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Redemption (The Velara Experiment Book 3)

Page 27

by Frank Carey

"Yeah. I miss her when I'm on travel."

  Two clocks appeared, one labeled, "Current" and the other, "Shift Change."

  "We've got twenty minutes to move, people," Gus said. "Horus, can you scam the hallway cams?"

  The owl's eyes flashed. He clicked an affirmative.

  There was a click from the room's door as it opened a crack. Gus walked over and peered out. "Clear. Let's go."

  Kel donned his ring and followed the rest of his companions out into the corridor, quietly closing the door behind him.


  The five companions stood in the darkened lab—the sixth perched on Kel's shoulder—surveying the area around them. There was the usual assortment of lab equipment strewn about laboratory benches. At the far end of the room were four dark glass panels flanked by two large windows through which they could see the VC star. "Scanner, are there alien life forms present within fifty meters of our current position?" Kel said to his ring.

  "Working... Three life forms designated Trent units are located directly ahead. I detect four holding pens, one of which is empty."

  The group made their way to the pens, all of which were dark and seemingly empty. Kel put his face close to the glass as he peered inside.

  "Careful," Clio whispered. "And whatever you do, don't tap on the glass."

  Kel tapped on the glass.

  A tentacle-covered sphere slammed against the left three windows as their lights came on. Kel, non-plussed, continued to examine the creature while his companions jumped back away from pens. "You moron!" Clio yelled. "I told you not to do that."

  "Interesting. They're not afraid of me. Gus, could you come here and put your hand on the glass."

  "No. I can't. Those things are huge."

  "Yes, and they taste great as well, but I don't think they can get out, so come here and put your hand on the glass, please. I thought you were going to touch one?"

  "I changed my mind," he said as he reluctantly did as requested. There was no reaction by the unit.

  "Let me try," Matt said as he hurried up to the window and slapped the palm of his hand on the glass.

  The creature screamed as smoke poured from his flesh. Leaping backwards, it slammed into the rear wall with enough force to kill it instantly. With a raised eyebrow, Gus peeked into the pen next to where he was standing. The creature in that one was cowering in a corner while the occasional wisp of smoke emerged from a tentacle. "Hey, guys," Clio said from where she stood in front of the third pen, "this one's shitting its pants... I think. Ewwww!"

  Gus had a thought. "Scanner, tie into lab computer system. Are you able to do a record's search?"

  "Working... Yes."

  Gus looked at Kel. "Did any of your research suggest this thing is sapient?"

  "No. It's a soulless weapon."

  "Scanner, search station records, can you confirm that creature is believed to be non-sapient?"

  "Working... There is a 70% probability that the creature known as the swarm is non-sapient. All recorded encounters show it to be interested only in the destruction of all non-swarm life forms. The League Council has issued a destroy on sight order due to evidence of its danger to the League."

  Gus tapped his front incisor with a fingernail. "Scanner, scan Matt's biocrystal. Question: Can you reproduce the EM radiation its broadcasting?"

  "Working... Scan complete... Working... Yes, I can reproduce the EM signature of subject's biocrystal."

  "Matt, could you join the immortals over there," Kel asked while pointing to the far wall.

  "Gladly," Matt said. When he was gone, Kel walked over to the second window and tapped on it. The creature inside tried to chew its way out of the pen.

  "Not a very quick learner, is it?" Gus said.

  Kel placed the palm of his ring hand against the window. "Scanner. Transmit biocrystal signature, half-power, on my mark... Mark!"

  The two creatures exploded as did several vials, test tubes, boxes, a file cabinet, and a small safe.

  "Well, that was fun," Matt said. "I wonder if they had any others stored within range of that broadcast?"

  "If they did, there would be alarms going off..." Minnie noted.

  Alarms, screamers, and strobes fired off around them.

  "I spoke too soon. We should get back to our room before we're discovered.

  After a quick check of the corridor, they headed back to their room to discuss their findings.


  The captives listened as the corridor beyond their cell door filled with the sound of running feet as the blaring sirens ceased. "Immortal friends, I think it's time you hide while releasing the video system," Gus said. "I think we're about to be visited.”

  Sure enough, just as the three immortals exited back into the station's network, there was a knock at the door followed by it opening. Into the room came Kellen and a cadre of troopers.

  "You three come with me," a wingless Sokuhl ordered.

  They followed him out into the corridor, then down it with troopers encircling them. "Busy place," Kel noted.

  "Yes, isn't it." Kellen replied.

  "Problems?" Gus asked.

  "Nothing we can't handle."

  The leader led them into a room while the guards took up flanking positions outside the door. They walked into what seemed to be a control room filled with consoles and view screens. In front of them, centered on the far wall, was an immense screen with the image of a sleek spaceship.

  "I saw that ship on the news feed," Kel said. "That's the emperor's yacht..."

  "The River’s Edge," Gus finished. "Did you steal... No, you kidnapped the emperor, didn't you? That's why there's no imperial presence even though the power you're drawing from that sun must be setting off detectors for light-years around."

  "You really aren't his son, are you? All Gustav would do is bluster and demand to be released. You, on the other hand, figured this setup out in seconds. Ah, If only the emperor had you as an offspring," Kellen said. "As for your observation, yes, I have the emperor and his family sequestered while I finish this little project. So, doppelganger, why did the units explode?"

  "His name is Dr. Kellen Matu Hardy," Matt informed the leader. "He's a professor of history and archaeology at Ventos Prime University. He's..."

  "Fine. Prof. Hardy, why did those units explode?"

  "Don't know. They came in and went boom. I used no weapon against them, nor was any chemical agent present due to the large holes in the hull created by said units. Maybe they didn't like something present in the hull, deck, or packing crates. The ship is from another universe after all, and we were transitioning between universes. Maybe they got carsick?"

  "Look darling, the good doctor has something you don't... A sense of humor. I like humor," Sheila said as she walked up, giving her wings a little flap. "Tell me, Doctor. What is your Sheila like?"

  "Devoted mother, devoted mate, scary-smart intelligence officer who's adored by her mate, daughter, and students," Kel said.

  "Oh, just like me," Sheila replied.

  "Hardly," Kellen said. "Now, stop your prattling, Dear. We have work to do."

  With a final eyebrow raise, Sheila walked over to a console and sat down. The three travelers noticed a large clock above the viewer. It was counting down.

  "I bet you boys would like to know what's going on," Kellen said as he sat down in a large swivel chair at the center of the room. From there he could see any console or screen in the room.

  Matt looked at his companions. "Let me. You’re going to bring this Prohedron back to this universe to use it against the empire. This assumes you have some way to control it."

  "Damn. Not bad, elf—excuse me, Logash, not bad at all. Yes, we have a way of controlling the weapon, and we do plan to use it to take over the empire. It has been under the heel of the Storens for too long. It's time for the true rulers to take the reins." He looked at Gus. "No offense, Gus."

  "None taken. I assume you plan to invade our universe when you're finished here. You've
seen the tech aboard our freighter. I bet you can't wait to get your hands on it."

  "Are all the people in your universe as smart as you?"

  "Way smarter," Matt said.

  "As we speak, a fleet of warships is preparing to destroy the station on our side," Gus said. "Once the swarm passes out of our universe into yours, they will set devices that will make it impossible for you to form a portal at that point."

  "There are other points," Kellen pointed out.

  "All mapped in two galaxies. Buddy, you are so screwed," Matt noted.

  "You will be trapped here," Sheila said, "Along with your freighter, its tech, and your wonderful League database. We will use it to find a way back."

  "And you will find the fleets of hundreds of warships waiting for you. Like you said, we're smart. We know how to cooperate," Gus said. "We've taken on invaders who would curl your hair."

  "Enough!" Kellen barked. "We have a weapon to bring home. Now, I do need your help, Gus."

  "You want me to help you? You are joking, right?"

  "No, no joke. Switch view!"

  The screen shimmered as the image of the ship was replaced with that of a small portal. In front of it was a team of Goranthi working on a large, spherical device. "This is the portal we used to take control of the probe that allowed us access to your League's InterWeb. The device is a quantic warhead. I have been assured that exploding it that close to the portal will tear a rift between the universes big enough to drive a star through. The shock wave alone will destroy any planetary body within twenty light-years of the portal."

  "You'll kill billions!" Gus said.

  Kellen nodded. "I will be releasing the chains that hold all believers to this realm.”

  Gus looked at Kellen, and saw utter, unshakable conviction. Kellen continued. "Gus I need you to defeat the locks you put in the drive controller software. It seems you spent some time with the controller, time used to screw up the operating system."

  "I don't know what you're talking about..."

  "Liar!" Savannah yelled as she stormed into the room. "I watched you work on that controller. I had Morty check it after we crossed over. Your fingerprints are all over the operating system!"

  The three League travelers looked at the young woman in disgust. "Just to set the record straight," Matt said. "All that shit you told me was a lie, right? You were in on this massacre all along, right?"

  She glowered at the Logash. "My father is chosen by the gods to release his people from this existence."

  "Great," Matt said. "My track record for falling for psychos remains intact."

  "I am not crazy!"

  "Lady, you're as fruity as a nut loaf," Kel noted. "I hope it's not genetic."

  "Why thank you, Doctor," Kellen replied.

  "I'm not talking about you. I have a daughter that I would hate to have to commit at some later date. You're as crazy as Savannah."

  Kellen bolted from his seat. "Take the good doctor and Matt to the Brig while I escort Gus to his waiting ship. Daughter, with me. Sheila, watch the store."

  "Can't I take Kel..." she asked as she made to stand up.

  "You truly want to die, woman? I can arrange it with a nod of my head."

  She quickly sat down. "Watching store."

  "Excellent. Gus, after you," Kellen said while pointing at the door they had entered through. Gus turned by stopped to shake Kel's hand. "Hey, next time you need to find someone, please, don't call me."

  "Copy that," he said as he released the Storen's hand. As Gus walked out, no one noticed that Kel was no longer wearing a ring.


  The guards took Kel and Matt to a large steel door inset into a corridor wall, areas to either side blank for at least fifty feet.

  "Run out of doors?" Kel asked.

  "Haven't you people heard of artwork," Matt added.

  "Quiet," one of the guards barked as another one unlocked the door and swung it inward. "Inside," a third barked as he and a fourth shoved Kel and Matt inside, closing and locking the doors behind them.

  "How rude," Kel noted. "I can't wait to leave a web review of this place."

  "Definitely one-star," Matt added as the two turned to face their new surroundings.

  They stopped. They found themselves in a large, dormitory-style room with five-tier bunk beds reaching to the ceiling. between the beds were seating and open areas. Coming toward them were several hundred representatives of virtually every species of the League, all very unhappy. They surrounded Kel and Matt, stopping when there was a space of ten feet or so separating the newcomers from the crowd.

  "Hardy! Decided to come visit your old friend?" a voice called from the crowd. Before Kel could respond, the crowd parted to allow a tall Storen to emerge. He was dark of fur, with a strong resemblance to Gus. Kel recognized him from the news. It was the emperor and he was flanked by his mate and probably one of his surviving sons.


  "What? You don't recognize me?"

  Kel thought quickly. Before anyone could move, he spread his wings. extended his tail and screamed a Basili battle cry to the heavens, sending a stream of fire twenty feet into the air. The crowd fell over itself as it fled the flames.

  Kel looked down at the emperor. "Sir, I assure you, we have never met before this moment."

  The emperor stared at the Basili from another universe, gaping at a sight not seen before. A winged, fire-breathing, male, Sokuhl complete with spade-bladed tail. Composing himself almost instantly, the emperor asked, "OK, then who are you?"

  "My name is Dr. Kellen Matu Hardy, Professor of History at Ventos Prime University, and this is my friend, Mathias Apeloko. We are from another universe, a place with a slightly different quantum spin signature. We came to stop an attack on our universe by the Reverend Kellen Hardy, whom I think you know."

  "Dammit," the Storen yelled. "That moron is nuts. I didn't believe this shit, but there you are, a fire-breathing, winged male." He stopped to gather his thoughts. "How bad is it?"

  "Ever hear of the Prohedron?"

  "Yes, it's part of one of our religions. It's a myth..."

  Kel shook his head. "No, it's not a myth. It's been living in our universe for centuries. We encountered a piece of it as we transitioned to this universe."

  "And that maniac is going to unleash it in this one. I thought he was just raving..."

  "My father never raves, old fool," Savannah sneered as she walked into the room surrounded by a phalanx of winged Sokuhl and heavily-armed troopers. She snapped her fingers and a wall transformed into a viewer. An image of the River’s Edge stabilized. In the foreground stood Kellen. In front of him, at gunpoint stood Gus."

  "By the water gods," the empress exclaimed. "Is that my son, Gustav?"

  "No, it is his analog, his doppelganger, my friend..." Kel looked at Savannah. "No good will come of this, little girl. Of that you can be sure. Your father can no more control the Prohedron than I can control the rising sun. You, he, and Sheila will surely die if you attempt to do so."

  "Because you say so, fool?"

  "No, because the history of a hundred worlds say so."

  She started to laugh, but then saw the look in his eyes. She turned back to the viewer to watch Gus enter the ship. In the distance, they could see a faint geodesic pattern superimposed on the star field. "Where are they?" Matt asked.

  "A spherical test chamber about fifty miles off-station," the emperor explained. "It was originally used to house instrumentation for observation of the VC sun. The dome's geodesic structure is reinforced with force fields and repulsor beams..."

  "Perfect for creating a comfortable holding area for our lord," Savannah said.

  "You know, Vanny, you really need to seek professional help," Matt noted.

  A weapon appeared in her hand, aimed directly at his head. "Are you bulletproof, elf?"

  "And damn proud he said as he walked up to her and placed his forehead against its muzzle. "Pray for a kill shot. Otherwise,
you'll only make me angry, and I promise, you won't like me when I'm angry."

  She laughed humorlessly as she holstered the gun. "You will do well as my consort."

  "Consort? Please, shoot me now."

  She nodded to her guards who took Matt back to the group.

  As they watched, a field formed around the ship as Gus engaged the portal generator. Behind the ship, a light flashed.

  "Father has activated the beacon which will lead our lord through the portal once Gus has opened it." Gus and Kel moved back into the crowd, away from Savannah and her entourage.

  From the safety of the crowd, they watched as the white, fiery disk of a portal formed. Immediately, thousands of objects streamed through. Oddly, they ignored the ship and the beacon, opting instead to attack the enclosure itself. Savannah's smile turned into a concerned frown. "That's not supposed to happen."

  Over the speakers came the frantic voice of Kellen. "River’s Edge, shut down, I repeat, shut down," Kellen said as the beacon stopped flashing. Instead of shutting down, the portal grew in size as the field around the ship glowed brighter. Suddenly, the ship's running lights started to strobe.

  "Sir! River’s Edge is broadcasting beacon pattern," a human tech yelled.

  "What are you doing?" Kellen screamed as the space inside the sphere filled with more and more swarm units. Suddenly, one of the wall segments flared, releasing the Prohedron. As if sensing fresh prey, the weapon turned and headed toward the station. Evacuation alarms sounded. Through all this, the lights of the River’s Edge strobed as the field around it grew in brightness.

  Savannah screamed.

  "He's granting your wish," Kel said as he grabbed Matt and flew the two of them over the guards to land near door, which he sprayed down with fire breath, cutting a forty-foot long opening into the corridor. He turned to the other prisoners and yelled, "Twenty to one odds are the best you'll get.”

  The emperor gave a battle cry as he and his mobbed the guards and Savannah, grabbing them and dragging them out into the hallway.

  Kel pulled Matt aside. "Can you shunt Gus out of there if we get close enough?"

  "Sure... Wait a minute, his ship is sitting next to that portal. Can't he just fly out?"


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