My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 14

by Jakz, Nikita

  Cole groaned, watching her bounce beside the big-ass penis. “Sera, do you really want a picture with-” he waved his hand at the sculpture, “that?” At her insistent nodding, he rolled his eyes and reluctantly complied. With a squeal she dashed over to see the picture.

  “How about we go get something to eat,” he asked, slipping his phone back into his pocket. Hopefully he could distract her so she didn't take off pell-mell through the building again. “There's a place down the street that has good-”

  Sera’s gasp drowned out his words. Sighing, he watched her bee-line it toward yet another display. She skidded to a stop a few yards over, her jaw dropping open in awe. In dark amusement Cole observed silently as she circled a statue of a copulating couple. But when her fingers reached out to run slowly over its surface, his hazel eyes hooded with heat. The sight of her studying the act, so intently from every angle, was an unexpected turn-on.

  She flashed him a subtly salacious look. “Aren't they just stunning?” she purred. “I can almost see them moving, rolling into one another like warm, sensual waves.” Her voice turned husky. “Rushing in powerfully, then gently retreating back. Mmm… They are absolutely magnificent.”

  Her hungry gaze returned to Cole, her widen smile a caress to his manhood. In seconds flat, she was back at his side, shamelessly brushing against him. He chuckled as she went up on tip-toes to press her lips to his. “But we are even more magnificent.”

  Cole growled in agreement, watching her drop back down and quickly grasp his hand. Eyes already on the prowl, she pointed to the left. “Oh look, Cole! That female manikin is wearing a penis! I want one!”

  Cole shook his head on the heels of her statement. “We have no need for that, Sera,” he smirked, “I already come fully equipped.” But he was speaking to the back of her head, her attention already diverted to yet another area of the store. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. How to get her out of there...

  He groaned at where she stopped next; The Cock Ring Rainbow Tree. Damn. It wasn’t until she began slipping them on like stretchy bracelets, though, that he actually grimaced. “That's not what those are for,” he explained, stepping up beside her.

  She held one up to her eye and peered at him through its center. “Then what are they for?”

  He leaned in close, whispering in vivid detail how they were used and why. When she blushed two shades of red, he chuckled, only to grunt when she slapped two against his chest.

  “Buy these, demon. I want to try them the moment we get home.”

  Cole grinned darkly, shaking his head. “We don't have a need for these either, Sera.”

  Her wide smile grew wider. “Very true. Your stamina needs no snug bindings to improve its performance.” He lifted a brow as she glanced over her shoulders, then stepped in and cupped his crotch. He stiffened hungrily, his dark eyes hooding. “You are like a stallion that never tires,” she whispered against his stubbly chin. “How I adore your merciless, incessant love making.”

  Cole grinned at her melodramatics, then grunted when she squeezed his bulge. And when her thumb stroked up his swelling length, he growled a dark deep rumble. Sera beamed, tugging him by his man-handle as she backed up against another sturdy structure. His frisky little angel.

  Strong hands slid to the small of her back as her arms draped around his neck. Nipping on her neck, he felt it the second her cloak engaged, rendering them invisible to prying eyes. Her body began to shimmer. Cole smirked, knowing what was coming next. Before his smoldering eyes, her clothes instantly disappeared, majestic wings unfurling in their stead, cocooning them both in sensual bliss. He purred in approval, hooking her leg up over his hip. She leaned back and pulled him into her chest. With flesh blooming bright, she captured his lips. “Cole,” she moaned against his mouth, “let us take an intermission.”

  Cole chuckled, loving the adventurous side of his Sera. “If we must,” he murmured, relishing her kiss. Who was he, after all, to pass up such a golden opportunity? As always, her nakedness took his breath away. Outside, the world ceased to exist, but within their feathery hiding spot, her glorious body was displayed just for him.

  He ran his hand up her bare, raised leg while deftly undoing his fly. Hard and ready, he all but sprang free. Muscular legs instinctively lowered him, allowing him to nuzzle his crown at her entrance. With her gaze securely held, he made one sure thrust, sliding fast and deep inside.

  Sera gasped, her head falling back from his hard, hot invasion. Her wings quivered, fluttering along his back as his hips pumped sure and swift. How she adored his decadent rhythm.

  Cole abruptly palmed her ass and lifted her up, hooking her other leg around his waist. She moaned, unraveling fast from the deeper penetration. Pressed hard between her male and the statue, she had the leverage to meet his every invasion. Her hips grinded forward as he insistently surged inside. And with every decadent thrust, her essence pulsed brighter. Cole suckled down her neck. When he latched on to her stiff, puckered nipple, she laughed, her eyes sliding blissfully shut. “Yes, my glorious stallion. More.”

  She heard him chuckle, felt him nip her flesh. Again and again, he surged deep inside, his groans and his grunts low and rough. Her fingers tunneled into his hair, urgently kneading at his scalp. She panted and squirmed, bit hard on her lip. He was forcefully, relentlessly, gloriously wringing her closer. Toes curling, she laughed again, reveling in her male.

  “Sera,” he growled when she clamped down tighter. “Come with me.” Abruptly he bit her nipple and thrust back into her core. Sera cried out in pain-laced pleasure, her nails digging in as she surrendered to the storm. Cole erupted a split second later, his shout like a thunderclap while she lit up like lightening. The feel of his jets, pulsing deep in her womb, ripped another strangled cry from her lips.

  Cole groaned and pitched, bucked and shuddered, sucking her nipple harder as his orgasm continued to rage. Her sheath squeezed him toward mindlessness while he rapidly reduced her to ash. And still he didn’t stop, not until she'd come with him two more explosive times.

  Long moments later, she sagged in his arms, his lovely limp noodle. Practically jelly himself, he chuckled, kissing up the valley of her breasts. His lips rounded her chin, then captured her mouth for a kiss that was all but mind-melting. Not that they both weren’t liquefied already.

  Behind them, a shout rang out. Cole broke the kiss and turned toward the sound. It didn’t take long to realize that Sera had inadvertently let down her cloak. Impassioned love making apparently did that to an angel. He cursed and Sera gasped, covering her breasts as he slid from her warmth. With a snap of his fingers, they were quickly re-clothed, and with another were flashed from the store.

  In a side street a few blocks away, Sera cuddled into his chest like a well fed kitten. Cole kissed the top of her head, then let out a hardy laugh. The look on that attendant’s face… And yet, he wouldn't have had it end any other way. It had happened, after all, with his angel.

  As he continued to laugh, Sera quickly joined in. Faces flushed in post-coital bliss, he bent down and hugged her tight. How he loved this female in his arms. She sighed, then nipped lazily across his jaw. Smiling eyes gazed up at him. “Do you think the patrons believed us just another delicious exhibit?”

  Laughing, Cole and his angel made their way out of the alley, until Sera abruptly stopped. An icy chill of awareness slithered up her spine. They had found her. Before she could open her mouth, Cole’s head whipped around with a growl. In the spot they’d just been lingering, a trio of males now stood.

  Cole yanked her behind him. “What the hell do you want?” he snarled. Apparently her demon had already discerned them for what they were; Seraphim scouts. When they merely looked at him, Cole practically hissed. “You can't have her. She's mine.”

  Still, they said nothing, only motioned for their sister to approach.

  Cole stiffened and Sera gasped. “No way in hell are they taking you,” she heard him mutter low. He looked at her over his shou
lder, his eyes spitting angry fire. “You are mine.” Without warning, he tugged her into his arms and flashed them to a different part of town.

  As they materialized beside a back alley dumpster, Sera visibly shivered. In a heartbeat, Cole produced a jacket and slid her into its sleeves. Zipping her up, he kissed her on the forehead. “You’re safe, Sera,” he promised. “Those asses aren’t getting you back.”

  She wanted to smile, to reply, but couldn’t. All she could do was tremble. Her chest pounded as Cole took a step back and looked her in the eyes. “Sera?” But it was like her insides had turned off. She shuddered anew, but not from the cold. That unexpected visit had shaken her to her core. They’d barely escaped. A second longer hesitation and her brethren would have stolen her from her lover's arms. Again. She moaned, grateful for Cole's swift action.

  Abruptly she snapped her arms around him, tears springing from her eyes. “Oh God, Cole. What are we going to do? They will find me again. I am certain of it. They will not relent until they have me once more.”

  Her heart pounded wildly, panicking in earnest, gripping him tighter as he tried to calm her. But his warm hands and his soothing words did nothing to ease her mind. She shook her head frantically. “I cannot be taken from you again! My soul cannot bear it a second time! It will destroy me! Please, Cole, please! Do not let them take me away!”

  Cole frowned down at her, still unsure how the seraphim had found them so quickly. He needed to take action to ensure it didn’t happen again. “Shhh…” he murmured, pressing his forehead to hers. “They didn't touch one hair on your head and they never will.” She merely whimpered. With a sigh, he took her face in his hands. “Sera, listen to me. You. Are. Never. Going. Back. Not ever.” The tears in her eyes tore at him. He pulled her close and kissed her hard. Only when her trembling eased did he take her hand and lead her out of the alley.

  Across the way, a coffee shop stood nestled between two larger buildings. It would have to do. He pulled open the door and ushered her inside, guiding her to a booth in the back. Grabbing two cups of steaming blackness, he slid into the bench beside her and draped his arm around her shoulders. She was trembling again. He pulled her close and kissed her temple, his mind already set on what he was going to do. Those cotton puffs would never take what was his again.

  He looked down at his angel burrowed into his side. She was an emotional mess, which wasn’t surprising. When would she ever have been subjected to this kind of stress? He doubted there was any turmoil whatsoever in Heaven. Only peace and tranquility and bliss. He sighed again, imagining how this raw emotion was shredding her.

  She turned and clutched his shirt, her words pouring out in a rush. “Cole. Tell me. What are we going to do? How were they able to find us so quickly?” Her face turned pitiful. “I should have known. They are not to be underestimated.” She abruptly sat up, releasing his shirt to wipe at her tears. “We need a plan,” she went on, “for they will surely be nipping at our heels again soon.” Cole’s gaze dropped to her hands, clutched and shaking around her mug. “And by soon,” she whispered, “I mean minutes.”

  He exhaled, shaking his head. Damn it, he didn’t want to do this. Taking out his cellphone, he set it on the table. For long moments he stared at it somberly, then finally looked back at Sera. “How far are you willing to go,” he asked, “to make sure this never happens again?” He knew his question seemed out of left field, but he needed to know where she stood. He'd shown her what he was willing to do to keep her, now it was her turn to do the same.

  Sera stilled, her features paling as if her insides had just run cold. Wary eyes held his, telling him without words that she knew what he was asking was grave. Hell, he could hear her heart pounding like a jackhammer. “I will do whatever it takes,” she whispered.

  Cole nodded slowly, slipping his phone back in his pocket. Unfortunately, the only way to do this was to do it in person. He pulled Sera into his lap and hugged her tight, burrowing his face into her shoulder. It would be the last open show of emotion he'd be able to give her before they arrived at their new destination. He didn't know how long it was going to take to fix things, so he wanted this final moment to count.

  “Sera,” he breathed, “promise me that from this point forward, no matter what you see or hear, you’ll keep one thing in your heart: that I love you. With all that I am. What I'm about to do, I’m doing for us. Have faith in me and never doubt for one moment that I love you.” He held her tighter, inhaling her innocence, the part of her loved more than words.

  Sera shuddered with a nod, lifting her face to kiss him, panic lacing each press of her lips. He groaned as fresh tears streamed down her face. And still he kissed her, until she paused on a hitch. “Cole,” she whimpered against his mouth. “I am frightened.” She buried her face in his neck and hugged him hard. “But I will be strong for you, my prince. Never will I leave you. Never again. Into the bowels of hell I will follow you, as long as I am by your side.”

  Cole’s eyes closed as he absorbed her words, morbid relief dousing his soul. As his arms held her tighter, readying to flash them away, he whispered in her ear. “Good, because that's exactly where we’re going.”

  Keep an eye out for the next

  exciting installment in the My Demon Trilogy

  "My Demon Determined”

  Coming out late August 2013

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