My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 6

by Jakz, Nikita

  His face suddenly surfaced atop her deceivingly peaceful shore. “Cole,” she whispered. He felt so far away. Her heart began to weep, like it’d been dealt a tragedy she’d somehow nearly forgotten about.

  The door abruptly opened. Kindred filled the room, surrounding and laying their hands upon her. Despite their gentle touch, something inside Sera screamed for them to get away. She grimaced and tried to jerk free. “No… Let me be... Please...”

  But darkness came too quick.

  With the female bound and gagged, Cole took out his phone as he stood inside the large, abandoned building. It was time to text her brother. The angels had been a thorn in his side from the moment he’d first met them -the self-righteous pin feathers- so using them as a means to an end gave him no greater joy. It wasn’t like he was going to hurt Janelle, but her brother didn’t know that. He still considered all demons the same. What a moron.

  He exited the building to thumb out his message: “Have a package 4 u. Meet me ASAP if u want your special goodie.” After typing in the address, he finished by including a picture of the male’s sister. Now to wait for his visitor.

  Jazz felt his front pocket vibrate. Mouth full and chewing, he tugged out his cell and opened his newest text. Deep brown eyes went saucer-wide. Nearly choking, he barked out a curse. “That son of a bitch!”

  Still on his lunch break at the neighborhood pub, he tore out of the back room, plowing into a fellow employee walking by. Without even an ‘Oops, my bad’ he hauled ass out of the building toward the nearest back alley. Within seconds, his cloak was activated. Large wings erupted from his back, firing him instantly into the sky. A second later, a loud crack reverberated high above as he surpassed the speed of sound.

  Cole leaned against the building’s exterior and pulled out another cigar. He needed something to do, after all, while he waited for Fluff Ball to show up. He truly couldn’t stand the guy, but knew this was the only way he was going to get Sera back. No one was going to keep what was his.

  The sound of flapping wings overhead interrupted his dark musing. He looked up to watch one fuming angel land a few yards away. “Took you long enough, Do-Goodie.”

  Jazz’s eyes blazed. Instantly he was up in Cole’s grill. With both hands fisted in the demon’s shirt, he slammed him into the wall. “Where the fuck is my sister?” he snarled.

  Cole just smirked, blowing smoke in the angel’s face. “There are some terms that need to be discussed first.” As Jazz stepped back, Cole nonchalantly brushed off the front of his suit. He looked at the winged male. “So get your undies out of a twist so we can strike ourselves a deal.”

  Jazz's nostrils flared, clearly fighting back the urge to go all ‘Halo’ on Cole’s ass. The angel obviously realized it wouldn’t make sense to thrash the dude until after he got his sister back. Steeling his shoulders, he pinned Cole with a growl. “What terms? I want to see my sister, and I want to see her now.”

  Cole cocked an arrogant brow. “Don't piss in my Post Toasties, Cotton ball. I need to know if you can get ahold of a seraph for me. Then we’ll talk about your sister and her whereabouts.” Casually, he flicked his ashes on Jazz's boot.

  The angel stilled, clearly taken off guard by Cole’s request. He stepped back further, blinking in disbelief. “A Seraph? Are you out of your freaking mind? You do realize they’re like the top dogs up there, right? They could turn me to cinder just by looking at me.” He shook his head and took another step back. “Nah, man. There’s got to be something else we can work out. I’m no good to you or my sister as a pile of ash.”

  Cole rolled his eyes. “You want your sister or not?” When Jazz continued fidgeted anxiously, he shrugged. “It’s your choice. You get me what I want and I’ll give you what you want.”

  Jazz hissed in obvious frustration. “I’m bound to my corporal body, unable to leave this realm until my mission is complete. So I’m physically incapable of doing what you ask. You’re gonna have to seek out your little seraph all by yourself.” He chuckled darkly, crossing his arms. “So keep thinking, dude. There's got to be something else you need.”

  Cole held back a growl, tossing his phone to the angel. “Nope. Your sister for what I want. Last chance, feather brain.”

  Jazz caught the cell, a live video feed of his sister playing on its screen. He grimaced on a groan. “Janelle.” His thumb stroked over the image before he turned to look back at Cole. “Fine. I’ll take you to the portal. But you’d better have Janelle with you or so help me, I'll send your lying ass straight back to that pit you call home.”

  “Take me now,” Cole said as he took back his phone. “The faster we get this done, the faster you’ll be reunited with your sister.” And the faster he’d have Sera back in his arms. Impatient, he prompted the angel, “Come on, peacock. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Jazz nodded, unease clear in his eyes, “Alright,” he growled, “but I have to take you there via the sky.” He pointed upward. “The entrance is that way.” With a poison glare, he snapped his wings wide and opened his arms.

  Reluctantly, Cole stepped closer, scowling at the shit he had to endure. But if getting Sera back meant snuggling up to some goodie two shoes, then so be it. “Get us the fuck out of here,” he grunted, “before I change my mind. And keep your damn hands above the waist.”

  Jazz's lips twitched. All angels knew how much demons hated physical contact with them. Misery loved company, it seemed. With thick arms wrapped around his adversary, he lifted them off the ground, his huge wings flapping powerfully as they headed east.

  “So, who’s this seraph you’re so willing to risk both our asses to find?” Jazz asked as they approached the clouds.

  “None of your fucking business,” Cole snarled. “Just get this ride over with before I charge you for the privilege of feeling me up.” It really was hell, lowering himself like this. Heaven was the last place he wanted to go to, but the one place he had to.

  Moments later they arrived at an invisible platform. The second their feet touched down he yanked himself out of the angel's arms. Shrewd eyes took in their surroundings; a massive cloud with a glowing gateway right smack in its middle. He pulled out his phone and tossed it to the angel. “Push five. It'll give you the coordinates to your sister’s location.”

  With that, he turned and breached Heaven’s threshold. “Hold on, Sera. I’m coming to get you.”


  “I don’t see what’s so great about this place.”

  Sera stared out her window. She felt hollow inside but didn’t know why. Nor could she explain that ache in her chest, lingering and hidden. She frowned at the confusing feelings. When her superiors left her a few minutes ago they had said to rest her mind. But why would they say such a thing?

  She sighed, rubbing her temples. A seraph’s intensions were always good, so why should she question theirs? She laid down and stared at the ceiling. The unease refused to ebb. In fact, it actually grew stronger. Lips pursing, she shoved a pillow over her face and groaned.

  Inside the palace, Cole peered around a corner. Not a soul in sight. Good. His concealment spell must be holding. It should buy him at least a little time to find Sera while undetected.

  Soundlessly, he navigated from one hallway to the next, checking way too many damn doors. How many rooms were in this God forsaken place? Abruptly he sensed Sera’s presence. Suddenly he didn’t give a fuck who saw him. He stormed down the corridor, his skin crawling from all the good lingering in the air.

  At the end of the hallway, he opened the final door, and grinned. He’d finally he found her. “Sera,” he exhaled. But she merely looked at him in startled confusion. His smiled quickly turned to a frown. Surely she knew he'd come for her. He'd told her he would, and just went through nine kinds of hell to do so.

  He stalked inside and shut the door behind him. Sera scrambled off her bed, wide eyes tracked his every step. “Can I help you, sir?” she squeaked. “I do not believe I have any further appointment
s this day. Perhaps you are in the wrong chambers.” When he winced, Sera frowned. Tentatively, she approached. “On second thought, do not worry. I will help you find your correct destination.”

  But as she stepped closer, something stilled her with a gasp. She pinned Cole with a look, as if convinced that whatever just happened had come from him. Brown eyes regarded him warily. “You are not seraphim.”

  Cole shook his head. “No Sera, I'm not. I told you I would find you, and here I am. Now come on, we need to go.” He took her arm and moved for the door, but she quickly yanked herself free. Clearly frightened, she stepped out of his reach. He frowned, wondering what the hell was going on with her. “Sera, come on. I don't know how long I have before they get a bead on me. We really need to leave.”

  He reached for her again, but she ran to the other side of the room. Understanding donned. She had no clue who he was. He cursed, running a hand through his hair. “Those sons of bitches wiped your memory. Sera, think hard. Does the name Cole ring any bells in that brain of yours?”

  Her brows furrowed as she blinked at him blankly. “Who are you and why are you saying such things? I know no one by the name of Cole and no one has wiped my memory. Do not be absurd.” When he cursed a second time, she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Such language is forbidden here. I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue.”

  Cole growled, stepping closer. But when he reached for her arm again, she deftly dodged his attempt. “Do not touch me,” she snapped, pointing at the door. “And I rescind my offer to help you. Now please depart from my chambers.”

  Cole’s heart clenched. They’d screwed with her mind and made her forget him. “Sera,” he choked, following it with a word he never said to anyone else his life. “Please.” He gestured between them. “We know each other. We have history. I promised I would find you no matter what. Search deep in your heart. You know what I speak is true.”

  The sound of running feet coming down the hall had him glancing toward the door. Damn it. They’d descrambled his concealment spell. He turned back to Sera and held out his hand. “Come with me.”

  Had this male lost his mind? Sera eyes darted from his out stretched hand to the door. The footfalls were growing louder, getting closer. She looked back at Cole. His face seemed so sincere. He was clearly becoming desperate. What was going on? She didn’t know him, so why did he keep insisting she did? And a history? How could that be? She shook her head. He was obviously disturbed, a tormented soul. Even though her heart went out to him, her rationale was still fully intact; his mental condition made him unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

  She took a step back. Her insides twisted as if protesting the action. What on earth? She frowned, meeting his eyes. “I cannot go with you. I do not know you. I am a Seraph and this is where I belong.” She looked warily at the door, to the sound of those approaching, then back to Cole. “You must go. Your presence will bring nothing good to pass.”

  The door crashed open as Seraphim guards rushed into her chambers. Their numbers swiftly overpowered her intruder, taking him into custody. Sera winced as he struggled against them, their touch somehow stripping him of his strength. Fury flashed in his eyes as a hand wrenched free long enough to deliver an upper cut to one of the guards. Quickly they restrained him with a choke hold around his neck.

  “Fuck you, assholes,” he growled. Desperate eyes locked with Sera’s as a mask fell over his features. “Save yourself, Sera,” he shouted as they dragged him from the room. “Don’t let them win. You know we belong together. Please, Sera. Don't let them win.”

  Sera blinked triple time at his words. There was no doubt that he believed what he said was truth. She would have sensed his deceit. And yet nothing he said made sense.

  She took an absent step forward, but was stopped by the head seraph guard. She frowned up at him in confusion. “Who was that male? He is not of our kind. I do not even believe he was an angel.” When the guard said nothing, she took hold of his forearm. “Tell me what is going on. I have a right to know. It was my room he came to with purpose. He told me he knew me and that I knew him. What did he mean?”

  The male just shook his head, gently removing her hand from his arm. On his way out, he paused at the door. “He was an intruder, Seraphina. But we have him detained and will rectify the situation. Do not trouble yourself with him any longer. Good day to you.” With that he inclined his head and left.

  Sera stood there for a long while, surrounded by darkness despite the heavenly light spilling in through her windows.

  Placed in a padded detainment cell, Cole spun around, growling at the angels as they closed the door behind him. His eyes were pitch-black, beyond furious that they were keeping Sera from him. He cursed harshly as his demon erupted, black claws extending and horns in clear view. Fire flared where his pupils once were and his voice was no longer his own. It now boomed deep, dark and formidable as he lashed at and shredded the walls. Within a matter of seconds, stuffing covered the entire floor.

  It wasn’t until his rage died down that understanding finally sank in. They had him by the short hairs, keeping him in a room he couldn't flash out of. Damn them. He punched the ravaged wall again just as a searing pain ripped through his brain. With a shout, he fell to his knees.

  Images bombarded him; a boy and two adults. He planted one hand on floor and tried to get up, but instead fell back down in a heap. A groan rumbled up his throat, while in his mind voices told him to focus on what they were showing him. To see the good that was still in him, that he could be so much more.

  Sons of bitches, they had no right to mess with peoples’ minds like that. “Get the fuck out of my head! I know what I am. I don’t need you trying to brainwash me into thinking I'm something else. If you want to mess with me, get your asses in here and face me.”

  Another blinding surge streaked through his skull, so powerful he passed out cold on the floor. More images appeared inside his unconscious mind; showing him, wooing him, luring him towards the good that they insisted still existed. As if in a dream, he blinked, feeling different, not himself. And then a female adult’s voice called to him. “Cole. You need to listen to us. You’re not like the other kids.” He turned, finding a male just a few yards away, and beside him, the most beautiful woman Cole had ever seen. Where the hell was he? And who the fuck were these people?

  He looked down to find that his body was no longer his own. It was the size of an eight year old boy. Was this some kind of sick joke?

  “Why am I different?” he finally asked, glaring at the two strangers. This was obviously some crap the do-goodies where testing him with. Whatever. He'd play their game. No hair off his ass. Hell, he was in an eight-year-old’ body, he didn’t even have hair down there.

  The woman spoke up again. “Because you’re special, Cole.” She pulled him into a hug and held him like she didn't want to let go. He frowned, not understanding what they were trying to do.

  He turned his head toward the male. “Tell me why I’m here.”

  The man sighed heavily, dodging his question. “The good that’s inside you will always be who you really are. Your traits just make you extra special.”

  Cole knew this shit couldn't be true. He’d been told he didn’t have a family, that he’d been made and not born. Why would these people try to convince him otherwise?

  Abruptly he woke up, face-down atop the stuffing-covered floor. He looked around. He was in the same damn room as before. With a groan he pushed up on his hands and knees, wincing at all the white. Damn, don’t these asses know any other colors? Even puke green would be better than all this fucking white.

  Slowly standing, he lifted his chin in defiance. He wasn’t about to let those fluff heads cow him down. Well aware that they could hear him, he snarled low, “Do you really think I'm going to believe that I came from good? That I was created as a human? Try again, idiots. I know where I came from and it wasn’t from those June and Ward Cleaver wanna-be's. You t
hink I don't know? Fuck you and the cloud you live on.”

  Fresh images plowed through his mind, this time knocking him out without warning. For a second time, he dropped like dead weight to the soft, white, padded floor.


  “You’re coming with me.”

  Several days had passed since that strange male entered her private chambers, yet Sera couldn’t seem to get him out of her mind. The words he’d spoken with such conviction still lingered in her thoughts. She couldn’t shake the feeling that what he’d said was somehow true. He’d radiated such a fierce energy toward her. Although, not angry or dangerous or troubling. It had been intense and passionate, and tremendously moving.

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror, searching her eyes, into her soul. It was there that a flicker, a subtle whisper-like confirmation, told her what she somehow already knew. She had to free him. Not just from his imprisonment, but also from his unfounded feelings of obligation toward her.

  Nodding to herself, she headed for the door, stealthily making her way toward the detainment sector of the Seraphim Estate. Like an agent on a mission, she crept down corridor after corridor of the vast and elegant mansion.

  A few times she had to flatten herself against a wall to remain undetected. On one such occasion, a grin emerged on her face. This was rather fun, in an exciting sort of way! With the coast clear, she commenced, shrewd eyes and keen ears ever scanning her surroundings. One last turn and she’d be at her destination.

  The holding cells were virtually inescapable and therefore no guards were stationed outside. Thank Heavens. After peeking into a handful of small windows, Sera finally located her target. Turning the lock, she slipped inside and approached the sleeping captive. At his bedside, she paused, allowing herself a moment to admire his handsome face. She frowned. He somehow looked… familiar. And yet she had never met him. Hmm…


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