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Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings 3

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by B. M. Hardin

  Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings 3

  B.M. Hardin

  All rights reserved.


  David Weaver Presents

  This book is a work of fiction. All persons, events, places and locales are a product of the others imagination. The story is fictitious and any thoughts of similarities are merely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to a few special superstar readers, Lisa Fleming, Chandra Carr, Brenda Lang, Denise Contreras, and Cassie Armstrong.

  Thank you all for your support and for following me on my writing journey. It is truly a blessing to have supporters like you in my corner. Thank you!


  First and foremost, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for my talents and my gifts and each and every story that he has placed in me.

  It is an honor and a privilege to be living my dream and walking in my purpose and for that I am forever thankful.

  Also to all of my family, friends, critiques, supporters, readers and everyone else, thank you for believing in me and allowing me to share my gifts with you.

  Your support truly means the world to me!

  B.M. Hardin

  Author B.M. Hardin’s contact info:


  Twitter: @BMHardin1

  Instagram: @bm_hardin












  Recap of Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings Part TWO

  “One more question. How did you know?”

  He looked at me and waited for me to continue.

  “That day you texted me and told me not to open the front door. How did you know? It was Jinx wasn’t it? She was behind the attack? She wanted me to lose the baby because she thought it could be yours because you lied, right?”

  He smiled.

  “Wrong. Jinx didn’t set up the attack. It wasn’t my family who was responsible for that one. It was somebody in yours,” Kane said.

  I looked at him.


  Somebody in mine?

  “So one of my loved ones set me up to be attacked? They are the reason why I was beat near death and lost the baby?”

  He nodded.

  “Who? Which one?

  As soon as I said the words, I heard the door close behind me.

  I was surprised at who I saw standing there when I turned around.

  “Well now that the cat is out of the bag…”


  I waited on him to say something else, but he didn’t.


  I looked at Daddy, as my heart started to beat faster and faster as though it was trying to escape from the protection of my chest.

  I waited.

  I begged him with my eyes to finish his sentence.

  Little Krissie was holding his hand and smiling as she sucked on a lollipop.

  “Excuse me?” I managed to say.

  “Thanks Kane,” Daddy said somewhat sternly.

  “Of course I wasn’t going to tell her,” Kane said in a different tone of voice.

  One that I’d never heard him use before.

  “I know,” Daddy said.

  “What the hell are you two talking about? Tell me what? It was you?” I questioned Daddy in disbelief.

  “You and that baby were causing a lot of confusion and unnecessary problems Moet. It caused too much tension between two of my best workers. It was the only way,” Daddy said.


  What the hell did he mean by two of his best workers?

  Who worked for who?

  And what was the only way?

  I already knew that I wasn’t about to like where this conversation was headed but I tried to brace myself.

  “So you are responsible for my attack?” I dreaded Daddy’s response though I already knew the answer.

  I just needed to hear him say it.


  I felt like I was about to passed out, literally.

  My knees started to buckle and I felt Kane touch my back to make sure that I was stable, but I moved away from him.

  Daddy continued to talk.

  “Kane works for me…and so does Drake,” Daddy said.


  I turned around to look at Kane.

  He smiled in a weird, sneakily kind of way, just before he shrugged his shoulders and nodded.


  No! No! No!

  Hell to the no!

  I just wouldn’t believe.

  I refused to believe my own ears.

  “What? How? What?”

  “They have worked for me for a very long time Moet. I’m not at the very top of the food chain or anything, but I do run my own little “operation”. Remember my close friend, the one you used to call “Uncle Franky”? The one that died when you were a little girl? Well, maybe you don’t remember. You were only about five years old then. Anyway, I found him the night that he was killed. He’d told me to stop by after work, but I was laid off that day, so I went to see him a little early. He was already dead when I got there.”

  I tried to remember, but every inch of space in my head was clouded by Daddy’s confession of being responsible for the attack that killed my baby and almost killed me.

  “Just as I was about to call for help, his phone rang and I answered it. It was the man that he “worked” for. The man that he made deliveries for. And by deliveries, I mean drug drop-offs, pick-ups, and much more. We were best friends and I never even knew that he was a drug dealer or even suspected that he was involved in something like that. He didn’t seem like the type of guy that would try to dabble in the fast life. He’d hid it all so well. But that’s how it’s supposed to be. The best of us. The biggest dealers that are out here aren’t the flashy ones that you are used to seeing. We remain discreet at all times. Just as I have. As you can see, I have kept a very low profile. I live a normal life. I already had the wife and kids, so that was part of it. All those years I even worked a normal job. I didn’t need to, but I did it. It makes everything run smoother when everyone and everything blends in.”

  Looking at Kane and Drake you definitely wouldn’t suspect either of them to be anything less than legit business men.

  Nine times out of ten they were both in suits or at least casually dressed and though they had nice things, they weren’t flashy to the point to where it would be questionable.

  Well, at least Drake wasn’t.

  And with Kane, well, you could tell that he had money. But you wouldn’t have guessed that it was dirty money.

  Drake definitely didn’t do things the way that he had when he’d first started out.

  Maybe that was something that Daddy had required him to change whenever he started working for him.

  And as for Daddy, well, no one in their right mind would ever suspect him to be anything other than some old man.

  The only thing anyone would question him about was whether or not he was old enough to receive a Senior Citizen’s discount or something.

  “Anyway I answered his phone and it was the boss. He mistakenly thought that I was Franky and he asked about the drug drop that he’d made earlier that day. He said he had gotten word that the men were trouble and told me to watch my back because there was something about to go down, but he was too late. Franky was a
lready dead. I told him the news and he told me to forget everything that I’d just heard.”

  The words coming out of Daddy’s mouth almost sounded foreign. He wasn’t supposed to know anything about drugs or anything like that.

  He was my Daddy.

  I could hardly even remember him raising his voice, yet he was trying to tell me that he was selling drugs?

  It just seemed crazy.

  “As I said, I’d just been laid off, that very day and at the time things were already tight. I couldn’t afford to be unemployed. There was no way that I could go home and tell your mama that I had been laid off yet again. So, I asked him if I could have Franky’s spot. He laughed at me at first. After a few minutes of pleading my cause, he saw that I was serious. Finally he agreed to meet with me. He’d said that any friend of Franky’s was a friend of his. He’d said that more than likely the person that had killed Franky was after him and he’d probably only been killed because he wouldn’t give him up. The first man to school me on how important loyalty really was. But he assured me that it was hard to find. He was right.”

  To be honest, I was ready for him to get to the point so that I could give him a piece of my mind.

  I wanted to know about me.

  What possessed him to think that he could do something like that to me?

  How could he?

  “I didn’t know a thing about hustling, or the streets, but I figured that it couldn’t be that hard to figure it out. If Franky could do it, I knew that I could do it too. I was educated enough to know that I had to be smart about everything that I did. The plan was for me to do it just for a little while, and then get out. I was going to make some fast money, find me a job, and be done with it. But by the time I’d found another job, I was already addicted to the money. And walking away just wasn’t that easy. It never has been, and I’ve been doing it ever since.”

  Krissie started to wobble towards me, and reached for me to pick her up.

  But my mind was blown, and not in a good way, and I couldn’t move.

  Finally, she headed back over to Daddy.

  “Eventually Vinnie, the boss, and I became good friends; as close as brothers. We never came around each other’s families, but that was my main man. I had so much respect for him. The things that he taught me and he had conversations with me that your drunk, poor excuse of a grandfather, never bothered to. Vinnie taught me a lot. More than drugs. And I am the man that I am today because of him. But years ago, he passed away of natural causes. He was in the game until the day that he died. He was never caught. Never once saw the inside of a jail cell. And everything that I know, I learned from him. Anyway, he left me enough money and contacts to get started on my own. He’d said that he didn’t want me working for anyone but myself. And he made that possible. We don’t sell to crackheads, or pot heads or anything like that. We move weight. The people that buy from me have workers who do all of that. We just give them what they need in bulk, if that’s what you want to call it. I give the money and get in touch with my contacts. Kane and Drake make the exchange and get it to my two other workers, who then gets it to our buyers. And the buyers are who give it to their workers or street runners. I’ve been in the game for so many years but I have always kept things small. I’ve never been as greedy as others. I didn’t need a big team and I don’t try to take over anybody’s territory or recruit their members. There’s no reason to do all of that. There is more than enough money, good money, being made and flowing for all of us. We don’t overdo it. And that’s the way that it should be.”

  If I could slap Daddy and have gotten away with it, I promise on everything that I love that I would.

  And I do mean that I would have slapped him into a coma or something for lying to me, and everyone else, all of this time.

  How could he have been keeping a secret like this for all of these years?

  Daddy was a drug dealer and the biggest liar on the face of the earth and he wasn’t the only one.

  Drake, oh you just wait until I get my hands on his lying ass!

  Ole’ drug dealing, lying piece of----

  “Sure you’ve always seen me work a regular job, but it was drug money taken care of everything. It was always drug money involved. I made enough, but not nearly as much as your mama thought and since I took care of all of the bills and left her to do whatever she wanted to do with her own money, she never really saw how much I was or wasn’t making. She just knew that whenever she wanted something, I always had money to give. But that’s why the best of us have never been caught. We play it smart. We run a tight ship and we play it close. But your baby issue was putting the whole operation at risk. A team divided wasn’t a good thing for any of us.”

  My “baby issue”?

  The key word in that sentence was “my”!

  It was my baby.

  And my Daddy had no right to get involved.

  I don’t give a damn about no damn drugs!

  It was my child for crying out loud!

  The only problem that Daddy ever had was being a sucker when it came to listening to Mama. Other than that he was perfect. He had been the perfect father, to all of us, and before he joined in on Mama’s team of neglecting me for those few years, I couldn’t have asked for a better man to call my father.

  And now my perfect image of him was destroyed.

  “So Mama didn’t know?”

  “Heck no! If she had known my secret she would have left me and probably even tried to turn me in. Your mother could be a real bitch sometimes. You know how much she’d hated Drake because of his lifestyle. Imagine how she would have felt to find out about me; her own husband. That would have surely been the cause of those heart attacks that ended up taking her away from me. I loved her too much to ever let her find out the truth. I would have died trying to keep my secret from her. Hell I would have given it up a long time ago if she’d even gotten close to exposing me.”

  Mama was probably turning over in her grave right now at Daddy’s confession, but oh how I wish that she was around to hear it.

  She’d disowned me because of my love for Drake all of these years not knowing that she was just like me.

  She had been in love with someone much worse.

  And to think about it, Daddy should have been ashamed of himself for allowing her to treat me the way that she had all of those years.

  Especially knowing the truth; his truth.

  “So Drake worked for you the whole time?”

  “No. Not at first. He started right after you went to prison for him. Of course he told me the truth behind it. I wasn’t happy about it. But the fact that you were willing to have his back like that was admirable. I could have never gotten your mother to have my back like that. I would have been a fool to even ask.”

  I was mind-boggled.

  I was frustrated.

  And I angry.

  But Daddy wasn’t done.

  He just kept right on talking.

  “All of those overnight trips for “work” were drug related. Drops to be made, until I found a good team to do it for me. Drake and Kane. Though Kane was already connected to a few in the game, he had to make a name for himself so we joined forces so to speak. Drake was already under me before Kane came to me after his brother’s death and your sentencing. I’d heard about Mario for a while, but we’d never crossed paths. Of course not because I was always out of sight and out of mind. Mario had a decent operation of his own, and with Kane being so young, taking over something like that required a little experience. He went to Drake. And Drake brought him to me. And the rest is history. We’ve handled business effectively, stacked our money, and stayed out of trouble. Well, except that small time that Kane and Jinx had to do. But that’s another story. Of course Jinx knew everything, even about me. But she knew not to ever mention anything to you. Understand this Moet, you knowing the truth isn’t a good thing. It’s best to keep family away from things like this. Jinx was already connected to the game, because of her fam
ily, especially her brother, and had been her whole life so that was different. But I wanted to keep my wife and kids out of the mix. I trust that this conversation will go no further than this room,” Daddy said with authority.

  I still hadn’t wrapped my mind around it all so I didn’t respond or bother to move.

  My Daddy wasn’t a saint. He was a sinner. A drug dealing sinner.

  He had his own little operation.

  Kane worked for him.

  My husband worked for him.

  And he killed my baby.

  I’d been avoiding therapy for years, but I damn sure was going to need some after this because I was about ready to snap!

  And to be honest, I had every right to.

  “The baby had these boys going at it and it was causing us to lose money. They couldn’t seem to get along for nothing. They were damn near at each other’s throats constantly because of you. Of course Kane shouldn’t have crossed that line, but you allowed him to. And they allowed their personal lives to interfere with our business, and they both know the rules. I hate mess. Mess leads to cops. And cops lead to prison. So, the mess had to be cleaned up. Kane and Drake are the only ones on my team that I trust to make the drops, or exchange the money, so, I made an exception. The other two have smaller, less important duties. I needed both Kane and Drake. Instead of getting rid of one of them, getting rid of the baby was the easiest route. It was a hard decision, because I didn’t want to hurt you; but it was best that I could do.”

  “So you mean to tell me that you, my own father, sent people to my house, to attack me, and make me lose my baby? You did that? My Daddy did that to me? And all of this time I thought that it was Jinx? Do you have any idea what you have done? What you made me do?”

  I stopped myself before I confessed too much.

  I glanced at Daddy and Kane.

  Both of them were waiting for me to finish my sentence and when I didn’t, Daddy started talking again but I didn’t hear anything that he’d said.


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