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Incoming Freshman

Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  He stepped foot inside Chet’s room and inhaled deeply. The entire bedroom smelt of the citrus cologne Chet seemed to favour. It was a man’s scent, something Bobby Ray had only dreamed of. Pulling open the bottom drawer, Bobby Ray was surprised by how many pairs of swim trunks Chet owned. He figured it must be usual for someone who had a pool in their backyard.

  With everything from long board shorts to tiny Speedos, Chet had a wide selection. Bobby Ray pulled out a pair of bright red Speedos and held them up. He doubted he’d ever seen anything so damn tiny. Hell, even Bobby Ray’s underwear was bigger than the scrap of red fabric. No doubt the tight fitting suit would show every bump and hair hidden beneath it.

  Grinning like a fool, Bobby Ray tucked the suit under his arm and closed the drawer. He was tempted to snoop, but he didn’t want to get caught and have it ruin everything. “All done,” he called out before slipping into the guestroom.

  Bobby Ray shucked his clothing and pulled on the tight Speedo. A quick look in the mirror almost had him backing out. Never had he exposed himself so fully outside a locker room shower.

  He reached down and readjusted his balls. Satisfied, Bobby Ray strolled out to the patio, praying he wasn’t about to make a fool of himself.

  “Did you find…?” Chet’s jaw dropped at his first look at Bobby Ray. “Oh.”

  Bobby Ray watched Chet’s Adam’s apple bob several times as his gaze worked its way down Bobby Ray’s body. “Hope you don’t mind,” Bobby Ray said, trying to break the tension between them. “I’ve always wondered what something like this would feel like.”

  Chet’s eyes remained riveted to Bobby Ray’s growing cock for several seconds too long. Gotcha, Bobby Ray thought.

  “I’m sorry,” Chet mumbled, turning to dart into the house.

  With a smile on his face, Bobby Ray followed his coach inside. He caught up with Chet in the hallway and reached out to place a hand on the man’s broad back. “There’s no reason to apologise. I like the way I feel when you look at me.”

  Chet finally turned to face Bobby Ray, resting his back against the doorframe. “You shouldn’t like it. It’s wrong, Bobby Ray.”

  For the first time in his life, Bobby Ray hated the name he’d been strapped with as an infant. He wanted Chet to see him as a man, not a teenager from a hick town, not a football player. Bobby stepped closer until his body barely brushed Chet’s. “Call me Bobby, please. I’m eighteen. Old enough to know what I want and legal enough to get it.” Although he’d never kissed a man in passion, Bobby’s mouth slowly descended on Chet’s.

  The first touch of Chet’s lips sent Bobby’s body into overdrive. He pressed further against the muscled body in front of him and opened his mouth. He wasn’t stupid enough to think he could pull a kiss off unless he was shown the proper way, so Bobby parted his lips and prayed Chet would take advantage.

  With a loud groan, Chet’s tongue thrust into his mouth as his fingers burrowed in Bobby’s thick hair. Chet’s free hand wrapped around Bobby’s waist and pulled their bodies together.

  Bobby thrilled at the feel of Chet’s erection pressing against him. It was his first exploration and he couldn’t imagine a better teacher. He moved from side to side as Chet’s continued to explore his mouth. The rub of his cock against Chet’s was more than he ever thought it would be.

  When Chet’s hand slipped down to run the length of Bobby’s crack through the Speedo, Bobby lost it. His body bucked against Chet’s as he broke the kiss to cry out. “Coach!”

  The moment the word escaped Bobby’s mouth, Chet’s body went rigid. He pushed Bobby back and escaped into his room and slammed the door.

  As relaxed as he ever had been, Bobby slumped against the bedroom door. “Chet? Did I do something wrong?” He looked down at the mess he’d made of Chet’s swim trunks. He tried the doorknob to no avail. “Please talk to me,” he begged.

  “You’d better go change into your street clothes, Bobby Ray,” Chet eventually said through the closed door.

  “Why?” Bobby pressed his palm against the door.

  “I’m taking you to the airport.”

  Bobby was left dumbfounded. Was he being thrown out? Had he made that big a fool of himself that Chet didn’t even want him to stay until morning? A thought suddenly occurred to him. He knows I’m a virgin.

  Embarrassed, Bobby fled to the guestroom. While he dressed and gathered his clothes, he vowed to learn everything he could about pleasing a lover before the semester started. Maybe then Chet would see him as Bobby and not Bobby Ray.

  “You about ready?” Ellen asked, walking into the living room.

  Bobby started, coming out of his memory. He was glad he’d grabbed one of the sofa pillows to rest over his hard cock. “In a minute. Do you have the MRI film Dr Petterman gave you?”

  “Shoot. I knew I was forgetting something.” Ellen hurried back into the kitchen.

  Bobby used the excuse to toss the pillow to the couch and disappear into his room. Once behind his closed door, all it took was the memory of Chet’s desertion to ease the erection trapped behind his fly.

  The memory of showing up on the Arizona campus—only to find out Chet had quit and taken a job in Idaho had driven him that first year. He’d put every ounce of pain into training and performing on the field in an attempt to somehow show Chet what he’d missed out on by leaving like he had. When not one note came from Chet on Bobby being named to the All-American team his freshman year he was more determined than ever.

  Bobby changed into a pair of jeans. He couldn’t help but wonder whether he was making a huge mistake by transferring to Idaho in an attempt to get closer to Chet. Maybe the kiss they’d shared years earlier hadn’t meant anything to Chet.

  The thought that he was just another recruit in Chet’s eyes caused an ache in Bobby’s chest. No, he told himself. It wasn’t nonchalance he’d seen in Chet’s expression that night. Believing it was his lack of experience that had turned Chet away, Bobby had spent the first two-years indulging in secret dates with like-minded men in Arizona.

  When the last man he’d spent time with had threatened to ‘out’ him to the press if he didn’t continue their relationship, Bobby had known his sexual education had to come to an end. With his father still alive and professional scouts attending every game, the last thing he had needed was to screw up his future for a night of fucking. He’d realised he could bed half the gay men in Arizona and none of them would ever compare to that one moment with Chet.

  After the sudden death of his dad and the injury he’d sustained in the off-season, Bobby had begun laying the groundwork to transfer to Idaho. He’d even spoken to his mother about his feelings for Chet. In a surprise move, Ellen had wrapped her arms around Bobby and praised him for finally being honest with her.

  It seemed his mom had known for years that Bobby wasn’t like most of the boys he’d grown up with. When Chet had come into the picture, she confessed she’d witnessed the mutual attraction, but according to her, she’d seen something more in Chet’s eyes on the night of Bobby’s graduation.

  Bobby prayed that whatever his mom had seen in Chet’s eyes was still there when he got to Idaho.

  Chapter Two

  Chet parked in front of BK House and turned off the engine. He didn’t blame Bobby for wanting to move into the homey building. Unlike most dormitories on the NCIU campus, BK House was definitely one of a kind. From the front, it looked like a typical family home. It wasn’t until you walked to the back that the full extent of what the rooms offered was revealed.

  Instead of barging in, Chet opted to ring the doorbell. Although there were a few students who stayed at BK over the summer break, it was still the full-time home of the three men who oversaw the running of the house. He’d become friendly with Charlie and Jack, but hadn’t met the newest addition to BK.

  The front door opened to a nude expansive chest. Chet’s gaze slowly worked its way up to the face attached to such a gorgeous body. Oh, damn. Amused emerald green eyes met

  “May I help you?”

  Chet untwisted his tongue and held out his hand. “I’m Chet Sloan, football coach here at the university. You must be Lockwood.”

  “Yes, but please call me Locky,” he said and shook Chet’s hand. Locky gestured towards his bare chest, glistening with sweat. “Not the best first impression, I guess, but the air conditioning’s acting up.” He took a step back and ushered Chet into the house.

  The moment Chet stepped foot in the foyer, he was met with a blast of warm air. “Whoo, you weren’t kiddin’. How long’s it been this way?”

  “Just today. Demitri has someone coming out tomorrow to check it out. Charlie said the system isn’t used often, but with these unseasonably hot temperatures we’ve been running it almost every day.” Locky shrugged. “We’ve decided to make the best of it and have a camp out in the backyard.”

  “Is that where Charlie is now? I have an incoming player I need to speak with him about.”

  “Nope. He’s in the kitchen helping Jack with the dishes.” Locky started to lead Chet towards the kitchen when laughter from outside the open French doors caught his attention. “I’d better go see who’s having all the fun and put a stop to it,” he said with a wink.

  “It was nice to meet you.” Chet wanted to apologise for ogling the man, but he didn’t want to embarrass Locky anymore than he already had.

  “You too,” Locky replied on his way outside.

  Chet knocked on the swinging kitchen door. Walking in on Charlie and his partner Jack in a compromising position wasn’t on the agenda. “Hello?”

  “Come in, Chet,” Charlie called out.

  Although blind, Charlie Salinger had quickly learned to recognise the sound of Chet’s voice. It was just one of Charlie’s skills that fascinated Chet. “Hope I’m not intruding,” he said, entering the kitchen.

  “Not at all.” Charlie settled a stack of plates in a cabinet before turning towards Chet. “Jack and I were just talking about the food order he needs to place in the morning. We’ve got six new freshmen and your senior transfer coming in this week.”

  “Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Chet took a seat at the kitchen island. “I’m trying to find alternative housing for Bobby Ray Sikes.”

  Charlie’s sightless eyes narrowed. “You have a problem with him living here?”

  “To be honest, yes. Bobby Ray’s not out of the closet to anyone but a handful of people. I think moving into BK is his way of declaring his sexuality, but I truly believe it’d be the worst move he could make. He’s so close to getting drafted by a pro team.”

  “You think he should live a fucking lie just to play football? That they won’t want him if they know he’s gay?” Jack Hershie asked, throwing the dishcloth in the sink.

  Chet held up his hands at the accusing expression on Jack’s face. “Hey, I’m gay, remember? I’m not saying they won’t want him, but he needs to learn discretion. If he plays his cards right, he’ll be able to go pro and still enjoy his personal life, but not if his sexuality is shoved into the faces of fans and the media.”

  Jack turned back to the sink, but Chet could tell the former Marine still wasn’t convinced. The last thing he’d wanted was to make his friends angry but frankly, protecting Bobby was his top priority. “Anyway, I came by to see if either of you have a suggestion for alternative housing.”

  “Ask Demitri,” Charlie said. “If anyone can find you a place, it’d be him.”

  “Thanks.” Chet hated the thought of leaving with hard feelings between them. “It’s nothing against BK House. I just want what’s best for Bobby Ray.”

  “Sounds like the kid means something to you,” Charlie replied.

  “Yeah. I recruited him out of high school for UA. I gave his father my word I’d look after him, but then I quit and came here.” Chet didn’t go into further detail. “Anyway, I’d better get out of your hair and find Bobby Ray a place to live.”

  “Let us know if you need anything,” Jack offered in a surprise move.

  “I will. Thanks.”

  * * * *

  Sitting across from Demitri Demakis, BK House founder and main contributor, Chet explained Bobby’s situation. Finished, he lifted his beer to his lips and took a drink. “So, what do you think?”

  Demitri glanced at his partner. “Did Dane ever find a roommate?”

  Aaron Billings, NCIU’s head soccer coach, shook his head. “Not sure, but I could give him a call.”

  “Dane Jefferson?” Chet asked. “I thought he graduated last year.” Dane had been one of NCIU’s top rated soccer players and as far as Chet knew, the guy wasn’t gay.

  “He did, but he’s going to graduate school here. Let me give him a call.”

  Aaron walked into the house, leaving Demitri and Chet alone on the patio. “I don’t know much about Dane. Is he a good kid?”

  “One of the best,” Demitri said. “He’s quiet. Keeps to himself most of the time. He just bought a house, so I guess he’s planning to stay in town after finishing his master’s. I tried to get him to move into BK as an advisor, but he insisted that it was time he bought a place.”

  “I didn’t know he was gay,” Chet commented.

  “Not many do. That’s why he might just be the perfect roommate for Bobby Ray,” Demitri said.

  “If Dane’s interested, how much do you think he’ll want in rent? I don’t know much about Bobby Ray’s financial status, but he lost his dad last year, so things might be kinda tight at home.”

  Demitri grinned. “He bought the house from Tony Bianchi, paid cash. If he agrees to share space with Bobby Ray, I doubt rent will be a deciding factor.”

  The sliding glass door opened and Aaron stepped out onto the patio. “Dane said he’d consider it, but he wants to meet Bobby Ray before he makes a final decision.”

  “That’s fair,” Chet agreed. “He’s due in town Thursday. If you can set up a meeting, I’ll make sure he’s there.”

  “How about a small barbecue on Thursday night? We could do it here at the house,” Aaron offered. “Might be a nice way to introduce Bobby Ray to a few people.”

  “Sounds good.” Hopefully Bobby would hit it off with Dane and Chet’s problem would be solved.

  * * * *

  With his battered truck loaded with everything he’d need for the next year, Bobby pulled into town on Wednesday night and parked in the first empty lot he could find. His nerves and a constant supply of coffee were the only thing keeping him awake.

  Bobby tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Although he should probably just sleep in his truck again, the lure of seeing Chet Sloan and sleeping in a real bed was a temptation he couldn’t deny. He pulled his prepaid phone out of the glove box and dialled Chet’s number.

  “Hello?” a sleepy voice answered.


  “Bobby Ray? Is there something wrong?”

  “No. I just got to town and wondered if I could crash on your couch or something?”

  “Wait. What? How’d you get here so fast?”

  “I decided to drive straight through instead of spending money for a hotel.” Bobby didn’t mention the need to see Chet had spurred him into making the decision. “Anyway, is it okay if I come by?”

  Chet went silent for several moments. “I’m not…” Chet sighed heavily into the phone. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  Bobby had a feeling Chet would say no, so he was prepared. “Really? You’d rather I spent the night in my truck after driving for the last twenty-seven hours to get here?”

  Once again, Chet sighed heavily. “No, of course not.” After another moment of silence, he spoke again. “You have something to write on?”

  “I’ll punch it into the GPS Mom bought me.” Bobby typed in the address as Chet rattled it off. “Got it.”

  “See you in about ten minutes.”

  “Thanks,” Bobby replied. He powered down the phone and stuck it back into the glove box before st
arting the truck.

  Although he couldn’t wait to see Chet, he was under no illusion the man would immediately fall into his arms. It would take time for Chet to lower his walls enough for Bobby to sneak over them, but once he did, he wasn’t about to let Chet get away from him a second time.

  * * * *

  Chet jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of sleep pants and a T-shirt. What the fuck am I doing? Whether it was the late hour or the fatigue he’d detected in Bobby’s voice, he hadn’t been strong enough to tell him no. He walked across the hall and opened the guest room door.

  “Ah, shit.” He’d forgotten about the state of the room. For weeks he’d been meaning to go through the boxes shipped from his sister Jenny after she’d sold their fathers’ house. He briefly considered making Bobby sleep on the sofa, but in the end decided to hand over his own room for the night.

  Chet closed the door securely and rushed to the living room. The room wasn’t messy, but there were several empty beer cans along with a recent Playgirl magazine on the coffee table. He scooped them up and dashed into the kitchen.

  After the cans were deposited in the recycling bin and the magazine stuffed in a drawer, Chet got to work loading the dishwasher. The doorbell rang before he got the last of the glasses taken care of and Chet made a mental note to clean his fucking house as soon as Bobby was settled with Dane.

  On the way to the front door, Chet stopped and took a deep breath. He quickly ran through all the reasons he’d left Arizona in an effort to shore up his walls, but when the bell rang again, Chet was left more uncertain than he’d ever been.

  He’s just a kid, he reminded himself, reaching for the lock. Oh fuck, not a kid at all, he realised upon seeing Bobby for the first time in three years.

  “Hey,” Bobby said around a million dollar smile.

  At a loss for words, Chet stepped back, allowing Bobby entrance into the house. The fresh-faced boy from Arkansas had been replaced by a man handsome enough to grace the pages of the magazine he’d jacked off to earlier. Bobby’s heavy five o’clock shadow was testament to just how much he’d matured since they’d been apart.


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