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Diary And Letters Of A World War I Fighter Pilot, The

Page 23

by Christopher Burgess

Lost 7/- at bridge!!

  DIARY Saturday 27th July

  Down to shed in morning: saw Lee. No flying at all for me! Washed out at 12 and then up to town after lunch with Campbell. Rainy day. To see Hun busses at Islington. Dinner at Frascatis before that sat in R.P.H. Home by 9.30 after long discussion on higher ethics with C! Mo: biked home in dark.

  Brown killed and Taylor burnt in collision. This is some Squadron!!

  DIARY Sunday 28th July

  Up dual with Lee in morning. Fairly fine all day. Washed out in afternoon – down to Dartford on bike Ch: with Baker biked home. Took a Camel up after dinner and flat spun trying to loop it! In a trance! Bed fairly early.

  DIARY Monday 29th July

  Up at 7.30, v thick, took up Camel didn’t feel very happy! Loafed round after brekker. Took up Campbell in Avro before lunch and then washed out. To see Barbara at Northfleet. To Cinema with B. & Phyllis not so bad. Home for dinner, played billiards with McGuire after dinner.

  DIARY Tuesday 30th July

  Did nothing in particular all day. Flipped twice & stuffy day. Dance in evening. Jolly good show. 9 – 2.30. Danced a lot and quite well on the whole. Flew to Dover at lunch and brought back awful Camel. Saw Cummings [2nd Lieutenant J.C. Burnay-Cummings?].

  DIARY Wednesday 31st July

  Took up man in morning. Washed out after lunch. To Fete at Gravesend. Saw Barbara and went to Cinema and then meal at Kings Head! Up town after. Slept at Charing Cross Hotel – v tired.

  DIARY Thursday 1st August

  To Board at 9 a.m. Finis at 11.30. Lunch at Elysée with Shone and then down home in afternoon. Dorothie there and May and Eily. Played croquet. Bed at 11.

  Got to leave at 7.40 tomorrow.

  DIARY Friday 2nd August

  Arrived at 11 a.m. Pretty late! took up Sgt Drew. Williams drowned in Camel in Creek. Went to forced landing.

  One or two flips in day. Rain in afternoon. Yank nurses in to mess!! Bed at 11.

  DIARY Saturday 3rd August

  Rain till 10.30. Then flew hard all day and afternoon. Showery. Took up Camel and dual Camel and instructed on Avros. To Australian hospital for small dance at night. V v.dull. v.rude girls those M.T. drivers are!

  Bed at 12.30. 3 hrs flying in day. v tired.

  DIARY Sunday 4th August

  Flew in morning. Gin and Bunty came down at 4pm not having had my wire. Tea at Sqn. Did a few stunts in Camel for them. Then they left and I instructed rest of time. Not to Kirk. No time.

  DIARY Monday 5th August

  Early flying. Dud after 7. Rain at intervals in day. Instructed a bit till 12.30. To tennis at Keyes with McGuire – what tennis and then played frantic games. Raining hard. Bridge in evening. Lost 1/- played with Fenton – shan’t again.

  DIARY Tuesday 6th August

  Fairly fine all day with Showers. Down to Biggin Hill with Sgt Drew in morning. Saw Brian and Jack for lunch. Instructed in evening and got Moxom off on Camel avec beaucoup difficulté!! Did about 3 hrs. Read after Mess. Bed at 10.30.

  DIARY Wednesday 7th August

  Showery all day. Instructed in morning. Flew down to Brooklands with Nick in afternoon saw “Snipe” “Salamander” “Snail” and “Scooter”. Then came back for tea. Got off Sgt Drew Solo. Crashed undercarriage landing! His is the edge!

  DIARY Thursday 8th August

  Early flying. Got off Drew again. Instructed till 12 and then I flew Sleigh to Chingford, landed caught 1.20 train at Ponder’s Enf and to home, Sleigh flew back. Saw May. Tea and Supper at house. Caught 8.37 up. Great way of getting home. Down by 10.30, v tired. British push on the Somme v.good show.

  DIARY Friday 9th August

  Instructed in morning. Not much to do. Fine day. Washed out at 6 and went to town with Withers. Dinner at Frascatis – v good dinner and then to see half of “The Lilac Domino” – quite good. Down by 10.55. V.full train. Capture of Warfusée and Caix, and Severin. Dash good show.

  DIARY Saturday 10th August

  Davis landed into Leaton. Instructed in Morse. Sgt Drew crashed at some spot miles off. Down to Isle of Grain with Nick. Ragged ‘em like sin! Saw “Guiffon” then to tea with Taylor – in real Croydon form. Back at 5. Got King off solo and did dual Camel with Grant. Got Morley off solo but he crashed taxiing! Ye Gods! Ives and May – both spinning hard – played billiards after dinner.

  DIARY Sunday 11th August

  To Kirk at 9. Flew in morning. To Wye in evening. Came over at 15000 and back at 1,000 in the dark. Heavily [?] on landing. Saw Diamond the Major at Wye. A very good chap.

  DIARY Monday 12th August

  Dud till 7. Early flying then. Withers down in afternoon. Flew till 12.30. Up to town and met Withers at 7.30. Saw Tenant in R. & H. To dinner and “Tails Up” with Withers and Shone. Slept at Withers flat great rag! Down by 7.30 in morning.

  DIARY Tuesday 13th August

  Flying a good deal all day. Did nothing in afternoon. Moxom landed at Tilbury. Tuck and I sought him at 9.15 but failed. Bed late

  DIARY Wednesday 14th August

  My “buffday”

  I attain the great age of 19! Flew in morning and Moxom then Nick and I landed at Halls Park and got out and pushed off home. Gally there. Came back at 8.57 and down here by 10.50. Rotten indigestion all day. King crashed after finding Moxom.

  DIARY Thursday 15th August

  Early flying at 7.15. Flew in morning. Wash out at 12.30. Up to town – saw Joy. Tea and Cinema. Trés bon! Dinner at Frascatis, indigestion bad. Down by 7.30. Dance in evening till 2 am – Miss Mansell good fun. Ives and Nick spinning hard!

  DIARY Friday 16th August

  Flew hard all day. Did 3½ hrs – 1hr 40 landings with Morley no bon! day. Bathed in afternoon – v.nice. Played bridge in evening and won 1/-. Awful indigestion at night. Slept rottenly.

  DIARY Saturday 17th August

  Faber came, took away “Snipe”. Flew all day. Lee washed out and I carried on. Indigestion better. Did nothing much.

  DIARY Sunday 18th August

  No Church in morning. Flew all day. Pretty hot day. Nothing in partic. happened.

  DIARY Monday 19th August

  Early flying. Did 1 hr 40. Washed out at 12.30. Met Dad at Station and lunched at Club. Man had a fit in middle! awful! There got cig. holder. To Cinema in afternoon, Dad left by the 6. I to meet Shone but he didn’t drop up. Met Major Hague, a lad and he stood me dinner and a show – B.B’s. Don’t like him much. Down with Nick and some Yank nurses by 10.55.

  DIARY Tuesday 20th August

  Flew in morning and afternoon. Did two hours. Started at 3.45 and washed out at 6.30. To dance at American Hospital in evening. Very great rag indeed. Big Ball and “bookoo bon” memories!! Met Miss Cavo an’ ah! Stopped at 10.30. Great show.

  DIARY Wednesday 21st August

  Pretty hot day. Did a good deal of aviation. Harvey quite good. Very few foul ups most of mine sick. Read in afternoon. Dropped note to Miss Cavo. at American. Then to forced landing with Nick in morning. Nick to dinner at Dettering with Tubbs. Flew back in moonlight at 9.15. Lovely up. Got into searchlights and field lights. Nick and I did night landings. Trés posch!

  DIARY Thursday 22nd August

  Early flying at 6 a.m. did 1 hour 5 mins with Harvey, day. Went around in shorts and shirt. Did no flying in afternoon. Met Miss Cavo. at the Station at 5.5. Up town. Dinner at Frascatis – iced Anjou! Then to see the “Bing Boys” on Broadway. Trés bien! Down by 10.55. Estelle is a great girl, v.good fun. Spanish to boot!! [?]!!

  DIARY Friday 23rd August

  Flying in morning did 1 3/4 hrs dual. Down to Croydon in Pup in afternoon. Tea with Nickie Rowsell in Y.M.C.A. Quite a different place now. Flew till dark on return.

  DIARY Saturday 24th August

  Inoculated in morning. Flew in afternoon. Sgt Drew forced landed at Cobham. I flew Lee over river and landed in field. To Bexley to see House, no bon at all. Back, played Bridge, lost 2/- to Douglas. Good game but bad hands.

RY Sunday 25th August

  Collected Lee in morning then went to Cobham with him after Drew, v bumpy and no good fields around at all. To concert at America in afternoon, not too bad at all.

  Miss Cavo and two others came round here to tea after. Good fun. Did 15 mins flying and then rained. Talked to nurses in ‘accif’ till 8. Read in evening.

  DIARY Monday 26th August

  Flew early and did 2 hrs 5 before brekker. Flew after and arranged about new flight. Washout at 12.30. Bridge in afternoon lost 5/- to Mac! Up town with Duggie at 5-6. Met Thews, Drummond, Peacock and Withers at Carlyle Club. Dinner at Savoy, v.good, sat and listened to band after. Great time. Then to dance at hall, v.poor £1’s worth. Jenkins is a prisoner, thank God. 65 has done v.well. Slept at Charing Cross Hotel.

  DIARY Tuesday 27th August

  Flew in morning but didn’t do much. Low clouds and rain at intervals. Got office fixed up. Two Camels only left!

  DIARY Wednesday 28th August

  Flew all day. Nothing much doing. Leading formation of Camels – wind up ‘orrid’. Recapture of Bapaume, splendid. Eric Coates has been killed – found shot in head 3 months after.

  DIARY Thursday 29th August

  Early flying. Washed out at 12.30. Up town and met Quinn at 3.20, 40 mins late – rotter – confound Potter. Tea at Callards, then to Cinema. Saw Quinn off by tube. Down by 6.20. Enormous dance in evening! All America here, Estella Cavo trés bon! Danced almost every dance till 1. The girls left. We danced together till 3 and so to bed. Damn good show. Winchester killed at Eastbourne – rolled his wings off, R.I.P.

  DIARY Friday 30th August

  Flew in morning at 12. Pretty dead after yesterday but feel v Instructed in evening. Played auction, won 6 /- off Adams. Billiards after dinner. Bailleul captured by U.S. Topping, Hooray!!!

  DIARY Saturday 31st August

  Flew in morning a bit – nothing much! Rang up Miss Cavo and arranged show. Flew in afternoon till 4.30. Then washed out and took Potter’s car to Station with the White Rabbit. Awful lip from Potter. Met Miss Cavo at Station up town with Quinn and Newell. Met Jack at R.P.H. To dinner at Frascatis. To see “Naughty Wife” – jolly good show. Down by 10.55. Raining. Top hole evening. Got on trés bon! On outskirts of Peronne.

  DIARY Sunday 1st September

  Duggie with v.bad throat. Up for flying in morning, v.high wind all day. Flew down to Dettering with King in morning. Had the odd spot with Northwood and Tubbs. Jack for lunch. Flew in afternoon. Morley forced landed but I couldn’t get it off owing to wind. New Camel arrived. I did in a King Post taxiing out Camel. Flying washed out at 6. Duggie to hospl: my room shut up cold day – very. Kemmel retaken by us.

  DIARY Monday 2nd September

  Flew a bit in morning, then took up Jack for a flip and looped him twice. He took it very well, liked it. Lunch at Charing Cross, down home by 3.30. Arrived at 5. Girl in for tea, not too bad at all.

  Read and played croquet in evening.

  DIARY Tuesday 3rd September

  Up by the 9.45 down here by 11.45. Flew in afternoon and had formation. Down to Riley’s crash at Ditchling, handed on Camel and saw him in hospital. Then flew off to Shoreham to get filled up but got dark and so I spent night at Shoreham. Passed away shortly! V.good fellows there.

  DIARY Wednesday 4th September

  Left Shoreham at 9.30. Flew 110 Le Rhone in morning and did a little formation. Washed out at 12. Up town by 2.30 sat in R.P.H. till 5. Saw Varley discharged from Army with paralysed arm. Tea at Callards and then down to Putney. Music song after dinner, slept in Jacks room.

  DIARY Thursday 5th September

  Raining early and cloudy all day. Played piano at Putney in morning. Down by 11.45. Flew in afternoon, led formation to Maidstone and back. Lots of Camels now. Thunderstorm washed out at 6.30 for night. Lost 6/- to Adams at Auction.

  Cold in evening and rough throat.

  DIARY Friday 6th September

  Flying in morning. Rain and low clouds in afternoon, was going to fly home but too dud. Wired Joy. Up town by 6.44. Joy didn’t drop up. Caught 8.30 down home. Slept at home. Cold coming.

  DIARY Saturday 7th September

  Brekker in bed. Left by 9.49. Down here for lunch. Pretty dud in afternoon. Flew a bit. Played auction and went down 5/6 – to Adams! Rotter!

  DIARY Sunday 8th September

  Dud for early flying, to Kirk in morning. Bad cold. Flew once - formation.

  Down home by 3-5 train, sat in house all day, cold awful! Trebene, hot bath, aspirin, and hot Whiskey. That fixed it all right!

  DIARY Monday 9th September

  Brekker in bed. Cold better, caught 9.49 up. Down by 11.45. Howling wind. Only flew once. To American hospl, for concert but got there too late. Small dance instead, great fun. Learnt a lot from Miss Lewbell. Raining hard.

  DIARY Tuesday 10th September

  High wind. No early flying. Up once in [?] to Biggin Hill, nearly “crashed” landing. Up town by the 1.44 with Nick. Went to Cox’s £49.16.9. To exhibition of Huns. Tea at Troc. Dinner at Putney. Jack’s last night at home. Katie and Charley there and Orrs. Pretty cheery evening, talked to John till 1.30.

  DIARY Wednesday 11th September

  Saw Jack off at Waterloo. God speed him and send him all the luck in the world. My v best pal and the best lad in the world.

  Heres to our next meeting. Uncle and Auntie awfully brave. Down by 11.47. Did 1½ hrs flying formation. Down to Detling and climb to 11,000. Pretty high wind. Tried loop roles with poor success! Read in evening.

  DIARY Thursday 12th September

  Did 2½ hrs flying in morning. Did formation to Chingford and Shod. Then fought Suttons farmer. Then he formated with me and scared me stiff! Came home did v.good loop rolls.

  Met Joy at R.P.H. in afternoon. Tea at Troc: and then to Cinema – saw Raffles Dance at Sqn: in evening. Good fun. Learnt a lot of dancing. American attack at St Michael – dash poor.

  DIARY Friday 13th September

  Brekker in bed! Went on leave in morning, met Gin and Mum. Lunch at Troc: £4.4/-! Then to see “Soldier Boy” – jolly good show. Down by 6 train. Dad with a frantic cold! My legacy. Little Eaton is a prisoner. Thank God hooray! Americans doing splendidly.

  DIARY Saturday 14th September

  Raining hard nearly all day. Down town with Mum in morning and then sat and read and smoked in front of fire. Dad in bed nearly all day. Up in evening. Played piano in evening.

  DIARY Sunday 15th September

  Fine day. To Kirk in morning. Stayed to HC. Vicar v.poor. Saw Milford after. Dad up after brekker, better. Bowls with Dad after tea. Phoned for extension of leave and got it granted till Tuesday. Bon. Stayed at home with Dad in evening, not to Kirk with Dad and Mum. Long talk with Mum in afternoon, bless her.

  DIARY Monday 16th September

  Fine warm day. Down town with Gin in morning. Then came home and took house to bits. Took up carpets and rods and rolled carpets and packed pictures. Crashed in W.C. and nearly broke my back. Down town after tea and ordered cab. Sang and played after dinner.

  DIARY Tuesday 17th September

  Up by 9.47. Arrived for lunch. New Major here, seems rather a hot air Wallah! V high wind. Did a little flying and fired at Chingford. Rain at intervals.

  Great dance in evening. On till 2.30. Danced a lot and enjoyed it awfully much. I am mad on dancing. Bed at 3.30. May it be dud tomorrow.

  DIARY Wednesday 18th September

  Alas no! A cloudless day. Up at 6.15, awful!! Feel v tired. Flew a bit and led formation. Flew after brekker. Led formation to Chingford. Engine cut out, piston broken. Landed at aerodrome at Chingford. Came back in a 1½. Flew in afternoon but engine dud.

  To ‘America’ with Houseley after a dinner at the Cont. Good time. Bed 11 v.tired.

  DIARY Thursday 19th September

  UP at 9.40. Missed brekker. Had bath, v cold day. Flew to Orsett [?]. Gowans crashed. Only one Camel left!! Hardly flew at all, v high wind and rain at intervals.
Collected Gowans at 7. Read after dinner. Feel at peace with the world!

  DIARY Friday 20th September

  Flew in morning. V high wind. Washed out in afternoon.

  To town with Houseley after tea. To see a ‘girl’ of his but she was out. Dinner at Frascatis. “[?]” at Bing Boys. Down by 10.55. Pretty cold.

  DIARY Saturday 21st September

  Up late. Down to drome at 12. Flew a bit. High wind. Flew bit in afternoon. Painted Camel red and white, trés bon effort!

  Bed at 11 slept rottenly. Down to Detling after lunch good show!

  DIARY Sunday 22nd September


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