My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 8

by Jakz, Nikita

  She paused in mid- chew, and thoughtfully tilted her head. “So you will cook for me?” He blinked at her, as if confused by how she came to such a conclusion. His expression was adorably amusing. She bit back a laugh. “You will cook and I will watch. And you will always cook in this state.” She motioned at his torso. “With your shirt off. I think I would like that.”

  Cole grinned, apparently not immune to flattery. “I can if you want me to, Sera.”

  She smiled at his swift acquiescence. After eating her fill, she returned the jar, then wandered back into the living room. Bright eyes regarded his wide screen TV, then his stereo system. Her attention diverted to the right. “This is edible, yes?” she asked, picking up a small potted plant. Her eyes twinkled as she took in its beauty. It wasn’t until she tore off a leaf, sniffed it, then opened her mouth that she noticed Cole approaching quickly.

  With a curse, he grabbed the sprig from her fingers. “Would you behave already,” he pleaded, exasperation distorting his features. Sera pouted briefly, then resumed her room to room perusal, a stream of questions flowing from her lips.Once every nook had been scrutinized, Cole took her arm and steered her back to the living room, snagging a remote as he sat her on the couch. Sera looked on as, like a speed demon, he flipped through the channels, ultimately settling for an old Scooby Doo rerun. “Here,” he grunted. “Watch this while I get cleaned up.” He turned to go, but paused to level a stern finger at her. “Don’t. Move.”

  His scowl had her blinking like a wounded puppy. Was he angry with her? Had she somehow offended or insulted him? She huffed. Surely giving her a tour couldn’t put him out too badly. She opened her mouth, but shut it again when something occurred to her. An overly sweet smile appeared on her face. “Of course. Take your time. I shall stay right here.”

  She picked up the peculiar channel-changer and aimed it at the television, just as Cole had done mere moments before. But before he could mutter, “Hells bells,” the screen erupted with noisy snow. She winced and he sighed. After taking back the remote and returning the TV to the Cartoon Network, he headed back to his bedroom. Under his breath, Sera heard him mutter, “Calgon, take me away.”

  She was on her feet the instant the bathroom door clicked shut. Yet with only a handful of steps toward the foyer, she suddenly stopped moving, the distant sound of running water sparking her curiosity. Is he blissfully naked? Clothed only in the birthday suit the Good Lord gave him? With an impish smile, she turned and tiptoed down the hall.

  Soundlessly, she cracked opened the door and peaked inside. Wide eyes grew wider. “Sweet deity,” she breathed, taking in Cole’s gloriously bare form beneath the hot, steamy spray. Thick rivulets of water snaked down his muscular back, mesmerizing her in their exquisite dance. She bit her lip and sighed. “Magnificent.”

  He turned around and nearly caught sight of her. She sucked in a breath and quickly withdrew, her heart pounding from such a close call. If he had spotted her stealing uninvited glances- She cringed at the thought, then darted back down the hall. If she was going to escape that stunning creature, she had better do it now. A strange reluctance swirled in her chest as she dashed out the rear double doors.

  Cole stopped what he was doing and immediately rinsed off. He had seen Sera spying on him but had pretended not to notice. He couldn’t deny his disappointment when she’d ducked out so soon. He was hoping to give her another show.

  With a snap of his fingers, the water cut off - just in time to hear the back doors slam shut. “Shit,” he cursed, jumping out of the shower. She wasn’t going anywhere. Fast hands secured a towel around his waist as he immediately flashed out of the room.

  A split second later he rematerialized - right in front of Sera’s fast-fleeing form. With a surprised yelp, she bounced off his chest.

  “Not going to happen,” he growled as he picked her up off the ground. Over his bare, wet shoulder he slung her before promptly spanking her ass. “You will behave.” Smack. “You will not run away.” And yet another. She beat on his back as he stalked toward the house, but the next spank he delivered had her gasping aloud. He grinned, knowing that one must have stung. “Don't test me, Sera.”

  The squeak she let out had Cole wondering if she wasn’t holding back a laugh. It wouldn’t surprise him. His angel used to love his rough kind of play. She squirmed exceptionally hard and his palm found her undoubtedly rosy-red cheek once more. This time the cry she bit back was blatantly laced with pleasure. Cole grinned. Yep, knew it.

  Desperate fingers attacked his ribs. “Do not test me, you shameless male!” He let out a yelp, stumbling while trying to evade her tickles. Over his shoulder, he heard her laugh. “That will teach you to mess with a mighty Seraph! Now release me at once!”

  Her gloating was short lived, however, as Cole unleashed another biting smack. “Sera, you aren’t mighty here, I am.” He shoved open the door and stalked inside, kicking it closed behind him. A few more long-legged strides and they were back in his bedroom.

  Dark eyes flashing, he gave his fingers another snap. Shutters fell instantly over the windows. Every bolt lock in the house cranked shut. With one last spank for good measure, he tossed Sera onto the bed. As she bounced with a yelp, he flicked her a look before sauntering back to the bathroom. Now to finally finish what he’d started. “Behave,” he warned, “or I’ll make it so you can’t sit for a week.”

  Sera's eyes went wide. How dare he speak to the highest of all celestial angels like that! Snarling like a disgruntled kitten, she scrambled off the bed and stormed into the bathroom. Index finger raised, she opened her mouth to chastise him, only to go speechless at the jaw-dropping sight. More water was dousing his heavenly nakedness, making him appear divine in his own glorious right. She simply stood there, and gaped.

  It wasn’t until he smirked at her that she snapped her mouth shut. Crossing her arms, she glared. “You cannot keep me. I am no one's possession. They will find me, and even if they do not, I will eventually escape on my own.” She lifted her chin. “You will have to bind my wrists to the post of your bed in order to keep me from leaving.” Her brow raised triumphantly, her lips curving smugly. Not even Cole would do such a thing.

  Five minutes later and she was screeching furiously, her wrists bound tight to the post of his bed. “Cole!!”


  “Sweet heavens set aflame.”

  Cole grinned as he exited the bathroom, listening to Sera shriek. Ah, the sound of a woman duped. Her tirade halted when he came into view, her wide eyes staring shamelessly at his naked body. His lips twitched. That’s his Sera.

  His own eyes were just as appeased. With her hands secured to his sturdy bedpost, she made quite the sight to feast on herself. Now, if he could just get her to cooperate.

  He crossed his arms, smirking as she her paused in her perusal to glare at him. “Hey,” he chuckled, “you asked for it. Literally. So get over your tantrum, buttercup, cause you’re not going anywhere until I say so.” He climbed onto the bed, settling down on his side to look at her.

  She eyed him, nibbling on her lip. He couldn’t help smiling at her expression. As if unable to help herself, she resumed examining his body. Inwardly, his grin widened. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. Obviously some things never changed.

  Finally, she sniffed, her chin jutting up. “You smell lovely.”

  Cole propped his head in his hand and chuckled. “Well, I'd hope so. I just bathed twice because of you and your hijinks.” He ran his finger down her arm, needing to feel her. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his touch. “I remember plenty of times we took nice, long bubble baths together, Sera. You liked blowing bubbles into the air.”

  His eyes followed his fingers as they trailed along the side of her dress’s silky bodice. She shivered visibly, her weak attempt to move away making him laugh. She liked his touch whether she was ready to acknowledge it or not.

  Face troubled, she whispered finally, “I do not remember that.” Sad brows pinch
ed. “Why do you lie to me still? Why are you so determined to convince me of such falsities?” His hand roamed back up her arm and her eyelashes fluttered. “Do not touch me,” she breathed.

  Cole held her gaze. “I have no reason to lie.” Maybe he could relay the truth with his eyes. As his fingers trailed back downward, drawing small, lazy circles on her stomach, he heard her breath hitch. His lips curved. “You want me to touch you, my little angel. Your body’s actions betray you.”

  Not wanting to rush her, but determined to make forward progress, he decided to reminisce about another time they’d spent together. As he spoke of a night spent entirely on his couch, his voice lulled subtly at her defenses. His hand drifted down her thigh, then rose back up to the side of her breast. Her chest rose and fell, her breath visibly quickening.

  She began to squirm beside him, tugging adamantly at her bindings. A sharp exhale rushed passed her lips as his fingers roamed even higher. “You are a seducer,” she moaned, “your touch an aphrodisiac and your voice a siren’s call.” Her head shook as a whimpered emerged. “My mind does not remember you, but my body makes a different claim.”

  Cole smiled knowingly. “Your body knows it belongs to me.” His body knew it, too. Leaning over, with his lips just a hair’s breadth away from hers, he purred, “Tell me you want me to kiss you, Sera.” His tongue slipped out to lick his lips, purposely grazing hers, too. Their eyes locked, her gasp only egging him on. “Just say it,” he murmured.

  Every inch of Sera froze. His touch felt too good, too right. Damn her body and its disloyalty! She struggled with her internal confliction. Why could her mind not sense his dishonesty as it could with others? Half terrified, half exalting, her heart hammered in her chest. Was he be-spelling her? For some reason, a part of her did not seem to care.

  Nodding slightly, she whispered breathlessly, “Perhaps it will help me remember.” Not likely, but what could it hurt?

  But apparently Cole wanted more, a full-fledged admission. His lips brushed against her cheek. “Say you want me to kiss you,” he murmured a second time. Along her other cheek, his knuckles stroked. Again her breath caught. Why did her lungs keep doing that!? But still he continued, blatantly ignoring her mewls of frustration. “You always loved it when I kissed you,” he grinned. “Not just on the lips, but all over your body.” His hand traveled down to the apex of her thighs. “Even here you would beg for my mouth.”

  Sera jerked, his words and light caresses igniting goose bumps along every inch of her flesh. The sensation made her squirm harder, though not away from him. In fact, her movements were actually causing her to rub deliciously against him. Starry night, she did want to feel his lips! Were they soft and warm? Unyielding and hot?

  Her thighs pressed tight as her back absently arched. “I do not know why,” she moaned, “but I do want your kiss. May God have mercy on my soul, but I do. Kiss me, Cole. Please, just kiss me.” Her eyes slid shut as she lifted her lips to his.

  She could practically feel him smiling when he touched his mouth to hers. Palpable male satisfaction; smug and utterly sexy. A growl rumbled up his throat as his tongue slid along her lips, waiting patiently for them to part. When they did just enough for a sigh to slip free, he leisurely slid inside.

  His knuckles brushed the summit of her thighs and a fresh gasp filled her lungs, searing her with need. But before she could regain her bearings, Cole angled his head and deepened the kiss, his tongue rubbing boldly against hers.

  She purred unabashedly as he mastered her mouth, his lips and fingers moving as though they knew her intrinsically; the way she loved to be kissed and yearned to be touched. Her body began to heat, like a heavenly inferno, flickering in timid light.

  She anxiously turned into him, her hands tugging at their restraints. She suddenly wanted to wrap them around his neck. Her leg slid over his. And then she froze, eyes snapping open as a vivid memory slammed into her mind. Of her… kissing him… just like this. He’d even had her bound in an identical way. And brilliant dawn of day, she’d been happy about it!

  Sera ripped her mouth from his, squeaking in alarm, “Cole! I just- we were- I was-” Her brows pinched hard as she tried to understand. “I think I saw something.”

  Smoldering eyes gazed down at her. “Those would be stars, Sera,” he grinned smugly, “‘cause I'm just that good.” Before she could respond, he recaptured her lips, the full meaning of his words sinking in shortly thereafter. Sera couldn’t hold back her laugh. Such a confident, self-appreciative male. For some reason, she found that trait absolutely appealing.

  She moaned as his tongue slid against hers once more. Sweet Heavens set aflame. Her mind began rationalizing of its own volition. Surely she would be gone soon, having easily escaped his captivity. So perhaps, in this one moment, she might enjoy herself. And him.

  So she resolved to let herself play.

  A short moment later, however, another vision skittered through her thoughts; Cole, affectionately feeding her as they lay naked atop a tangle of sheets. He was younger, his eyes brighter…

  Jerking from their kiss, her heart hammered in panic. He was planting images in her mind! It was the only explanation, because the alternative could only mean... No. Her kindred would never take her memories from her.

  She glared at him as she fought for breath. “Stop putting thoughts inside my head. It is cruel… and inexcusably rude.”

  “I'm not doing any such thing,” Cole frowned. “I can’t create false visions. It’d be nice trick to know, but I can’t.” He held her eyes unwaveringly. “Those are your memories you’re seeing.”

  She cast him a dubious look. “I do not believe you.”

  He sighed and flopped back down. With an arm draped over his eyes, she watched as he drew in a slow deep breath. Like he was trying to tame his libido. Of its own volition, her gaze slid down to his groin, her lips parting at the sight. He must have been able to feel her stare because his free hand promptly covered his bulge.

  “Just get some rest, Sera,” he muttered. “Maybe the Memory Fairy will visit you while you sleep and everything will be right in the morning.”

  She frowned, saying nothing. And still she watched him. He was beyond beautiful. Everything about him called to her, drew her in. But why? And how, when her mind did not remember him, did it feel as though her body did? She frowned deeper. Cole was a stranger. An abductor. Her brows pinched. But he was also tolerant and tender. She shifted slightly, uncomfortable in her musings. She could not allow herself to become smitten by this perplexing male. She had to get home and find out what was truly going on.

  With a sigh, she closed her eyes, more than ready for sleep. Her mind needed a reprieve. As did her body. This situation was exhausting. Absently, she snuggled closer to Cole as a strange sense of home washed through her. Her lips curved into a smile, one that lingered long after she drifted off to sleep.


  “Remember me!”

  Cole roused to the feel of soft warmth cuddled up to his back. He smiled, rolling over to find Sera snoring softly. He couldn’t help watching her, if only for a minute. He reached up to untie her hands, one instantly sliding onto his torso. He stifled a moan, savoring the feel. Unable to stop himself, he reached out to touch her, her soft skin bringing his hard-on back with a vengeance. He sighed at his predicament. It looked like he’d be walking funny until she remembered who he was.

  Sera stirred. “Mmm... That feels wonderful,” she murmured with a smile. Her eyes still closed, she nuzzled closer, warm lips pressing against Cole’s flesh. Her steady heartbeat caressed his ribs, making him want to purr. He watched as she breathed in deep. “Ah… what a glorious smell,” she sighed. “Nighttime and bonfires and savory goodness.” She grinned, correcting herself. “No. Not goodness. Sinful decadence…” Cole chuckled as she giggled, rousing further from her sleep, her lashes beginning to flutter.

  Abruptly, she stiffened, her eyes snapping open to lock onto Cole. “Oh!” she squeaked, scrambli
ng out of his arms, shuffling backward so fast she went flailing over the side. She yelped, landing hard in a tangle of sheets. Cole sighed, then peered over the edge. Motionless, she lay on the floor, looking more than a little mortified. “Good morning,” she winced, giving a little wave.

  Her innocent, mussed look was too cute. “Are you okay down there?” he grinned, reaching for her hand. “You really should be more careful.” Playful eyes flashed as he swept her up, tossing her like a ragdoll atop his naked body.

  Sera gasped, her surprised expression holding a hint of excitement as she wiggled off his chest. Cole chuckled at her flushing red cheeks, then yanked at the sheet to cover himself. But it was too tangled around her body. He frowned, giving it a second fruitless tug. And then his hands were everywhere, inadvertently groping her while trying to unravel the sheet from her limbs.

  Sera yelped, slapping at his hands as he repeatedly came in contact with her ticklish spots. “Ah! Cole! Stop that this instant! I do not know where-” She erupted in full-fledged laughter. “I do not know where those fingers have been! And- ah! No, no!- Do not touch me there, either!”

  After a minute of unsuccessful grappling, Cole finally gave the cover another hardy yank. Sera spilled off the bed with a shriek, landing hard with an unholy grunt. Cole cursed, wincing deep.

  From the floor, he heard her groan in confused exasperation. “What is wrong with your bed?!” He peered down at her a second time, his pursed lips blatantly twitching. Her brown eyes instantly narrowed, like she’d revel in smacking him silly.

  Trying not to laugh, he yanked her back atop him. “You really must learn to stay in one spot.”

  Sera blinked, unsure of what to do. She certainly couldn’t remain sprawled out like she was with Cole’s manhood poking her ribs. What kind of a harlot would that make her? She smacked his chest and quickly sat up, tugging every stitch of the sheet securely into her lap - which left Cole gloriously bare for her eyes to enjoy. A smirk curved her lips as her brow lifted high. “I believe I like this spot just fine.”


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