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Webs of Deceptions

Page 2

by D L Davito

  Susie told her husband almost every detail of her encounter with Tony Scala and his limousine – how she marched up to him to give him hell about blocking her car, then realizing she had met him before, very briefly, with her friend Sandi. She told him everything, well – except for the kiss she impetuously gave him. This was the first time she had kept a secret from her husband, and she really didn’t know why she did, it was certainly harmless enough.

  But the way Tim was acting now, she was glad she did. He seemed almost jealous of her encounter with a stranger in a limo. Tim was always protective of her but not overly jealous, she had never given him a reason to be. She did not flirt or even think of being with another man. Their marriage was based on a mutual trust that each of them would be faithful. Neither had any doubt that they both took their vows seriously.

  So, Sue couldn’t understand why Tim didn’t share her enthusiasm now. He asked strange questions like: “Did he come on to you?” [NO!]; “Why did he pick your car to block in?” [Cell signal]; “Did he know about our mortgage troubles before you told him?” [Yes]; “Did he try to get a date with you?” [NO, NO, NO!]

  It dawned on Sue that all these months out of work had taken a bigger toll on Tim than she realized. Poor guy was breaking his back trying to provide for his family and having a hard time of it. Sue understood. She also had nightmares about losing everything and making it through these tough times. And, like Tim, she tried not to show it.

  Now his wife comes home with a possible solution to their problems, based on a brief meeting with a strange man? She could see how this could affect a man’s ego.

  “Tim, we are in this together. I would never do anything that you wouldn’t agree with, just like I know you wouldn’t either. We both need to meet with Mr Scala and see what his plan is to help us out.” Tim thoughtfully nodded his head in agreement.

  “Anyway silly man, why on earth would he ‘hit on me’ – a married lady and mommy to boot, when he surely could have his choice of the single girls out there?”


  At that moment, in a bar across town, Tony was talking to his buddies and answered Susan’s question without even hearing it: “There is nothing I love more than fucking a married woman, especially a pretty one who never had any intention of cheating on her husband. And the only thing better is if she is also a young mother, something about the changes in a woman’s body that make them sexy as hell. Their skin seems to be softer, their hips rounder and their tits juicier.”

  “Yeah”, added Frank. “And I love to see the surprised look on their faces when they cum. I’ve had my cock squeezed like a python by their cunt when it happens. It’s like they realize that they have just broken the vows they made to only fuck one man for the rest of their lives, and discover they love it. Something cuts loose in them and they seem to lose all their inhibitions and control.”

  Ted added to their philosophical discussion: “Truer words were never spoken. It’s like all her modesty and reserve gets blown up when a strange cock slips into her pussy, and they do things they would never do with their shmuck husbands. No matter how much she loves him.” Ted thought for a moment, then added: “The trick is to get her to believe that she is doing it for her family and she has no other choice. That takes her guilt away and really turns her loose.”

  The men were discussing how to go about getting their newest conquest target: Mrs Susan Dodge.

  Tony laid out some thoughts and Frank said: “I gotta hand it to you Tony, this is your best idea yet. Not only are we going to fuck this sweet young housewife silly, we stand to make a lot of money on the Dodge’s. But even if we don’t make a nickel, I have been wanting to fuck this one since we first met her at Cicero’s a month ago – wait till you see her Ted, this perky, sexy blonde honey looks to be one spectacular piece of ass!”

  “Not only that”, Tony added: “The way her tits were seeping in the limo today, our young mommy still has some mothers-milk in them. You guys know how much the Oriental men pay to drink from a young mother’s titties? They consider it to be some kind of youth-elixir potent. And they double the fee if they can fuck her at the same time… “Hell, that is four-thousand dollars from each Chinaman we send her way! I already know a dozen right in our OMW club that would jump at the chance.”

  “Yes boys, we have golden opportunity here with Mrs Dodge. Let’s not fuck it up. She is devoted to her husband, but with a wife looking like her, he is probably a jealous type. So Ted, when you go over there to do the home inspection tomorrow, try not to spook him into thinking we have designs on fucking his wife. Put him at ease and get him to believe we are just here to help.” Tony paused for effect: “Just like the government.” They all got a big chuckle out of that one.

  “No sweat”, said Ted. “You’re talking to a pro. Remember the way we got Sandi and her husband onto your sailboat with a bunch of us and kept him so busy fishing that he had no idea we were fucking his wife all over the boat?” They all had to reach down and reposition their swelling dicks at the thought of that day. “And he never found out! Hell, he even thanked us for letting him catch a trophy fish!”

  They reminisced awhile about their last conquest, Mrs Hall. “Too bad she got pregnant and is out of action these days, I still get horny thinking about her snapping cunt. “She was a screamer too, once she almost passed out while she was cuming.”

  [Sandi Hall’s story may be found in ‘Web of Deceit I & II’]

  Ted brought the conversation back to the present: “Don’t worry about me spooking Susan’s husband, I know he will have to think he can trust us. And we keep him in the dark so he won’t suspect anything while we get his wife to do what we want. God, how I love cuckolding pussy-whipped husbands, and they never even know how I’m fucking their wives.”

  “It sure adds a whole other dimension to fucking”, agreed Tony. “Tasting the forbidden fruit we are not suppose to touch, and getting away with it, is fantastic.”

  “Raise your glasses gentlemen: Here’s to fucking other men’s wives!”

  Chapter Five – We’re Here to Help

  The next day, after Ted’s ‘home inspection’ Sue asked her husband: “Well, what do you think Honey? Now do you believe me when I said these guys really do want to help us keep our house? Mr Ted Anderson seemed like a perfect gentleman and he certainly admired all the nice carpentry work you have been doing around here. This new mortgage group is sure different than what we have been used to with old one.”

  “That’s true”, answered Tim. “He had some pretty good ideas of how we can increase the value of our house with my carpentry skills. He also told me he has several retail stores around town and could give me some work building display cases and doing repairs. He even said he would pay scale wages.”

  He continued: “And you sure are right about the difference with our old mortgage holder. Those bastards at Countrywide wouldn’t do anything except send us dunning letters and threaten to foreclose on us.”

  Susan was happy to hear that Tim was feeling better about her chance meeting with Mr Scala, and that this might all work out good for them. She had been terribly afraid they might lose their home but had been trying to keep her fears secret from Tim so as not to add to the pressures he has been under. She gave him a hug and a kiss. “Mr Anderson also said that Mr Scala was even considering letting me work part-time for them.”

  “I don’t know”, mused Tim. “Did you notice how he had you go first through the rooms and up the stairs? I think he just wanted to watch your ass. I don’t know if we should trust these guys, they might be looking for a little something extra from you. Maybe we should get a lawyer to come to the meeting with them tomorrow?”

  Susan’s eyes turned dark and she stomped her foot. Her joy had turned to anger in a split-second. “Tim, what has gotten into you lately? No one has given me the slightest indication that their intentions are anything but honorable! Anyway, I haven’t so much as looked at another man since our marriage and have never gi
ven you any reason to not trust me!”

  She took a deep breath and crossed her arms. “This could be our only hope to save our home and I don’t think we should jinx it by bringing a lawyer tomorrow. It would look like we don’t trust them; we never used a lawyer at closing when we bought the house. Why should this be different? Anyway, we can’t afford a lawyer now!”

  Sue stomped off to her bedroom and slammed the door.

  Tim got the cold-shoulder all evening, right through dinner. When Susan tucked little Timmy in bed for the night, she went to bed alone. Later, when Tim got into bed next to her, he cuddled up to her back and kissed her neck: “I’m sorry honey, you know I just want to do the best for you and Timmy. I need to trust your judgment more, and I do trust you.”

  When she didn’t respond, he thought she must have fallen asleep.

  Susan was up bright and early the next morning and was feeling very good. She actually did hear Tim’s apology last night but decided to teach him a little lesson by not answering. Now this was a new day and she was humming sweetly as she got Timmy ready for MDO.

  Their plan was to drop Timmy off, then go next door to Scala Enterprise for their 10:30 meeting with their new mortgage holders. Tim was acting contrite and promised to keep an open mind for Mr Scala’s proposal.

  Chapter Six – The Proposal

  “It couldn’t be better”, Ted was talking to Tony and Frank as they waited for the Dodges to show up for the meeting. “The house is solid and in a good location, the value should skyrocket once this recession turns around. The husband has a real talent for carpentry and has been doing a lot of improvements since he has been out of work. I even offered him some work improving my retail stores and he was tickled pink. I also told him that his deck needs to be replaced – the materials should run about five-grand.”

  “Hell, that’s only two Chinamen”, snickered Frank.

  “Yeah, but not before I get my cock into sweet Mrs Dodge! Man, you guys were right about that sexy body of hers”, said Ted. “Her husband almost caught me checking out her perky ass as she was showing me around the house.”

  Just then the intercom buzzed and the receptionist announced that Mr and Mrs Dodge are here. “Send them in”, said Tony.

  Susan had changed clothes four times trying to find the right thing to wear this morning. She finally settled on an outfit she had bought when she worked in an office as an accounts manager before she quit to be a stay-at-home mom. The clothes were tight in some strategic places from the change in her body after the baby, but she thought she looked fine. From the admiring looks of the three men as they entered the room, she was right.

  Introductions were made and Tony asked them if they would like anything to drink. “Coffee would be nice”, smiled Susan. “Nothing for me”, said Tim.

  As Scala fixed a cup of coffee for Susan, Tim and his wife looked around the office. ‘It’s huge, bigger than any office I’ve seen’ thought Sue. And it was clear to her that no woman had a hand in decorating it, it was manly yet elegant. Susan had noticed that Tony wore a signet ring instead of wedding band and assumed he was not married. Now she noticed that all three men wore a similar ring with the embossed inscription: “OMW”. She guessed it was some kind of silly men’s club.

  A massive leather couch was alongside one wall and a fully stocked bar along the other. Hunting trophies and awards were scattered about and a nautical theme prevailed. A wooden model of a beautiful sailboat caught her eye: “That’s a scale model of SV Jewel”, Frank said when he noticed her looking at it. “She’s Tony’s pride and joy.”

  “Maybe we can get Tony to take us all out on her someday”, added Ted. “It would be my pleasure”, replied Tony. “I’m always looking for an excuse to take her out for a sail.”

  “Oh goody!” Cheered Sue. Tim just nodded his head in agreement. He was clearly impressed with the office as well. “Your woodwork is outstanding”, he told Tony. “And that desk looks hand-made?”

  Tony smiled and said: “Yes, it is. I work hard, like you Tim, and I like to reward myself with the best quality. Your lovely wife is proof that you do as well.”

  Tim looked at the handsome stranger, thought for a second and decided to take that as a complement. He was looking at the woodwork around the bar and a door next to it. “That’s the door to my private bathroom, feel free to use it if you like.” Tim had opened the door to feel its weight and noticed the granite room with a massive shower in it. “Very nice”, he said.

  Tony brought Sue’s coffee over and placed it at the front of his desk. It was a signal the meeting should begin. Frank and Ted sat at the couch while Tim and Susan took chairs at the front of the desk. Tony sat behind his desk and began speaking in a soft voice:

  “Scala Enterprise functions in several different areas, one of them is Venture Capital, where we finance now for greater profit later. Believe it or not, your home falls in that category and you two are it’s greatest asset. Tim is a highly skilled carpenter and Susan is a gracious hostess who can make people happy with her smile. We think we found a way to get you through this economic downturn, and all of us will come out ahead when it is over. It will require some sacrifice now, but will benefit you greatly in the future.”

  Tim and Sue were sitting on the edge of their chairs, nodding and waiting for him to continue.

  “We are going to change your existing mortgage from 15 years to 30 years and maintain the same interest. That will reduce your monthly payments by half… Tony leafed through a document on his desk: “Lets see, your new payment will be $849.53. I am offering Susan a part-time job with us at a monthly retainer of $1,000 plus expenses. That will more than allow you to cover your home payments, plus a little extra.”

  Frank and Ted remained silent from the couch and were watching the Dodges carefully. Both Sue and Tim’s eyes widened, but Tim had a frown while Susan had a beaming smile. Before either could speak Tony went on:

  “Tim, you will continue to collect unemployment benefits and pick up any work you find. I understand that Ted has already offered you some carpentry work at his retail stores.” Tim nodded in silent agreement.

  Scala looked directly at Tim as he continued speaking: “You will continue the fine improvements you have been doing on your home. I know it has been slow going because of the cost of materials; we are going to take that impediment away. You will have a pre-paid credit card from us that will allow you to buy materials as you need them.” Tony handed a Visa card to Tim. “We will start with a $10,000 credit and keep adding to it as you use it and turn in the receipts. The money that you spend will be added to the back end of your mortgage and Scala Enterprise will get that back if you sell or refinance the house. For this consideration, we will also have a 20% share of the equity in the house.”

  Tony slid an inch-high contract across the desk to them. “Any questions?” He asked.

  The room was silent for a couple of heartbeats, and then Tim and Susan started talking at once. Susan took the lead: “What do you mean by a ‘part-time’ job and what would my duties be?”

  Tony smiled at her: “Your time would be flexible and at your discretion. I understand your desire to spend time with your child, but I would like you to plan on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 3pm. Do you think you could change your MDO days to accommodate that?” Susan nodded in agreement as Tony continued:

  “As to your duties, a part of it will be research and learning about the products you would be representing for our clients, you will have your own office here in this building. I know from your past work history that you were an account manager for our competitor, Ritchie and Associates.” Tony smiled at Susan as he continued: “Standing in front of groups and speaking occasionally should be no problem for you. Of course, this will involve some travel to symposiums and trade shows, some lasting one or two days. This is one of the sacrifices I was referring to, another would be for Tim to be ‘Mr Mom’ during your brief absences.”

  Susan’s smile, bright
eyes and body language made it clear to everyone that she was thrilled with the prospect of this job. Tim’s frown was another matter. He said: “These ‘assignments’ you would be sending my wife on, are they like models at trade shows?”

  “That is exactly what she would be doing”, said Tony. “There is nothing like a pretty, perky female to get men’s attention for any product. Doesn’t matter if it’s cars, boats, BBQ’s or cheese cutters. Supplying this service for clients is a real cash cow for us. Currently we use models from an agency but they are expensive and not very dependable. Most are not that good-looking either. Susan’s looks, intelligence and appeal would bring new clients to our door and be more cost effective for us. I see it as a win-win situation Mr Dodge.”

  Tim was still hesitant. He asked: “What would she be wearing when doing this… modeling?”

  Tony replied: “Usually very elegant designer dresses, sometimes a business suit or casual wear depending on the show.”

  Tim frowned, “You mean like short-shorts or skimpy bikinis?” He mumbled.

  “Certainly we would want to show Susan off, but she would never be asked to wear anything she did not approve of.” Tony said, glancing at Sue.

  Sue turned to her husband and said softly: “Timothy, don’t you dare start that kind of talk again! I believe Mr Scala would never ask me to do anything I would be uncomfortable with, and I have never given you any reason to not trust me. After all, I’m not just your wife; I am Timmy’s mommy too. I love you both and would never do anything to betray your trust.”


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