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The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)

Page 17

by Victoria Wells

  “Somebody’s hungry,” Roxy teased from where she worked at the almost non-existent countertop. She happily stopped what she was doing long enough to give him a sweet kiss.

  “You better know it,” he answered, pulling out a chair and taking a seat at the table.

  “I guess you’re in luck. You get to have your last night’s dinner for breakfast and lunch.”

  He glanced at his watch. It was one thirty in the afternoon. “I can’t believe we slept so late.”

  Roxy placed plates and silverware on the table. “I never sleep past nine on the weekends. And you’re to blame.”

  Stretching his long legs out and crossing them at the ankles, he cocked his head to the side and stared at Roxy. “You complaining, shawty?”

  Roxy snickered. He made her think of those young guys at Dave and Buster’s the night of their first date. She rewarded him with a cheeky smile. “Of course not handsome,” she joked back as she gathered glasses and plates from the cabinets.

  “Do you want some help?” he offered as he began to stand.

  She waved him off. “I got it. Everything should be ready in about another ten to fifteen minutes. I wanted to heat everything up in the oven instead of the microwave.” Setting the plates down on the table, she wrinkled her nose up. “I hate microwave food.”

  Taking the glasses she’d brought back over to the table from her hands, he placed them next to the plates. Lifting a thick brow he taunted, “Would that be because you and Abby almost burned the kitchen down using a microwave?”

  Roxy was laughing so hard that she had to hold the cool pitcher of lemonade she’d taken out of the refrigerator close to her chest to keep from making a sticky mess.

  She and Abby didn’t have the patience of a gnat when it came to getting their afternoon snacks. Brenda had given them explicit instructions not to cook the Jiffy Pop popcorn on the stovetop. At their pouting and whining she’d firmly instructed the two, “Wait until I put a load of clothes in the wash and fold what’s in the dryer. I don’t want you messing with the stove.”

  After all of three minutes, Abby whispered to Roxy, “We can put it in the microwave.”

  Roxy lit up like Christmas lights as she chimed in, “Then that way we won’t be messing with the stove.”

  “Yeah!” Abby excitedly exclaimed as Roxy helped her drag a chair over to the wall mounted microwave.

  The liquid splashed over the side of the pitcher as she plunked it down on the table. With the backs of her hands she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. “Shut up, Adam! How were we supposed to know aluminum foil couldn’t go in the microwave?”

  Adam, too, was now laughing. The stench of smoke was in the house for days. Every time his mom walked into the kitchen and saw the charred wall which once held the microwave, she’d start fussing at Abby and Roxy all over again.

  “Oh God, me and poor Abby were so scared. That crazy microwave was making all kinds of popping and crackling noises before it burst into flames.”

  “I bet that tail whipping you and poor Abby got was just as scary.”

  Lord have mercy, Ms. Brenda put a hurting on them that day. Poor little Roxy thought she had gotten the worse of it until she got home that evening. Reba tore her tail up again. Screaming and crying about how she didn’t have money to repair the damage to the Wests’ kitchen the entire time she was spanking her butt.

  “Shut up, Adam!” she laughed, trying to whack him in the head but wasn’t quite fast enough. He had quickly curled his fingers around her wrist and pulled her on his lap.

  Giving her a bear hug, he kissed her forehead. “I did feel sorry for you little imps.”

  Roxy laid her head on Adam’s shoulder. Yeah, that was one of the few memories she had of him being nice to her as a little girl. The next day he’d begged his father to borrow the car and had taken them to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.

  “Yup, you did,” she quietly stated as she remembered her friend.

  She figured Adam was remembering Abby, too, as he held her, tenderly stroking her back in an up and down motion.

  “Do you think Abby can see us?”

  “Yeah… I do,” he answered, giving her an affectionate squeeze.

  Chapter 31

  Concentration would not come to Adam as he stared at the online law search engine. He’d been attempting to research cases for the past three hours. I should have let Terry do this, he thought of the new paralegal the firm had recently hired. Letting out a deep breath, he pushed away from the desk in his wheeled, leather chair.

  Taking off his reading glasses, he sat them on the desk and rubbed his eyes. Roxy was the root of his lack of concentration. Spending the weekend with her, he couldn’t deny that she had gotten far under his skin. And he wasn’t about to fight it… didn’t want to fight it.

  After their brief moment of reminiscing about Abby, Roxy had served him the dinner she’d prepared the night before. The meal was incredible. He couldn’t believe how the brisket had literally melted in his mouth.

  He’d praised her by complimenting her on how tasty everything was. “Babe, this is so good. It’s as good as my mom’s.”

  He’d never forget the bashful look on her face. “Your mom came over and walked me through how to make everything. I didn’t want to mess it up,” she coyly confessed.

  Swirling around to face the window, Adam gazed out at the skyline. His heart did a rapid thump in his chest. It meant the world to him that Roxy had been so thoughtful in wanting to please him that she’d gone to his mother for help. Adam shook his head and chuckled. I bet Mom just loved that.

  After they’d cleaned up the kitchen, Roxy suggested they take a drive to Chaddford’s Winery. Although he wasn’t a wine drinker, he indulged her. The early fall day was beautiful as they sat outside on the patio sipping Sangri-La Sangria.

  In between sips he asked her how her trip to D.C. went with her sisters. She lit up like a hundred-watt light bulb when she talked about Karen and Starr. He’d sat back and let her go on and on about how nice their friends Summer Stiles and Ava Warrington had been to her. He smiled and nodded his head when she noted, “I thought I was going to feel like an outsider, but they really made me feel like one of the crew.”

  He’d studied her to see how long she would let the conversation revolve around her. She definitely didn’t disappoint as she turned the focus on him and how his conference had gone. She became very interested when he told her the conference was to obtain continuing legal education credits to maintain his license to practice law. He could still see her lounging back in the patio chair swinging her jean clad leg, inquisitively firing question after question at him. He even threw his head back and barked with laughter when she lifted an arched brow and playfully smirked, “So you’re an ambulance chaser.”

  The statement, though, didn’t bother him because that’s the perception most folks shared when it came to malpractice and personal injury attorneys. Leaning close into her face, their noses barely touching, he clarified, “I don’t chase after anything. I represent the little guy against greedy corporations.”

  His chest puffed up with pride as she closed the minute gap between them, their lips touching as she’d whispered, “And that’s why I’m so crazy about you, Adam West.”

  The knocking on the door interrupted Adam’s musing. Swirling back around, he called out, “Come in.”

  Terry rushed through the door with an arm full of books from the law library. Scanning her from head to toe, he wondered, what was all the gossip about? She always dressed professionally, showed up to work on time and executed tasks as assigned to her. And she pretty much stayed to herself.

  Unfortunately for Terry, her reputation preceded her. The first week she arrived, there was murmuring about her being loose and having slept with half the black professional men in Philly. It was even rumored that when she became a paralegal some ten years ago, she dated a high profile judge twenty years her senior and very married.

  Adam didn’t care a
bout any of that nonsense. As long as she did her work and didn’t try to come at him on some seductive tip, all was copasetic. Besides, his preference had always been for the sisters.

  Waving her in, he said, “Set them on the table over there.”

  Setting the heavy books on the table, Terry let out a sigh of relief. “Do you need anything else, Mr. West?”

  Adam looked at his watch. It was twelve forty-five. Reaching across the desk he picked up a sealed document and handed it to her. “I need you to drop this off at the courthouse after you come back from lunch.”

  “Okay, I’m on it.”

  “Thanks, Terry.”

  Turning back toward the computer screen, he rolled his broad shoulders. “Let’s try this again.” He hissed an expletive at the knocking on the door. “I might as well go home. I’ll probably get more work done there,” he grumbled before beckoning the nuisance to come in. He didn’t even bother to look up from the monitor as the door slowly creaked open.

  Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have come, Roxy thought from the biting tone of Adam’s voice. She nervously cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you.”

  Adam’s head immediately snapped up. Shooting up from his desk, he took long, purposeful strides in her direction. Curling one large hand around her wrist, he pulled her inside the office. The other hand shut and locked the door. Gathering her face between his large hands, he crushed his mouth down on hers.

  Roxy’s back made a soft thump against the solid wood door. Standing on her tippy-toes, she hooked one arm around his neck and welcomed the forceful kiss. Adam’s tongue swirled around hers before he began sucking on it, causing her to whimper in delight.

  Deepening the kiss, he slid his hands down her body and cupped her firm bottom, lifting her up to rest against the bulge in his pants. He wished she had on a skirt instead of slacks so he could caress her velvety skin.

  Roxy broke the kiss, leaving them both breathing hard. “Adam, we can’t do this in here,” she panted.

  “Why not?” he hotly whispered as he nibbled on her earlobe.

  Squirming out of his embrace, she sidestepped him. Adam’s eyes were glued to the way her lush bottom moved as she walked. His manhood involuntarily twitched behind his zipper. She sure looked good in slacks.

  Ignoring his question, the sound of glass clinking on the hard surface could be heard as she sat the white bag from the eatery down on a clear area of his desk. No way was she going to tell him that her insides were all tingly with wanting to be in his arms again.

  Reaching in the bag, she pulled out two pastramis on rye, chips and Snapple fruit punch drinks. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  Walking up behind her, he snaked an arm around her waist. Leaning his body into hers, he whispered in her ear, “Don’t ignore me, Roxy.”

  The sexy, deep rumbling vibration from his voice sent shivers down her spine. His hard erection pressing into her bottom made her nipples pucker. She let out a soft sigh. She wanted him to take them in his mouth, suck and nibble on them until she cried out for more.

  Turning around she gazed up at him and their eyes locked, each mirroring the other’s desire. “I’m not. It’s just that we can’t…”

  “We can’t what?”

  Lowering her eyes she softly said, “Make love in here.” The one thing she’d discovered with Adam is that his touch elicited sensual noises she’d never knew she was capable of emitting. With the office abuzz on the other side of the room, she wasn’t so sure if she’d be able to muffle the sounds.

  If it had been under different circumstances Roxy would have giggled when he hissed out a heated expletive. But she didn’t because she was so in synch with his vibe. All Sunday night after he left her to go back to his place, her spirit and her body mourned him. Waking up next to him early Saturday afternoon and then again on Sunday morning had felt like that’s where they belonged, entwined in each other’s arms.

  Yes, the lovemaking was awesome and she wanted him right this very second. But it ran so much deeper than that for Roxy. She felt at ease in his presence, like she belonged right there with him. Was that crazy or what? But it was true.

  She hadn’t been afraid to tell him her mom’s reaction to her spending the night at his place. And she knew in her heart he believed her when she said, that never for one second had she ever entertained the idea that he could in any remote way be like her father. She loved their long talks on the phone at night, loved how he fought for the underdog, loved how he adored and respected his parents, she loved how they shared their cherished memories of their beloved Abby… she just loved him.

  Oh damn! The throbbing in his groin matched the pounding heartbeat in his chest. Hotel Palomar was a short walk. Two blocks, three tops. He wouldn’t dare cheapen what he felt for her by losing control and taking her on the floor. “How much longer do you have for lunch?”

  Roxy slowly licked her lips. The air crackled with their primal need for one another. “I have the rest of the afternoon off.”

  She felt a sudden rush of coolness from Adam taking long strides to round his desk. He motioned with his hand to pack the food and drinks back up in the bag as he picked up his phone and hit a button. “Caroline, I’m taking the rest of the day off. Refer any urgent calls to Terry. She’ll know how to contact me.”

  Roxy’s face flushed from the curious stares as Adam led her to the elevators with his hand on the small of her back. She remained silent as they rode the car down to the lobby. She didn’t ask where they were headed off to when he intertwined their fingers, directing them toward Rittenhouse Square.

  Adam’s large hand shook as he the inserted the card key. Pushing the door he impatiently held it for Roxy to enter first. As soon as it clicked closed their fingers hurriedly began tugging and pulling at each other’s clothes until they were both nude.

  Roxy wrapped her arms around Adam’s neck. “I missed you so much.”

  “Not as much as I missed you,” he growled before capturing her mouth in an open kiss. Lifting her off her feet, he carried her to bed with every intention of showing her how much he missed her.

  Laying her on her back, he spread her legs, dipping his head low. Roxy began to moan and squirm from his warm mouth sucking the tender flesh of her inner thigh. She cried out his name when he hooked his muscular arms underneath her thighs, drawing her up close and personal to his mouth. She trembled with sweet anticipation. The millisecond it took for him to begin lapping at her felt like an eternity.

  Locking her legs around his wide back, she began stroking the top of his head. Never in her wildest imagination had she believed each time with him would be better than the last. It was like she was relinquishing a piece of herself in which she had no control. This should have scared her, but it didn’t. Because each time she relinquished a piece of herself, he replenished it with a piece of himself.

  Adam pulled her closer to his hot mouth, devouring every bit of her. All night he tossed, turned, and punched pillows demanding images of what he was doing right now to leave him be. He didn’t want a fantasy, he wanted the real thing. And now that he finally got it… again, it would take a devastating infraction for him to freely give this up. Roxy belonged to him, every glorious inch of her.

  The building spasms in her lower belly were an imminent sign that her release was coming. Tugging on his shoulders, she begged, “Adam, I want you inside me now.”

  Gently lowering her legs, he nudged them further apart with his knee. Cupping her curvy bottom in his large hands, he positioned his large head at her opening. She moaned at the first thrust of his powerful hips. With the next deep thrust she cried out his name.

  Releasing her buttocks, he reached up, pinning her arms to the mattress, above her head. “Baby, wrap your legs around me,” he demanded with a sexy, rough edge to his voice. The swollen, sensitive bud between her legs throbbed in response to the demand. Roxy’s hips eagerly rose to meet each of Adam’s long, deep thrusts.

  Adam nearly ca
me when he gazed down into Roxy’s face. Eyes closed, moist, lips slightly parted giving way to a breathy whimper. Her look of pure ecstasy was driving him out of his mind. Leaning down, he traced her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Latching on to his tongue, Roxy suckled. She could still taste her essence on his lips. Thrusting her tongue in his mouth, she wrapped her legs tighter around him, grinding her pelvis into his. Releasing his mouth, she frantically kissed her way down his strong, square jaw, stopping at the column of the thick, corded muscles on the side of his neck.

  Adam hissed an expletive when her teeth sank deep into his flesh. His toes curled from her warm tongue soothing the bite marks. Another hiss came as she sucked his flesh, sending his large body into convulsions.

  Roxy cried out in her own release as the first buck from Adam’s body slammed into her overly sensitive nub. Wrapping her arms and legs as tight as she could, she held on until both their bodies collapsed from exhaustion.

  Adam rolled over, bringing them to rest on their sides facing each other. He tenderly pushed tangled hair away from her face before kissing her swollen lips. “Girl, you got me all tied up.”

  Tugging her bottom lip between her teeth, she gazed into his eyes. What was he saying? “I do?” she whispered, her heart pounding.

  “Yeah,” he placed the palm of her hand flat against his chest, “right in here.”

  Tears came rushing to the corners of her eyes. She reached for his hand and laid it between her breasts so he could feel their hearts heavily beat as one. The lump in her throat almost made it difficult to speak. “Me, too.”

  His thumb slowly followed the wet trail. “I love you, Roxanna Harris.”


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