My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 7

by Jakz, Nikita

  Gently, she nudged his shoulder while barely whispering his name, “Cole. I have come to restore your freedom. But you must move with haste. Time is of the essence.”

  Cole blinked, trying to focus. Pain still pounded inside his head from the fun the angels had had with his brain. Futile attempts to try and make him see all the good shit they supposedly saw in him. Whatever.

  Finally, he focused on the figure hovering over him. “Sera?” he rasped. “What are you doing here?” He glanced behind her, half-expecting some feathery freak to come drag her away again. But none came as she smiled down at him. He grabbed her arm and tried to sit up. Pain lacerated through his skull. He groaned, falling back down with a grimace. “Sera, get me out of here,” he breathed. “But if you can’t then save yourself.”

  His eyes watered. A moan crawled up his throat. Shaky fingers pressed hard to his temples in an effort to push the pain away. “Sons of bitches,” he hissed.

  Sera stood frozen, as if shocked by his current condition. “Bitter night, what has happened to you?” She winced when his face contorted in agony, then swiftly lifted her robe to kneel down beside him. Gently, she pried his hands from his head, replacing them with her own. Cole could see her determination to ease him written clearly across her features.

  She closed her eyes, a subtle light illuminating her form. Warm pulses of soothing relief instantly penetrated his skull, breaking up the sharp, brutal pangs and fluidly drawing them out. She shuddered, as if the potency of his pain was somehow being transferred into her. “Poor, unfortunate man,” she murmured. “How much you have suffered.” Grateful for the reprieve, Cole watched in silence as she drew in a deep, steadying breath. “I will alleviate the remainder of your discomfort,” she told him, “but then you really must go. If you linger and are recaptured, I will be unable to aid you a second time.”

  His hand rose, gripping her wrist. He wasn't going to leave her. No way in Hell, or Heaven, as it was. As his pain continued to ebb, he sighed in sweet relief, then stood and pulled her toward the door.

  Only when she tugged on her wrist did he look back with a frown. “Sera, you’re coming with me. I’m not going anywhere without you.” Fortifying his grip, he turned back around and ducked his head out into the hallway. The coast was clear.

  Sera could not believe he was trying to abscond with her! She had just finished aiding in his escape! Whispering loudly, she gave her arm another hearty yank, “Unhand me this instant. I will not go with you. This is my home.” Cole turned to shush her. Sera balked, digging in her heals. “You did not just shush me!” Cole grunted, rolling his eyes while continuing to drag her along. “Ugh!” she fumed. His overbearing behavior was positively deplorable!

  Barely resisting the urge to ‘scorch’ her wrist free, she opted instead to use her teeth. Cole yelped, whipping his head around to find her gnawing on his knuckle. Her brow rose high in challenge.

  He grabbed her chin. “Sera, quit that.” When she released him, he looked her square in the eyes. “You. are coming. with me. So suck it up, princess.” Before she could protest, he tugged her forward again, his determined strides leading them down the empty hallway. Dark hazel eyes scanned their surroundings, searching for what she assumed was the door he’d first entered through.

  Abruptly he stopped, then yanked her into a vacant chamber. Soundlessly shutting the door, he pulled her close just as two guards passed by their room. As if anticipating her next move, he swiftly crushed his mouth over hers, affectively muffling any calls she might make for help.

  At first, Sera tried to shove him away, but Cole merely moaned, blatantly enjoying her struggle. Which only appalled her more. That is, however, until his tongue slipped into her mouth to move wickedly against her own. Blessed stars, she had no idea males tasted so divine!

  Just this once, she told herself, just this one little indulgent.

  His lips were entirely too glorious to deny. And what harm could it do? After all, she didn’t know this male from Adam, let alone like him very much. He was arrogant, sarcastic, sexist and dominating. And oh sweet mercy, how he was dominating her mouth right now!

  Yes. Just one taste. Maybe two. Three at the very most, she bartered internally as he tugged her even closer. But five minutes later, it was Cole ripping her away when the hall was finally clear.

  With a flustered ‘eep,’ she covered her mouth, her eyes as wide as saucers. What had gotten into her? Other than that decadent male's tongue, she meant. Fingers over her lips, she eyed Cole grinning, his smile devastatingly beautiful. She sighed dreamily, but the tail-end of her exhale was abruptly cut short as Cole tugged her out of the room.

  She barely fought him the rest of the way. She was too busy catching her breath. Yet, when they came upon the gateway, she froze dead in her tracks. With a shake of her head, she whispered, “I cannot go. I do not belong in your world. No matter how wonderful your lips feel against mine.”

  “Yes, you do,” Cole insisted. A squad of guards tore around the corner at the far end of the corridor, running fast in their direction. Sera gasped, her heart leaping into a gallop. Cole cursed, then grabbed her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes. “You’re coming with me, Sera.”

  With no time to argue, he dragged her into the portal, their bodies instantly swept up in a spiraling vortex. Cole held her tightly in his arms, as if unwilling to lose his grip, figuratively or literally. Sera squeezed her eyes shut, and in seconds flat they were stumbling into a darkened back alley. But before she could acclimate to their new surroundings, Cole flashed them away again, this time to a place she feared no one knew existed but Cole.


  “Calgon, take me away.”

  “Honey, we’re home,” Cole smirked as they arrived at his private abode. Concealed in a full-blown cloaking spell, it was the only place he felt confident keeping Sera until she recovered her memories. He chuckled as she wiggled out of his arms. “Sera, you’re going to remember who I am.”

  She merely sniffed, lifting her chin while she tilted in visible vertigo. Cole shook his head, then collapsed onto the couch. His head still throbbed from all that angelic brain tampering. He rubbed his temples, groaning as he watched Sera stand there, her big, brown doe-eyes flashing irritably. “Don't give me that look. You’re better off here.”

  Her glower grew darker, but she still made no move to speak. Or do anything for that matter. It was as if she wasn’t sure what how to react. Cole smirked, certain that as far as she was concerned, he was a male of extremely questionable standings. After all, he did just abduct her against her will.

  Her balance must have returned, because she abruptly turned to scan her surroundings. It didn’t take long, though, for her eyes to narrow back on Cole. “You have no right to keep me here. I am going home.” Shoulders squared, she marched to the door.

  But Cole was quick on his fingers, one snap manifesting a bar across the exit. He shook his head. “No, you’re not.”

  Sera scowled, crossing her arms. “You cannot stop me from leaving. You are merely prolonging the inevitable.”

  Cole snorted. “There’s no way out of here, trust me. At least, not until a few of your brain cells shake loose inside that pretty little noggin of yours.” Her lips pursed. His eyes rolled. He needed a beer. Standing up, he made his way to the kitchen, her angry eyes on him palpable with every step he took. He smirked, confident that a part of her was enjoying the view.

  He pulled open the refrigerator, searching for something to shake the funk from his brain. Ah. Beer. He downed half of it in one up-tip. Rubbing the cold bottle across his forehead, he growled. Much better…

  Abruptly he frowned. Sera was being awfully quiet. He walked back into living room, but she was nowhere to be found. “Damn it, Sera,” he growled. “Where did you go now?” She couldn’t have breached his warded locks. She must be hiding. He caught a glimpse of her hair behind the sofa. For fuck’s sake, he was too old for this shit…

  On hands and knees, Sera
winced as she scurried across the floor. Hidden behind the couch, Cole was unable to pinpoint her location. She bit her lip as he walked her way, and scrambled around a recliner. Phew. That was close.

  But then he growled, low and rumbly, and the sound was like chocolate liquor. Sweet, sultry sounds! Her moan nearly gave her away. She may not know this male, but that did not negate the fact that he was more handsome than any male she had ever seen, with a voice that tantalized her every last nerve ending. Good Lord…

  The sound of Cole nearing yanked her back to awareness. Before she could stop, she let out a squeak, then quickly scampered under an end table. Cole growled and Sera gasped, realizing her foot had been sticking out in clear view. Pulling it closer, she winced a second time. Had he seen it? She hoped not, she thought, remaining still as a hiding statue - even though she knew of no statues that hid.

  The room went utterly silent. Wide eyes darted nervously as she held her breath. Just as she was about to take a peek, a strong hand yanked her by the ankle from her hiding spot. “Aah!”

  “Sera,” Cole groaned down at her, exasperation clear on his features. “I'm not going to hurt you, so stop hiding already.” He picked her up and guided her to the couch, promptly sitting down beside her. “You can’t hide from me, Luv, so don’t do that again.”

  Cheeks heating, Sera suddenly felt rather silly. To hide her embarrassment, she erected a haughty front. Up went her chin. Perfect went her posture. “I will do whatever I please. I am a Seraph and we take orders from no mere mortal.” She hoped that was believable, because inside she was struggling desperately to get her mind off the way her ankle was still burning from his touch… and her ribs from where he had lifted her… and where his thigh was currently pressing against hers…

  Cole was pure temptation. She frowned. Was this all some kind of test to her will power? She crossed her arms, needing a fresh, non-sexy distraction. Her eyes locked onto Cole’s beer. “Tell me of this libation. Is it a type of wine?”

  “No, it’s a type of barely and hops.” He handed her the bottle. “Have a taste. You might like it.” With a smirk that made her wary, he leaned back to watch her drink.

  She sniffed it cautiously. It had a peculiar scent. She turned to eye Cole eyeing her. Did he think her afraid of a beverage? Determined to keep face, she steeled her shoulders and tipped up the ice cold bottle. Her eyes snapped wide as her taste buds instantly revolted.

  Cole moved fast, but not fast enough.

  Beer spewed everywhere. “Ack!” she cried, coughing and choking wildly. Her hand flew over her mouth as watering eyes steamrolled Cole angrily. “You wicked male! That was absolutely dreadful!”

  Cole scowled, looking down at his wet shirt. But Sera wasn’t finished. Letting out an angry shriek, she grabbed a pillow from the sofa and hit him over the head. “Were you trying to poison me!?” Whap! Whap! “Or send me into shock?!” Whap! Whap! Whap!

  Cole barked out a laugh, holding up his hands. “You know you wanted to try it.” He pitched to the side, dodging a hit to the face, then snatched the pillow away. With a smirk as cheeky as they come, he tossed it to the other end of the couch. “Next time say it, don't spray it.”

  Sera glowered as Cole flashed a sardonic face. His fingers lifted to unbutton his beer-soaked shirt. Her eyes went wide, staring in rapt captivation as he leisurely shrugged it off. She had no idea a male could possess so many mouth-watering muscles. And sweet sunshine, his chest was an expanse of the most glorious golden brown. She licked her lips.

  Cole must have caught her watching because the next thing she knew, he was gracing her with quite a show. Flexing his muscles, he ran a hand through his thick hair. “Like what you see?”

  Her lips twitched as she shamelessly ogled him. “You are not painful to look at, no.” She tilted her head thoughtfully, all ire forgotten. Perhaps she had misjudged his intensions with that beer. Perhaps he simply preferred beverages that tasted of harsh, sinister fluid. Mortals, after all, were peculiar like that.

  With a self-appeased sigh, she resumed admiring his blessedly bare – and delectably damp- chest. To her delight, Cole seemed happy to accommodate her, his sculpted arms and torso alternating into the most entrancing of poses. Heavenly honeysuckles, he was magnificent.

  Eventually she decided it would be polite to stop staring and reluctantly cleared her throat. “Will you not show me around these temporary accommodations?” Perhaps she could find a way out.

  Cole stood up and held out his hand. “Come on. Let me show you where we’ll be staying until all that fuzzy shit in your head is gone.” Her tiny hand settled tentatively in his as he took her to the kitchen. “This is where the food is.” He shook his finger at her. “But don’t touch anything that moves.” He grimaced, imagining how she would react in that scenario.

  Next, he led her down the hallway, stopping without warning outside his bedroom. Sera yelped, running into him from behind. The unexpected contact had Cole sucking in a breath, her soft, supple heat way too distracting. Quickly, he pulled her into his side, draping his arm around her small shoulder. Low and sultry he purred, gesturing toward the bed, “This is where we’ll sleep.”

  Sera froze against his frame. “Where we will sleep?” She laughed humorlessly. “Surely, you jest. I refuse to share a bed with my abductor.” Again, her chin cranked upward. “I will sleep here and you shall sleep… there.” She pointed at the floor. But when Cole merely rolled his eyes, dread visibly bloomed on her face. “Good Lord, you really believe we will lie together in that bed!”

  Abruptly, she stepped away from him, her features noticeably pale. “We shall revisit this issue later,” she murmured. “Please. Let us not stray from our task. If you would be so kind as to continue with the tour, I would very much like to see the grounds outdoors.” She fidgeted with a lock of hair. “And then, perhaps you could show me where you keep your road maps.” She smiled up at him sweetly. “I do so love road maps.”

  Cole shot her a droll look. “Do I look like I rolled off the turnip truck?” he drawled. “You’re going to stay indoors until either this urge to flee has fled or you remember who I am. Whichever comes first.”

  He turned around and headed back to the living room, plopping down on a dry spot of couch. Tiredly, he sighed, a part of him genuinely discouraged that she wanted to leave. And that she didn’t want to share his bed. She joined him a few minutes later with a fresh glare on her face. He grinned, quirking his brow. “Don't look at me that way. And no, I'm not sleeping on any damn floor. So suck it up and deal.”

  Her mouth dropped open, clearly appalled. “Despite the fact that I have no idea what a turnip truck is, I can assure you, there will be no-” she pointed back and forth between them, “you and me-” she pointed toward his bedroom, “in there!” Cole chuckled, amused by her kittenish ire, and casually shrugged his shoulders.

  She bristled visibly, then turned and stalked into the kitchen, her fists clenched tight at her sides. He watched as she scanned the room and quickly spotted the cutting block. Yanking a knife free, she waved it around with a frown. “Why do you keep daggers where you eat?” She pointed it at the microwave. “And what is this, a receptacle of sorts? Perhaps I should hide your threatening weaponry in there.” She popped open the door and tossed the blade inside. Warily Cole eyed her eying the buttons. “I have no idea what popcorn or defrost means,” she huffed, “but I certainly intend to find out.” Her brows dipped low as her tongue peeked free, her fingertips working the touch screen with impressive speed and agility.

  “Ah hell,” Cole muttered, materializing to her side as a bright flash lit up the room. Yanking the plug from the wall, he grated, “Damn it Sera, that’s not a weapon.” He frowned at the plume of smoke wafting out of the microwave. “Don't touch it if you do not know how to work it, capisce?” When she frowned and looked away, he took her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Behave, Sera.”

  Her brows shot up. He did not just speak to her like an inferior canine! Ey
es narrowing, she jerked out of his hold. “You dare tell me to behave when you are the one who snuck into my realm like a thief in the night and kidnapped me from my home?” She poked his chest with her finger, punctuating every word. “I will touch what I want, when I want. If you cannot handle that, then perhaps you should return me.”

  Eyebrow lifted and arms crossed, she waited for a response. An irritated growl was all she received. With an indignant sniff, she turned and yanked open his refrigerator. Bending over, she began handing him item after item as she rummaged through the contents. “What is ranch? What is mustard? What are pickles? What is sour cream?”

  She paused to eyeball a jar of olives. “Oh! I know what these are!” She beamed at Cole, her ire completely forgotten. “May I eat them?”

  Arms juggling a myriad of condiments, he sighed. “Eat whatever you want, Sera. Just put the shit back when you’re done.” She nodded happily as he shoved the rest of the containers back into the fridge. But the jar’s lid was stubborn. Under her breath she muttered while banging its lid on the counter, “Must you be so dreadfully uncooperative?”

  She looked up to find Cole rolling his eyes. And then he took the jar. “Watch,” he grunted. With a quick twist, he pulled off the top, then promptly screwed it back on. “Now you try.” Sera reached for the jar, eager to try as he’d shown her. Her face lit up as the lid came easily off. “Sweet success!”

  Cole chuckled as she wiggled her fingers into the jar. And then he sighed again. “I don’t want you hurting yourself, Sera.” He frowned, looking genuinely concerned. “So please let me show you how to operate things before you touch them.” She watched him gesture toward the microwave. “That, for example, is not a toy to be played with at your whimsy.”


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