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The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)

Page 19

by Victoria Wells

  “Yeah. Now let’s get back in there before your nosey sisters come looking for us.”

  Roxy laughed. “You are so wrong for that.”

  “So how’d it go?” Roxy wanted to know as she lay in Adam’s arms, stroking his bare chest. Her sisters had forewarned her that their husbands and Pop Patrick was going to interrogate him to death once they got him alone.

  Adam chuckled. “It went,” he answered evading her question.

  Roxy’s curiosity was piqued from his lack of disclosure. “So what did they say?” she probed as her hand drifted down, stroking his muscular abs.

  He closed his eyes, enjoying the soft fingertips caressing his skin. “They just asked me questions,” he murmured.

  “What kind of questions?” she further probed as her hand mindlessly stroked its way farther down his body.

  Tiring of her teasing hands, he smoothly flipped her on her back. Spreading her legs apart with his knee, the swollen head of his manhood pressed against her opening. “Just questions baby. It’s all good,” he huskily said before slanting his mouth on hers and entering her with a hard thrust.

  Adam had easily handled the subtle questioning the men smoothly interjected into the conversation as they sat playing a spirited game of spades as the women cleaned up. He quickly came to the realization that the male friends of Roxy’s family were just as tight-knit as the blood relatives. He was also clear that this group of men were aggressively protective of their women. None of them had per se threatened him, but when Poppa Patrick leveled him with a no-nonsense glare and stated, “I may not have known Roxy long, but because she’s my daughters’ little sister, that makes her my daughter, too. And she’s just the sweetest little thing. You make sure you take good care of her.”

  Adam had it on the tip of his tongue to ask the older gentleman if he realized he was talking about a grown woman and not some little thing. Instead he held his tongue, smiled at his elder and replied, “Yes sir, that’s what I plan to do.”

  “Good, because that good for nothing, bastard of a father of hers never did a damn thing for her, her sisters or their mommas,” he grunted throwing a card on the table. Further seething he said, “Only thing that coward knows how to do is get a woman knocked up and then leave her to clean up after his mess.”

  Adam’s jaw twitched as he remembered Roxy showing up on his doorstep distraught. Before he could assure Patrick that he’d do everything in his power to keep Harold away from Roxy, Dominic, Sr. smoothly cut his ace of heart. Staring him in the eye, he never flinched when he offered in his thick South Philly, Italian accent, “I can make him disappear.”

  The other men in the room kept on playing cards as if this man hadn’t just suggested he could effortlessly snuff out a human life without batting an eye. This told Adam two things. One, these men explicitly trusted each other. And two, they were fierce warriors when it came to protecting the women in their lives.

  As Adam held his woman in his arms, making love to her, he knew in his heart that he too would go to any depth to keep her sheltered from anything or anyone who would do her harm.

  Chapter 34

  December 23

  Finally, he was alone in his office as the rest of the attorneys, paralegals, secretaries, and other staff trickled out to celebrate the Christmas holiday. The office had been abuzz with the festivities of the season. The first half of the day the support staff excitedly fluttered around in anticipation of the sumptuous luncheon the partners had catered every year. The second half of the day they eagerly awaited the red envelopes containing their holiday bonuses. By 3:00 pm the only ones left in the building were Adam and George, the doorman on the first floor.

  Surprisingly, Adam had briefly joined in on the festivities. After giving out gifts to his secretary, paralegal, the mailroom attendant, and George, he returned to his office, shutting the door to drown out the noise.

  Needing to wrap up some last minute details, he opted to stay a couple hours later. This was going to be his first year celebrating Roxy’s birthday and the holidays with her. The couple opted to celebrate her twenty-seventh birthday alone tonight. Tomorrow evening they would celebrate with everyone else.

  He drove his part-time housekeeper Helena up a wall with his constant calling every hour on the hour. He finally got the message and quit his calling when Helena snapped at him. “Adam, if you call here one more time you’ll be taking Roxy to McDonalds! I picked up the candles and flowers. My boyfriend picked up that wine she likes from Chaddsford, and I have everything I need for the seafood dinner and dessert. I swear you will have your romantic evening! Now leave me be so I can get everything done!”

  Adam nervously chuckled as he remembered the tongue lashing. He sure hoped she was able to pull everything off since he had to pick Roxy up in another thirty minutes or so.

  Helena was the twenty-something year old daughter of his drycleaner. One Saturday afternoon while picking up his suits he overheard the young woman and her mother bickering. He was taken aback when Akiko turned to him and angrily questioned, “Don’t you need housekeeper to come clean you house?” Throwing her hands up the air, the woman shouted in broken English, “I wish you take her! She drive me crazy! Her father spoil her too much!”

  Helena, as it turns out was in her last year of culinary school, aspiring to become a chef and restaurant owner. Adam and Roxy had the pleasure of taste testing many of her creations.

  The ringing of his cell phone pulled him out of his reverie.

  Roxy huddled in the corner, near the ladies’ room of the tavern. The patrons were high spirited and boisterous. Pulling out her cell phone she called Adam.

  “Hey, honey I bet you’re still working,” she playfully accused when he answered.

  Adam chuckled. “I just have a few more things to wrap up before I leave.”

  Frowning, she pouted, “Adam you promised you weren’t going to work too late tonight.” She’d been excited all day about celebrating her birthday with him. He hadn’t shared with her what his plans were for the evening. But it didn’t matter, as long as she was bringing in her birthday with him, she was satisfied.

  “Babe, don’t sound like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m going to stand you up.”

  “You’ve already done that,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “I heard that Roxanna,” he drawled out.

  Laughing she said, “Good! Because you know what’s going to happen the next time that happens.”

  Adam laughed too, remembering her threat to pinch a certain part of his male anatomy. “Aren’t you having fun with your girlfriends?”

  “Yes. But I bet I’d have more fun with you,” she purred, letting him just how much fun she intended to have.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Happy, she sang into the phone, “Okaaaay. I love you.”

  Although she couldn’t see him, he shook his head and grinned. “I love you, too.”

  Dropping her phone into the bottom of her purse, Roxy went off to join her friends.

  “Come on Roxy and have just one drink with us,” Sonia cajoled.

  “Yeah, come on. The whole reason we came out was to celebrate your birthday,” Kay added.

  “I know. But Adam is picking me up in about twenty minutes. I’m sure we’re probably going out for dinner or something. I’ll have something to drink then.”

  “Humph, I ain’t mad at ya girl,” Jen said as she picked up her drink and took a sip. Setting the glass down, she winked at Roxy. “Looks like you’re in first place running for our little pact.”

  “Mmm-hmm. And she didn’t do too badly, either. I mean with Mr. West being a big shot attorney and everything. You didn’t do badly at all, Roxy.” Sonia chimed in.

  Before Roxy could interject and voice getting to know Adam and falling in love with him had never been any part of some silly pact, Jen jumped back in again. “Yeah, it doesn’t hurt that he’s fine as hell and loaded. Girl, if
you know like I know you better hold on to that brotha.”

  “I know that’s right! With the kind of cash that brotha is bringing in you shouldn’t have to worry about a thing. All your bills just ought to be getting paid,” Sonia was all too eager to point out.

  Kay attempted to come to Roxy’s defense. “Y’all stopping teasing her—”

  Sonia held up her hand, halting whatever Kay was trying to say. “You just sit there and hush Kay because you’ve been getting hot and heavy with Quincy. I mean he ain’t got the kind of paper Adam’s got, but shoot… he’s fine, too. The pact is working for you, too. So what’s coming next for you? Marriage or the baby? Humph… the way Roxy talks about those nieces and nephews I know a baby is coming next for her.”

  Roxy laughed. “Jen and Sonia cut it out! Remember it was me and Kay who didn’t want any parts of that stupid pact.” She smiled at Kay when she proudly boasted, “We just happened to find really great guys we couldn’t help but to fall in love with.”

  Both Sonia and Jen stared wide-eyed at each other. “Love!”

  Roxy bashfully ducked her head. Tugging her bottom lip between her teeth, she nodded her head. Slouching back in her seat, she let out a dreamy sigh. “Yep, I love him. I love me some Adam West. Even if he didn’t have one red cent I’d still love.”

  Sonia and Jen swung their heads in Kay’s direction. Neatly tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, she flashed them a grin. “I’m not all crazy in love like Roxy… but I’m getting there.”

  Reaching for her drink, Sonia held it up in a salute. “Glasses up everyone!”

  Roxy lifted her water goblet as the others lifted cocktail glasses.

  “I hope y’all know we’re only messing with y’all about the pact. We’re really glad you found great guys who care about you. May Quincy and Adam always make you this happy and never sad.”

  Jen joyously blurted out. “I’ll drink to that!”

  Roxy snickered. “Jen, you’ll drink to anything!”

  Chapter 35

  As soon as he disconnected his call with Roxy he began shutting down his computer. Standing, Adam stared at his desk contemplating whether or not to take work home. Shoving documents in his briefcase, he told himself if he got some free time during the holiday he could squeeze a couple hours of work in. If he didn’t get around to doing any work no big deal.

  His cell phone rang as he picked it up. A crooked smile curved his lips as Roxy’s picture popped up on the display. Clicking on the phone he put it up to his ear.

  As he listened it didn’t take long for him to realize she hadn’t meant to call him. After that faux pas with her phone that first night she stayed at his place, he’d been on her to make sure her touch screen was locked when not in use. She hadn’t listened.

  He gave George, the doorman a drab, monotone “Merry Christmas” as he left the building. He hadn’t acknowledged the man’s thanks for the monetary gift as he made his way to the building’s garage to get his vehicle. All he kept hearing was Roxy’s voice laughing in his head. Laughing at him.

  Clenching his jaw, Adam angrily slammed the car’s door as he got in and sped off.

  “Hey honey! I missed you,” Roxy cooed as she hopped in the car out of the cold. Leaning over for their customary kiss, she was shocked when Adam didn’t move to return the kiss.

  Putting on her seatbelt, she asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he gritted out between his teeth.

  What’s wrong with him? “You don’t seem fine.” He’d never been so curt and downright nasty with her since they’d been dating. What could have happened between the time she talked to him and he picked her up?

  Despite having a seatbelt on, Roxy’s hands flew out in front of her to brace herself as Adam slammed on the brakes in the middle of the street. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Drivers in surrounding cars were honking their horns and cussing Adam out. So much for Christmas cheer.

  Incredulously, Roxy gawked at Adam. “What’s wrong with you? Are you crazy?” she yelled. He was going to get them killed and he was sitting over there acting like he didn’t give a damn.

  She jumped when Adam banged his fist against the steering wheel. “Tell me about the pact, Roxanna!” he roared, his dark eyes piercing into her.

  A feeling of dread crept into her bones. He had overheard her conversation. Oh God. Her friends had said a lot of things in jest that would have totally been blown out of proportion if one didn’t know the history. And sadly for her, Adam didn’t know the history. They were just a group of single ladies hanging out after work and having fun. All their talk about a pact was no more than harmless play for their solution to ending their single days.

  Roxy knew her friends were just being silly with all the talk of Adam’s hefty bank account and being a good catch. They were truly happy that she and Kay had found their special someone.

  A tiny seed of hope began to blossom. If he stayed on the phone long enough he heard everything. And if he heard their conversation, then he knew the pact was nothing more than them being silly. Swallowing hard, she nervously licked her suddenly dry lips. “Adam, I can explain.”

  “I don’t need you to explain anything Roxanna! I heard you and your girlfriends!” he yelled.

  Frantic with desperation she rushed out, “But you couldn’t have heard everything. You didn’t—”

  She jumped when he banged the steering wheel again. “Damn it! I heard enough! I got it! I’m a big shot lawyer making a lot of money!”

  “Please Adam,” she begged. She turned her head away from him because she didn’t want him to see the tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Don’t you turn your back on me! Turn around!” he forcefully commanded.

  Roxy turned back around to face Adam. The sinister smirk he wore was far worse than the hateful scowl he’d been known to easily put on. “Is that what you want, Roxanna? For me to pay your bills?”

  She began shaking her head in the negative as tears began to spill down her face.

  Roughly unhooking his seatbelt, he yanked his money clip out of his back pocket. From the wad he began flinging fifty dollar bills at her.

  “Stop Adam! I don’t want your money!” she hysterically screamed.

  “Take it! Take it!” he bellowed back, flinging more money at her.

  “I don’t want it!” she yelled throwing the money back at him.

  The honking horns and gawking motorists temporarily snapped Adam out of his state of fury. Tiring of the honking horns, Adam shouted at the passing motorist. “Shut the hell up!” He pulled off, headed in the direction of Roxy’s home.

  Roxy silently cried as she stared out the window at the passing landscape. That feeling of dread was really gnawing at her now. Adam hadn’t given her the opportunity to explain how mistaken he was. If he loved her, really loved her, how could he believe that she only wanted him for his money?

  Just last month they had celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with both of their families. She’d been overjoyed when everyone commented on how they made the perfect couple. And when she overheard Ms. Brenda whispering to Mr. Nelson, “I’ll sure be glad when that boy asks her to marry him so we can get us a grandbaby. “She silently had wished for the same thing.

  A fresh new set of tears clouded her vision. He hadn’t thrown the part of the conversation up in her face about Sonia teasing her about getting pregnant. And for that she was thankful. He had already accused her of having false motives for being with him. She couldn’t take it if he accused her of tricking him into a pregnancy.

  Roxy began digging in her purse for her keys as he pulled up to her building. So much for celebrating her birthday with the man she loved. “I can walk myself to my building,” she sniffed, her voice trembling.

  Adam grunted as he glared at her. As angry as he was with her, he would see to it that she got safely inside. Stepping out of the vehicle he went around to the passenger side to open her door. The two walked in silent agony to her fro
nt door.

  Letting out a shaky breath, Roxy looked up at him. “Adam—”

  His voice was deadly calm when he spoke. “Roxanna, how many times do I have to tell you I don’t want to hear it?”

  The tight squeezing in her chest was making it difficult to breathe. “Okay,” she whispered.

  “I’ll pack your things and send them to you,” was the last thing he said to her as he turned and walked away.

  Chapter 36

  Adam’s rage soared to new heights as he crossed the threshold of his townhouse. He was immediately assaulted by the romantic ambiance. Helena had outdone herself. Any other time he would have been pleased, but the mere sight of it all fueled his wrath toward Roxy.

  The living and dining areas were bathed in the soft light of scented candles, notes of smooth jazz floated in the atmosphere, and a trail of rose petals led a path from the front door to his bedroom. A bistro table set for two was in a cozy corner.

  Throwing his briefcase to the floor, a string of expletives angrily flowed from his lips. Snuffing out the candles he dumped the entire four course meal into the trash. Snatching the vacuum cleaner from the hall closet, he angrily sucked up the rose petals. Next he crammed all of Roxy’s lingerie, clothes and toiletries in a box. When he was done there were no traces that she’d ever been there and that’s the way he wanted it. And that’s the way it was going to stay.

  The following day at six am he received his traditional Merry Christmas call from his parents. When his parents inquired about the time he and Roxy would be arriving he gave them the bad news.

  “What do you mean you’re not coming over? I have gifts for the both of you. And Reba was coming with you. I haven’t seen her in years.” As meddlesome as ever, Brenda pressed on. “Did something happen between you and Roxy?”

  “Mom, drop it! I said we’re not coming!” he barked.


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