens it and the gift voucher falls out onto his face.

  “Oh...” he says, lifting the voucher back up to see what it says. “”Holy shit... holy shit... fuck me, holy shit!” he curses.

  “You like it?” I ask.

  “Holy shit Jade.” He curses again.

  “You’ve said that already!” I laugh.

  “You’re a fucking legend!” he shouts, turning sharply and giving me a bone crushing hug... no really, he’s killing me, and I’m having to tap out.

  “I’m having breakfast, and then I’m going to call Ben.” Silas says, jumping off the bed.

  I’m just glad he got off me. I’m quickly learning how to breathe again.


  I’m knocking on the door, and Silas pulls it open before I finish my tapping. His grin says it all. The day has started off well.

  He’s already ready.

  “Jade’s in her room putting her boots on.” He informs.

  “Well, here you go.” I say, handing him a gift bag.

  He looks at me, “You didn’t have to buy me anything.” He says, grinning.

  “Meh,” I shrug and watch as he pulls out the riding gloves and a nice strong, handmade leather belt I saw him eyeing off at the markets the other weekend.

  “Shit... thanks!” he enthuses and smacks me on the arm.

  “No worries buddy, I might just see if Jade’s ready!” I say.

  “Yeah, I’ll just get my bike out, you on the street?” he asks.

  “In the drive, but I’m backed in ready to take off.” I explain.

  “Cool.” He says, nodding and taking his belt into his room.

  I make my way to Jade’s door, and tap it lightly.

  “Come in.” She says from inside.

  I came into this room for the first time on Wednesday, after I brought her home from the hospital. And I still feel nervous.

  It’s a nice bedroom.

  Queen sized wooden slat bed... lots of pillows, rustic coloured linen.

  The matching wardrobe to Silas’.

  Two bedside tables with drawers, matching the robe. They both have matching leadlight lamps on them.

  A wooden blanket box under the bay window.

  A dressing table, Queen Anne style, with a little padded stool underneath.

  A huge, long panoramic photo over the bed, framed in old weathered fence palings... of a Snowy Mountain forest scene...

  And lots of dragon figurines and ornaments.

  I get the idea she likes dragons.

  “Hi,” I say after opening the door. I’m leant up against the door frame. “Ready?” I ask.

  “Almost.” She answers, looking up at me with her beautiful green eyes. Whenever she does that, coupled with a pouty smile, my heart clenches and my insides turn to molten lava. I wonder how I’m going to get through today with her pushed up behind me. I wonder if she’ll be one of those passengers that hold onto me or hold the rack I’ve had to put on my bike yesterday, so she doesn’t slip off the back.

  Right now she’s finishing up braiding a second plait in her hair. She’s got two, either side of her head, trailing over her shoulders.

  I’m staring... she’s wearing the same clothes she did the first ride we had to Sugarloaf Mountain.

  “I used to have short hair. From the age of 14 till after my parents died. I had pretty short and funky styled hair. After they died, I just let it grow. Sometimes I think of getting it shaved off.” She says.

  I must look like I just got punched in the nuts, because I know my eyes have a pleading, please don’t do that look, and I’m wincing.

  She laughs.

  “I gather you like long hair.” She suggests.

  “You gather correct.” I answer.

  “It’s just a bit more work to do something with and it gets tangled and shit.” She reasons.

  “I wouldn’t know... I’ve never had long hair.” I reply.

  “Yours is pretty long right now!” she points out.

  “I s’pose, but it’s not lengthy enough to plait.” I argue. “And I can get away with the messy, tangled look.” I counter.

  “Yes you can!” she says softly.

  “Is that a blush I detect there Miss Tayte?” I tease. No seriously, she’s blushing... and now that I’ve called it, she’s brightened.

  “Shut the fuck up Reynolds.” She chides, smiling.

  I chuckle, it’s nice that she’s beginning to come around; I just need her to make a jump... a leap of faith. This is way too slow for me!

  We make our way to my house so Silas can visit my Mum. For some reason, they’ve really hit it off. I think Mum sees some of me in him. The anger, the aggressive need to fight; and Silas really likes her too.

  When we enter, Silas is the first one to lean in and give her a big warm hug; as she’s seated on a recliner.

  “Sabrina, you’re looking good today. I like your hat...” he says, “It’s refreshing to see a woman who knows how to wear a cap!” he reasons.

  Come to think of it, why is Mum wearing a cap backwards?

  She laughs vibrantly.

  “Good, because it happens to be your present.” She explains, taking the cap off and presenting it to him... revealing her scarf that she has tied around her head instead.

  “Sabrina, I really love it.” He says, trying it on.

  It’s an emerald and white DC cap she bought online.

  “Let me see.” She requests, tugging on his sleeve.

  He crouches so she can see him face to face.

  “I was so hoping that the colour would be right for your eyes, and wow! It is! Your eyes look like a cat’s green eyes. They’re so... green!” she enthuses.

  Silas gives her a massive grin, and seats himself on the floor, crossing his legs.

  “They’re the same as Jade’s eyes.” He states. “They’re the same as our Dad’s eyes.” He explains.

  “Well, you two are very lucky! To have such beautiful eyes!” she says.

  “So Mum, I don’t normally leave you alone in the morning... are you going to be okay?” I question.

  “Yes...” she groans, “we’ve been over this already. Dana is going to come over for morning tea, and she has your number!” she argues.

  “I know. But it’s the morning
s we do our stuff together.” I argue.

  “I need the change. You’re getting on my nerves. I need to see someone else once in a while.” She jokes.

  “You’re sure? I mean we could dump Jade here and you can pillion with me up to Dungog and get drunk in the pub there with us.” I say, indicating Silas and myself. Jade punches me in the arm.

  Mum is laughing.

  “I wouldn’t make it out of this street without falling off. And besides, I need Jade to go with you.” She states.

  “Why?” both Jade and I say in unison.

  “She’s the only woman in the world that might be able to keep you from doing something stupid.” She explains.

  “I won’t do anything stupid.” I argue.

  “Benjamin Sacha Reynolds, I think your nose just grew a whole inch right now.” She scolds me.

  “You have a girl’s name for a middle name?” Silas asks.

  “No, it’s Russian... and you can’t talk,” I smile, “you’re named after a greedy toad from a cartoon.” I joke.

  Silas shrugs... “I’ll have you know he was an evil genius.”

  We all laugh.

  “You know, Mum named us for our green eyes.” Jade says.

  “How did she know your eyes would be green? Baby’s eyes change.” My Mum asks.

  “I don’t know, I guess either ours were really obvious, or she suspected we’d have Dad’s eyes. She had blue eyes anyway.” Jade surmises.

  “So Jade is a green stone, what does Silas mean?” Mum asks.

  “From the forest.” Jade answers.

  “Well that’s nice!” Mum replies, nodding. “Benjamin was named after his father, as you know, and his name means ‘son of the right hand.’” She explains.

  “Fitting, since he was named after his Dad.” Jade replies.

  “And he certainly copped a lot of the right hand of justice from him too.” Mum laughs.

  Silas and Jade laugh, but I just stand there doing the ‘ha de hah hah’ thing.

  “Well you three better be off.” Mum directs us to leave.

  So of course we stay for another half an hour saying goodbye and making sure she’s got everything she needs to hand.


  I feel fairly confident being doubled by Ben, but because of my recent concussion, I’m going with holding onto him as he doubles me.


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