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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance

Page 69

by Mia Ford

  “I did but it’s hard to separate the feeling before with…Lance and with this. He was the same but different.” Molly looked confused and I took a deep breath.

  “It is different. Molly, when I was younger, I think that I was a form of Lance. I met a woman and I was too new to this and inexperienced to handle the kind of relationship that I forced her into. It seemed to be okay for a couple of months, maybe more. We both liked it but I watched her start to fall apart before my eyes.” I didn’t want to give Molly details but needed to express what happened with Brittany; what I wanted to avoid with her. “She ended up in a facility towards the end though I wasn’t entirely to blame. There were things beforehand that I didn’t know about.” I pulled Molly towards me. “The point is, I want you to be comfortable with all of this. I don’t want you to fear me like you did Lance. I am older now and I have more control. I want to be a team in this.”

  “Is she okay now?” Molly’s eyes were wide as she stared at me. I didn’t know since that was a few moves ago but I hoped that she was.

  “I moved away from there and let her be to heal. I honestly don’t know,” I admitted, moving closer to kiss her. “I never want that again for anybody. I tried to hold back with you as long as possible, Molly. I did. Then you told me that you were ready and that you wanted me and you felt so fucking good. I just want to do this at your pace.”

  “I liked what you did tonight. It was arousing to have you spank me like that and I’m curious as to what else you want. I’ll be honest about everything, Rob but I want to be with you. I like the way you make me feel.” Molly pressed her lips to mine for a moment as I stroked her cheek.

  “I like all of that, too. I am in this only with you. I don’t sleep with more than one woman at once,” I promised her as she reached around my neck to press her body against mine.

  We made love again, her body under mine as I thrust deep inside of her without holding back. Molly rocked against me, wanting all of me and we came together before she pressed her face into my chest and breathed deeply. “Can I stay here?” She asked as I smiled and stroked her damp hair.

  “Of course.”

  She stayed that night and many others. We pushed the boundaries together and she’d cry sometimes, agonized by memories while I held her. Other nights, she’d suggest something and we’d make it work together. I let go of some of my control, but I did ask her to call me when she was at the cafe and safely locked inside. I figured if I didn’t hear from her in a reasonable amount of time, I could rush down there and I had enlisted the help of the police force in making sure that both girls arrived. It was a small town and they got there in the dark, so it was slow enough then that they could have an escort.

  Molly split time between my house and Noel’s place, but when she was there, I joined them a lot for dinner. I met her parents at Thanksgiving and while they seemed a bit surprised at my age, I saw the twinkle in her mom’s eyes when she looked at Molly. They were simple, kind people and I was soon laughing with her father as we talked easily together. He wanted the best for his daughter and I was going to give that to her, even though we didn’t tell them about the restraints tied to my bed and the chest of toys at the foot of it.

  Molly was open to new experiences in a comfortable, open situation and I loved watching her find new pleasures in sex at my hands. I knew that I was falling for her early on and settled into the base on a permanent basis, even though I fixed all the issues there. I held back on telling her until the time was right though I wasn’t sure when that was. I just enjoyed every day with her, falling asleep with her in my arms after I’d introduced her to something else or repeated something that she loved. Molly was responsive and genuine with me every time we were together and I saw the expression on her face when she’d look shyly away from me.

  The girls got the cafe figured out within a few months. They closed on Mondays and got a few local high school girls in town to work for them. They trained them to run the front of the cafe while Noel focused on baking and their new chef that made lunch entrees. Molly supervised the front and Noel adjusted her schedule for baking so they could get to work a little later in the mornings, offering them a little more freedom with their time outside of work.

  Nate asked Noel to move in with him a year after I met Molly and they found a cute cottage on the edge of town. Those two went through a lot being young and learning, and their fights got pretty epic sometimes. I saw that he loved her though, and he finally took the next step and proposed to her on Christmas, making all the women in the house cry. I looked at Keith as he wrapped an arm around his wife, seeing his eyes full of emotion as I kept looking towards Molly. She was hugging Noel and crying and I swallowed the lump in her throat. I’d seen them grow closer over the last few years, only building on the time before that while I found Molly fit well into my life with my own friends on the base. I was always a private man and kept my circle small and tight, particularly since I moved a lot.

  Not now, though. I moved from the rental and bought a house that had an amazing view of the mountains from the front porch. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, with a large backyard. I made it clear that I was here to stay and even set a retirement date for when I turned fifty. It felt strange having a solid future as opposed to moving when I wanted to or needed to, but I wanted more to it than what I’d done so far. I wanted Molly to be a part of my life and with each night that we spent together, I knew that I wanted to make her more of a part of it.

  We met friends at a bar every Friday since the other girls opened the cafe on Saturdays. They were loved by the regulars as much as Noel and Molly. It gave all of us a chance to get out and relax, watch some music, or shoot pool. Michael was dating a local girl now and she was sweet, fitting in well with the small group. I loved watching Molly, now confident and comfortable, socialize and dance with Noel as the local band played. She was beautiful and free of the pain that Lance caused her now. She was my everything: my submissive when I wanted it and my best friend when I needed her. It was the most serious relationship I’d ever had and as slow as we were taking it, I knew that I loved her more than I was willing to say.

  My friends saw it. Her friends saw it. All the women in the cafe asked me when I was going to make an honest woman out of her when Molly wasn’t looking. I was glad that we’d scaled down from the hot topic of the town to a long-term relationship that everyone admired. I was lucky to have Molly and I needed to tell her that in the right way.

  I needed to sweep her off her feet in the best way. I needed to show Molly how special she was.

  I was leaving the base one night, later than normal due to a problem with some upcoming classes. I was supposed to meet Molly for dinner at the place where we had our first date and of course I was running late now.

  Tonight was the night I was going to ask her to move in with me. It was a step towards what I wanted, but Marta and Noel were going to help me with the rest of the process. They knew her best after all.

  I was just pulling through the green light when I felt my car twist around, hearing the sound of an impact as my world turned upside down. I hit something and the car started moving violently, closing my eyes as I tried to breathe. Everything hurt and I took a ragged breath as Molly’s face flashed through my mind.

  “Molly. I love you, Molly.” Why had I only told her that a few times when I knew how true it was? I heard the sounds of voices around me before my head dropped back and everything went black.

  Epilogue 1

  Six months later


  I stood at the trees, waiting for my cue. The lilies were in my hand and I was beyond emotional as I glanced back at Noel. She looked beautiful in her white wedding dress with the sweetheart neckline and long, flowing train.

  It was her wedding day and despite the planning nearly killing me, I was happy to see it happening before my eyes. It was a hard time for me but I wasn’t selfish. I told Noel to go ahead with her plans and that I was there for her.
  I heard the violin and I blew her a kiss before I walked out, turning left to walk towards Nate as he waited for his bride. It was March in Idaho and gorgeous today. There was a light breeze and I felt the curls blow around my head as I made my way down the aisle.

  I saw Marta sitting in the front with my parents, sniffling as she clutched a tissue. She wasn’t the only one and I moved my eyes forward to look at the men standing beside Nate, nervously shifting on their feet.

  Robert stared at me, his eyes intent on my face. He looked gorgeous in a black suit with a white shirt, blue tie blowing in the breeze. It matched my dress and I smiled at him, taking my place to the left of the minister as I looked down the aisle.

  The last few months had been so intense. I’d gotten the call that Robert was in an accident on a night like any other. He’d been hit by a drunk driver and his entire car was smashed up with his broken body inside of it. Keith and Marta took me to the hospital in the next town over right away and waited for news. Noel came with Nate and Michael even showed up to wait.

  Robert was my life but I’d held that inside. He was my everything but I was moving along like we had forever and now life proved to me that we didn’t.

  Marta sat down beside me and took my hand as we stared forward. I couldn’t talk with my thoughts jumbled together the way they were. I couldn’t make sense of the regret and the pain that was eating me up inside. I couldn’t stand the fear that held me back from committing myself to him completely.

  I thought that I wouldn’t have the chance at all.

  “I love him,” I'd told her as she looked at me.

  “He knows that,” Marta assured me as I gazed at her.

  “I haven’t told him enough, Marta. I’ve held back.” I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I dropped my head forward. I’d dressed up for dinner, planning to tell him how much I cared for him. I’d given my body to him so willingly but held my heart back and tonight, I was done with that.

  Life might be done with us.

  Robert had some broken bones but I sobbed when I found out that he was going to be fine. His family was flying out and got to see him first after a rushed meeting with me. It wasn’t what I would’ve chosen but I knew that we could make up for it later. When I finally walked into the room, I dropped beside the bed and took his hand gently. “Molly,” Robert gasped as he looked at me with tired eyes.

  “I thought that I lost you,” I had told him as I started to cry again.

  “I’m here. They told me I’m going to be okay. Don’t cry,” he said as I shook my head.

  “No, I want to cry. Damn it, Rob. I love you. I am in love with you and I never told you. That was the plan tonight and…” I closed my eyes. “Is it too late?” All the emotions rushed through me and I squeezed his hand as I looked at him.

  Robert chuckled and shook his head before he winced. “No. I have a confession to make as well.” I looked at him. “I asked you to dinner tonight to make things official. I want you to move in with me for now and I had plans for later. I had a key in a box but it’s in the car somewhere.”

  “You were going to give me a key?” I asked as he smiled.

  “Yeah, I was. I will as soon as I can if you say yes.” He stared into my eyes as I leaned forward to press as kiss to his lips.

  “Yes.” His face was bruised and he looked awful, but he was mine, all mine.

  I came back to the present as Noel walked down the aisle on Keith’s arm. She looked like an angel and I wiped the tear from my eye, trying to save the professional makeup job I’d sat through earlier. This day was so perfect and I smiled down at the grass as I took a deep breath. Nate took her arm after he shook Keith’s hand, standing before the minister as they said their written vows. It was a short ceremony but sweet and heartfelt and I think every woman was dabbing their eyes at the end.

  The minister announced them and Nate held up her arm as he led her down the aisle to the cheers of the crowd. They kept the kiss innocent but I knew that they were around the corner making out like high school students. I was with Noel when she bought the best kiss proof lipstick that money could buy. I smiled as Robert held out his hand, taking it as we walked past the crowd.

  Living together was amazing. I loved the idea that I didn’t have to leave apart from working; that we could make dinner every night and mess the sheets up before we fell asleep. We still had dinner with Keith and Marta a lot and even went to Nate and Noel’s as often as we could. I still worked with her but since we were best friends, I couldn’t get enough time with her. I loved her and Nate together now that they’d worked through the harder parts.

  Rob got along with everyone and he and Keith were getting to be good friends. They got together for games at the house and even at the corner bar sometimes when Marta and I were doing girl things. Nate joined them when we brought Noel along and it was like an extended family. I loved it. My parents came out more and more and Dad started talking about moving to Mountain Home next year. They might be here by the holidays.

  One year later

  I came home from the bakery on a Friday with a bag full of muffins for the weekend. Rob still loved them though he liked all the flavors now. I knew that he was planning on cooking something for dinner since it was so beautiful outside and I looked forward to relaxing. I pulled into the garage and parked, shutting off the engine of my car with a smile. It ran great and I loved getting around on my own. I slipped out of the driver’s seat and headed into the house through the breezeway, calling out Rob’s name.

  The house was only lit with a few lights and I looked around for him. The patio was even darker, lit with candles placed around the table. “What?” I asked as I set the bag down and walked outside. Rob had a screened in patio that we ate dinner in a lot and it was gorgeous tonight. There were vases of light colored roses placed on the tables and it smelled beautiful, something like vanilla in addition to the fragrance of the flowers. “Rob?” I called out as I looked around.

  He didn’t answer and I walked to the door to look into the backyard. He was by the barbeque making something and I licked my lips at the sight of him. He was more gorgeous every time I looked at him and I just stared for a few minutes.

  He must have felt my gaze because he turned towards me and grinned. “Hey, baby.”

  “Are you trying to burn down the house in here?” I teased him as he shrugged and pulled something from the grill.

  “I thought we’d have a romantic dinner tonight. It’s the weekend and you have it off, for a change.” He approached me with a big plate of meat and vegetables, leaning over to brush his lips against mine briefly.

  We finally had a weekend off. The girls were great at the cafe and since Noel baked for the next couple of days, we decided to relax. There were no real plans yet but I could just stay in bed with Rob all weekend and be completely content. I watched as he went into the house to plate the food and carry it out to the patio. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and opened it, pouring two glasses. I joined him and took another look at the room as I placed the glasses on the table.

  Rob pulled my seat out for me, kissing me when I approached him. There was something different in this kiss, something more urgent and it took my breath away. I was just melting into him when he pulled away, his eyes dark and hungry. “Let’s eat.”

  I licked my lips that were still tingling and nodded, taking my seat. The sun was starting to set and we could see it well from where we were, so I sat down and looked at my plate. He’d fixed some salmon and grilled broccoli, along with a fresh salad. “This looks so good.”

  “I want to get some practice in for the summer. With your folks moving here and mine visiting, we’ll be doing a lot of entertaining.” He smiled and I gazed at him. I picked up my fork and broke off a piece of the fish, moaning as I tasted it. “Good?”

  “Amazing,” I replied as I grinned. “You can be my personal chef anytime, handsome.”

  “I’d like to be more than that,” he said as I bli
nked at him, still chewing the fish.

  “What do you mean?” I asked as I stared at him.

  Rob cleared his throat and stood up slowly, moving to drop down before me. He stared into my eyes as he reached out to take my hands. “Molly, I have gone through my entire life at the speed of light. I was only focused on work and getting ahead to reach the end, and I never let anyone inside. I never thought that moving here would change all of that, but the morning I walked into the cafe and saw you…everything changed. I think I fell in love that day but I was so unsure. I didn’t think we’d make it or that I was good enough for you.” I sucked in my breath as he stayed there. Understanding was setting in and I felt my heart begin to pound. “Will you give me the rest of your life so I can love you? Will you marry me?”

  “Rob,” I whispered as tears slid down my cheeks. “Yes, I want to marry you so badly. I love you so much.” He stood up and pulled me into his arms tightly, holding me as I cried happily.

  “I was going to wait until after dinner and take you outside when the sun was just going down over the horizon, but I couldn’t wait.” I laughed and looked at him as he pressed a kiss to my lips. He reached into the pocket of his slacks and revealed a beautiful ring with a delicate stone in the center and tiny diamonds on the band, taking my left-hand to slip it on.

  “It’s so pretty,” I said, appreciating the candlelight as the ring shimmered in the warm glow. “Thank you.”


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