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The Chronicles of Fire and Ice: The Revealing

Page 22

by Peay, Dexx

“It all smells so good,” I said, walking into the kitchen. “Did you guys even sleep?”

  “Sleep, what’s that?” Aunt Chloe turned around with a pan full of blueberry muffins hot out of the oven. “We’ve been up having such a hoot, we lost track of time and just went ahead and started the festivities.”

  I walked around wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, then joined Dad and Chad on the couch for holiday cartoons.

  “You don’t want to help your mother out in the kitchen, Dylan?” Dad asked.

  “Dad, you know I have just about as much cooking skills as you do. I like the house, don’t wanna burn it down.”

  “Can we go ahead and start opening presents, Dad?” Dalton asked.

  “Have you eaten yet?” Dad replied.

  Dalton knew Dad never allowed us to open presents before breakfast. We tried that once when we were kids, and we skipped every meal. From that day on Dad’s rule was eat first, presents second.

  We gathered at the table covered in the foods Mom only cooked during the holidays.

  Dalton was the first to dig in. After he made his plate disappear, he rushed over and slid on his knees to the tree, grabbing all the boxes with his name on it, clawing the paper and bows right off of them. Everyone else took their time enjoying all the wonderful food, then walked over to the tree and began opening their gifts. Seeing everyone else smile made me smile.

  Later on I headed out to Marcus’ house to drop off his gift. I ran back up to my room to grab my phone and noticed I received a text. It was from Imani and read: Merry Christmas.

  I smiled.

  I turned around and ran right out the room, crashing into Chad.

  “Whoa, cuz, why the rush?” he asked.

  He gave me weird looks as I bent down to pick up my phone.

  “Yo, Dylan, when did you get contacts?”

  “Crap.” I huffed.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. I'm just blind as a bat and normally don’t like wearing them.”

  “Most people just go with the clear so it won’t be so obvious.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “So where you headed?”

  “Marcus’ house. I’ll be back soon. I won’t be too long, and you don’t want to be around his crazy family.” I responded, pushing him aside and dashing down the stairs. I got right to the door when Mom yelled from the kitchen—

  “Where’re you headed to in such a hurry, Dylan?”

  “I'm just going to the Peterson’s house.” I walked out the door thinking I was all in the clear.

  “You’re not going anywhere in that snow,” Mom said.

  I walked back inside.

  “I'm walking. I’ll be fine.” I stepped out the front door again.

  “It’s freezing out there. You won’t be fine,” she said.

  I walked back in. “Mommmm!” I was having a serious WTF moment. It was like the universe or something was stopping me from leaving. All I wanted to do was get to Marcus.

  “If you get sick, it’s on you then, Dylan.” She taunted. She finally showed her face and walked up holding an envelope. “Here, drop this off to them then.”

  I finally made it to the house.

  “Merry Christmas, everyone,” I said, shaking the snow off my coat once I walked in. I made my way around the room greeting everyone then handed Mr. Peterson the envelope Mom gave me.

  “I got you something, bro,” I nodded to Marcus.

  “Oh, you got me something?” Marcus laughed.

  “Of course, dude, I wasn’t going to forget you.”

  “Well, what is it?” he asked, trying to snatch the package from me as I tossed it between my hands.

  “Let’s go in the room right quick.”

  We walked into his room and the door closed behind us.

  “Dylan, really?” Marcus said.

  I laughed and handed him the gift. He tore the paper off with one swipe and looked at it awkwardly. “It’s an antique journal,” I said, admiring him admire the journal. “Thought the look would at least fit the rest of them. I know how bad your family, your other family, wants you to keep the tradition of telling the future generations the family history. Now you have your own book for whenever you decide to start telling your story.”

  “Wow, Dylan.” He kept his eyes on the journal, rubbing his fingers on the leather cover. I thought it was only right to have his family symbol indented on the cover. “This … this is really something. I think I’ll start right away and write what’s been happening so far.”

  “I think that’s what your father would really want. Oh yeah I almost forgot, turn it over.” He turned it over and engraved on the top corner read: Marcus Ferrari.

  New Year’s Eve came around and it just meant one thing: school was right around the corner. I spent the day with a few of the guys I used to ball with, and the evening with my family and the Petersons over dinner. Evening became late night, and we all waited in front of the screen until midnight struck, cheering and toasting, champagne-filled glasses clinking.

  Marcus and I climbed onto the roof and went over the past events of the year, reflecting on how much our lives have changed. We knew that this year was just the beginning and whoever was after Marcus was still out there.

  “Ready to set off some fireworks?” I asked.

  “I thought Dalton and Elias set ‘em all off?”

  “Marcus, I'm sure we can make our own fireworks.”

  With just a thought, blue lights of ice swirled in my palm taking the shape of a ball. I threw the ball of ice into the air. Marcus grinned, stood, and flickered a mini fireball at it, causing it to explode into colorful ice particles that resembled fireworks. We laughed and threw more, seeing how the size of the balls made each particle unique.

  I did most of my packing before I went to bed so I spent my morning cleaning my room since it was used as an extra guest room or if Dalton needed extra space to kick his soccer ball around. After having all this fun, I wasn’t ready to go back to the fast-paced environment, filthy streets, or the stench of public transportation in the City.

  Once I got everything ready I went downstairs to get some food. Mom and Dad were sitting at the table.

  “Can I join you?” I asked.

  “Sure, son, have a seat. We’ve been waiting for you anyway,” Mom said in a low tone.

  “What’s this about?” I sat.

  “Can I start?” Dad asked.

  “Sure, Jackson.” Mom agreed.

  “Your mom and I are getting a divorce.” Dad blurted as if he was excited to let the words leave his mouth. Mom elbowed him. He was never the one to sugarcoat anything. I got up from my seat, my fingers tightly gripping the edge of the table.

  “Please sit,” Mom said.

  “I’d rather stand,” I said dismissively.

  “Things between your father and I just haven’t been the same for a while. We still love each other very much and—”

  “Have you told Dalton yet?” The tone in my voice darkened. I fought hard to keep my tears inside. I was furious they made a huge decision like this that affected the whole family alone.

  “Not yet. We’re just waiting for the perfect time,” Mom said, tears forming in her eyes, her voice cracking.

  “You two are selfish. When do you think is the perfect time? There is no perfect time. You guys are going to crush him from the inside out and I don’t even think you care.”

  “Dylan, calm down,” Dad roared.

  “No! How can you do this to us? I just pray that Dalton doesn’t hurt as bad as I am right now.”

  As soon as I turned around and fixed myself to walk off, Dad jumped up and gripped my arm, pressing firmly into my skin.

  “Watch it, son. We’re still your parents and you will respect us.”

  I pushed him with my free hand. My powers kicked in and Dad tripped, hitting his head on the wall. Mom flinched, tears a constant stream down her cheeks. I ran upstairs, grabbed my luggage, and rushed back down.
  “Where are you going, Dylan?” Mom said, trying to help Dad to his feet, but he waved her away.

  “Back to school. You need to have this talk with your son. I can’t do this right now.”

  I called Marcus and told him to be ready. I got to his house and of course he wasn’t finished packing yet. I didn’t have time for his great ability of procrastination so I went in and helped.

  “Dude what’s gotten into you?” he asked as I tossed his things haphazardly into random bags.

  “We’ll chat on the way back. Let’s just hurry up and get on the road. I’m over Poughkeepsie.”

  My mind wasn’t focused on the road; I had no idea how I managed to not hit anything. I told him what happened and we talked about it the whole time on the road.

  It felt good to be back on campus and in my room. I was the first one back from the suite back and was pleased to not see Airez’s face first. I put my luggage down and sat on the bed. Wasn’t sure if I was ready for school or anything else this semester but I was going to take it head on no matter what the challenges were.

  The Revealing

  Chapter 21


  It was the first day of classes and my mind was scattered. I desperately wanted to call my parents and apologize for the way that I acted, but at the same time I was still furious. My heart ached for Dalton. I wasn’t sure what life was going to be like for any of us when the divorce finalized.

  I had so many questions that needed answers.

  Always thought that I had the perfect family.

  Guess you can never judge a book by its cover.

  I was ambitious this semester taking seventeen credit hours. I had the dull subject History II bright and early on Mondays and Wednesdays.

  My professor sounded like the guy from Clear Eyes commercial — monotone. I don’t even think it really bothered him that half his class was asleep.

  Next on the snooze list: Dylan.

  I woke up as class was ending. It was a good thing I wasn’t snoring or woke up to a crowd of people staring at me. I walked outside and headed towards my next class. A thick layer of snow covered the ground and everyone walking around in their colorful winter gear looked like Skittles on white paper. I smirked as I walked by. That was me pre-abilities. Still, I wore a light jacket to fake it.

  As I walked into my next class, Imani walked up beside me. “Seems we have this class together,” I said, voice charming as ever. Her face instantly turned red as her eyes gazed past me and she hurried into the classroom.

  “So how was your break?” I took a seat next to her. “I was happy to get a text from you on Christmas.”

  She rolled her eyes and pulled her books out. I put my finger on her pencil and watched as it instantly covered itself in ice. She snatched the pencil, threw it on the floor, and grabbed my shirt pulling me in closer to her so that our foreheads connected.

  Lips practically sealed, she said, “Are you trying to get us caught by every Qihar in the city?”

  I snatched myself back. I heard that term before in one of the journals. “What’s … a… Qihar?” I asked.

  “UGH! Just forget about it. You’re so blind to everything. You have no clue who you really are.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I couldn’t understand how a girl so pretty and petite could have so much hostility built up inside. When class was over she gathered her things, and raced for the door. I raced after her, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her away from everyone.

  “Talk to me,” I demanded.

  “Dylan, do you think we were given these powers to go around and have fun with? We’re in the middle of some intergalactic war and these powers are a curse to everyone like us. They bring nothing but death.”

  She began to walk off but stopped abruptly. She turned around, walked back towards me then took my hand, raising the sleeve on my right arm and looked stunned.

  “I don’t get it,” she said.

  “Get what?” I asked. She just kept looking but I couldn’t see what she was looking for.

  “You’re not even marked.”

  What mark was she talking about? “What do you mean?”

  “You’re not even like us…. Who are you?” She looked at me like I was a complete stranger then walked off.

  I met up with Hudson in his room where Marcus was. I walked into Hudson telling the story of how he and his sister were attacked back home over the break. It must really suck that they have to always be around each other just in case danger pops up. I didn’t want to tell them about what Imani said, but I did wonder if he was marked.

  While he was talking, I closed my eyes and channeled my energy on Hudson’s sleeve. I pictured it slowly, inch by inch, the sleeve of Hudson’s thermal lifting. I opened my eyes and noticed black ink tattooed on his wrist. His mark had me in a trance. It was beautiful, like artwork, the way it twisted and coiled up past where I could see. As I continued to stare, my gaze met his. His narrowed eyes and wrinkled nose said one thing: Disgust.

  “What are you doing?” His left hand jumped to his right arm, lowering his sleeve.

  “Dylan!” Marcus screamed. They both jumped up like they were ready for a fight.

  “OK… OK … OK, guys, I'm sorry.” I threw my hands up.

  “Why are you trying to look at my mark?” Hudson asked.

  “I was trying to see if people with abilities really are marked,” I said.

  “Of course we are, just look at your own if you’re that obsessed with it.”

  “I … I don’t have one.”

  Hudson cocked his head sideways and took a step towards me. “What? What do you mean you don’t have one? Gimmie your arm.” He raised my sleeve. “How is that even possible?” He looked over at Marcus and raised his sleeve. There was nothing but the color of his skin. His eyes jumped back and forth between the both of us holding our sleeves up.

  “How could I have missed this?” Hudson whispered to himself.

  “Are people born with these markings?” I asked.

  “No, but we normally have them by puberty.”

  “Maybe we’re just late bloomers,” Marcus said.

  “Yeah … maybe.” He stared at us like he’d never seen us a day in his life. He went on to finish telling the story of their attack.

  Everything was going in one ear and out the other as he talked. I was curious as to why Marcus and I didn’t have a marking. I wasn’t in a rush or anything for a tattoo but it was kind of odd. Marcus should at least have one if anything.

  I wanted to know more about Qihar so I asked Marcus if I could borrow the books for the night. Although he said no, he offered for us to read them together. I understood. He didn’t want the books leaving his sight. Charlie was watching TV in the room so we went to the library, found an empty corner and collapsed on the floor.

  I looked for the book that I read from the last time that had all the shapes and squiggles. Once I found it, I opened it to the first page.

  I looked at the page and all of a sudden the symbols moved around until English words appeared on the pages.

  There was a loud explosion outside. It wasn’t just a normal explosion we hear when the warriors are out training in the battlegrounds. This one felt different, it felt dark—real. I got out of bed, walked into the hallway, and saw my parents gearing up for a battle. I asked what was going on but they told me to get my sister and seek shelter. I offered my assistance but I was told getting my sister out was more important.

  I grabbed her, activated A.N.T and the three of us headed outside and what I saw was a sight I will never forget. Dozens of massive ships covered the murky purple sky and thousands of warriors flying out of them.

  Without hesitation they started attacking my people and destroying the planet with their abilities. I knew who it was the second they started attacking. It was the Qihar, a race of people from our neighboring planet. There are four planets in the Mocra galaxy: Qihar, Xarpore, Vandakhor and Xioh. Nobod
y knows why or even where they come from but for some reason the people of my planet and the people of Qihar all have unique abilities. We all possess one of five abilities: fire, air, water, ice, and lightning.

  Even though our two planets are so close that it’s visible with the naked eye, contact of any form between the two races have been forbidden far before time itself—prophesizing the ultimate destruction. Everything happened so fast. I hugged my parents and they told me to head to town but to be sure to stay out of the sky. They promised they would meet up with us when they could. That was the last time I ever saw them.

  A sinister chill froze my bones. It now made a little more sense as to what has been going on and what Imani was saying.

  “Is there more?” Marcus asked.

  I kept going.

  We were both exhausted when we finally made it to King’s Square. There were a bunch of other kids both younger and closer to my age, meeting there as well. I saw a few friends, which eased the anxiety. When we got inside, the King and teams of his best warriors were all leaving to aid in the war. He told all of us to go into the caves and wait for his assistants to come give us further instructions.

  We all followed the King’s order and went to the cave alongside his daughter, the Princess of Xarpore. There were hundreds of escape pods used for emergency evacuation. We were there for days as the battle above ground took place. I felt cowardly just sitting there when I could have been helping my people, but the Princess assured me that our people were doing fine.

  We were starting to run out of food so one of the guys decided, on his own, to go out and get more. The Princess ordered him to stay and that we shouldn’t disobey her father’s orders but he didn’t listen. It was like he unleashed the gateway to all evil when he opened the door. A rush of Qihar swarmed in and attacked all of us.

  We fought back. I did everything I could before the princess grabbed me and shoved me into one of the pods. I yelled to her that I couldn’t find my little sister or A.N.T and that I had to go find them. She told me that she would go back and find her but that we had to start evacuating. She set the destination to Vandakhor and closed the door. There were a good number of us that made it into the pods but most were shot out of the sky by the Qihar ships. I now wait in my pod until landing. I hope to see my family again one day.


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