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Taken by the Desert Sheikh

Page 2

by Mel Teshco

  "The marriage cannot be legal if you do not pay. The hilltribe people must be satisfied. The papers must be signed by her tribal head. The marriage will be recognized in Qutum and that is all that matters."

  And no doubt the Grand Vizier would get a cut for arranging the deal. He was, after all, one of the wealthiest citizens after the royal family. "I will pay and sign the papers with the stipulation if Lilly does not produce a royal heir within a year, I will insist on being reimbursed."

  His Grand Vizier stood and bowed. "I am sure you are more than capable of producing an heir, Your Highness, though as to whether Lilly Jones will be compliant I cannot be sure."

  "Once I have an heir, I will set her free." He hoped this Lilly Jones was obedient and not wild like her grandmother.

  He did not want to have to tie her to the bed, though his cock stirred at the thought.

  Chapter Two

  Lilly Jones walked into the reception area of Fowler, Clark and Fox Design to see the most arresting man she'd ever laid eyes upon. He unfolded himself from the chair and strode toward her, hand out to shake, as if he knew her.

  "Jamal Amin," he said in a cultivated English accent, "though all my friends call me James."

  "Lilly Jones." She took his hand and received the handshake of a man in control of his life. She'd googled her client hoping to learn something about him, but hadn't come up with the name in London. This meeting was important. If she won this pitch, her boss had ensured her of a promotion. Gosh she hoped he liked her.

  "Pleased to meet you, Lilly Jones." James made her name sound exotic, as if he were testing it on his tongue. He certainly didn't look English, though so many races lived in England the quintessential Englishman was becoming a rare breed. Not only was he over six feet, he had pitch-black hair, coal-colored eyes over a hooked nose and a sensuous mouth. He was sexy in a lethal, dark Rudolph Valentino way. Something about him made her imagination run away with her. Arab robes would have suited him but instead he greeted her wearing a beautifully tailored suit that looked as if it had come from Via Condotti in Rome. Although he appeared mannered there was something heathen lurking beneath the surface of his charm.

  "You've given me a very exciting brief, Mr. Amin."

  "James, please."

  "Er, James." It was hard to use his first name given the magnetism he exuded from every pore. From his bearing, he should have a title and she would have preferred to use that rather than his first name to keep her distance. It wasn't as if she was normally attracted to clients. "You have a house in Kensington and a run-down hill fort on the border of Nazaar in Qutum. Do you plan to live between the two places?" She showed him into her office and pulled out a chair for him at her work table.

  "My business interests take me from London to the Middle East on a regular basis. I've inherited the hill fort, though haven't used it."

  Lilly placed a blow-up of the plan he'd emailed her and sat on a chair next to him. "The fort looks pretty rustic."

  "The section I want you to do up is a ruin, though I've heard you like a challenge, Lilly Jones." He stared at her, his gaze provocative, raw and sexual and something deep inside her stirred in response.

  She quickly dropped her gaze back to the diagram. "This is in ancient Arabic, which I can't read. Would you mind pointing me out some features?"

  He leaned forward, his big shoulder grazing hers as he did so, pointing to the old fort. "This looks over the Valley of the Empress. There is very little left of the face of the fort. It will be my private home, so I'd like to hear more about your ideas."

  Time to pitch. Time to win this account. "I thought we could use as many of the original building blocks as possible to assemble gracious-sized rooms. I notice from the pictures you sent that there are plenty of wonderful columns and archways lying around."

  "The jigsaw puzzle doesn't bother you?" When he turned his full gaze on her, she was mesmerized, so much so, that she didn't want to look away.

  She reminded herself this was a client and she was not to react to him as a woman, so she clamped her legs closed and kept her expression benign. "I enjoy a difficult project. I've been doing some preliminary work on costs. It's a generous budget, so it would be possible to copy the heritage pieces and work in the old with the new. The result would be exciting. Beautiful but functional."

  "I like your ideas and seeing as you cost me a small fortune, it will be interesting to put them in to practice." He raised one perfectly curved black eyebrow as if inspecting her.

  "Unfortunately my charge out rate is up to my employers, but I can promise you satisfaction, Mr. Amin."

  "James," he corrected.

  "James," she repeated as if under his thrall. His musky scent teased her and while he'd said or done nothing wrong, he was having a devastating effect on her senses. She needed to focus on the work. "Could you explain what this is?" she asked, pointing to some squiggles on the plan.

  His expression hardened and his face grew grim. "They are caves that do not concern you."

  Oh hell, where did she go from here? Had she blown it? She needed this account and now he looked as if someone was dancing on his grave.

  James sat back and shifted his position so that his foot grazed her calf. "A colleague described you as a highly creative woman, a designer who has knowledge of ancient Arab architecture. Someone who gets the job done."

  Lilly swallowed, her throat dry. When he touched her, it sent shivers all over her body. "I won't back away from a difficult project if that's what you're worried about. I want to work on this. It means a lot to me."

  He smiled as if she'd shared a joke, though God knows what it was. He turned his large body so that he could face her. "What draws you to this?"

  "I find this project fascinating. I've spent hours studying the plans working out what could be done. I need to get your detailed input on what you want here. At the moment, this project has a beginning but I'm not sure what the end is but it's so exciting." Damn, her voice had gone husky. Don't react to him, Lilly. God she could feel her nipples pebbling under her shirt. She jumped to her feet, grabbed the water jug from the sideboard in her office and filled two glasses, placing one in front of him.

  "Not sure of the end," he repeated, nodding slowly.

  Oh God, that sounded so dumb. She'd lost it. She was certain of it.

  "I like the way you think, Lilly Jones. I don't see you running when things get tough. You are exactly what I want. I think we will be able to work together well."

  "I'm glad you think so." He said her full name like a caress, like a disturbing whisper of wind that could quickly wrap around her and become a cyclone. A rush of heat flooded her and she was certain her throat and cheeks were pink. She pulled her jacket together despite the temperature.

  "I thought you might like to take a look at my London house first. The fort is remote and will require flying in to Qutum. That project will take quite a commitment from you. You'll be with me night and day."

  She'd got it. She wanted to jump and down. Gosh, there was so much to do considering she would be with him night and day. An image of her crushed against him came to mind. Stop it Lilly. She was new to the firm and she couldn't afford to have a schoolgirl crush. "Don't worry about that. My boss cleared my schedule for this account. I'm to be all yours for as long as you need me."

  "Perfect. Because I will need you."

  She tugged at her crisp, cotton collar, aware of the heat. Gosh when he said that, it was like he wanted to take her to bed. Did he feel it too? "I only graduated one year ago, so I'm honored. I'm doing my Masters, focusing on saving ancient buildings this year. I love studying the past." Shut up. Lilly. Stop babbling.

  "I'm glad to hear you respect the past, many designers want to wipe it out and start again."

  "Oh no. I enjoy unraveling the mystery. From the moment I landed this job here, I've had all sorts of work on the island of Mahaba."

  His eyes glittered. "Did you enjoy Mahaba?"

  "It's breathtaki
ng. It's like it called to my soul. Sorry," she laughed. "Don't encourage me, I'm a terrible romantic. The reality is I'm glad I was with my male client, Mr. Khan. He's an important man there." She noticed that when James blinked, he did so slowly and his eyelids were heavy-lidded so he had the look of a bird of prey.

  "It is always wise to have the blessing of the Sheikh or travel with a powerful male when in a foreign Arab region. I assure you, that when it comes to travelling with me you will have the Sheikh's protection. My connections go deep into the past."

  Perhaps that was why he seemed so confusingly foreign, deeply Arab, yet had an Englishman's sensibilities. "So many people lose their heritage when they live in England. I have a zany granny who is from the Middle East but she refuses to talk about her past. Unfortunately she had a stroke so she's losing her memory and is almost blind. It means I'll never learn anything about her childhood."

  "I would never have guessed you had any Middle Eastern heritage," he said pleasantly, though his gaze moved slowly over her face, intimately exploring every feature, then pausing a moment too long on her breasts.

  Lilly picked up the brief, studied it, sensing her attraction for him was not one way. Damn it. She had to do this right. Don't flirt, Lilly. A gorgeous man like this would be sure to be taken. "Fancy this magnificent fort staying in your family. The plans and photos show it still has structural integrity. Put in quality bathrooms and decorate it with furniture made by the local artisans, it will be 'Fit for a modern-day princess.' "

  "Exactly." James beamed at her. "You have learned my brief off by heart."

  "So will I be meeting your 'modern day princess' to get an idea of her taste?"

  He put his hand to his mouth to smother a cough, but she couldn't help but think he was finding this meeting amusing. "My princess is not aware that the fort is a wedding gift."

  So he was taken. Of course he was. Not that she would ever have let him know she found him appealing. Lucky woman. When he smiled, it was like being blessed by the sun after a freezing winter. He had such a sensuous mouth and perfect white teeth. She couldn't help but smile back. He wasn't handsome in a traditional English way, but he was so tall, strong and well groomed, he could have stepped out of an Arabian nights fashion theme if he were dressed in robes. It was nice dealing with a cultured man. "It's lovely to think you're doing over your properties for a loved one. So romantic."

  "Romantic." He paused as if to consider the word. "Yes, I suppose so. I hadn't thought of it like that. More as a necessity but I'm glad you think it's a romantic gesture."

  "Well I'm sure your fiancée will think so."

  His dark eyes glinted. "My fiancée’s approval is important to me. I've seen examples of your work and I'm impressed. Do the work as you see fit but you will take direction from me."

  Lust sizzled through her. Calm down, Lilly. "Okay then. I'll put my heart and soul into it." She looked at her watch. "We have time to inspect your Kensington property. It's within walking distance of the office. Perhaps you can tell me what you like. I don't mean to be intrusive but the brief didn't say anything about if you plan to have a family. Those sorts of things are important if I'm going to be updating your place."

  James stood. "A nursery will be essential both in the house and fort. I will marry soon and I plan to have children. A boy first, which I expect to conceive in my hill fort."

  Lilly burst into laughter. Talk about too much information. She hadn't expected such a formal-looking man to have a sense of humor. "I'm going to enjoy working with you. You're funny."

  "And I, you, Lilly Jones."

  She grabbed her handbag from the rack behind her desk. "Does your 'princess' know she's 'expected' to have a son first? What if you have a daughter?"

  "I will look after my princess so well, she'll be happy to try again for a son."

  "Let's go." Lilly walked through the doorway, conscious of his delicious spicy cologne as she passed him. "Fancy having a beautiful house in London and a hill fort in an exotic country, and a man who wants children."

  "Do you want children too, Lilly?"

  "I'd love a baby but the men I meet don't seem remotely interested in having a serious relationship."

  "Perhaps you meet the wrong men."

  "I'm sure I do," she chuckled. "I'm a Tomboy and hang out with too many sporty types on my weekends."

  "Perhaps your luck will change, Lilly Jones." James accompanied her through the office to the elevator and he pressed the button.

  Lilly sighed. "I doubt it. I'll never be able to afford to buy anywhere I'd like to live. I'm still at home with my grandmother."

  "With all the hours you will be working on this brief, you will earn a bonus that will get you into a house earlier than you plan."

  Lilly rolled her eyes, unable to imagine a bonus that big from her boss. Besides only partners got bonuses. "That would be a pleasant surprise."

  He looked down at her from under those secretive hooded eyes, his smile enigmatic. "Yes, it would."

  Chapter Three

  Sheikh Jamal El-Amin inserted his front door key into his free-standing house opposite the grounds of Kensington Palace. It wasn't a large house, not by his palace standards but with ten bedrooms, two lounge rooms, a games area and indoor swimming pool, it had been big enough to house him, his visiting brothers and friends when he'd studied at university. He hadn't been at the house for two years but he'd ordered his servants who lived in the apartment at the back of the house to air it, have some food in and not to intrude.

  It suited him to pose as a mega-wealthy English businessman with an Eastern background. He'd had an English nanny from birth, plus all his education in England and his accent was faultless. Besides, if the beautiful Lilly Jones thought he was English, she'd never suspect his real identity.

  He stepped aside to let Lilly pass, admiring the curve of her bottom as he did. It would be a pleasure to get children on her, though he doubted that such an active young woman would appreciate being caged up in his fort while the child grew in her. "On the first level there are the main reception rooms, lounge and dining areas."

  She turned to him, looking confused after inspecting the kitchen, the butler kitchen, the family room and the more formal areas. In one hand she held her phone and she was busy taking photographs, occasionally putting it in her handbag to take notes. "I thought this would be a bigger job. Is it all in such pristine condition? It looks like a professional has already done this some time ago. What would you like changed?"

  "My father had a designer in ten years ago when he bought the house. He passed away recently and left it to me. His taste was more ornate and he loved wallpaper, which I don't like. I want to be able to kick back, so a plainer color scheme and different lounges would suit me better. The antiques are acceptable but get rid of anything ostentatious."

  A small smile creased her lips.

  "What is it?"

  "People think this whole area is ostentatious. Not that I think that. I live in my late grandfather's house in North Kensington."

  "A lovely area and so close to this job. Come upstairs so you can see the main bedroom."

  She did as he asked, inspecting the large bedroom complete with parents' retreat, deluxe bathroom and balcony that faced towards Kensington Palace.

  As she worked he wondered what it would be like to take her on his bed as his wife. He'd already paid for her so technically she was his and he was glad she had a lively personality and a body he'd be happy to sink himself in to. Guilt made his stomach clench. His actions would be no better than putting a rare and precious butterfly under a glass jar and watching it flitter, helpless in its captivity. But he wanted her. Lilly was petite, no more than five foot two, her frame slender like the well-bred women on his mother's side. He was a big man and he preferred a more buxom woman, one who would not break under him, but Lilly Jones was athletic and not as fragile as she appeared. If she were, he would need to become tender, especially after he imprisoned her. He'd not allowed s
uch feelings for four years. Why had this girl reopened them?

  But he'd cut his own heart out before he became too attached to Lilly Jones.

  She reached out, stroking a padded chair with her long, artistic fingers. "This room's a little masculine with all this brown furniture, but a simple change of color scheme and fabric would fix that. Personally, I like the subtlety of the cream wall color. The paintwork is still in good condition. If you want your fiancée to love it, I could introduce some softer shades in the furnishings."

  "Yes, start with that. Perhaps there will not be as much work on my London house as I thought and we can inspect the fort earlier." Perversely the thought of owning such an English rose, one who could not get away, would be a balm on a wound. He was looking forward to visiting his hill fort where he would claim her.

  She walked up close to inspect the photographs he'd taken in the ancient Qutum mountains. "I'd love that. I can't wait to see the fort. These black and white photographs are magnificent. Is that the fort in the distance there?"


  "It looks different in black and white. Bigger." She frowned as she glanced around. "You must be a very neat person, James. There's not one mark on these walls. This bedroom barely looks lived in. When was it last painted?"

  "I had all the wallpaper on this level stripped off and painted four years ago. I remember because I'd just finished my Masters Degree in Finance." He'd remembered because he thrown a raucous party with his university friends and his brothers, celebrating his graduation before he returned to Qutum to do his grueling army training. He remembered because if he hadn't been a prince, Araminta had told him she would have married him.

  It had broken his heart.


  When Lilly finished taking her photographs and making notes, Jamal thought of a way to keep her at his place so he could get to know her in a more relaxed way. He'd had his servants prepare some salad and leave enough steak for two. "I've forgotten my manners. I didn't offer you a drink."


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