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Merlicious 2

Page 20

by Diane Merlin, Alexis Ke, Cara North

  Once her hands grasped his shoulders and he was confident they were securely in place, he reached over and pressed the release button. The claw and tarp let her go.

  "Aaah.” As soon as her feet touched the rough surface of the ledge, her legs gave out.

  Kyle caught her, swung her into her arms and pulled her close. Her body felt cool against his. The last thing he needed was for her to get sick. He was glad he hadn't gone to his office first to drop off the few things he picked up from the store. “We need to get you into some clothes before you freeze."

  "That might be a good idea."

  * * * *

  Lialani snuggled deeper into Kyle's arms in an attempt to conceal her nakedness. He might be under the impression that she was cold but, in actuality, her body was on fire. She didn't feel ashamed of her nudity in front of him as she did with Captor Jim. But she was afraid Kyle would notice her body's reaction to him.

  Her nipples were pebbled and distinct, hidden behind her hair. Her breathing became labored, and she could feel an ache of awareness between her legs.

  Kyle carried her with ease as he made his way down the stairs then over to a darkened corner on the side of the tank.

  He placed her in one of the chairs facing the prison that had been her temporary residence. Crossing her legs, she used her hands and hair to cover as much of her body as possible.

  Kyle walked away and brought a bag back to where she sat. He pulled out a simple sundress and flip-flops and passed them to her.

  "I'm sorry. I'm not very good at picking out clothes for women.” One of his shoulders lifted in a slight shrug.

  "It's fine. It's more than I have. Thank you.” She held the clothes close to her chest.

  "Yeah, but I didn't think about..."

  His hand made a gesture down the length of her body, and she realized he was trying to apologize for not remembering undergarments.

  Heat rushed into her face. “Oh..."

  "Ahemm.” He cleared his throat. “I'll just stand over here while you get dressed.” He stood and walked over to the tank, keeping his back to her.

  Quickly, she pulled the dress over her head and lifted her hair out of the collar. She wiggled it over her hips the best she could without standing. She didn't want to attempt standing with Kyle so far away.

  "Finished,” she announced.

  He turned back around with a smile. “Great, because I think he's starting to come to.” Tilting his head toward the man on the ledge floor, he said, “I guess his head is thicker than I thought.” Standing in front of her, he held his hand out. “Want to try walking again?"

  She nodded and placed her hand in his. Grasping it, she allowed him to pull her up. Her soles felt as if she stood on broken glass. “Ow.” Gingerly, she lifted her feet up and down.

  "Maybe I should carry you. It might draw attention to us with all the people in the park, but I'm willing to risk it if you are."

  Taking a few steps, she used every ounce of her strength to move. “I can do it. I'm not sure how far I can make it, though. I feel very weak.” Her silver eyes met his hazel ones. “But I'm willing to give it everything I've got."

  Kyle nodded. “Lean on me as much as you need to. We'll take it slow.” He reached down and picked up the bag, slinging it onto the opposite shoulder.

  "Not too slow.” They needed to get out of the park before Captor Jim could raise the alarm or someone else noticed her missing.

  "Don't worry. I promise to get you out of this park.” His eyes were full of sincerity.

  "I believe you."

  They started to leave when Kyle stopped walking. “I almost forgot.” Opening the bag once again, he removed something with the Aquatic Park logo on it. He popped it open.

  An umbrella? Confused, she gawked at him and the object he held in hand.

  Turning toward her, he placed it on top of her head. “Excuse me."

  Before she could ponder what he was going to do, Kyle pulled open the back of her dress and shoved her hair inside.


  She looked past the rim to meet his eyes.

  He shot her a broad smile. “You gotta love the umbrella hat."

  Lialani lifted an eyebrow at him, telling him without words what she thought of the contraption.

  They started on their way again as he explained, “We needed something to cover up your hair. It attracts attention."

  Now she understood. Glancing through the top of the pseudo hat and reading the words, she announced, “Well, if you can't beat them."

  Kyle's laughter sounded as they stepped out of the building and into the waning sunlight.

  Chapter Four

  Kyle released a pent-up breath. They were almost at the gate. He would try to get them to his car in the employee parking lot. Because Lialani was so weak, they'd made a slow progression out of the park. She didn't look well. It appeared as if any moment she would faint. When he offered to carry her, she stared at all the people milling around them and refused, saying, “Too much attention."

  If it meant keeping her safe, he didn't care.

  "Attention ladies and gentlemen. We need your assistance in finding someone. We urgently need to find a woman. It's a private matter, but if you see a tall black woman with red hair, please report to Park Security. Once again, that's a black woman with very bright red hair. Please, report to Park Security."

  Kyle could feel her quick shallow breathing where his arm wrapped around her waist for support. He didn't know if it had more to do her exhaustion or her fear of being caught.

  Damn. “A few more feet and we're home free."

  "O ... kay...” her voice came out on a wisp of a breath.

  He was nervous; all hell would break out if she collapsed and didn't make it out the gate.

  "Hey, Kyle man!"

  Not now. Kyle heard Daniel's voice but figured if he refused to acknowledge him then maybe he would go away.

  "Kyle!” Daniel shouted louder.

  I should have known better. Stopping, he peered over his shoulder at the approaching man but kept Lialani's face averted. He couldn't allow him to get too close and jeopardize their escape.

  "Hi, Daniel. Look, let me help the woman get to her car. She's not feeling well. I'll be right back. Then I could really use your hand in helping me find the lady they're searching for."

  Daniel's face exhibited a broad idiotic smile. Kyle almost felt bad for misleading him.

  "Yeah, man. Cool, I'll wait here for you."

  "Okay.” The exit sign was so close he could almost touch it.

  Lialani stiffened in Kyle's arms at Daniel's final words. “Maybe while we're on the hunt you can tell me if you found out what's in the old tank."

  Glancing over his shoulder one last time, he called out, “Nothing, Daniel. There's nothing in the tank.” Then he crossed the threshold of the park, leading Lialani to freedom.

  He could hear the pounding footsteps in the distance behind him.

  "Stop! Somebody stop that man and woman! Kyle, stop!” A myriad of voices called out to them.

  Kyle refused to see how many. He swung Lialani up in his arms and ran toward his car. Passing five other parked cars, he struggled between balancing her and pulling his keys out of his pocket to compress the button on his key chain. Finally, they arrived at his car moments after the chirp signifying the car was unlocked. As he opened the door, her hat fell off, showing her radiant red hair cascading down to her waist. He helped her into the seat and placed the bag in her lap. He quick-stepped to the driver's side of the car and got in. Wasting no time, he revved the engine and peeled out of the parking lot. In his rearview mirror, he saw about five Aquatic Park employees were just reaching the gate.

  "Are you okay, Lialani?"

  She graced him with a weak smile. “Still here."

  He drove in silence for a moment, moving in and out of traffic until he was sure they were not being followed. The piercing sound of police sirens could be heard coming from somewhere in the dist
ance behind them. The noise was a constant reminder they wouldn't be completely out of danger until they located a place to lay low.

  "I'm at a loss,” he announced.

  "In what way.” She was pale. She kept her head against the headrest and her eyes closed.

  "I was making plans to get you out of the park, but I hadn't gotten around to where I would take you. We need to find somewhere to hide until dark, give them time to call off the search for the night. I can't go to my apartment because that will be the first place they look. I have a boat, but there's no lower cabin and I wouldn't want to run the risk of the coastguard having been notified.” He thought for a moment. “A hotel would work. I just have to think about which would be best. Too high end will bring attention, but some seedy place may have other problems."

  "The beach.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  His brow furrowed. “The beach?"

  "Yes. Park by the marina."

  She sounded tired but confident, so he silently followed her directions. Making the appropriate turn, he headed toward the marina.

  * * * *

  "How are you feeling?” Kyle observed her from the open passenger door.

  Opening her eyes, she noted that they were parked down one of the side alleys close to the marina. She heard the seagulls calling and the soft lapping sound of the water against the boats. “I'm better. How far are we from the beach?"

  "About half a mile. I would have parked closer, but I didn't want to run the risk of someone spotting my car."

  "Okay, let's go.” Handing him the bag, she slid down from the jeep.

  "Still have sea-legs?” He hadn't stepped back from his position inside the door so they stood close, almost touching.

  When she spoke, her words were breathless, “Gone for now."

  The heat radiating from his body caused Lialani to inhale deeply. Her knees were a little weak, but she knew it had nothing to do with her changing form. More to do with Kyle's rich heady musk. He was all male, down to the sport scent of his deodorant and his generic shampoo. Her gaze dropped to his mouth; she wanted to kiss him. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have his firm lips moving over hers.

  She glanced away, not wanting him to read her thoughts and be appalled. She was a fish just an hour ago. Something he found fascinating to study.

  One finger brushed her cheek. A gentle, subtle stroke. Her eyes met his, saw something flicker in their depths ... was it worry or trepidation? Or something else?

  "We better go then.” He dropped his hand and gave her a reassuring smile. “You lead, I'll follow. Tell me where you want to go."

  "I lost my hat. Do you think it's safe?” Lialani touched her long tresses.

  "Hmm, one second.” Moving to the back of the vehicle, he unlatched the rear window and reached inside. “Can you braid your hair?” His voice was muffled as he rummaged through the car.

  "Of course I can.” It was the preferred style for women lifeguards since it kept their hair out of the way on a run. She finger-combed her hair, pulling out the tangles the wind left in it and began to plait. When she reached the end, she continued to work it down to the smallest strands in order to get it to hold without a band.

  When he returned, he stood before her with a towel in hand. “Impressive.” His smile was broad, flattering. “Turn around."

  She did, and he placed the towel over her hair and tied it underneath in a makeshift scarf.

  Turning her by the shoulders to face him, he declared, “Perfect. That's the great thing about the beach, you can wear what you want, and no one gives you a second glance."

  "So true. You see all kinds of people at the beach."

  He gestured up the alley toward the opening. “Let's go."

  When they stepped out of the alley onto the boardwalk, a thrill coursed through her veins. She could clearly see the ocean down past the marina. See the occasional wave crash into Blindman's Bluff. She paused and stared. The need to cry overwhelmed her, and tears began to fall.

  Kyle noticed her tears. “You'll be okay."

  "I know. It's just that sitting in that tank I never thought I'd see this sight again. I felt as if it were lost to me."

  His hand touched her face again, pulling her attention to him as his thumb brushed her tears away. He stared into her watery eyes, his voice full of confidence. “I would never let that happen. One way or another, I would have gotten you out of there."

  Standing up on her toes, she lightly kissed him on the corner of his mouth. Settling back down, she grabbed his hand and began the trek toward the beach in silence.

  Her thoughts ambled as they walked. What is it about this man? Kyle. He was her eye in the storm of chaos that had become her life. From the first moment she saw him, something moved inside her. As if her world had righted itself. There was a connection with him she couldn't explain. Initially, she believed it was because of his kindness, in light of the others who devised different ways to use her. But now she knew that wasn't it. It was something more. She had been infatuated before but never with this intensity.

  * * * *

  "This is it. Lifeguard shack number six."

  Kyle stared at the small structure. This end of the beach was deserted. Glancing down the strip, he could see people up the coastline off in the distance at the more popular spots on the beach.

  Lialani approached one of the stairs. Sliding her hand underneath, she removed a key.

  "I thought so."

  Heading up the ramp, she called over her shoulder, “Thought what?"

  "That you're the missing lifeguard.” He watched the sway of her hips as she moved toward the door. Since they left the tank, he hadn't forgotten she was bare under the light dress. With the lowering sun hovering above the ocean, he could see her silhouette through the material. He stifled a groan and reminded himself the idea was to get her to safety, not ravish her.

  Making his way up the ramp behind her, he waited until they were sealed inside to finish the conversation. He glanced around the small office. Cramped, but it would suit their needs for the next few hours. He noticed the two folding chairs. “I think it best we sit on the floor. It's uncomfortable, but we don't want anyone to happen by and spot us."

  "Not a problem.” Lialani opened up a desk drawer, pulled out towels and stacked them on the floor in a mini makeshift couch.

  They sat on the small cushion she made.

  He dragged the bag over to his seat. “Are you hungry?"

  "Famished.” She rubbed her stomach. “This morning they brought me some fish, but I couldn't eat it. The thought of biting into their flesh made me sick."

  "Well, that's probably because merpeople don't eat fish.” His research had taught him that much. “How about this?” He held up two jars, one of raw oysters and the other clams and muscles mixed. “And for desert, dried kelp."

  Her stomach growled in approval before she could say anything. They both laughed.

  He opened each jar and the packet of kelp and handed her a fork.

  She dug in. Then, with the fork before her lips, she gave him a curious look. “Aren't you going to eat?"

  "Yup.” He lifted a can from the bag, waving it. “Smoked oysters. I'm not ready to try them raw yet."

  "Neither was I.” She beamed at him as she ate.

  When they were full and had placed the empty containers in the trashcan under the desk, Kyle resumed their earlier conversation. “You're the lifeguard."

  "Good guess. I'm a little fuzzy on the details of the rescue, but I would have thought that was obvious."

  "You'd think. But, most people refuse to believe the evidence right before them. It was easier for people to think you drowned than to assume they had lived around a mermaid all these years and not known."

  "I didn't even know.” Sitting Indian-style, she leaned back against the wall and fidgeted with her fingers, rotating them as if searching for something.

  "What do you know about yourself?” Balancing his elbow on his raised
knee, he watched her.

  "Not much.” She sighed, dropping her hands in the dip of the loose material in her lap. “I was born and raised here, just three miles away from the ocean. I'm an only child, and my parents died the summer after my high school graduation."

  "How'd you end up here? As a lifeguard?"

  She tilted her head back and chuckled. “I've never wanted to be anywhere but in the water. Since I was a polliwog at the boys and girls club up the street and captain of the girls’ swim team in high school, being a lifeguard seemed like a natural progression for me. It's as if an eternity has come and gone since I dived off the cliff and my life changed in an instant. I don't even know what happened to the little girl."

  He could resist touching her no longer. Stretching his hand out, he cupped her chin and turned her face to his. “You did your job and saved her life.” When her eyes met his, he asked, “So, what now? Where do you go from here?"

  "Home.” A sparkle, a glimmer of hope and expectation, lit up her eyes when she spoke.

  He removed his hand. “Home? How do you know where that is, when you're not sure who you are?"

  Lialani tapped her chest over her heart. “Here.” Then touched her ears. “And here. I can hear them singing and calling me. Every time I hear them, it's as if someone is speaking my name for the first time the way it's meant to be said."

  Nodding his head in understanding, he thought how he'd felt incomplete and lost until he found her. A twinge of sadness shot through his heart. At least she would have peace. But after she left, he would forever search for wholeness and know it was lost to him.

  "Tonight I will take you to your merpeople, and your quest will be over. You will be free.” Through the window, he watched seagulls flying across the early evening skies. “For now, we wait."

  * * * *

  "No.” Lialani shook her head. “By tomorrow morning I will enter a new life and world. Before I go, I want to truly live in this one."

  "Tell me what you want, Lialani.” His voice sounded thick and husky.


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