My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 13

by Jakz, Nikita

  Core nearly dripping as Cole kneaded her hips, Sera let out a hiss, “Cole, you-” and unexpected thrust cut off her words. She gasped, then growled like a kitten, “you shameless male. So help me, I’m going to-” a lightning-fast retreat and another hard impale. “Oh!” she cried, writhing anew. “Please! Do not torture me so!” Her muscles clamped down, desperate to keep him inside. He grunted, then growled, then slowly pulled back out.

  “No!” she screamed, utterly frustrated. “Damn you, Cole!” The tension within her was mounting unbearably, her release ever out of reach, tethered to Cole’s ultimate will. But oh glorious night, she’d never been so aroused in all her life. She could curse and worship him all at once.

  Her body shook violently as tears of intense pleasure slid down her cheeks. A sob lodged in her throat, overwhelmed by what he was doing to her. He had mastered her body and was now endeavoring to claim her soul. She believed that with everything she was. And for a reason she couldn’t fathom, she was okay with that.

  She had to kiss him. It was no longer a want but a fundamental need. As he thrust into her again, a broken cry ripped free, her need for release bordering on painful; a beautiful, penetrating pain that, as he swiftly withdrew, had her pleading for more. “Cole! Cole, please!”

  Cole chuckled, dark and broody, giving her hips a squeeze. Clearly it was time for her to intensify her pleading. Dignity be damned, she needed him. Sexually, intrinsically. “Please,” she mewled, arching her back. “I beg you. Untie me so that I may hold you when you set my soul aflame.” Her voice trembled breathlessly as she peered over her shoulder. “Please, Cole. Anchor me within this storm you’ve created, amongst this intensity you have lit inside my veins.”

  Cole paused, his chest heaving riotously. He couldn’t think straight, so completely consumed by his Sera. With all that moving in and out, gripped by her super-sweet tightness, he hadn’t noticed his demon - in all its ominous glory - beginning to surface. He was too aroused, too out of control from all her begging and mewling. Damn, the way her body was writhing for his touch…

  He groaned, fighting for his sanity. He needed Sera to touch him as badly as she did. She wasn’t the only one in need of grounding. With a snarl and a finger snap, he flipped her onto her back. But still he kept her wrists restrained. He wasn’t quite ready to relinquish his domination.

  “Look at me,” he rasped, his voice deeper than usual.

  Sera’s gasped, eyes snapped wide to lock on his temples. Cole froze, the look on her face shooting dread-filled realization straight to his gut. In the throes of passion, his demon half had emerged. Oh fuck. There was no going back now that she’d seen his true form.

  “This is who I am,” he growled softly, “what I am.” Warily he regarded her. “I love you, Sera,” he breathed anxiously. “I'll always love you.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond, was too afraid of what she’d say. Instead, he draped her legs over his shoulders and thrust forward, hard and high, burying himself to the hilt. Sera cried out, her muscles tensing tight. “Don't look away,” he grated, “I want your eyes wide when I come deep inside you. I want you to see who it is making love to you.”

  He moved faster inside her, all the while forcing her to keep eye contact. “Come for me,” he groaned, his tone rough and guttural. “Come for your demon.”

  She squirmed beneath him, her breath shallow pants. He was so hard he could pound nails for a week. He’d be going over the edge before long. Sera, however, was a different story. By the way her channel was pulsing, clutching him harder than hell, he could tell she only had seconds. He ripped out a shout to keep from exploding. Just a little fucking longer, damn it.

  All the while, her eyes stayed locked with his, to the same dark entity that had scared her to death and sent her running all those years ago. Could she see his face in his demon’s features? Understand it was he making love to her still? So badly he needed her unconditional love.

  Beneath him, her body detonated, a rapturous cry tearing up from her throat, light blasting from her form. Frantically, she tugged against her restraints, her long leg clamping down tight. And still he took her, driving her climax higher with a passion that bellowed ‘euphoria.’

  With eyes of obsidian, Cole watched her unraveling, coming apart in his arms. He knew he looked every inch the demon he was, a part of him that only came out when emotions ran high. With Sera, she could bring about them all; passion, frustration, anger. But most of all, happiness. Only she could give him that. An indulgence he’d dumped at the door a long-ass time ago, when she’d taken his heart and split.

  Completely exposed, he worried that she’d do the same again. Was she capable of accepting who he really was? A man with a demon’s soul. Or was he a demon with a man’s heart? At times he couldn’t tell. All he need to know now, though, was if she was going to stay.

  Peering into her bright, starry eyes, he knew it was more complicated than that. Her kind would be searching for her. He was surprised they hadn't found her already. But she was his, damn it, and he wanted to brand her as such for all time. His emotions surged, the possessiveness in him rising to critical. Harder he pumped, deeper he growled.

  Sera’s heels dug into his back, her toes curling tight as she quaked. How could she still be climaxing! She shuddered and bucked as Cole pitched up against her. Why wasn’t she horrified that the monster from her dream was real? Was Cole? Instead she somehow felt intoxicating relief. Like she’d been in the dark for too long and had finally been shown the light; like she’d been holding her breath for eons, and was finally able to exhale.

  She stared at her dark lover, the side of him she’d never seen before. He was extreme to behold, yet profoundly beautiful. And stunningly exotic. The ultimate focal point as she rode out her orgasm’s maelstrom.

  And then they hit her. Hard and fast, as she crashed down from her high. Visions, memories, moments from her past. Times she spent with Cole. Her brows dipped, confused and alarmed. Her fists clutched against their restraints. Above her, he moaned, his eyes heavy with lust. She’d seen that look before… A new image exploded in her mind. More recent by the looks of the surroundings.

  A warehouse meeting, a guarded reunion.

  A warm smile, a tentative kiss.

  A bittersweet, soulful surrender.

  Sera frowned, catching her breath as her mind’s eye continued to unfold. Her body was still thrumming from her powerful release. And still Cole moved inside her. But the vision only grew stronger. More vivid. Yet she didn’t understand its meaning. What was happening in this supposed recollection?

  An aftershock of pleasure shuddered through her body, and with it came the scene’s shocking conclusion. She froze as familiar, raw emotions tore through her chest.

  They’d been coming for her, had found her, meant to take her away.

  But she hadn’t wanted to go. She’d wanted to stay. With Cole.

  Because she loved him.

  All of him.

  She’d known what he was and she’d still treasured him beyond reason…

  Sera sucked in a breath, her heart hammering anew. She remembered. Oh God, she remembered!

  “Cole,” she cried, “Oh my God, Cole, it’s you.” Enlightened eyes held his black gaze. He groaned, still impassioned, but his hips slowed up in their roll. Understanding had dawned. She could see it in his features.

  She blinked up at him… and smiled.

  And then she laughed, her legs dropping down to squeeze his waist tight. “Cole, you magnificent, insufferable demon! It all has come back to-” she gasped, her laughter instantly ceasing. Her smile evaporated, too, as more realizations descended. Tears trickled passed her temples.

  And then a smaller, softer smile emerged.

  With a hitch in her voice, she choked, “I remember, Cole. I remember. Oh my sweet, wonderful prince, I remember.” She let out a laughing sob. “How absolutely amazing, and ironic, it is that your demon was what brought back my memories. Oh Cole! Untie me! Let me touc
h you, my love! I am back! I am- Oh God!”

  Abruptly, Cole thrust back into her hard, invigorated tenfold by the unexpected turn of events. By her clear and total unconditional acceptance. Into her recesses he erupted, as if happiness had detonated his body and soul. He moaned against her neck, gasping for air as he panted her name. When finally he came down, his hands palmed the sides of her head as his lips lowered gently to hers. Sweet and tender he kissed her, worshiping her mouth while his thumbs wiped her tears.

  As his hips fell into a slow, steady rhythm, he had to force his fingers from her hair to allow one final ‘snap.’ Liberated arms wrapped instantly around his neck, the intensity of Sera’s chokehold a testament to her angelic strength.

  But Cole didn’t care. He was too busy savoring the moment; the reawakening of hearts and the unifying of souls. A gamut of raw emotions poured through his system, this coming together a powerful reminder of what they'd once had. And what they would now have again.

  Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes. “Welcome back, Luv,” he smiled. His eyes were back to normal, his body in its human form. As he held her gaze, his hips recommenced with their ebb and flow. Slow and easy, driving them higher, methodically building their crest. All too soon, an enormous wave of bliss crashed blessedly down upon them. The sensation was so intense, so all-consuming, that it robbed them of their breath. Panting and gasping, they laughed against each other's mouths, swallowing down gulps of unadulterated joy.

  But even then, Cole never stopped with his sensual roll. He watched with a chuckle as more tears escaped Sera’s smiling eyes. “Cole,” she whispered, “you did not give up on me. Nor did you abandon me, even when I tried to abandon you.” She kissed his face, again and again. “I do not know how to thank you, my sweet, sweet, decadent demon.” Cole nuzzled her neck as she hugged him tight. "How I love you so,” she breathed, making his heart thud anew.

  “I love you too, Seraphina,” he murmured, rolling to lie on his back. With his angel now on top, she leaned down to kiss his chest. Cole purred, holding her tight. “I told you I wouldn't give up. And I've yet to ever lie to you.” Tenderly, he brushed a stray tendril from her face, pulling her up to his lips. “You are mine for all time, lovely angel.” He smiled against her lips. “I always get what I want. And you, my love, I want forever.”

  He nipped her bottom lip, then growled when she wriggled teasingly atop their joined bodies. “Keep that up, Sera, and you won't be able to walk for a week.” His hands slid down her back, stilling her hips with a smirk, watching her through hooded eyes.

  Sera giggled, impishly holding his gaze. How she loved his little threats. They were hardly intimidating. In fact, they were rather enticing. Just like her big, bad demon. She leaned down and resumed kissing his chest, her hands roaming over every reachable inch of him. With sated eyes and a delirious heart, she smiled wide. She had never been happier in her entire existence.

  Against his small nipple, her lips curved mischievously. Cole was not the only being with a naughty streak. Without warning, she clenched hard, rolling against him anew. “No walking for a week?” she murmured, her hips teasing their joined bodies. Cole peered up at her, a whole lot of wickedness flashing in his eyes. Her grin widened. “Hmm. Truth be told, I have always believed ‘walking’ was a bit over rated anyhow.” Another firm squeeze she gave to his shaft. Cole moaned, his lids falling closed. Sera paused, to admire his expression. How she loved the way he looked when she pleased him so.

  “More…” she purred, gripping him tight as she lifted her hips.

  Cole’s hissed, his fingers digging into her thighs. When she slid back down his length, his neck arched flat off the pillow. “That's it,” he groaned. “Take me, Luv.” He held her steady and ground up into her. All the while, his little minx moved; up and down, back and forth. He didn’t stop either, not until they were both in a state of blinding rapture, an endgame that only occurred for him in moments like this, moments spent with his beautiful Seraphina.

  Breathing heavy, he pulled her down to rest against his chest. With an affection that belied his demonic nature, he rubbed her subtly flickering back until she fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. He yawned, then kissed the top of her head. As he ran his other hand through her soft hair, he allowed himself to cherish her the only way he knew how; open and unapologetically, as she slept inside his arms. Well sated, he finally closed his eyes, succumbing like his angel to the serenity of slumber. As he drifted off, a smile emerged on his face. His last conscious thought; she remembered.


  “Do not touch, lick, stroke or mount the exhibits”

  One week later…

  With Sera by his side, Cole strolled down the bustling city sidewalk, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist. In amusement he watched as her eyes darted about, taking in all the wondrous sights that Manhattan had to offer. He was never much of day person but Sera had wanted to explore, and since he didn’t have to worry about her trying to make a break for it, he figured he’d grant her her wish. She had, after all, been an angel all week. So good, in fact, that taking her sightseeing was the least he could do. He grinned in remembrance.

  As he pushed up his sunglasses, Sera tugged him to a stop. The store before them had clearly caught her attention. Ah hell, leave it to her to notice The Museum of Sex. Eyes bright with curiosity, she beamed up at him, then turned back to splay her hands against the ‘inspiring’ window display.

  “Sera-” But before he could finish she was disappearing inside. Cole groaned. Sera in a sex shop; things were about to get real awkward, real fast. With a wary curse, he yanked open the tinted glass door.

  And nearly plowed into her.

  She’d stopped dead in her tracks, her wide eyes rapt in captivation. Cole chuckled, watching her marvel at all the wondrous exhibits. So many colors and sounds, scents and textures. He could practically feel them tantalizing her senses. As she enthusiastically scanned her surroundings, he knew exactly what she was thinking: which one to explore first. He stepped up beside her.

  “Oh Cole!” she chirped, grabbing his hand. “What an astounding place! Look at all the unusual devices!” She tugged him over to the first exhibit, her lips curving higher as she studied the hanging manikin. “What is this fascinating device? Have you seen such a thing before?”

  “They’re adult toys,” Cole murmured, “this one being a… swing of sorts.”

  To their left a store clerk snickered. Cole shot him a look, staring him down until the male scurried nervously away. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, missing Sera’s detour to a second enlightening display; a creatively arranged assortment of dildos. Charming, he thought, regarding the wide variety of shapes, colors and sizes.

  Lips twitching, he watched as Sera swiped one up. After a thorough inspection, she twisted its bottom dial. Instantly its top-half buzzed to life, twirling happily around in her hand. She gasped in surprise, dropping it on the ground. Cole’s bit back a laugh as it purred and gyrated, thumping insistently in his angel’s direction. “Look at that,” he snickered, “a sexed-up vibrator, looking to score.” Sera quickly moved out of its path. “It's not going to bite you,” he laughed.

  She smacked his chest petulantly. “Not funny, demon.” And then she was off, bee-lining it to another part of the store, careful to leave a wide berth around the dildo bumping along on the floor.

  Heart still pounding, Sera slowed as she arrived at the next intriguing spectacle. Wide eyes scanned an expansive wall, covered with hundreds of illustrated tiles. She read the exhibit’s title: 365 Sex Positions. Sera blinked in surprised. “One for each day of the year? How wonderful!” She returned to studying the images. Some had her brows lifting. Others had her tilting her head to the side. Still others had her laughing out loud.

  Cole stopped beside her to have a look himself. Sera grinned up at him. “What creative minds humans have! Many of these remind me of yoga. Or that fabulous game Twister you played with me once.” She sniggled at
the memory, then turned back to the enlightening pictures. Under her breath she swooned, “But sweet Heaven, they all look positively divine. I want to try each and every one of them.” Her smile brightened with hope as she pointed to one in particular. “Can we try this one tonight, handsome prince?”

  Cole regarded the unorthodox position, his sensual lips curving into a grin. “Yes, Sera,” he murmured, giving a nod, “we can try the Tangled Spider.” He moved behind her, nestling in close. Sera purred at his warmth as his masculine scent surrounded her. Over her shoulder, his arm extended to point at another depiction; The Doorway to Heaven. “I had you screaming for mercy with that one,” he chuckled. His hand brushed along her arm. “Which others would you like to try? The Betty Rocker? Or maybe The Bullhorn.” Muscular arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her snuggly against him. “Or we could always have a repeat of the G-Spot Jiggy,” he growled, his hot breath tickling her ear.

  Sera laughed, turning in his arms. “I did so love that one…” Her attention strayed as she glanced passed his broad shoulder. Excitedly, she let out a squeal. “Stars and spirits, what is that?” She quickly grabbed his hand. “Come, my love. I simply must get a closer look.”

  With a hearty tug, she led him over to a motorized structure, reading aloud its plaque on the wall. “Please do not touch, lick, stroke or mount the exhibit.” Her brows scrunched thoughtfully. She tilted her head and studied the device further. Finally she turned to Cole, her expression cheerfully accepting. “A robot fucking machine. How brilliantly bizarre!”

  Before Cole could add his own brand of critique, her eyes went wide again, latching on to another something further in the distance. Grasping his biceps, she pointed, crowing in absolute glee. “Oh, Cole! Quick! Retrieve your cellular phone!”

  Cole opened his mouth, but she was already en route, skipping over to a six foot tall phallus. Once beside it, however, she began to fidget. Should she wrap an arm around it or something? Ultimately she went with hands clasped at her back, leaning sideways closer to the inspiring structure. With a huge smile, she chirped to her demon. “Okay, Cole! I am ready! Take the picture!” But he just stood there, staring drolly instead. Undeterred, she went up on her toes. “Cheese!”


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