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BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Page 12

by J. C. Cliff

  I can feel liquid seeping from my opening. The feel of his weight, his kisses, his cock, his voice—they all have me in a tailspin. I have never felt so turned on and yet so confused at the same time. My resolve has left the building, and I find myself relaxing into the table, allowing Travis to mold into me. I respond to him, panting with desire and letting him take over. The front of his jeans are soaked; I can feel it.

  “My dick feels good, doesn’t it?” He lets out a low groan. “I love the way your wet pussy is begging for my hard cock.”

  Before I know it, his lips have left my neck and I find his mouth closing over mine, claiming me. My body is trembling all over, and I’m lost in a torrential downpour of lust.

  His tongue gently slips in and out between my lips, and I can no longer take the teasing, gentle kisses. I open my mouth wider, and I lift my head to forcefully take over the kiss in a blind passion. He groans as I work my tongue in long strokes over his. The electricity that sparks through my body from the taste of this virile man has made me lose all reason; I want him, all of him.

  He begins moving his tongue in tandem with his hips, thrusting it into my mouth. My arms being pinned above me only adds to the erotic experience. I can feel something building inside me. I’m losing more and more control with each slip of his tongue. “Take it, baby, and just feel me,” he groans against my lips.

  I do feel him; his hardness behind his zipper pushes just slightly into my entrance, begging to be inside me. I feel heat spreading through my core, and God, how I want to feel him inside my body. He knows I’m growing desperate for a release when my own hips start grinding my drenched heat against his bulge. He changes his hold on my wrists, trapping me with one hand to free the other to roam down over my breast. His large hand begins twisting and pulling at my erect nipple. My back arches, pushing my chest into his touch, and every nerve ending in my body is on fire. I make a feral sound into his mouth, his touch awakening a sleeping beast. His relentless rhythm is overwhelming, and it’s creating animalistic urges within me.

  “Oh, God, you are fuckin’ amazing,” he groans. Holy hell, is this what it feels like to burn with passion? My body is taken over by instincts. My hips thrust mindlessly toward his, trying to increase the friction. I want more, and I’m on fire from feeling his swollen cock and his hard muscles work and flex over my body. A deep moan escapes from me again. My sex is screaming for something more, my movements becoming increasingly frantic.

  “That’s it, baby. Feel me...take your pleasure.” His breath is hot and ragged. “Come for me, Julianna. Ride my cock.” He deepens the kiss, and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell you where I am right now. He pinches my nipple hard and I scream out.

  “Oh, God!” My body has no shame as I stand on the blissful edge. My limbs involuntarily begin to spasm as I fall from the cliff. Everything seems to go numb and tingly from my head to my toes, and I can hear myself moaning and panting hard into his mouth. His kiss suddenly becomes desperate while he watches me through hooded eyes as I come. He swallows the sounds of my release, continuing to thrust his hips hard against mine, grinding them back and forth.

  Holy shit... “My God, that was…” I moan with labored breaths.

  “Amazing,” he pipes in with a grunted whisper, “simply amazing.”

  I look into his beautiful eyes and feel an immediate connection. Neither one of us can deny this feeling. I have never experienced such an intense, unexplainable bombardment of sensations all at one time. It was insanely beautiful. I can only imagine what it would be like to have Travis be the one to take my innocence. I would’ve just given it to him in the heat of the moment. As the sensations from my climax begin to dissipate, I realize what I just thought and I swallow hard. What the hell am I saying? I would’ve let him have sex with me? I shake my head. This is not me.

  “You’re so goddamn beautiful when you come,” he whispers in an awestruck tone. “You look like an angel.” He pulls his head back, his hand stroking my cheek tenderly as he looks down into my eyes with wonderment. Sweat beads have formed along his hairline, and his chest is slightly-rising as he catches his breath. His expression is soft and gentle, perhaps even reverent, and it feels right.

  Who is this man? I try to look further into his soul through the depths of his sparkling green eyes, and I think I catch a glimpse of the true Travis. I see a kind, beautiful man who has a conscience, and perhaps a man who may want something more than just to get laid. I’m baffled at how no one has ever had this effect on me before, no one.

  Travis lowers his head back down, burying his nose into the crook of my neck. His breath tickles my skin as he forcefully calms himself, and I assume he’s trying to get his fella under control. As intense as this was, I’m surprised he had the willpower to actually stop.

  My breathing has slowed down, as well, and now that the intimate moment is over, I’m faced with an awkward silence. I’m rendered speechless. I mean, what do I say? Thank you, Mr. Hot Captor Man. When can we do this again? I don’t need him having this effect on me.

  Since I’ve come to my senses, I close my eyes, shutting out the impending doom that’s getting ready to unfold. I hear the door to the room click open, and Travis quickly grabs the edge of my robe to conceal my chest. I’m almost stunned by his altruistic act of generosity. I whisper a meek, “Thank you,” into the air between us.

  “Sorry it took me so long; I had new calculations to formulate, and then I had to clean up my nose, and—“

  Travis looks at Jared and rudely interrupts, “I don’t give a shit, Jared. Just get this going.” Travis’ body stiffens, and gone is the tender moment we shared. His mask of indifference is back on, and I feel slightly jaded.

  Jared says, “Give it about fifteen minutes, then it should be safe for you to get off her.”

  Fifteen minutes?! My eyes bolt open, horrified. I can’t take another second of Travis laying on top of me, working his wiles over my emotions.

  “Trust me, this fifteen minutes will feel like an eternity for me,” he says, letting out a groaned sigh.

  “Glad I could provide you with your cheap entertainment of the day,” I respond sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you’re anything but cheap.”

  I feel the needle pierce my right thigh, and I shut my eyes against the jab, wincing. “What did you give me?” I ask half panic-stricken, half in disbelief that I’m actually living in this tortuous Hell. Even though I asked, I don’t really listen to him. I want to be an ostrich and stick my head in the sand.

  “...dosage and a sedative...” Jared babbles, but I can’t hear anything, because at that moment, Travis tilts his head back down, whispering his hot breath into my ear. “Ssh, things will get easier now; you’ll see.”

  I don’t want things to get easier, especially where Travis is concerned. I don’t want to be drugged! Fearing the worst, I start thrashing wildly, my legs flailing, but my upper body isn’t moving. His overpowering-strength and weight still dominate me, rendering my efforts useless.

  I feel Travis tighten his grip on me. “I need you to trust me. I’ve got you, okay?” he whispers so only I can hear, repeating his words from last night. “You’ve got to calm down. I know you’re scared, but I’ll be here with you. I won’t leave you.” I feel ice filtering through my veins as I think of all the gall this man has. He thinks his very presence is going to make everything I’m going through all hunky-dory? Being as I’m held here against my will and forced to expose my body to drugs and strangers, he must be on some type of drug himself!

  I scream impulsively, “You arrogant prick! My, don’t you think so highly of yourself?” I fight to buck him off me, but he’s just too strong. “Get off me!”

  “Sorry, no can do. You don’t play nice,” Travis says with a calmness that does nothing to cool my raging fury. “But while we’re laying here all cozy and such, we can get a few Q and As out of the way.”


  I quit struggling
and give in for a moment, closing my eyes. This is so messed-up. Why hasn’t my father found me yet? I feel as if I am slowly breaking in two, and I wonder if these men are going to fracture both my body and soul to the point where it can’t be repaired. I take a deep breath of resolve, preparing myself to face reality.

  “Okay, Jared.” Simmering disdain oozes from my voice as I glare at him. “Tell me—what are you drugging my body with?”

  Jared settles on a small, round chair with wheels and no back. He sits with perfect posture and confidence, and I get the urge to bean him in the head with something, knocking him off his makeshift pedestal.

  “First, there are several known drugs to increase libido.” He begins ticking off on his fingers as he speaks. “Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, Deprenyl, and LSD. Believe it or not, all of them carry cognitive and physical health benefits.”

  I’m wide-eyed with shock, seeing how the only thing I understood out of that garble was LSD. “You’re drugging me with LSD?” I ask incredulously. No wonder I feel like I’m tripping out and drooling all over Travis.

  “Well, we don’t use cocaine, which is only one of the three dopamine agonists we don’t use,” Jared spits out and eyes me defensively.

  “Ah, well then, that makes it all okay, doesn’t it?” Pure sarcasm drips from my voice.

  He ignores me and pushes on. “The other two forms are LibiGel and Flibanserin, and they are both aspiring to win the FDA’s approval.” He shifts in his chair and pushes his glasses further up on his nose. “Then you have the psychoactive substances, which consist of things such as cannabis. Those types of drugs have their own sets of problems. I believe Shakespeare said it best in his famed statement, ‘It provokes desire, but it takes away from the performance.’ So in essence, the psychoactive drugs increase the sexual want, but they reduce the quality of the sex itself, and the ability to even have intercourse in some circumstances.”

  I feel like my eyes are crossing with his babbling. “Is there a main point to this?” I ask with growing irritation, and I hear Travis quietly chuckle.

  “No matter, I’m sure this is all too boring to you anyway. It must be as if I’m speaking in a foreign language to you. I won’t bother you with the rest of the details; I just get overly-excited sometimes about my life’s work. It’s revolutionary, really—“

  “Jared,” Travis drawls out his name, interrupting him.

  “Yes, okay. As I was saying, there are many other herbs and drugs such as methamphetamines, testosterone, phenylethylamines and the like.” He takes a breath, remembering he’s inundating me with technical terms. “The bottom line here is despite decades of testing pills, patches, gels, nasal sprays, and vaginal rings, there is still no approved drug, meaning there is still nothing on the market offering any true efficacy for low libido. There will always be drug interactions, but with years of research, I have been able to combine many of these drugs with minimal interactions or negative side effects. I’ve been able to accomplish two delivery methods thus far. One is a time-released capsule, and the other, an injectable.”

  He looks at me like I’m supposed to understand everything he just said. “Are you for real? I mean, you do realize not everyone has a degree in microbiology, physics, and scientific experimentations, right?” I ask.

  “Okay, perhaps I’ll tell you what the desired results from using the drug are; that should be easier for you to understand. The drugs I created are slightly mind-altering, allowing us to “brainwash”, so to speak, our subjects in a more humane way—“

  I interrupt him, “You mean to tell me there’s a humane way to brainwash people into performing behaviors against their will?” I ask with fake delight. “How nice of you!”

  He ignores my comment and continues, “Part of my job is monitoring your blood levels, because being able to find your specific dosage is key. It takes a little time, sometimes by trial and error. I adjust your dosage and drug cocktail using approximately fifteen different combined drugs and aphrodisiacs. Since each female is different and far more difficult to define and quantify, we understand how complex and unique those needs are. I work diligently in being able to find just the right cocktail suited to your own body’s needs.”

  I look to Travis and ask, “Did you understand a word he said?”

  “He never makes it easy,” he sighs.

  Jared shakes his head as if he’s in awe of his own intelligence. “The complexity of the female response is physiological and psychological. We use our ability to alter their brain’s perception—the brain is a woman’s primary sex organ, by the way —until we are able to achieve the perfect brain game. The drug keeps these women in a constant state of extreme sexual arousal, thereby making the perfect submissive.”

  I go numb on the inside. I just went through the infamous brick wall barrier at Platform 9 3/4, but instead of jumping on the Hogwarts Express and into the world of Harry Potter’s wizardry, I’ve been transported to some fucked-up sexual mad scientist’s lab. This can’t be real; there is no possible way these men can claim they’re sane. “I’m in the looney bin,” I whisper to no one in particular.

  “I have designed this drug to be used regularly and indefinitely with little to no harm on your body. You see, you’re rather fortunate; the lower slave trade markets keep their women drugged with heavy doses of narcotics and stimulants. Cocaine is the drug of choice, and within a short amount of time they become addicted. Those women’s bodies start to deteriorate, and they become harder to control. They’re abused, haggard, and hard-looking.”

  “We wouldn’t want that, would we?” I say facetiously.

  Jared leans forward over his knees, resting on his elbows. “The men that buy from us…they seek a lifelong partner; they want beautiful princesses. These drugs are also designed to cause the female to crave erotic pleasure, and with proper nutrition and exercise, it all makes for a perfectly-harmonious combination. My studies have also shown they actually improve brain function.” He’s gone way off track again. “There is a strong link between optimal brain function, sexual vitality, and good general health.”

  I feel bile rising from my gut just thinking about being an Investment, something these people are altering and fixing up to sell, like a house being flipped. I’m starting to zone out as Jared rambles on, entertaining himself with his own knowledge. I’m fairly certain I’ve heard enough. The bottom line is these men are seriously messed-up in the head.

  Travis decides to play with my hair, twirling it around his finger, and it sends butterflies to my stomach. Damn their drug; it’s starting to affect me. His tender ministrations are affectionate and sweet, melting me even though I want to hate him so badly. I’m pulled from my thoughts of Travis when I hear Jared’s voice pipe up in excitement.

  “…but the real surprising thing,” he says in wonder, “is all of these women we treat here,” he waves his hand around in the air, “every single one of them is seriously content, and they can’t imagine how they’ve lived so long without this lifestyle and this drug. They literally thrive.”

  “No, they’re brainwashed; they’re fucked—literally and figuratively!” I yell in a heated breath. “You want to know what really blows my mind? The fact you all act as if you have our best interests at heart!” I feel Travis tighten his grip on me again after my outburst. His heavy body lying on top of mine is starting to get to me; my left leg is beginning to prickle, going to sleep. I couldn’t kick the bastard right now if I tried. I wince at the growing tingling sensation.

  He leans down, whispering into my ear, “What’s wrong?”

  “Besides the fact I’m here against my will?” I breathe furiously. “My left leg has gone to sleep.”

  Travis shifts his body weight, allowing blood to flow to my lower extremities—thank the Lord! Jared rises up off his chair, gets in my face, and glares at me with enmity radiating from behind his glasses. “Oh, make no mistake—I do care, but my biggest interest is in success, and the healthier and more compliant these women a
re, the more successful I am. You can’t even begin to imagine the name I will create for myself. You see, the market analysis still sees multi-billion dollar opportunities, and I am on that train, young lady. I have created the perfect drug, the perfect aphrodisiac—Blyss.”

  “You know, it would be a whole lot cheaper if you came up with a drug to make men not desire sex. It would save the world a lot of money...and women a lot of heartache, which would be bliss enough. We’re not lab rats, you asshole!”

  Jared walks away from me toward the counter, and then turns around. He leans his backside against the counter top, crossing his ankles. “What would be the fun in that, love? No,” he says, shaking his head, “men love the personal self-gratification they get from sex. Some men are so consumed with and addicted to sex they would sell their soul to the devil for one last romp in the hay. It’s too lucrative of a business, love. Oh, and Blyss is the name of the drug, spelled with a ‘y’,” he informs me.

  “Ah, thanks for the correction. How very ‘80s of you, Jared. It sounds like you’re the devil himself, and the horny bastards would be so stupid to spend their last dollar in Hell, wouldn’t they?” I catch my breath and stare the devil down. “I want you to know, not if, but when I get out of here, I’m going to take your ass down. Then, I’m going to hire my own scientist and recruitments. I will have a drug created that will make a man go impotent for life from the first swallow, injection, or whatever method of delivery I choose to manufacture!” I feel Travis’ body begin to shake with laughter, but I ignore him. I’m so passionately-pissed and enraged that I want to believe I can make such a drug.


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