Book Read Free

Look the Look of Lust

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by Miranda Forbes



  Edited by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Xcite Books Ltd – 2011

  ISBN 9781908262233

  Copyright © Xcite Books Ltd 2011

  The stories contained within this book are works of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors’ imaginations and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  * Winner of Jade Erotic Awards:

  Erotic Fiction Publisher 2010 & 2011 *

  * Winner ETO Best Erotic Book Brand 2010 & 2011 *


  The Look of Lust Jade Taylor

  Farm Hand Lucy Felthouse

  Come Between Us Lynn Lake

  Eighteen Wheels To Ecstasy Arlie MacGregor

  Bound And Free Victoria Blisse

  Spa Daze Louisa Harvey

  The Look of Lust

  by Jade Taylor

  Nate had a way of looking at me that made me instantly wet. That was the first thing that attracted me, although he definitely had the looks to catch my eye, it was the way he looked at me that did it for me.

  I’d heard of men looking at you as if they were mentally undressing you, well that was nothing on Nate. When he first looked at me he looked like he felt as if his cock were already inside me, he looked at me as if he were mentally fucking me.

  That look of lust gave him a lot to live up to, but, somehow, he did. We spent blissful days touching and tasting, sucking and fucking.

  But now it seemed like a distant memory.

  I wanted to make excuses for him, and, for a while, I did. He was busy at work, stressed, so maybe if the sex was a little perfunctory, occasionally slightly mechanical, well a girl couldn’t expect perfection every time could she? And the perfection had been wonderful …

  But the memory of good sex can only last you so long. And when I found myself wanking over the memories of the great sex we’d had, rather than actually having great sex, well, nobody could ignore a sign like that.

  So when I flick through one of my favourite magazines and see an article on boudoir photography I’m struck by inspiration. Not only can I have a makeover to make myself feel sexy again (as Nate’s behaviour was definitely shaking my confidence), but I’d have some photos to remind Nate of how sexy I was as well.

  The idea of it all turns me on.

  Quickly I grab my laptop and search out “intimate boudoir photographs”. I’m amazed at the number of hits (and also by the strange ads for porno websites, but that’s just the joy of the web).

  There’s not many local to my area, but there’s one that catches my eye.

  It’s round the corner from Nate’s work.

  If they have a slot free soon, I think, then it’s fate, wanting to do this quickly before I can think it through, before I can talk myself out of it, before I try to convince myself again that Nate and I are OK.

  I phone them.

  ‘Intimately Yours, how can we help?’

  I can hardly speak.


  ‘Hi, I wondered if I could book in for some photos, the sooner the better would be great, I mean, if you had something today that would be brilliant, but maybe if you had something tomorrow that would be great too?’

  I’m babbling, I know, and stop myself suddenly.

  The woman on the other end hardly seems taken aback, obviously used to it.

  ‘Well we do have the studio free this afternoon as someone cancelled; the only problem would be that as our usual photographer’s left I’d have to get someone else in.’

  ‘OK,’ I reply uncertainly, wondering why this would be a problem, but thinking more about the person that cancelled. Why did they cancel? Will this be scarier than I’d thought?

  The woman’s voice cuts through my mental meanderings.

  ‘As in the photographer would be a man.’

  And though I should maybe take that as the sign that this isn’t fated, that this afternoon I should maybe crack on with the ironing, or get some of my paperwork done, I don’t.

  Instead I think, I wonder who the man is, how old he is, and what he looks like. I wonder if I could turn him on. Because right now I’m not thinking about the fact that a strange man might be looking at me almost naked, but instead thinking how good it would be for a man to look at me like I was sexy.

  Perhaps perfunctory sex had affected me more than I’d thought.

  ‘What time should I come?’

  The liquid courage I’ve had in a conveniently located wine bar helps calm my nerves as I ring the bell. Fortunately from the outside the studio looks like a trendy office with no garish advertising that would make me feel as if I had to sneak inside unobserved.

  The woman who lets me in is absolutely gorgeous.

  It shouldn’t be allowed in a place like this.

  She’s tall and willowy with dark hair that’s trailing down her back in loose curls. She holds out her hand as she looks me up and down, green eyes peeping from under dark lashes. She’s only wearing casual T-shirt and jeans, but looks more glamorous than most women would in the most expensive of evening gowns.

  I should feel intimidated by her, but all I can think is how effortlessly sexy she is. It’s not just her looks, though they obviously help, but her confidence.

  But that’s what I came here for.

  ‘You must be Kate.’ She takes my hand, but doesn’t shake it, holding it gently as I try to regain my bearings. ‘I’m Alex. I do the bookings and the make up.’

  Alex smiles, and I’m fixated by how her tongue flicks over her perfect rosebud lips.

  She leads me to a small room and sits me in front of a large mirror, talking to me quietly as she delicately removes my make up.

  ‘So is this for a special occasion?’

  I laugh cynically, wondering how many women come here to provide their men with birthday or anniversary gifts. ‘Not really, I just wanted to remind my partner what I look like, I hardly think he notices any more.’

  Her fingers are soft, smoothing on foundation as she meets my eyes. ‘You’re a very beautiful woman, and if he can’t see that then it’s his loss.’

  Hmm, I think, I didn’t know a pep talk came as part of the package.

  ‘And mine,’ I say, and as she looks at me quizzically I add, ‘his attention seems to be elsewhere.’

  I can see she wants to say something peppy again, maybe tell me I’d be better off without him (and I’m starting to wonder if that isn’t true) but instead she limits herself to, ‘well let’s do something to get that attention back then.’

  I close my eyes as she picks up eyeliner, trying to relax as she draws it on slowly. I keep my eyes closed when she’s done, enjoying the sensation of her fingers brushing across my skin. It feels strangely erotic, and I can feel myself getting wet as she works her make-up magic on me, and as she uses her thumb to apply lip gloss I’m tempted to stick my tongue out, to draw it into my mouth and see what could happen.

  I’ve never had thoughts like this about women before, and although she’s undeniably attractive, it’s more than that, the sensuality she exudes making me want her. I open my eyes and see she’s watching me, and for a moment I think she can see what I’m thinking, and I blush. I see her notice my blush, see her lick her lips slowly, and wish I could taste them, see if they are as soft as they look.

  ‘So what do you think?
’ Alex asks, her voice low and seductive, and I almost answer, believing she’s asking what I think about kissing her. ‘You like it?’

  I turn, unwilling to pull my gaze away from her, and study myself in the mirror.

  I look gorgeous. Maybe I’m not supermodel material, but I look sexy and confident. I look like the gorgeous girl I used to be.

  ‘I love it.’

  Her hand goes to my cheek, and as she pulls away her fingers slowly trail across my lips. ‘Me too.’

  Alex leads me through to the studio, casually calling out, ‘That’s Joe, my husband.’

  Although he’s gorgeous, with eyes so dark his pupils are lost, black hair so curly he looks like an untamed gypsy, it seems wrong she’s his, and I feel jealous as he touches her bottom as she walks by.

  Alex sits me on a chair in the centre of the room, then sits at the back watching as Joe tells me the different poses to strike. Occasionally he stops, and without having to tell her what he needs she adjusts my hair or touches up my make up, they’re so attuned to each other’s need that words are unnecessary.

  ‘These are just the warm up shots,’ Joe tells me, ‘So you can decide how far you want to take this.’

  It’s good to know he’s not going to instantly ask me to strip, and I’m finally getting into it, Joe no longer having to tell me to stop knotting my shoulders, to relax, to smile, when Alex opens my shirt slightly, pulling it slightly to one side, exposing black bra and toned shoulder. She touches my face to turn me slightly, and although her husband’s here, watching and taking photos, I wish she’d touch me more, can imagine her pulling my face towards hers, our lips softly meeting.

  I shake my head, trying to dispel these thoughts. Alex misinterprets it, and quickly pulls my shirt back up.

  ‘Sorry, just thought we could get a bit sexier.’ Her words are an apology, but her eyes flash a challenge.

  ‘No,’ I laugh, embarrassed, ‘That’s fine, I want to look sexy.’

  Her hands go to the front of my shirt, and this time her hands touch bare flesh as she opens more buttons, making me breathe in sharply, and as she pulls away I can’t help but grab her hands. ‘I really want to make these photos special.’

  Now it’s Joe who coughs, embarrassed. For a moment I think it’s because of the way I’m touching his wife, that he’s seen how much I want her. Then he explains. ‘If you’re sure you’re OK with me taking the photos we’ve got some outfits you might be interested in ...’ His voice trails off; worried he’s overstepped the mark.

  I wonder exactly what his wife told him about this assignment.

  I meet his eyes, watching him nervously lick his lips as I answer, ‘that would be great.’

  Alex leads me to a changing room, and I undress nervously, glad I have my black bra and matching thong on. I pull on a kimono style dressing gown, unable to walk out wearing nothing.

  Alex is waiting, and takes my hand as we walk back across to the studio, sending a jolt of desire through me as her thumb brushes across my palm.

  Now she doesn’t position me on the chair, instead Joe pulls down the backing sheet, and she places me on the bed behind.

  Her hands feel like they’re all over me, but she refuses to meet my eyes as she lays me face down, head on hands, leg up, and pulls my kimono open slightly. She steps back as Joe snaps his photos then steps back, this time opening my kimono more, so my bra is visible. Joe takes more photos.

  This time when he stops she meets my eyes as she says, ‘excuse me.’ Her fingers trail around the top of my bra, teasing my nipples through flimsy material. ‘Just trying to get them hard,’ she lies; they’ve been hard ever since I met her.

  I hear Joe swallow a moan as he takes more photos.

  Next pause and she pulls my kimono off, pulling the bed sheet away as I reach for it instinctively, and pulls me into a sitting position, letting the camera see everything.

  As the camera flashes I can feel myself getting wetter.

  This time when Joe stops Alex slips cool hands inside my bra, pinching my nipples, as I close my eyes, blushing.

  Joe moans aloud.

  I know the camera is still flashing as she continues to touch me, but I don’t care, her hands are on my breasts and that’s all I can think off. She trails her hands across my shoulders and neck, stepping out of frame momentarily as she lets my straps fall. Alex pushes me back on the bed, then her mouth is upon mine, and it’s not like kissing a man at all as her soft lips and gentle tongue slowly meet mine.

  I can hear the camera still going, can hear Joe’s breath getting louder as I touch his wife, but I don’t care. All I want is to touch her.

  I reach for her T-shirt, cupping her breasts, running my thumbs over her nipples, feeling them harden. Her breath quickens in my mouth, then she pulls away, out of frame as the camera shoots again. This time I really am into it, posing as Joe and Alex watch me, kneeling and cupping my breasts, then lying down, trailing hands down my thighs, then on all fours, rump in the air as I smile cheekily over my shoulder.

  The photos should be good, but I no longer care about them, I just want Alex to watch me, to want me the way I want her.

  She comes back into frame and now I pull off her jeans, legs tangled together, hands everywhere as Joe calls his encouragement. Alex lowers her mouth to my breast, sucking nipples through my bra, then roughly pulling it off as she sucks my breasts into her mouth, a hand going between my legs and stroking me, feeling my wetness drenching my panties. She pulls away again, and now my hands are all over my body, pinching my nipples as the camera continues to catch everything, pulling my panties down, hands coyly covering cunt, and then lewdly pulling apart slick lips, my fingers delving inside and playfully teasing clit. I watch as Alex mirrors my actions out of frame, taking off her bra quickly, pinching her dark nipples, pulling down panties showing cunt with dark hair, showing wetness as fingers slip inside.

  ‘Come here,’ I demand, and she does, and doesn’t pull away this time.

  I pull her close, tasting her mouth, and then moving lower to taste her. I’ve never done this before, but my behaviour is almost instinctual. I breathe in her heady musk, as my mouth traces her wet lips. Then I part them to lap at her clit.

  I watch Joe as he continues taking photos, hand almost unconsciously rubbing his erection, the bulge straining through his jeans.

  Alex’s hand goes between my legs, and I moan as she finds what she’s looking for, fingers slipping effortlessly inside, and then out again, softly teasing my clit as I continue teasing her. Then she pulls me up, kisses me hard, our thighs between each other’s legs, bodies grinding against each other as breath quickens and moans grow louder.

  I don’t notice Joe walk over to us, don’t realise the camera is still clicking automatically as he pulls us apart, and then poses us once more.

  I’m turned around; his hands are noticeably rougher than hers as he touches my breasts. His fingers run across my buttocks, as he positions me on top of her, with my head between her legs, and my cunt inches from her face.

  He sits back on the chair, jeans opened, stroking his cock now as he watches us lapping at each other, tongues first teasing, then teasing forgotten as desire builds, until faces are pressed tight in cunts, tongues rubbing hard against clits, mouths covered in juices as the tension gets too much. His cock is large and glistening with excitement, and I want him to fuck me, want him to be part of this.

  Then Joe stands, and his hands are touching both of us as we come loudly, thighs clenching as the waves flood our bodies, everything electric as our orgasms shake through us.

  It is Alex that recovers first, pulling me up to kneel in front of her husband as she pulls his clothes off.

  His chest is toned with tiny dark nipples, and I suck at them, watching as below me she sucks his cock. I kiss him, watching for her approval, and revel in how different his kiss is. There is no softness, grabbing the back of my head to pull me closer. His breathing grows quicker as his hands go to my breasts, no
t to tease or titillate me, but purely for his enjoyment as he roughly kneads them, pinching my nipples, moaning as I wince between pleasure and pain.

  She pulls me away and now positions me on all fours. I can feel my juices, her saliva, dribbling down my thighs, this excitement more than any I have felt before. I feel him behind me, and then he is inside me, filling me completely, thrusting away, mindless in pursuit of his pleasure. It turns me on to be used like this, and when Alex sits in front of me, legs splayed wide, and begins to touch herself, I know I have to come soon.

  I watch her fingers disappear inside herself, and then out again swirling around her clit. She catches my eye as she put her fingers in her mouth, slowly licking off her own juices. Then Joe has my attention as a hand finally goes to my body, tweaking nipples and fingering my clit.

  ‘Come,’ she says, and then I do. I’m shaking, coming harder than ever before, my cunt clenching as Joe, thrusts furiously as he finally gains relief. Alex smiles as she comes again, and this time I can watch her, the way her eyes close as her mouth parts, head thrown back as she moans almost silently, hands suddenly still between clenched thighs, body shaking.

  For a moment she is still, then she comes back to the bed, kissing me hard as I pull away from Joe. She pulls me close, and Joe pulls the covers up around us.

  As I drift off I hear the camera still clicking.

  As Nate walks over to my table in our favourite restaurant I’m still not sure what to do. The photos are gift wrapped on the table, but although I want to give them to him, to try to recapture what we had, after my experience with Alex and Joe I’m wondering whether what we had before was really that good, whether Nate even deserves a second chance after the way he’s been behaving.

  He puts his suit jacket on the back of the chair then bends to kiss me, and I note that, once again, it’s on the cheek not mouth.

  That’s how you greet maiden aunts, not your lover.

  ‘I’m nipping to the gents, order me a pint.’

  While he heads to the loo I reach in his pocket to nab his phone, wondering if maybe I could be technologically minded enough to put the photos on there as a surprise.


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