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Chase: (Contemporary Western Romance) (New Horizon Ranch Mule Hollow Book 3)

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by Debra Clopton

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dear Readers

  New Horizon Ranch: Mule Hollow Series

  More Books by Debra Clopton

  About the Author



  New Horizon Ranch: Mule Hollow Book 3

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  Being a bridesmaid at her best friend’s wedding in the sleepy town of Mule Hollow Texas is the perfect place for Amber Rivers to lay low to avoid a stalker hot on her heels back in Houston. She loves her job and her city life and isn’t looking to stay long in the country-but she’s blindsided by her attraction to the self-assured rancher, Chase Hartley…

  Chase agrees to watch over socialite Amber while his partner heads off on his honeymoon but despite the high voltage sparks lighting up between them he has no intention of getting any closer to Amber than necessary to keep her safe. But he soon realizes there’s a whole lot more to Amber than he first assumed and keeping his distance is becoming harder with every passing moment they’re together.

  An outside threat plus a little friendly tampering from the meddling Matchmakin’ Posse of Mule Hollow puts this couple on high alert as they try not to fall in love.

  Chapter One

  The cowboy had her attention the moment he rode the golden horse over the hill. The horse galloped at full speed, cutting across the pasture, with the man riding low in the saddle. Man and horse almost one as they charged down the slope then angled along the fence.

  Amber Rivers almost ran off the road watching them.

  Graceful, masculine...breathtaking.

  She had her top down on her convertible and for a moment her car was almost neck and neck with the horse and cowboy. She couldn’t help herself when the cowboy looked over his shoulder at her, she laughed...and pressed the accelerator.

  The cowboy grinned and urged his horse faster to keep up. She laughed again feeling invigorated by the exchange. The wind stinging her cheeks made it almost feel as if she were riding a horse beside the cowboy. She slowed almost without realizing it so they continued to run parallel to each other for a few yards. The New Horizon Ranch entrance loomed suddenly down the road. She slowed the car then pulled into the drive. The cowboy had slowed his horse to a trot and she pulled the car to a halt in the lane. She watched him ride toward her.

  He wore tan chaps with a deep cranberry colored shirt and a pale straw cowboy hat pulled low over his eyes. What a picture he made with the sun beaming bright and seeming to cast a spotlight on the golden horse and its rider.

  Amber got out of the car and walked around to the fence as he rode up on the other side. “Hey there,” she said. “That horse had some race in him.”

  Sitting straight in the saddle the rugged cowboy’s lips hitched into a proud smile and Amber’s stomach dipped.

  “Oh yeah, Nugget can hold his own alright. I think you must have a little NASCAR in you.”

  She laughed and cautiously reached out to pet the horse’s forehead. “That’s me, a Richard Petty wanna be.”

  That won her a chuckle and an appreciative sweep of his gaze. “I bet you’d hold your own out there. Are you Amber? Sadie’s friend?”

  She met his steel gray eyes and for a minute she forgot everything, even that she was here to be maid of honor in her best friend’s wedding. “I am,” she said, after a second. “And you are?”

  “Chase Hartley, I’m one of the partners who own the ranch. Sadie’s up at the house. I won’t keep you since I know she’s anxious to see you.”

  “Thank you. That horse is a beauty. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a horse that looks so handsome. I love that golden color.”

  As if the horse knew he was being talked about he pranced to one side and nodded his head, straining on the bit in its mouth. Chase chuckled. “You’ll give him a big head. He gets told he’s beautiful all the time, but handsome is good for his ego”

  “Then I’m glad I could help his ego.” You’re not bad yourself she almost said but reined in her tongue before the words came out. “Is the ranch far?” she asked, deciding it was time to turn this conversation back where it was supposed to be. She wasn’t here to flirt or think about flirting.

  “It’s not far and as I said Sadie’s at the house waiting on you.” He tipped his hat. “I believe I better get back to work. It was nice meeting you, Amber.”

  “You too. I’ll see you later.”

  “No doubt about that.” He smiled again, then with a nudge of his knee the beautiful horse loped away.

  Amber watched them go…but it wasn’t the horse she was watching.

  Not that she was interested in anything that had to do with a cowboy or small towns but wow.

  Just wow. “That was some cowboy,” she muttered and climbed into the car and drove down the long drive outlined with pipe fence and oak trees.

  The house was a towering two story, white sandstone with massive windows and a large terrace starting at the side doors and wrapping around to the rear of the house. The site of the house and that she would soon see Sadie sent relief coursing through Amber.

  The yard was shaded by huge oak trees that would offer a reprieve in the summer months from the relentless Texas sun. To Amber the main house of the New Horizon Ranch was a welcomed site. And for a few weeks it would be her reprieve. Her hideaway.

  She parked her small sports car in the parking area and slid out of the car and closed the door. She stretched, having driven for nearly four hours with only a few breaks. Sadie’s sudden wedding had come at the perfect time for Amber. She’d needed to get away for a little while. Her job at the abuse hotline center exposed her to a lot of stressful situations and sometimes, like now, despite every effort for anonymity she was placed in the direct path of trouble.

  She was ready to see and hug her best friend as much for herself as for joy at Sadie’s newfound happiness. But this was Sadie’s time. Her happy celebration and Amber would push her own problems to the back burner. She was concentrating on Sadie for the next few days.

  And not the mess she’d gotten herself into back home in the Houston suburbs.

  She leaned into the car and grabbed her purse and her phone and as she started up the flagstone walkway she slung the purse over her shoulder and dropped her phone into the outer pocket. She was almost to the patio when one of the French doors flew open and Sadie rushed outside. “You’re here!” the leggy, red headed beauty exclaimed rushing from the house and engulfing Amber in a tight hug that involved rocking from side to side and having the breath squeezed right out of her. Laughing, Amber hugged Sadie just as exuberantly. She had needed this hug more than Sadie would ever know. “It’s so good to see you,” she said, and me
ant it.

  “You too, my friend.” Sadie pulled back but kept her arm around Amber’s shoulder. “Come inside. I’ve got nice cold tea and some cookies—although, I have to admit that though I’m getting better in the kitchen I’m no Betty Crocker. Not even close.”

  The very idea of her buddy even being near the kitchen made Amber laugh again. “I still can’t believe you hired on here as the cook. And that you like it.”

  Sadie’s face dipped into a comical expression of confusion. “Go figure. Surprised me too. But believe me I have a long way to go. Thank goodness for the Food Network!”

  She dropped her arm and led the way into the kitchen. Amber followed her into the gorgeous room. Amber and Sadie had both seen their fair share of expensive kitchens, so she understood that the previous owner had spared no expense in this room. It was decked out with amazing granite countertops, stunning walnut cabinetry with intricate details and the tiled floors were pure beauty.


  “I know, have you ever seen such beautiful woodwork on cabinets? CC who owned the ranch had expensive taste.”

  “A yeah ya think!” Amber teased. “Kind of reminds me of your mother.”

  “You’ve got that right. I’m building something more casual than this showplace and it’s going to be wonderful but not this amazing. Rafe and I want our place to be comfortable and welcoming and very family friendly. I have no plans to make it extravagant. I can’t wait for you to see it.”

  Amber dropped her purse onto a barstool then leaned against the counter and watched her friend quickly fill two glasses with ice and tea. “You look so happy, Sadie. I mean I knew you sounded happy over the phone but you just beam.”

  Sadie blushed. “I never thought I could be this happy.” She passed a cold glass to Amber then led the way to the table. They settled into the chairs and Sadie sighed.

  “Sometimes the worst day of your life can turn into the best day of your life. And that’s what happened to me the day I met Rafe.”

  Sadie had been a week away from her wedding and found her weasel of a fiancé with another woman. Just thinking about it spiked Amber’s blood pressure. Sadie had gotten in her car and driven away and then she’d kept on driving. She’d run away and hadn’t stopped until she’d broken down here on the outskirts of Mule Hollow, four hours away from home. Rafe had stopped to help her.

  “I agree. The day you met Rafe and stopped thinking about that good for nothing weasel ex-fiancé,” she halted, having to bite back a foul mood. Just thinking about Sadie finding her ex with another woman sent Amber’s temper boiling again. “Okay, I’m going to take a deep breath now and think the good thoughts—”

  “Which are me ending up here and meeting Rafe that same day. God took something terrible and made it for good. He’s like that you know.”

  “Oh yes, so true.”

  They both laughed though they were completely serious in everything they’d said. Amber had never liked the first fiancée and had kept her opinion to herself because she loved Sadie. But Andrew’s fooling around hadn’t surprised her in the least.

  She squeezed Sadie’s hand. “I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to meet this hunk of burnin’ love that swept you off your bunny feet.” She smiled at that—Sadie had gone through all of that wearing her big hairy white bunny suit…the one she wore to the cancer center to cheer up sick children. There was no telling what Rafe thought when he’d spied her on the side of the road. Amber would have loved to have been a fly on the window to have seen that.

  “Oh, you’ll meet him soon. He wants to meet you too. He’s in town picking up supplies but will be back to put dinner on the grill. He and all his partners are doing dinner. You’re going to love him. You’re going to love all of them. They’re a great group.”

  “I already do love him. He loves you and that makes me love him.” It was true. Sadie deserved so much love and she looked so very happy. It did her heart good seeing the joy on Sadie’s face. Thoughts of Chase Hartley flashed like a neon sign in her mind. “Oh, I’ve already met one of the partners.”

  “You did—who?”

  “Chase Hartley. He was riding a gorgeous horse up by the road when I reached the entrance. He and the horse kind of raced my car.” She laughed. “And the horse was so amazing I had to stop and look at it.”

  Sadie eyes lit with mischief. “So, only the horse was gorgeous?”

  The handsome, steel blue-eyed cowboy with the dark brown hair filled her mind. “Oh, I cannot tell a lie—the cowboy could turn heads too.”

  Sadie grunted. “Un-huh got that right. He’s a great guy too. I really wanted you to meet him. I’ve been thinking you two might hit it off.”

  Amber stared at her friend. “Oh no you don’t. You know I don’t like the logistics of small towns. They’re away from everything. Not to mention, I have my job.” Or at least she thought she still had her job. Being forced to take a leave of absence had her on edge. Lately, she was becoming more and more frustrated by certain things. That included having one of the abused victim's violent boyfriend discovering her identity and that she’d talked his girlfriend to go into hiding…nope, no ma’am you aren’t going there. Focusing on Sadie—remember?

  Not her troubles back in Houston. Right.

  She shot Sadie a gentle warning. “When I want one, I can find my own boyfriend. I do not need you trying to match me up with your friends.”

  “But that’s just it—you don’t date. You’re too young to just spend all your time talking to hysterical, fearful, and hurting victims. And when you’re not doing that you’re teaching women how to hurt men who want to hurt them. There is no normal in your life. You need to get around some good men…because believe it or not they are out there,” Sadie pleaded, then her expression turned impish. “Several are right here on this ranch.”

  Amber took a deep breath. “Okay, girlfriend. I love you dearly and I am overjoyed that you’ve found your man, but I’m not ready to settle down. Especially in a small town. Besides this is supposed to be all about you right now, not me. This is your wedding we’re about to have on Saturday. That’s only two days away and I’m focused on that and nothing else. And I might add, so should you be.”

  A sweet, dreamy look came into Sadie’s eyes. “Oh I am focused. I just want you to be as happy as I am. And if you’d just give Mule Hollow a chance it’s a wonderful small town. And since you’re going to be here for a month…it could happen.”

  “I’ll be coming here to visit because you’re my buddy, but I can promise you I’m not falling for a small town. And I will never, ever fall for a cowboy—so give it up girlfriend.”


  “Sadie.” Amber laughed and after the day—the week—she’d had it felt good. Sadie had no idea that a man for herself was the last thing on Amber’s mind right now. A vivid image of Chase galloping across the pasture filled her mind in that instant. Okay, so there had been that moment but that was all it was…a moment.

  “Fine. For now,” Sadie huffed. “But one day I’m going to succeed in helping some wonderful man find you and make all your dreams come true.”

  “You’re impossible,” Amber retorted but let the notion sink in…was there such a man out there for her? Had she given up on finding—or even believing a man like that existed? Especially for her.

  “So, since you’re not staying here for a month to see if you’d like to live here, now can you tell me why you’re suddenly taking a leave of absence from your job to hang out with me on the ranch for four weeks? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled you’re here but what’s going on?”

  The matchmaking attempt Amber hadn’t been expecting. But, she’d been waiting for this but hoping she wouldn’t ask. “Just…having a bit of trouble with a case I’m involved in. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  “A case?” Sadie asked. “As in an abuse case?” She stiffened in alarm. “Amber, is someone bothering you?”

  Amber pushed her shoulders back and ignored
the trickle of fear trying to wedge its way into her mind. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been in bad situations before and that was exactly what she imagined Sadie was thinking about right now.

  “Let’s just say I have someone else’s angry boyfriend on my hands. He found out where I was and followed me to the grocery store two days ago.” She didn’t tell her that he’d been following her around or that he’d written threats and placed them in her mailbox.

  “You’re being stalked?”

  “No. Now Sadie, don’t make more out of this than there is. I’m here to just make sure I’m safe so please let’s not worry about this right now. This weekend is about you. I’m here, I’m safe and by the time I go home this will have calmed down.” She really hoped Sadie would stop looking at her like that. She’d always worried about Amber working at the center so this wasn’t helping calm that fear. “The guy has no idea I’m here or how to find out where I am. So there’s one good thing about this tiny hole-in-the-road town you love.” She smiled at her friend she loved so much.

  “So, he’s trying to find you and that’s why you’re here for a month—you’re hiding out? Oh, Amber, I know you and you’re not telling me everything. There’s more isn’t there?”

  Amber sighed, realizing the best thing was to get it out there and then move on so Sadie would concentrate on her wedding. “Okay, he broke into my apartment and the police advised me that getting out of town for a while would be advisable. The hotline center insisted I take a leave of absence just to be safe. Your wedding came at a perfect time. Now, they have it under control and will call me the moment they learn anything else. Please stop worrying about me. You know I can take care of myself.”

  Sadie didn’t look entirely convinced but after a second she smiled back. “Okay, so the good thing is you’re here for a month and who knows, you might just decide Mule Hollow’s exactly where you need to be.”

  Amber just shook her head. Sometimes the best thing to do was to say nothing. Because though Sadie obviously had other hopes for her, Amber knew that falling for a small town or a cowboy…just wasn’t happening. Besides, she’d never been one to hide from trouble and it felt counter to everything for her to be hiding out.


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