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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance

Page 64

by Mia Ford

  Molly was worth the wait.

  I dried of and dropped into my bed, a place that Molly has not been yet. I appreciated that in some strange way as I breathed in the warm air from the heater deeply, closing my eyes. I could feel something changing inside of me, churning through all my organs, and enlightening my mind.

  I woke up to the faint light of the sun rising through my blinds, blinking slowly. I’d slept hard all night and I smiled as I looked towards the orange light at my big window. The morning was calling to me and I slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom, glancing at the shower as I brushed my teeth. That was one area of the house that was going to get a lot of action.

  I dressed in some running pants and a thin long-sleeved shirt before slipping on my worn shoes. I’d learned that the dirt was hard to get off, so I used my oldest pair before tucking my key into my pocket and zipped it up, along with a twenty for later at the cafe. I turned right from my porch and started jogging steadily as I took in the trees and grass around me. It was peaceful out right now at six-thirty and I smiled as I breathed in the cool air.

  Could I see myself here in twenty years, running in the morning before my morning cup of coffee? Could I be happy visiting a cafe in the morning, not working and with no real plans for my day in this small town? It was a bit presumptuous to assume that the cafe would be there so far in the distance, but I was being hypothetical. Wasn’t I? Would a woman like Molly want to stay here that long? I’d lived my life and been many places, so settling a place like this would be an easy choice.

  Molly might want more. Any woman might want more and I blinked as I shook my head. I didn’t need to think about this now. I had a good few years left in the Air Force and Molly was just a woman that I was dating casually. There wasn’t a future to think about even if I had been to dinner with her family. That was merely a last-minute decision and I may never do it again.

  I wanted to though.

  I finished the forest path and turned onto the main road as the sun brightened the buildings of the small town, wondering if the cafe was crowded yet. I could already smell the coffee in my mind as I ran a little faster, taking in all the town. It was small, but it offered everything I needed on a quick basis and there were surrounding ones that offered more. I had money to travel anywhere that I wanted and I could have a peaceful, happy life. I could have everything that I ever wanted and maybe more that I never realized I wanted.

  I opened the door and walked inside, looking right at the register. Based on knowing how much sleep Molly got last night, she looked radiant. I smiled as she saw me through the cluster of old ladies and her eyes brightened; her smile widening. I noticed that her hair was piled on her head in a cute, messy bun and how happy she looked.

  Noel walked out with a new cart full of goodies and caught sight of me as she grinned, shaking her head. She stopped it in front of the display case and set a muffin on a plate as she looked curiously at me. I nodded, laughing as I stepped forward to place my regular order. The women glanced back, nudging each other as they giggled and made room for me.

  “Good morning,” I greeted Molly as she blushed and smiled. “How are you feeling?”

  “I am feeling fantastic. How about you?” She asked me as I played back the night before. “Would you like your usual?” I nodded and she rang me up, giving me an apologetic look as I smiled at her.

  “It’s okay. I don’t expect free stuff from two women running a business. You need a make money and I have it to give.” I gave her the bill and she handed me change with a soft giggle that made me hard as a fucking rock. I dropped the largest bill into the tip jar and stared at her ass as she made me my coffee, barely noticing Noel sliding my muffin towards me.

  “You’re going to burn a hole through her,” she said as I blinked and looked at her. Noel was smiling as she gave me a speculative look. “She’s into you. Be careful with that.”

  “I will,” I replied as Molly gave me my coffee and looked at us.

  “Noel,” she said in a warning voice as her friend rolled her eyes. “Here, Robert. Here’s your coffee. Thanks for the tip.”

  I sensed that I should walk away and I went to claim my usual table with a small smile. This was becoming a habit that I liked, even though Molly looked a little tense as she spoke to Noel.

  I’d never been concerned with a woman’s family prior to this and it was odd, but comforting. I sipped the coffee and picked up the newspaper that was close by as I read about what was happening in the world. I thought about the classes ahead during the week, classes in which I’d be flying in for the first time in a while.

  I thought about the fact that I might have seen Olivia with one of the new students and that I should look into that; nip it in the bud if there was anything to my suspicions. That was why I was here to begin with. I didn’t want another scandal but now all I could picture was the look in her eyes when she caught me with Molly.

  It pleased me and I forced myself to think about the man that she was with. I hadn’t recognized him but I was new there as well. Maybe he was part of the staff that she could date, with a warning to be discreet about it. I could handle that part. That was in my job description.

  I glanced at the counter and watched Molly talk to the mother and daughter with a small smile on her face. She was so kind and she handed the little girl a small plate with a pretty pink cupcake on it. She looked to be about five-years-old and her big blue eyes lit up as the mom laughed and touched Molly’s arm. That was something I’d never considered; a family. I tried to imagine a vague wife and a kid, maybe two but it was hard. I’d fought so hard to block that idea with my constant moving and it was never difficult before. If I settled here and retired, I’d have the time for all of that.

  I hadn’t even slept with Molly yet. I barely touched her and here I was going too far in my imagination. I looked down at my plate and broke off a piece of the muffin, enjoying the melted chocolate of the freshly baked treat. These girls were going to spoil me and make me have to add a few miles to my run, but as I glanced back at the counter I felt like it was worth it. Well worth it. I wanted to ask Molly out for tonight but I knew that she needed to catch up on some sleep so I chose not to. I was happy to see her join me with some soup on her break, smiling warmly at her as she slid into the seat across from me. “Are you tired today?” I asked her as she looked up at me through dark lashes.

  “I feel pretty good. I think I’m still feeling the rush from last night.” Molly looked surprised at her own words before she shook her head. “I know it wasn’t that big of a deal to someone like you, but I haven’t been comfortable with a man for a while.”

  “Molly, it was incredible for me as well. I don’t want you to think otherwise,” I reached across the table to place my hand over hers, making her jump and look at me. I could feel eyes on us and knew that there was a new small town rumor starting, but I wanted to reassure her that she was special to me. “I want to ask you out for tonight but I know that you need to catch up on some sleep.”

  “Is it terrible that I was hoping you would?” She asked softly as I stroked her hand with my thumb.

  I chuckled. “Bring some clothes over with you and stay with me. I’ll bring you into work.” She stared at me.

  “Why would you get up that early if you don’t have to?” Her voice was awed and I raised a dark eyebrow.

  “I want to make sure that you get here safely for one. It’s early and dark.” I was a little confused as to what she was getting at.

  “Oh, there's an officer that meets us every day. I’m sure that Noel would be happy to pick me up. It’s so close.” She seemed to want me to do anything but bring her to work, making me wonder if she wanted to come over at all. Didn’t she enjoy herself the other night?

  Chapter 14


  I looked up at Robert, seeing concern in his eyes. I also felt people staring at us and could practically hear the words in their head, but I forced my focus onto him. “What’s wrong?” I
asked him as he frowned and looked down at the table for a long moment.

  “It seems like you’re finding every excuse not to come over. Didn’t you enjoy yourself?” He looked back into my eyes and searched them intently.

  “No, I did. I just don’t want to put you out at all,” I assured him as my eyes widened.

  “Hasn’t someone ever done anything nice for you before, Molly? A man in your life?” He asked me as tears filled my eyes. Lance wasn’t caring at all and always made me feel like an inconvenience. I shook my head and he tightened his grip on my hand. “What the hell? No wonder you’re skittish.” I looked around to see if anyone was listening, reddening when I saw that they were a little bit. My phone chimed and I jumped as I pulled my hand away to silence it.

  “My lunch is over,” I murmured as I stared at him. I was shaky but I needed to calm down, reaching then for my coffee. It wouldn’t help but it was delicious. I’d only had a few spoonful’s of soup as well but my stomach was twisting now that I’d been involuntarily reminded of Lance’s cold ways.

  “Molly, I didn’t want to upset you.” Robert’s eyes were stricken as he stared at me and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  “I’m fine, Robert. Text me later and we can figure something out for tonight.” I stood on shaking legs, realizing that he noticed as he frowned at me. He was so handsome and my heart soared in my chest at the tenderness in his beautiful eyes.

  “I will. Take care of yourself.” He watched me gulp down my coffee to carry the dishes to the back, dumping the soup into the trash before I washed it. When I came back out to the counter after freshening my lip stain, I saw Noel looking at me with fear on her face.

  “What happened? You were shaking when you came back.” She leaned against the black laminate counter and crossed her arms over her chest, taking advantage of the slow time.

  “I was just reminded of the past. It wasn’t Robert’s fault at all but I just went back there.” I shook my head at her. “I don’t even know how to react to a caring man, Noel. What am I going to do?”

  “You put Lance in your past where he is and will always be. You take it day-by-day because judging from the way that he’s looking over here, Robert cares about you. I saw that last night as well.” She smiled sweetly. “I’m a little jealous.”

  “You have Nate. Don’t be silly,” I told her, going to make some more coffee while I had a free minute. I knew that it would make me jittery but I needed something. “Take your lunch. I’ll take care of the counter.”

  “Are you sure?” Noel looked worried and I smiled brightly at her.

  “Yes, of course. I got this.” She took a moment before pushing herself away from the counter and went back to make her sandwich. I didn’t see Nate, so I assumed that he wasn’t coming in today. Noel came out a few minutes later with a plate and gave me a curious look as she grabbed her coffee. “Go,” I urged her as she walked out to a table. I looked over the dining room to see that everyone was settled and then at the door, seeing a few customers walking in. I put a bright smile on my face as they approached me, not looking at Robert even though I felt him looking at me. He left a few minutes later and I waved at him as every woman that had seen our earlier exchange watched.

  I didn’t want this to be the new story in town. I was trying to figure it out myself first.

  Once Noel got back, she started to clean up the back while I picked dishes up at the tables. After that, I cleaned up front as much as I could before we closed. It slowed down later in the day and we were usually out of the store within a half an hour or so. Today was no different and I got into the car, debating on whether to talk to Noel. I knew that she was going to ask what was going on. She always did. She got into the Jeep and started the engine, leaving the radio down low as she glanced at me. “Want to talk about it?” Her voice was soft and I licked my lips.

  “Robert asked me to stay with him tonight. He offered to drive me to work in the morning,” I said as she nodded and pulled out on the street.

  “Are you scared of what might happen?” Noel asked as I looked forward.

  “It’s not that. He wouldn’t rush me into anything. I just don’t want to inconvenience him at all.” She stopped at a light and stared at me.

  “He offered, Molly. He wants to be with you.” Noel sounded confused before realization crossed her face. “Oh. Lance never offered to do anything kind for you, did he?” I shook my head. “What an asshole. I wish he knew how he still messed with your head sometimes. It’s so…unfair.” She moved forward at the green light and fell quiet until we turned on the street to get home. “You need to try to give this a chance.”

  “I am trying to. We couldn’t talk about it too much because my lunch was over.” I told her as she rolled her eyes. “I know you don’t keep track but we have a business to run. I just needed a moment to work it all through my head.”

  “I get that. Did you give him a firm no about tonight?” She asked as I told her that I didn’t.

  “Is it moving too fast?” I asked her and Noel smiled.

  “You’re asking me that? I always move too fast, but I think he cares about you. I mean, Robert is gorgeous and could be a total man whore if he chose to, but I don’t get that vibe. I think if he ever was, he’s moving past that. Does he know about Lance?” Noel asked as I pressed my lips together for a moment.

  “I told him a little bit, yes. I felt like he should know.” I looked at the house as she pulled into the driveway. “We got kind of intimate last night. I mean, I didn’t sleep with him but…I responded to him barely touching me. Is that weird?” I asked, looking at her as she parked the car.

  “That is magic,” Noel told me as she smiled at me. “Enjoy every moment of it because it doesn’t happen all the time. I know that for a fact.”

  “Yeah, I guessed as much. The way I feel about him scares me sometimes. He’s so different than I am.” Noel got out of the Jeep and laughed.

  “You’re an old soul, Molly. He’s just an older guy that’s lived a longer life. Maybe you’re perfect for one another. You’ll never know if you don’t try, right?” I nodded in agreement as we walked towards the house, walking in to the smell of simmering marinara sauce on the stove. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey, girls. How was your day?” Marta called out as we went to see her. Noel told her about the day at the cafe and got us some water to drink when Marta looked at me.

  “I saw that you came in for some pie last night. Did he like it?” She asked me as I smiled and nodded. “Robert is such a nice man. I enjoyed having him over for dinner last night.”

  “He had a great time as well,” I assured her as she raised a perfect dark brow.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Marta asked and I shared a gaze with Noel.

  “He wants me to stay there tonight. Is that too fast?” I asked as Marta chuckled.

  “Not in this day and age, though I want him to respect you. Does he?” She looked at me with a serious gaze and I nodded with a small smile. “Then take a chance. See what happens.” She winked at me. “Let’s be honest. He’s gorgeous and you have to give him a chance because of that.” I laughed just as I heard my phone chime from my pocket.

  “This might be my chance.” I retrieved it and checked the screen, knowing that few people called me. I was certain that it was Robert and I smiled when I saw his name attached to a message.

  R: Are we on for tonight?

  “Tell him that there’s pasta simmering for dinner if he’s hungry. I like Robert.” Marta told me as I laughed and sent the message. I was going to spend the night with Robert, a man that physically drove me crazy. I knew that my virginity was on the line here and the idea both terrified me and thrilled me.

  Of course, he agreed to dinner. I was going to eat with Robert and my family again, knowing that I was going to be in bed with him tonight. This was so strange and I turned to go up to my room for a small nap and some time alone to work through this.

  The nap was nearly nonexiste
nt and I showered before pulling on some clean jeans and a purple Henley before he was supposed to arrive for dinner. I brushed my hair out, having left it dry through the shower to save a little time.

  I was headed downstairs when I heard the doorbell ring, smiling as Marta and Noel glanced up at me. I smiled as I opened the door, seeing Robert standing there in jeans and a thick plaid flannel, staring over the land for a moment. He moved his eyes to mine, sending a shock wave through my body as I licked my stained plum lips. “Hey.”

  Dinner was ready quickly but that didn’t matter. After a soft kiss at the front door, Robert was inside the living room joking with Keith before laughing with Marta at the table. It was like he was already a part of this family and that made all of this so much more complex.

  Chapter 15


  I liked her family even more that night. They were warm and funny and it was obvious that at least the women knew our plans for the night. What were the plans though? Was I going to ease her closer to letting me inside of her or drive myself insane trying? Would Molly just want to lay there and talk?

  I never did that before.

  We cleaned up for Marta, washing the dishes together before Molly smiled at me. “Can we get some ice cream before we go to your house? Marta made some yummy chocolate cake and ice cream goes well with it.”


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